Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 67: Call me the devil

(Little sister-in-law is blackened, it is no longer a pure little sister-in-law)

The wind blows, and the weeds are like waves.

Chen Zong's body was standing in the air, the broken robes screamed in the wind, and the black hair flew like a flag waving. I don't know when, the hair ends will be rendered with a layer of red light, like blood.

Although the robe was broken, there was a bit of evil in that face, and Chen Zong's expression was completely different from that in ordinary times. There was a kind of madness in the evil, and those dark and dark eyes like Heiyuan revealed What comes out is contempt of the common people, overlooking everything like ants, high above.

"The cubs of the evil **** tribe, born with strange deformed creatures, look so ugly, even dare to come out and make waves." Chen Zong opened his mouth, opened his mouth with strong sarcasm, and his voice was not as sharp as when he was in Shenhai. There is an indescribable magnetism in sharpness. If the content of the discourse is excluded, listening to the sound alone is very attractive, as if it will catch the mind, and you can't help listening.

The evil **** king's forehead jumped a little, and an anger was unconsciously led away, breeding from the deepest heart.

"Weak chicken, take a sword from Uncle Ben." When the voice full of ridicule sounded, there was a flash of light in front of him, a sharp and extremely sharp, as if the sword light penetrated through the void and killed.

Very fast!

Quickly called the evil **** king in the moment, his eyes and pupils trembled, and Jian Guang had already killed him, and even in the instant, he caused the evil **** king to rise from his heart a sense of danger.

Punch out!


The reaction of the evil **** king was extremely rapid.

But as he punched out, but was shorted out, the sword light was like an illusion like a mirror flower and water moon. The next moment, the evil king's stomach took a heavy blow, and the strength of the blow was extremely arrogant, and he also carried a force Penetrating force, rushes directly into the body through the abdomen, directly attacking the viscera.

Even though the evil king's body is tyrannical, but in a restricted relationship, he can't help coming upside down with such a heavy blow. The viscera seems to be twisted into a ball, and the pain is endless.

Compared to the pain on the body, it is more difficult to accept it.


Why was a cricket ant who was beaten almost disabled by himself, now he can attack himself.

"Ugly, how can you not suffocate without your nose?" Full of ridiculous voices filled with deep ridicule, once again passed into your ears, the outburst of angrily, disgust and anger could not help but burst out.

"Weak chicken, pick up Uncle Ben."

The blow on the stomach of the evil **** king was just a leg blow. Now Chen Zong's tricks are re-implemented. One leg is carrying a thunderous force of thunder and a fierce bombardment comes out.

In the second transformation world, the defense of the **** body is amazing, but its power is not weak, even if a mountain is kicked at its feet.

Such a kick, directly kicking on the body, without being kicked on the spot has shown that the evil king's body is amazing.

Of course, the true **** is very arrogant, but it is only incidental. Therefore, it was very uncomfortable to be directly kicked by Chen Zong. Hearing Chen Zong hit his leg again, the momentum was as powerful as the storm. More horizontal.

The evil king raised his leg without hesitation, and suddenly lifted up with his knees, hitting the sky as if he could break the sky.

However, Chen Zong's leg, which seemed to be full of wind and thunder, was another trick. The real shot was a sword in his hand.

When the sword was killed, the evil king's response was extremely rapid, but he still inevitably hit a sword and was directly chopped, leaving a wound with a deep visible bone on his body.

Jixin Wuxiang Sword is Chen Zong's destiny. On the level, it belongs to the level of all artifacts, but it can be regarded as the top of all artifacts, and its sharpness is extremely sharp.

Especially because of the relationship between life and death, the power exerted in the hands of Chen Zong will not be inferior to the false spirit artifact.

"You are so stupid." Chen Zong taunted again.

The evil **** king felt that his anger was almost full.

Originally just a cricket ant, now I can hurt myself twice in a row, and I still don't know what happened. I keep talking and taunting, and the style suddenly changes.


The evil **** king stared at Chen Zong solemnly.

"You're not the only cricket ant, who are you?" Even if the evil **** king was slow, he realized that something was wrong.

The body is still the body, the person is still the person, but the spirit should not be.

Unconsciously, just under their own eyes, someone took it away?

If so, this approach is too clever.

The evil **** king became more and more afraid of this tribe, and began to think about the feasibility of the saint plan.

Unfortunately, this evil **** king encountered Chen Zong as soon as he arrived. He could not be killed. This strange change also occurred, and he began to doubt life.

"Of course, Uncle Ben is not the kind of weak chicken. Please call him Uncle King." Chen Zong responded with a smile on his face, his body flickered, and he approached the evil king again.

This time, the evil king avoided the sword and blocked his leg, but was hit by Chen Zong's left fist in the head, and his face was deformed.



Extremely angry!

Once, twice, three times, three times, five times, hitting yourself three or five times, you can't forgive, absolutely you can't forgive.

Angrily to the extreme evil **** king, the **** flames instantly burned.

This is burning his life, a means he was unwilling to use before.

Once it burns, the body of the human race that it occupies is also equivalent to being abolished. It would be very bad if other bodies could not be reborn within a short period of time.

But now, for the dignity of the evil **** king, it can no longer control so much.

Chen Zong's face always had a look of evil smile on his face, but deep in his eyes, there was a dignity.

The strength of this evil **** king is very strong. As for calling the other weak chicken, hum, in front of this uncle, everything is a weak chicken.

This is mysterious confidence.

"The weak chicken's predecessor was so powerful." With a grunt, Chen Zong took the sword and killed again.

Kendo area!

In a hurry, the area of ​​Kendo expanded from 100 meters to kilometers.

Ten times as much as Chen Zong used.

As for the current Chen Zong, of course it is not the previous Chen Zong, but it is occupied by the ghost and black shadow. Because of this, he will call the former Chen Zong as the predecessor.


The power in the kendo area within a kilometer range has also obviously increased a lot, falling directly on the evil **** king, like a sword mountain to suppress it.

Immediately, the scarlet flame on the evil **** king was suppressed, as if to be extinguished.

This is the repression in the field of kendo. It also shows that in the application of kendo, Chen Zong is still a novice and a rookie, but this weird shadow is even more sophisticated.

It's as if he knew all his power better than Chen Zong.

Ten thousand swords return!

Killed with one sword, 10,000 swords of light condensed in one instant, and turned into one, not so magnificent, not so vast, only one feeling of condensing to the extreme, as if it had been refined by thousands of hammers, and it was extremely compressed and condensed to the extreme , Its penetration ability is amazing.

In contrast, the Wan Jian Guizong cast by Chen Zong appears so rough.

The momentary repression in the kendo area, the ultimate sword killed by the sword.

The evil **** king was hit before he could dodge, and his body was penetrated at once. The terrible sword gas penetrated his body and raged away.

In terms of strength, the evil **** king is the ultimate of the imperial realm. Although it has not yet reached the level of the Yuan Ming realm, it is almost invincible in the imperial realm.

Such overbearing strength was also suppressed by Chen Zong at this moment.

After the kendo area expanded tenfold, its power was fully tapped and released. It was amazing, and Wanjian Guizong was also deduced to the extreme. With the cooperation of kendo, it became even more amazing.

In contrast, the evil **** king, although very strong, but after all, only less than one percent of the spirit consciousness came down. In addition, he only forcibly launched a spirit attack to defeat Chen Zong's spirit, which caused his own spirit to be affected, which was originally limited. The suppressed power is lower and the response is slower.

Because of this, he was instantly suppressed by the kendo realm, and when he was about to break free, he immediately hit a sword.

One sword penetrated the evil **** king, and Chen Zong did not pause, and immediately waved the second sword.

The blood was diffused, the blood was sweeping, and the **** prison came.

Kill the Blood Prison Sword!

Dongting Jianshan is one of the most powerful mysterious swords of the Daoist Apostle. It focuses on killing. Its power is terrible. It is cultivated by Chen Zong to the second level, which is the level of the supernatural power.

But at this moment, the blood was shining in all directions, as if a blood-colored red sun bloomed like a gigantic ray of light, and an astonishing murderous power swept through it, as if the volcanic magma was rolling, and it was about to spray out.

As if getting some kind of invisible increase, compared with the mighty power displayed under Chen Zong's own sword, it seems to be much more arbitrary.

Because such a sword is a sword of negative evil, a sword of killing, as if infinitely increased.


The **** sword light fell and turned into a blood prison. It merged with the kendo realm in an instant and fell directly on the wounded evil **** king.

The endless terrible killing blood prison sword mad rages madly, cut madly on the body of the evil **** king, the overbearing evil **** real body can't resist the slightest, and constantly screams.

The heart of the evil **** king is full of shock.

how come!

A cricket ant ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ how could it be so powerful.

Damn it!

Without hesitation, the evil king is ready to explode the true body of this evil god, even if it will hurt his own soul.

"In front of Uncle Ben, you don't have a chance." A malicious voice suddenly penetrated the endless sword air, passed into the ear, and seemed to penetrate deep inside.

For no reason, a dryness emerged from the heart, and it turned into a burning seed, and then the negative emotions such as dryness, anger, and killing all turned into nutrients, so that the burning seed It became exuberant in an instant, and the flames kept burning.




Numerous evil thoughts breed, and under the burning of the fire in that heart, it seems to be constantly enlarged and enlarged, so that it completely disturbs the mind and calmness of the evil **** king, making him even more shocked.

Even if my soul consciousness is less than one percent, it is still damaged, but it is not so easy to affect myself, now, it has been affected.

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