Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 73: Back to Tiangong

Chen Zong is meditating inside the artillery void boat.

With one mind and two minds, while enlightenment on the application of kendo, improve and further promote Wanjian.

Facing the battle between the strong and powerful men of the Evil Gods, Chen Zong further realized the amazing potential of the kendo field and the deep potential of Wan Jian's return to Zong, both of which are worthy of further exploration.

Moreover, so far, Wan Jian Guizong himself has only created the first sword, there are even the second sword and even the third sword.

Of course, Chen Zong is also very clear. Wan Jian's intention to return to Zong is very profound, so it will be very difficult to create a second sword. At present, it seems that there is not much hope, but with his continuous accumulation, he will eventually Do it.

As for casting the sixth heart palace, and artillery ... After consulting the three divisions, Chen Zong temporarily gave up.

No wonder the casting of the sixth heart is so difficult. It turned out that because of his low-level relationship, Chen Zong also faced this point. In this case, instead of spending a lot of time casting the sixth heart, it is better to Part time and mind are used to enlighten others.

As for the casting of the sixth heart, it is not too late to wait for your own cultivation to rise to a higher level again.

From the east void to the central void, to the black and white world, the full-speed flight of the high-level void boat and the void shuttle will also take a lot of time.

In the flying boat, of course, Chen Zong and the hot three sisters did not collide with any fierce sparks, because Chen Zong found that the three sisters were not only a big sister, but also a female hooligan. The favorite thing to do is to attack Chest, um, when she got in touch with Chen Zong.

The sister attacked her chest, and she could not fight back. Even though Chen Zong's mind would inevitably come up with such strange thoughts and a little impulse, she still controlled herself rationally and did not take action.

In addition to reason, Chen Zong feels that if he also fights back, will he be killed on the spot by the violent sister.

In comparison, this violent sister is very strong, and she directly blasted an evil protoss in Yuanming Realm, and the spirit was flying away.

Although Sister Sanshi's personality is extremely outstanding, she does have extraordinary talents in her cultivation, especially the skills and magical powers of the Celestial Palace, and her mastery is not comparable to that of Chen Zong.

After several consultations, Chen Zong's mastery of the mind and magic of the heavenly palace became deeper and deeper.

During this period, Chen Zong also watched Sister Sanshi's shots up close. It was a void monster equivalent to the late Yuan Ming Realm.

The Void Beast has a body size of more than 10,000 meters, and its thick skin and thick flesh are very powerful and amazing, but it was still killed by the sister of the Third Division alive.

That battle also allowed Chen Zong to see why the sister of the third division would be called the sister of artillery. Her attack was very violent, not limited to double fists. Her arms, legs, shoulders, and even the head could also be used as weapons. Her power is very violent and devastating.

With every blow, the overbearing is overwhelming, and the Xeon-Xiang is just like the eruption of a volcano, destroying everything.

The artillery lives up to its name.

Each hit is as terrible as the shelling of a void ship, the compression and explosion of extreme forces.

Chen Zongdu made up his mind, played against the third division sister, and faced her violent attack, he didn't know how to defend it.

However, the three masters ’level of cultivation is also the level of the Yuan Ming Realm. As for the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, it is not clear.

"Little brother, practice well, when will I have a show with my sister?" The three sisters patted Chen Zong's shoulder, and took the opportunity to attack the chest.

Chen Zong was very helpless, otherwise he would have been arrested.

Rubbing his shoulders, Chen Zong secretly groaned, it was really rude enough, but the name was Jade Flawless.

Just listening to the name and looking at the shape is completely right, but the banditry is exposed when you speak.

No matter what, there was a **** from the three divisions. Then, Chen Zong did not encounter any danger. He left the east void very smoothly, entered the central void, and flew quickly to the black and white world.

The huge world of white and black appeared before us.

Chen Zong could not help feeling a little excited, secretly excited.

Last time, it took a lot of hard work for himself and Wang Ye to enter the white world.

The black and white circles are collectively referred to as the white in the upper part and the black in the lower part.

The white world is naturally the upper world where the Mind Heaven Palace is located. As for the black world, Chen Zong is still not sure what it is. Master did n’t say it. When asked, the three sisters showed a strange look. Just know.

Artillery's high-level void flying boat plunged into the black and white realm, and rushed directly into the sky-thunder sky fire and sky wind in the white world.

There was no danger at all, and he went directly into the white world and flew towards the center of the white world.


With the identity token of the Mind Heaven Palace, Chen Zong and Jade flawlessly returned to the Mind Heaven Palace easily.

The second time he came, Chen Zong did not see through its mystery.

"Master, I'm back." Sanshi's sister Yu Flawlessly rushed into the palace of one heart, roaring with thorns.

Chen Zong seemed to capture a slight dip in the corner of Yixindaozhuang's eyes, like an illusion.

"The disciples have met Master." Relatively speaking, Chen Zong is normal.

"Master, little brother seems to have something to tell you." Yu Wuzheng said, "I'll leave first."

Speaking of extreme popularity, Jade flawlessly turned and left, with a cheerful look. Chen Zong even saw her rubbing her palms, and her mouth seemed to hang with a smirk.

It's like going to the shelf.

Chen Zong guessed right, Jade was flawless just to go out and find someone to fight, this opponent in the Tiangong palace, there are many.

"Say something." Yixin Daozun was helpless to his disciples.

However, he was always more open-minded and he ignored such trivial matters.

"Master ..." Chen Zongdang said about the evil deities, and took out the evil spirits sealed by the soul-seal technique and gave them to Yixin Dao.

One-hearted Taoism is the fourth most important realm of psychic power. It is far better than how many times you don't know. There is no comparability at all.

I can't see through myself, maybe Master can see through.

"Well, I'll do some research." Yixindaozun took over the sealed groups of demons and spirits with a solemn look.

According to Chen Zong, then it is not a trivial matter.

"You're doing it right." After collecting the sealed groups of demon gods and spirits, he said to Chen Zong in admiration: "The existence of our heavenly palace means that there is a void and tranquility in this side. Responsibility."

Inexplicably, there is a sense of mission.

"Some things should also let you know and understand." Yixinzun said immediately, let Chen Zong know the position and responsibilities of Xinyi Temple in the void.

The status is the strongest, and the duty is to guard the vanity and tranquility. Of course, the so-called tranquility does not refer to the contradictions or trivialities, but the major events that threaten the security of the vanity.

Such as the powerful alien invasion and so on.

The incident of the evil protoss is, in the view of the One Heart Taoist, a little bit like that, and it should be paid enough attention.

In fact, it is not only the Xintian Temple that has such responsibilities, but also the most powerful forces such as the Eternal War Fortress, who also bear such heavy responsibilities.

At the same time, Chen Zong also knew that the mystery of the underworld.

The so-called black world also has another name, called the demon world.

The first duty of Xinyi Tiangong is to suppress the demon world.

Because once the demon in the demon world comes out, it is definitely a disaster for the void.

Thinking about that scene, Chen Zong had a creepy feeling.

Demon Realm!

So how many demons are there?

Once leaked, it's more than disaster.

Chen Zong was also curious.

It's true that practitioners will show the demons, but if they are destroyed, won't they disappear?

That being the case, why is there a demon world.

Dedicated to the answer.

Every practitioner has his evil side. Whether it is suppressing or releasing evil thoughts, there is a shadow of the demon. In this way, the demon world is like a reflection, and the demon is born accordingly.

In short, as long as someone is born and grows to a certain degree, when the first evil thoughts appear, the demon will appear in the demon world accordingly.

Even if the demons appearing inside the practitioner are destroyed, the corresponding demons in the demonic realm still exist, and they will become stronger as a result.

It is not clear what kind of mystery this is, but it is the case.

Xinyi Tiangong guards the demon world precisely because the magical powers of Xinyi Tiangong are relatively effective for the demon. Of course, there are other reasons.

All in all, the black world is such a terrible existence, I don't know how many demon exist in it.

Think about how many people and how many practitioners have been born in the void so far, that demon world corresponds.

"The demon world is no matter how big it is, and the demon will also tear and devour each other, so not as much as you think." Yixindao smiled slightly.

But even so ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is amazing.

"Master, I really want to have a demon." Chen Zongdao.

Suddenly, Zong Dao Zun suddenly looked, and his face was dignified, let Chen Zong elaborate on the matter.

Chen Zong naturally told the story without concealment.

He mourned intently.

"You don't want to resist." The voice fell, and the strength of the devout heart poured into Chen Zong's sea of ​​gods, and he quickly searched and saw the mark of the evil god, but did not find the existence of the demon.

"The mark of the evil **** should be the brand of the evil **** king. It has two functions. One is that it will emit a unique breath and be sensed by other evil **** races. It is like the enemy and the self." "The second is to make you a better carrier, so that the evil king can have the opportunity to take you away."

Chen Zong secretly said, it really is not that simple, after the evil **** king exploded, it is estimated that he began to plan all of this.

"The seal of the evil **** is too special and the structure is unknown. At present, I can only seal it so that the breath is not leaked." Yixin Daozun said, "As for the demon, I have not found it."

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