Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 68: Demon

Covered by the kendo area, it merges with blood and turns into a blood prison suppression.

The endless killing sword spirit continuously penetrates the real body of the evil **** who tears the evil **** king. A group of flames is constantly burning in the heart of the evil **** king. The more angry the evil **** king is, the stronger the killing power is, the more intense the flame, as if To burn everything.

The flame is the fire in the heart, invisible and inexistent, but exists according to the mind.

Extinguish that flame, unless there are no evil thoughts in your heart.

"Weak chicken, ugly monster with no nose, born deformed monster, obediently give out your spirit for Grandpa to taste." Chen Zongxie laughed and kept taunting, but her left hand was suddenly grabbed forward, as if shot from the void. Physically, a bit of black awns condensed in the palm, and then, like a vortex, rolled away, turned into a dark vortex at the palm of the hand, spinning indefinitely, and devoured like a black hole.


As if the black hole appeared in the palm of the hand, an amazing suction power became stronger and stronger, but it was strange that the surrounding area was not affected at all, and the only thing affected was the spirit of the evil **** king.

Chen Zong's expression was dignified, his eyes were dark and dark, and between turning, it was like the dark vortex, apparently exerting all his strength.

The evil **** king bears the suffering of the fire burning in his heart, and at the same time, he must resist the ingestion of the spirit by Chen Zong, and the pain of the evil god's real body covered with blood prison and being attacked by the sword. The spirit is gradually pulled and gradually separated. Origin.

After all, this body is not his own, but it is a rebirth, and it is also oppressed by the will of the void, and the due power cannot be truly exerted at all.

Limited everywhere!

If he has adapted to this void and is no longer oppressed, even if it is only less than one percent of the spirit consciousness, he can burst into a stronger power. It is not difficult to kill the ants in front of him.

Now, it is a embarrassing situation that is constantly being wounded and still limited, just like a trapped beast.

When was his dignified saintly king so embarrassed.

As if it was determined what kind of determination, when the evil **** king gave up resistance, the spirits flew directly from the sea of ​​God, and rushed directly to Chen Zong at an amazing speed.

The sudden outbreak was so amazing that it suddenly got rid of the suction of the black hole in the palm of Chen Zong's left hand and flew directly to Chen Zong's head.

"Unexpectedly, I was brought to the door by myself, and my uncle was very satisfied." Chen Zong immediately withdrew his left hand, and the dark vortex also restrained and disappeared. Haha smiled, and the consciousness immediately sank into the sea of ​​God. Immediately killed with a sword, directly to the spirit body of the evil **** king.

The idea of ​​the evil **** king is very good, that is to simply take risks and take this person's body, which is better than the body of the previous tribe, and the potential is too much.

Of course, the danger is also very high. After all, there is no sacrificial sacrifice, which is not so suitable, and the probability of failure exceeds 90%.

But that's all there is to it.

But the evil **** king soon became desperate. Here, he lost his advantage even further. The other party was terrible. Every sword killed on him had a tearing feeling, and it was extremely painful.

After a while, the spirit body of the evil **** king was chopped to pieces, split into five corpses, and the next breath, a shadow, swallowed the evil **** king's fragmented spirit.

As long as this evil spirit is devoured, he will become stronger.

At the next breath, a shadow of anger and sorrow burst into the red eyes of the shadow, and it seemed a bit off guard: "Your uncle, this time you took off."

With a bang, the astonishing explosion exploded from the shadow, and the terrible power seemed to blow up the shadow and directly spread it out, as if it were being blown to the extreme balloon.

"This time, it's cheap for you, the weak chicken's predecessor, don't die so fast." The screams quieted, and the black shadows exploded, turning into countless blacks and flying in all directions, as if they were directly blown up. , Turned into a fan, disappeared into the Shenhai.

A spirit floating up and down, glowing with a heavy halo, gradually stretched out, and immediately, the quiet consciousness gradually woke up.

"This ..." There was a slight voice.

"I ... recovered ..." Chen Zong was incredible.

He was not directly hit by a spirit attack from the evil **** king, and then the spirit was damaged, and his consciousness continued to sink, and he fell into a silent faint.

Before the silence, he unscrewed the eerie shadow seal, and then knew nothing.

Originally, Chen Zong thought that this time, he was afraid that it would be bad too. It was very difficult and difficult to wake up again, but compared to being killed by the evil **** king, there was some hope.

After weighing the pros and cons, Chen Zong still untied the strange shadow seal and took a risk.

I did not expect the current situation, but it was unexpected.

Suddenly, fragments of memory emerged in the spirit of Chen Zong, from the part of the memory from the strange shadow to unlock the seal and his consciousness fell silent to before he awakened.

Also let Chen Zong know that it is a small part of that weird shadow.

Through these pieces of memory and his own deduction, Chen Zong roughly restored the course of events, and suddenly, he was extremely surprised and shocked.

As said before that shadow, it really is one with his own soul.

To be precise, it should be one-sided and two-sided.


That weird shadow is called the demon.

What is a demon?

Demon in the heart.

The practitioner suffered a blow, and was unable to let it go and formed a shadow in his heart. When that shadow in his heart has accumulated to the extreme, he will generate a demon.

The scourge of the demon is going to go into exorcism, with serious consequences.

However, Chen Zong's heart demon seems not to be the same as that kind of heart demon, but in the end it is different, Chen Zong cannot tell.

"I remember Master ’s message mentioning that if one cultivates to a high level, a demon may be born, but my current one is far from being profound." Chen Zong was puzzled.

This is clearly inconsistent with what Master said.

However, the demon exists, and it is true that he is one with both sides.

Simply put, what he represents is the positive side of the spirit, which is the so-called side of good thoughts, then the demon represents the evil side of the spirit.

Of course, the so-called good intention does not mean that your character is good, but it is not evil, that's all.

But the so-called evil thoughts must be evil.

For a time, Chen Zong's mood was very complicated.


The purpose of that demon is very obvious, that is, to devour one's own good thoughts, to completely occupy the soul and body, and to become a person to live in the world.

Of course, Chen Zongke won't let him do it.

And this time, the reason why the demon will be silent, to restore himself and wake up, is because he has some arrogant relationships, underestimated the power of the evil **** king, and suffered serious damage from the explosion of the evil **** king spirit.

After the soul exploded, the evil **** king was naturally finished, but the power of his soul was absorbed by Chen Zong's spirit, which made up for the previous trauma and healed.

In this way, Chen Zong's consciousness also awakened from silence.

What's that feeling?

It was as if I had fallen asleep myself, and when I woke up, I found that the strange shadow of myself and the powerful enemy enough to kill myself were gone.

Of course, the spirit demon is still there, but it ’s severely wounded, and I do n’t know when it will reappear. As for the evil **** king, he is dead, really dead, let alone Chushanhe, he died more thoroughly.

Chen Zong quickly entered the Nuokong, opened the Nuokong's protective cover, and then took out the elixir to restore the consumed power, while watching the battle in the memory segment again.

I have to say that the demon exerts his own strength, but it is obviously better than himself.

This makes Chen Zong very puzzled.

It stands to reason that the demon and his soul are one-sided and double-sided. In this case, it should be almost the same as himself, but under the show of that demon, the kendo area has expanded from 100 meters to kilometers, which has increased substantially. Ten times the range.

Moreover, the application in the field of kendo is obviously better than himself. The repressive power is very overbearing. It can suppress the amazing evil **** king in an instant, making it difficult for him to move instantly, and he can only bear his own sword.

And that sword, or Wanjian Guizong.

The same Wanjian returned to the ancestors, but its power was even more arrogant and more cohesive.

The last is the power of the Great Slaying Blood Prison Sword, which is unexpectedly arrogant. Although he has not played against the enemy so far, when it comes to power, it should be almost the same as the Great Smash Star breaking the secret sword.

However, when it was displayed under the sword of the demon, its power was unexpectedly arrogant.

It is as if the killing swordsmanship is more suitable for the demon to cast.

Chen Zong turned to think that the demon is a collection of evil thoughts, killing and destroying martial arts supernatural powers. If they are to be classified, they should belong to the evil type. Perhaps this is the case.

Of course, it is not sure whether it is www.wuxiaspot.com.

However, Chen Zong didn't pretend to be arrogant. With his current ability, covering the field of kendo to 100 meters is indeed a level that he can do. If he wants to reach a kilometer, it can be said that it is impossible, unless further See the mystery of Kendo.

The same is true for Wanjian Guizong. As far as his current realm is concerned, that is the ultimate reach.

Of course, breaking the extreme can be further enhanced.

The mind demon's shot is an excellent teaching for himself. Those memory pictures can be a guide for himself, and because of his own shot, it is more intuitive.

Chen Zong is confident. Under such clear and intuitive guidance, his mastery and application of the field of kendo and the display of Wan Jian's return to the ancestors will definitely be further improved.

"It looks like I was blessed because of the disaster this time." Chen Zong couldn't help laughing.

And this time the harvest is more than that. Among them, the spirit of the evil **** king exploded and was absorbed by himself, and some of his memory fragments were also absorbed by himself. Now, it is necessary to sort out those memory fragments and take a look at this evil What is the origin of the Protoss.

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