Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 78: Refining heart

(It should be periarthritis of the shoulder, still have to go to the hospital for detailed inspection)

Level 5 of the Mind Level of the Origin!

Elementary Mind Strength Level 5!

Eighteen levels of mind!

Eighteen levels of mental strength!

Each of them was ranked No. 1 on the Yu Dao Jing list on the four Celestial Steles.

First on the list!

After Chen Zong's test was completed, the news also spread out. In a very short period of time, it spread throughout the Heart of Heaven, except for those who practiced in seclusion and went out for work, and received the news.

First on the list!

Moreover, the repair is just three rounds of Yudaojing.

Taking Xiu as a reference is undoubtedly even more amazing, which means potential.

"This kid ..." After being in the heart of the palace, after being aware of the news, Daozun first looked miserable, and immediately showed a smile that he didn't know what his mood was.

It's complicated, inside.

Although I have known for a long time that this disciple is very ordinary and is expected to surpass the big disciple, the potential shown by the test now is too amazing.

You can't reach it yourself, nor can your big disciples.

It can be said that no one has reached the entire heart of mind today.

No, throughout the history of the Mind Heaven Palace, this is the only one.

Super ancient times!

These four words are thought of in one heart, which is enough to describe, let alone Chen Zong's growth potential is amazing.

"One heart is really lucky this time," said a Dao Zun of the Heart Burning Palace with a smile of envy. Why didn't he meet such an outstanding disciple.

Not only is Daozun in the Burning Heart Palace envious, but Daozong in the other three palaces is also envious. Of course, the dominant power is just surprised and curious, but not so envious.

At the level of dominance, it is very different from the past.

However, several major dominators are still very happy. Such talented disciples have only good things for Xinyi Tiangong. Maybe in the future, Xinyi Tiangong will add a master.

The predecessors were very happy about this, and felt sorry for why they were not their own disciples, but many of the true disciples who were also at the level of the imperial realm were not convinced.

Of course, this is a normal mood. Some people admire others and they don't, and this is true everywhere.

Chen Zong, who set off a storm, went directly into the Lianxin Calcined God Tower.

It is not easy to enter the Heart-forging Heart-building Tower. Generally, you first apply for it, and then you extract the tasks. You can enter after completing the task. This time, Chen Zong was rewarded three times.

Now, for the first time.

Just like entering the mind-like building, you have to enter the mind-building and calcining god-building, and enter in the state of mind.

The mind condenses into an entity, crosses the colorful passage, and appears in front of a small building.

The light is dim, just like a small building at dusk, standing alone in the dim, there is a kind of loneliness and loneliness.

The small building is the building of the Xinxin Calcined God, standing in front of him. Chen Zong has a very strange feeling. The small building seems to exist between reality and illusion as if it did not exist.

The door of the small building was tightly closed, Chen Zong stepped, and his hands fell on the door. It felt like an electric shock, and the whole body was diffused through the palms, an unconscious spirit.

Now that I am in a state of mind, I feel very obvious.

Power, a squeak sounded, and the door was pushed open by Chen Zong. At the same time, a strange wind blew out, and when Chen Zong's mind and body were blown, Chen Zong trembled unconsciously, as though Goosebumps, this feeling is more clear and direct than the body.

Behind the door, there was darkness and nothing could be seen, but it seemed that there was a great danger, and at first glance Chen Zong had a creepy feeling.


Chen Zong stepped in, and the body of the mind was immediately swallowed, disappearing in the small building.

Dark, absolutely dark.

Chen Zong can't see anything, can't feel anything, can't hear anything, as if everything is closed, only to keep moving forward and keep walking.

It seemed like an endless road.

Without an end, it means not knowing the destination, it means that there is no goal, and it is terrible for anyone.

Because no goal means more confusion.

Confused enough to destroy one's mind and become overwhelmed.

Ordinary people may be okay, but they are fatal to practitioners.

The deeper and stronger the cultivator, the more hesitant and hesitant that will affect his own realm and even the foundation.

Seeing, not hearing, not smelling, not feeling, and absolutely dark, this is another kind of torture and destruction.

Especially to concentrate the mind directly into the entity and enter such a place.

Lonely, blank, dark, closed.

This is a kind of desperation, and it is also a method finally determined by the ancestors of the Mind Heavenly Palace. After this, the method is used to exercise and sharpen the mind, thereby improving the mind.

If it can't bear it, the Heart-Forging God Tower will activate the protection mechanism to send the mind out without damaging the mind.

It ’s easy to put your mind into a desperate state, and then send it out when you ca n’t bear it. It sounds simple, but it ’s difficult to do. In the process, there will be a mysterious force to ensure that the mind will not collapse , And strengthen a little bit as the exercise sharpens.

Chen Zong's mind was quite amazing. He ranked first on the list, and naturally there was no obstacle in the beginning.

But as he kept walking forward, he gradually began to fluctuate, feeling a sense of instability, and a small amount of interference impacted Chen Zong's mind, as if he wanted to dispel the body of the mind.

Chen Zong did not know how far he went, how long he went out, and even greater challenges appeared.

It turned out that the inside of the Xinxin Calcined God Building was not just walking in the darkness, it was just the first stage of grinding. Chen Zong had already gone through the first stage of grinding and officially entered the second stage.

The first stage of grinding was not very effective for Chen Zong, which was minimal, because Chen Zong's mind was very strong.

The second stage is still darkness, but in addition to darkness and the closed sense, there is something else, that is, attack.

The invisible wind blade merged into the darkness, cut and killed from the front, and fell directly on the body of Chen Zong's heart and soul. The mouth of Chen Zong's heart and mind was cut open, a sudden pain, and directly stimulated.

This feeling is more than ten times clearer and sharper than a flesh wound.

The severe pain caused by the tear made Chen Zong tremble, but he did not collapse, but he could not bear it. He continued to move forward, and a trace of invisible strength pervaded, repairing the wound and restoring it.

Chen Zong couldn't feel the attack at all, so he couldn't evade it, but had to bear it.

Despair is one of the ways to sharpen potential, and pain is also one of the ways.

Advance, attack, repair ...

Repeat this process continuously.

Gradually, Chen Zong felt that the attack had changed, and it was no longer the cutting of the blade, but the flame was burning, ignited from his feet, rising directly, burning on his own body, burning continuously, as if burning his heart The body turned into a dry wood fire.

Compared with the previous blade attack, this scorching is even more painful, because the blade attack is intermittent, and the combustion is continuous, constantly burning, not burning to ashes.

Even if Chen Zong's mental strength is amazing, he can't bear it. Under the burning, he was burned a little bit, and the recovery speed couldn't keep up.

When he felt that his mind was burned under the scorching fire, Chen Zong's consciousness fell directly into darkness, and he felt nothing, lost his perception, and sank into the abyss.

When he woke up, Chen Zong found that his mind had returned to his body, and he felt a strong sense of emptiness, which was a manifestation of over-exhaustion of mind power.


Originally, Chen Zong's mental recovery speed was very fast. The mental intensity of the mind image building that month used the mental power to further improve the recovery speed.

After a while, the feeling of emptiness gradually faded out, and the feeling of fullness filled up a little, until the strength of the mind was completely restored, and then the whole body filled with a sense of satisfaction as if eating.

Feeling carefully, Chen Zong can feel that his mental strength has indeed been enhanced.

Whether the original mind has been strengthened can not be felt, but the mind is indeed strengthened. As for how much it is strengthened, Chen Zong is not very clear, but it should be less than a level.

Trying to cultivate the mind thirty-three days, casting the sixth heart, and found that the difficulty has been reduced by a few points.

"Very good." Chen Zong could not help but smile.

Continuing to practice, the next day, Chen Zong reentered the Heart-forging God Building and received a second pass.

Even if there is experience of entering once, it is still not helpful for the second time, because you ca n’t see or hear it, and you ca n’t feel it in advance. The mind and body collapsed again, but Chen Zong felt that he had moved a little further than the first time.

After the mind returned to the body, after the recovery, the upper limit was raised by a few points, and another day later, Chen Zong entered the Lianxin Calcined God Tower again.

As for what is left for later, there is actually no need for that.

Lianxin Calcined God Tower will not change because your cultivation is higher and higher, it must be to sharpen your mind.

Moreover, the stronger the mind, the worse the sharpening effect is, because it is more difficult to grow.

The third chance to use ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ means that Chen Zong can no longer enter the Lianxin Calcined God Tower, and if he wants to enter again, he must complete the corresponding task.

Chen Zong felt that his mind had been improved a lot after three times of refining the heart and forging the ground of the God Tower.

Naturally, Chen Zong went directly to the Tianxin Temple for testing.

The original Mind has not been improved, and is still all five, but the level and intensity of the mind have been increased, from eighteen to nineteen.

This means that when Xiuyu reached the peak of the imperial realm, it was no problem to raise the mind level and intensity to the upper limit of twenty.

The cultivation of this small realm has little effect on the mind and soul, and only the breakthrough of the big realm can strengthen the mind and soul.

The growth rate brought about by the three times refining the heart and forging the God Tower is very obvious. When Chen Zong casts the sixth heart again, the speed is obviously increased by several dozens, which is easier.

At this speed, Chen Zong was confident that he could cast the sixth heart to Dacheng within a month, saving at least several years.

Ascension of the mind also affects the speed of cultivation of the disciples of the mind and heart.

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