Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 74: Xinxianglou

Within the Shenhai, among the spirits, a series of powerful and deep forces spread quickly and infiltrated one after another, forming a seemingly complex seal that enveloped the red mark of the evil god, and then sealed it.

The mark of the evil **** seemed unwilling to be sealed like this, and a fierce burst of tyrannical breath burst out of blood, impacting all directions in an attempt to break the seal. Vaguely, Chen Zong also saw the bright red mark inside. Zhang's face was full of sorrow and anger, as if he was screaming, snarling, and anger was constantly flowing.

But useless.

One-hearted Taoism is the fourth strongest person in the world of gods. Perhaps the true strength is not as good as that of the evil **** king, but the marks of one evil **** are still so far apart. How can it be able to compete with the power and magical power of one-hearted gods.


In the end, all the roars and resistances of the evil god's mark proved to be nothing but struggle, as the seal fell, it was completely sealed, and it could no longer move.

Chen Zong was also relieved.

In this way, he will not be easily followed by the evil protoss.

Although the evil protoss stares at themselves when they follow the breath, they will also expose themselves, but the problem is that they are not strong enough now.

There is nothing wrong with being able to call the strongest, but there are also high and low points.

Yudaojing is just the lowest level.

Even if there is a strong person like Master, there is also a strong person in the Taoist class, that is the apex of the void.

Of course, the so-called strong is not absolute, such as the sword master of the East Court, is the fifth most powerful master of the Taoist realm, is not yet dead.

Therefore, it is still impossible to do things that are bait.

As for the demon, Master said he could not find it.

There are two possibilities.

Or, that demon is over.

Or, the demon hides too deeply and is very difficult to entangle.

If it is the former, it is certainly a good thing, but if it is the latter, the problem is very big.

However, Yixinzun still comforted Chen Zong. After all, it is still uncertain. Besides, the mind and heaven palace has many people's accumulation and experience, which can basically be dealt with and eliminated.

Then, the one-hearted Taoist sent Chen Zong away, allowing Chen Zong to move freely, and he left with the sealed evil **** tribe spirits, looking for the masters of the mind and heaven to study it and see if it would It is a disaster in a critical void.

After leaving Yixin Palace, Chen Zong returned to his palace and prepared to enter the Xinxiang Building to have a look.

Xinxiang Tower is the place where Xinyi Tiangong collects various skills.

To enter the mind image building, you must have a strong mind and the right method, otherwise it is impossible.

In other words, you must first practice the deliberate thirty-three heavenly skills.

Working skills, Chen Zong's mind is in an instant, as if out of his body, in a sequence of inaccessible channels constantly flying upward.

That channel was colorful and full of blurry and dreamy colors.

The passage seems to be infinite and has no end, but it is also very short-lived. With a thought, Chen Zong's mind immediately rushed out of the passage and jumped up as if he had entered a side of the void.

The stars shone and shone in all directions.

This is a starry sky.

"It's magnificent ... magnificent ..." Chen Zong's mind is here, actually condensed into a physical appearance, which is impossible to do outside the world.


This is where the countless tips and magical powers included in the Mind Heaven Palace are very strange.

Said to be a building, in fact it is not the case, this is not, what Chen Zong sees is like a starry sky.

Of course, it is said that different people may not see the same thing when they enter the Xinxiang Building.

Some people may really see a building after entering, some are a palace, some are mountains, and so on. They are completely different.

There are similar ones.

A little bit of starlight flickers endlessly, and the color of each point of starlight is different, which represents a skill or magical power.

These skills and magical powers are tens of thousands, but they have been collected for many years, or the minds of Heavenly Palace have been collected from the outside world, or they are created by the strong minds of Heavenly Palace. Come and pick so they can shine.

These techniques do not have the intention of the thirty-three layers of heaven and the four general magical powers, as well as the true biography of the palaces, such as the one-heart palace's one-heart palace and so on.

Chen Zong has the memory of the East Tingjian Sword Master, among which there are many swordsmanship magical powers, but the swordsmanship magical powers created by the strong Tiangong strong may be different.

Brush selection!

"The magic of swordsmanship." Chen Zong's voice dropped, and for a moment, most of the infinite starlight flashing around him became dim, but a few starlights became bright.

"It was created by the strong mind of the heavenly palace." Chen Zong's second sentence fell.

Sometime later, part of the starlight dimmed and part of it became brighter.

Chen Zong glanced at it, there were thousands.

This is just a tenth of the total starlight.

It's amazing.

The choice of the supernatural powers of the Xinxiang Tower of the Mind-Heart Temple is different from many other forces. It does not require such contributions as meritorious contributions, etc., but there are requirements on the level of the disciples.

Only by becoming a true disciple can you enter the mind image building. Any choice of magical powers, etc., means that as long as you can bear it and have that ability, you can choose one hundred doors or one thousand doors.

Of course, no one will do that, but after screening, they will select the few or one that suits them best.

However, there are a few people who choose more, practice one after another, master the essence, and then use this as a basis to create the most suitable magical powers for them, which can bring their own characteristics to the extreme.

For example, the three sisters of Jade Flawless, who claimed to be the sister of artillery, had created martial arts skills after continually practicing dozens of martial arts skills. The violence was unparalleled.

Chen Zong glanced at it, and then lighted a little starlight, and when the starlight shone, Chen Zong only felt as if his mind was scattered, merged into it, and began to grasp the mystery of the sword power.

It was as if he had possessed himself, and learned about the creator, naming, principle, mystery, etc. of the sword mastery, and then practiced.

In this way, you can confirm whether this magical power is suitable for you in the shortest time.

Chen Zong's understanding is amazing, and he has a solid foundation of swordsmanship. Therefore, in a very short period of time, he has basically understood the mystery of this swordsmanship.

Of course, this does not mean that Chen Zong has mastered this sword power so easily, it can only be regarded as mastering the fur. In this way, you can determine whether you want this sword power.

Withdrawing from it, Chen Zong points to another group of stars, and the same experience comes again.

It is very wonderful, this feeling makes Chen Zong marvel.

The ingenuity and mystery of this heavenly palace are beyond imagination and unexpected.

It is just a joint indoctrination of the mind and a drill, you can grasp the fur in a very short time, and determine whether it is suitable for you.

Chen Zong has experienced so much and also knows the amazing difficulty.

Of course, this approach cannot be popularized at all. There are too many mysteries involved. First of all, there must be a place like Xinxianglou, and secondly, there are all kinds of mysteries of Xintiangong.

Moreover, receiving magical power in this way will also consume mental power.

It can be said that the restriction on selecting supernatural powers after entering the mind image building is the strength of the mind power.

The stronger the mental power, the longer it can support, and the shorter it can be.

Among the true disciples of Yudaojing, Chen Zong's mental strength is very strong, so he can support it for a long time.

One door!

Two doors!


Chen Zong's constant observation is different from others. Chen Zong's path is based on the mystery of thousands of swordsmanship. Based on this, he created and perfected his own swordsmanship.

Therefore, any sword skill and even martial arts is useful to oneself.

If it is not enough, Chen Zong would like to master all the magic skills of swordsmanship and martial arts skills here, even if it is enough to master the fur, then it will become an accumulation of himself and become his own foundation.

After Chen Zong observes the 20 magical swordsmanship, the power of the mind is almost exhausted and cannot be maintained, and he withdraws from the mind image building.

However, after the restoration, Chen Zong entered again.

There is no limit to the number of times a true disciple can enter.

The second time he entered, Zong Zong used an idea with unexpected thoughts and found that it is indeed feasible.

With all his heart in mind, Chen Zong was exposed to three stars at the same time, and he observed the three swords and magical powers. Although the consumption of mental power has also intensified, the efficiency has also increased, and to a certain extent, he is also training his heart. Tactic.

At this moment, Chen Zong turned into a dry sponge, constantly absorbing water to enrich himself.

Such a memory is very rare. You can master the fur of swordsmanship in a short time, which is close to the level of entry. If you change to ordinary enlightenment, the time is at least ten times, which saves a lot ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Every day, Chen Zong will learn about hundreds of swordsmanship and master the basics.

As time goes by, the benefits gradually become apparent.

The application of One Mind and One Mind is becoming more and more natural, more proficient, and gradually approaching one mind.

In a flash, a few days passed, Chen Zong also mastered hundreds of swordsmanship magical powers, of which the levels were high and low, which greatly enriched one of the foundations of his sword, so that Chen Zong's mind flashed with occasional light. However, among the vaguely, more mysteries of Wan Jian Guizong were also enlightened.

Seeing other people's magic skills is also a collision of understanding and wisdom.

Chen Zong'an stayed quietly in his palace, entering the mind image building again and again with his mind, and while understanding the magic of swordsmanship, Xinyi Tiangong jumped because of the flawless return of jade.

"Stop, or your sister will block the door in front of your palace every day." Jade flew across, and a man full of grief in front of him flashed across like lightning. He didn't want to fight Jade flawless, too violent, I ca n’t carry it, I have been beaten with bruises and swollen faces the previous few times, and I vowed long ago that I will no longer fight with Jade Flawless. That is destroying myself and abusing myself, why not think so.

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