Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 77: Super ancient spirit (Part 2)

(Shoulder and neck pain are dying)

In the fifth quarter of the Tianxinzhu, the brightness like the divine brightness climbed up inch by inch, completely pulling the minds of Yu Wufei and others, widening their eyes, their hearts were extremely shocked.

Yu Dao Jing, according to the standard of the Mind Heaven Palace, the level of the spiritual level should be second level, but now, Chen Zong has exceeded three levels and reached the fifth level.

From ancient times to the present, Xinyi Tiangong has not seen such an amazing crossover, but very few. Only two people are on the entire Tianxin monument.

Chen Zong is the third person.

The bright inch went up, and finally stopped when it came in contact with the sixth quarter of the Tianxinzhu, at a level where the fifth quarter is just about to reach the sixth quarter.

How does this count?

Five levels?

Or level six?

In a hurry, the eyes condensed on the Tianxinbei on one side, level 5 or level 6, immediately seeing the difference.

I saw that on the Tianxinbei, the one hundredth place on the list of Yudaojing disappeared. Then, the above ninety-nine names dropped one level, and the first row appeared. A new name.

Chen Zong!

Five levels!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, not Level 6.

If it is the sixth level, it is really the first one since the creation of the Mind Heaven Palace, the only one.

But then again, even if it is only the fifth level, it is the fifth level that is completely satisfactory. The distance from the sixth level is only a slight difference, only a slight amount. It can reach the sixth level by a slight difference.

Strictly speaking, it can also be regarded as the best result since the establishment of Xinyi Temple.

Chen Zong's mind returned, and he also looked at the Tianxin Bei. He saw his name first in the Yudaojing list. It was also a slight glance. He did not expect that his original level of mind and spirit was so high, and a smile appeared immediately.

"Okay, it's really my sister of the artillery sister." Yu Wuchao waved with excitement, slap on Chen Zong's shoulder, every time the slap made a dull sound like a drum, the eyes were beating continuously , Cheeks twitched a little, feeling of toothache.

They all know the fierce name of Sister Artillery, and they are very violent in their shots. Should they slap their shoulders like this, will they not be broken directly?

Chen Zong is actually very helpless, but he is also used to it. Fortunately, although the three masters ’shots are very heavy, they have not cultivated fellow practitioners. Therefore, Chen Zong ’s world **** body can still resist, of course, because of the huge cultivation. The gap will inevitably feel a little numb.

Then, the excited Jade Flawless immediately grasped Chen Zong's arm, and almost dragged Chen Zong out of this Tianxin Temple and headed for the next Tianxin Temple, which is the Tianxin Temple that tests the strength of the original soul.

"Go and see."


The people did not hesitate, and immediately left and set foot in the second Temple of Heaven.

There are also some people in the second Temple of Heaven, and one is being tested.

The level of the original mind and the intensity of the original mind are related, but they are not so direct. It is not that the level of the original mind is several levels, and the intensity can reach several levels. These are two concepts.

Just like the same hundred pounds, the strength of wood and steel is different.

Of course, the difference between the level and intensity of the mind will not be as large as that, but a difference of one level is also normal.

Someone was testing. Chen Zong was not in a hurry, but looked at the Tianxinbei on one side. The five-level list, the dominated list is still dissatisfied, only more than twenty names.

However, Chen Zong ’s list was full. Chen Zong found Master ’s Devotion, ranking fourth, and as the third, Chen Zong had the impression that he ranked sixth in the level of the original spiritual level.

As for the master Luo Beichuan's ranking is still the third in the magical power rankings, the intensity and level are the same, both are sixth.

Chen Zong remembers the name on the first Tianxin monument after scanning it. Now comparing the second Tianxin monument, I find that most of the names except myself are in the place. The change is that the ranking is higher or lower. Now, there are a few unfamiliar names.

That is to say, the original mental strength level of these dozens of people is better than the hierarchical level, so instead of being listed as the first stone monument, they are included in the second stone monument.

Of course, on the first stone tablet, there are two brothers: three, four, and four.

The same is true for the second stele, although the rankings vary.

The test was completed. It is a pity that Tianxinbei did not move, indicating that he was short of the list, and he was inevitably disappointed.

"Little brother, go." Yu Wuzhen patted Chen Zong's shoulder again, stabbing sharply.

Anyway, as soon as Jade came in flawlessly, those people all stepped aside, lest they be affected.

Chen Zong stepped forward and appeared in front of Tian Xinzhu, once again condensing and releasing his own mental power.

Suddenly, when the power of the mind left the body and touched the Tianxin pillar, it immediately poured into the Tianxin pillar.

The sight seen was like a big bang, one after another, as if it were endless and endless.

Tianxinzhu also lights up from the first quarter, but this light is almost transparent golden divine brilliance, which represents the intensity of the original divine spirit.

The first quarter was flooded with pale golden divine brilliance, spreading lightningly into the second quarter, and instantly flashed the second quarter into the third.

Not long after, the golden light of the golden spirits poured into the fourth quarter, and there was an astonishing spirit that was as powerful as bamboo.

"Little Master's original mental strength is really good." Jade flawless eyebrows smiled with honor.

Several other people also knew the identity of Chen Zong, and they were all surprised when they heard the fifth true story of Yixin Palace.

Yixin Palace is one of the five major palaces of the Xinyi Temple. It is the latest vein, but Yixin Tao marvels at even the oldest master of the Xinyi Temple.

The skill that was once judged by several masters as the most potential, if it can be perfected to the fifth level, it will become the first of the five palaces of the mind.

Many true biography disciples want to enter the heart of the heart, but none of them can get started on the heart, so naturally they have no chance.

Therefore, before the Yixin Palace came down for thousands of years, there were only four true stories.

I did not expect that there is one more now, it is really amazing.

After all, these people all tried the introduction to Yixinji that year, and that was a public skill in Xinyitiangong. They can be trained into the introduction before they are eligible to apply for a member of Yixingu.

The pale golden divine light crossed the fourth celestial pole and entered the fifth verse.

"Five!" Someone exclaimed suddenly.

The level of the original mind and spirit reaches level five, and even the intensity reaches level five, which is really amazing.

Climbing, climbing, climbing continuously, drawing everyone's attention and mind.

Until the peak of the fifth level is complete, it will just rush into the sixth level and stop, just like a little bit, and it will be the same as in the first Tianxin Hall.

The level and intensity of the source mind are the same.

There is no doubt that the first name on the Yudaojing list on the Tianxinbei was replaced by Chen Zong.

Double list first!

Chen Zong was also a bit surprised. He didn't expect that his original level of mind and strength were the same, and they felt similar, belonging to balance.

"Ha ha ha ha, okay, good." The third division sister Yu Wucai laughed with great bravery, just like a wild female demon head.

Next, naturally left a shock of one place and went to the third Temple of Heaven.

The third Tianxin Hall is basically the same as the first two, but there are also differences. The difference lies in the Tianxin Pillar.

The Celestial Pillar of the third Celestial Heart Hall is not ten verses, but one hundred verses.

Because this test is not the level and intensity of the original mind and spirit, but the level and intensity of the mind and spirit possessed by practitioners now.

The difference is that the original mind is congenital. Of course, the acquired can be ascended, but it is passive. As for the mind, it is acquired. But once the original mind is consumed, it is difficult to recover.

As a rule, Chen Zong looks at the Tianxin Monument on one side, and there are also five lists, which correspond to the fivefold of the magical realm.

Master Yixin Tao is also on the list, ranking third, and the level of mind and soul is seventy-six.

Big brothers and others are also on the list, and the ranking has not changed much.

One hundred levels, the first to twenty levels belong to the level of imperial realm, the twenty-first to forty levels belong to the level of Yuanming Realm, and every twenty levels correspond to a large realm.

The ranking of Yudaojing on the Tianxinbei is the first, and its level of mind is seventeen.

"Little brother, go, kill them, occupy the top of the list." Yu Wuzhen took a shot of Chen Zong, full of pride.

Seeing that the female demon head, Yu Wuji, speaks, other people dare not squeak, because at the level of Yuan Ming Realm, Yu Wuji's combat power is very amazing and very violent. Willing to fight her.

Chen Zong couldn't help but smile and walked towards Tian Xinzhu.

The test method is the same as before.

The big explosion in the void, the innumerable rays of light continue to burst out, like blooming swords.

The light began to appear on the celestial heart pillar, and then rushed upward one by one, drawing everyone's mind and gaze, and quickly rushed through the tenth verse into the eleventh verse.

The outside world ’s imperial cultivators have a standard level of mind-to-spirit level of one to five levels ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The standard level of imperial level of Xinyi Tiangong is six to ten. Both are over ten levels.

Fifteen levels!


Level 17!

Same as today's first place.

However, the light continues to rise, eighteen levels!

Beyond the current number one, it can be ranked first.

Eighteenth level, Chen Zong's mental level is finally eighteenth.

Although level 20 is the end point, it is difficult to reach level 20. For example, the first place before, level 17, but its cultivation has reached the peak of the imperial realm, and it is difficult to improve the level of mental level. .

The eighteenth level is Chen Zong's current level of mind and spirit, but don't forget that Chen Zong's cultivation is just three turns to the royal state.

Even if there is no opportunity, it is easy to raise the level of mind to 19th level when it is simply cultivated to reach the peak of the imperial realm, and even 20th level is not impossible.

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