Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 82: Extreme combat power (below)


The six-star warrior monster is indeed very strong. What Chen Zong did not know is that the human-like monster is more powerful than the bear-human monster, which is very scary.

With just one blow, Chen Zong was repelled, feeling that his blood was surging and his right arm was tingling with pain.


Without hesitation, Chen Zong displayed the magical powers directly.

The six Dacheng heart palaces directly transform the heart into six, covering Chen Zong, each of which brings a 10% increase in strength and speed, superimposed on each other to achieve a 60% increase.


Tiandou Haoxingquan!

This punch was as if Chen Zong's hand grabbed a group of dazzling starlight and blasted it out. The power was extremely powerful and extremely amazing.

The demon savage blasted out with one arm again, as if he was blowing his nose, and directly blasted the air, making an extremely loud noise.

Another collision, but this time, Chen Zong was not bombarded, but was evenly matched.

Punch out punch out!

Chen Zong's double fist constantly urged Tiandou Haoxing fist, and continuously bombarded and killed. With the increase of heart fire, the power of each fist increased a lot, and even more powerful


The starlight continually condensed, the power became more and more concentrated, and on the basis of perfection, it continuously approached the limit of the great magical power.

Looking at the past, it seems like the starlights burst out and turned into a meteor shower, dense, endless, and all hit the same target.

The Elephant She-Man is constantly resisting the bombardment of the starlight and breaking it constantly.

This high-intensity battle allowed Chen Zong's deities to have the power of the world.

Otherwise, Chen Zong would not be able to resist a six-star combat monster attack.

In a hurry, a group of stars bloomed, but there was no bombardment. Instead, they continued to condense and re-aggregate, becoming more and more tyrannical, the breath soared several times, and the light intensity suddenly increased.

It seemed to have changed from a meteor to a comet, and blasted out directly towards the she-man-like.

Tiandou Haoxingquan second entry!

The power of supernatural powers!

With a bang, the starlight shattered, and the elephant-like monster was blasted for the first time. However, the tyrannical body was not severely injured, only a minor injury. And, as the light red graphic on his body flashed, the injury was quickly healed.

Tianshentong's consumption of his own power was so amazing that Chen Zong could not perform it several times.

In the end, Chen Zong determined that in the case of the outbreak of the Tianshentong Tiandou Haoxingquan and the use of the secret fire method, his refining combat power reached a six-star level, but it felt that it was not the upper limit.

It's just difficult to further enhance it, especially under the condition of constant modification. That requires more time and energy to study.

For now, so far.

Draw a sword!

When the sword stunned, the anger was permeating the world.

Chen Zong ’s body training and Qi training are not the same. Even if he is exhausted, as long as it does not affect normal operations, he can still fight and kill the enemy with the power of Qi training.

When the sword's light flashed, the sword had returned to its sheath, like a monster's body, and a fine scratch appeared on the body.

Even the last desperate secrets were too late to be cast, and the elephant and the monster died directly.

This is a way of practicing Qi that Chen Zong has invested a lot of time and energy, and the potential development is higher than the practice of refining the way, so the strength is even more tyrannical.

Regarding the repair of the three-turn imperial realm, it was able to kill six-star combat power with a single sword, and the span was amazing.

After a short break to restore his strength almost, Chen Zong set foot on the seventh floor of the Battle Star Tower. The strength of this monster warrior will be seven stars.

The seven-star power is more than one-half a bit stronger than the six-star.

Moreover, this monster warrior looks a bit strange, but is more than one meter tall. Compared with the previous monster warrior, it is relatively short, but it is amazingly wide and has the same horizontal development.

The pattern formed by the light red lines on the body is a tortoiseshell picture, and it seems that there are patches of tortoiseshells on the skin.

Turtle monster is pretty!

The tortoise has a savage complexion, and his mouth is full of serrated, extremely cold, a pair of small green bean eyes burst into the cold and ruthless cold light, and flew up.

His way is strange, like scrolling. Although weird, the speed is amazing.

Chen Zong didn't evade, he went out of the sheath with a sword, and Jianguang shot through.

When Xiu was a two-turn imperial realm, Chen Zong once fought against the black scales at the level of seven-turn imperial realm and killed it. At that time, Chen Zong was sure to fight against the ordinary eight-turn imperial realm practitioner. .

Now, in order to achieve the three-turn imperial realm, Xiu has cultivated more skills and magical powers, and he is more powerful. It is not a problem to kill the ordinary eight-turn imperial realm. As for the ordinary nine-turn imperial realm, It's hard to say.

However, if the mystery of heart fire is inspired, maybe it is expected to defeat the ordinary Jiuzhuan Royal Realm, which is equivalent to an eight-star level combat power.

Today, the Turtle Demon's brutal combat power is a seven-star level, which is stronger than the ordinary seven-turn imperial realm, and can even catch up with the ordinary eight-turn imperial realm, but it is not Chen Zong's opponent.

It was only after a sword that Chen Zong was surprised to find that he did not kill the opponent. When he was very careful that the sword without a phase cut the opponent, he felt layers of resistance, very tough, and very hard.

Under the sword, the turtle mankind was also chopped and blood flowed.

Curious, Chen Zong tried his sword to find out that this kind of monster warrior is best at defense, and his defense is amazing.

But under the gap in combat power, he still died under Chen Zong's sword.

Battle Star Tower on the eighth floor.

This level of barbarian warrior looks like an ape-man. Compared with the previous barbarian warrior, his body looks more shapely.

A slight leap, the eight-star-powered ape-man monster leaped at once, and suddenly blasted in the air with one leg, and amazing power burst out, as if it could break the mountains.

Only in an instant, Chen Zong felt the astonishing pressure coming.

The eight-star combat power is indeed very strong, exceeding the seven-star combat power.

But Chen Zong will not easily give in.


Repression in the field of kendo, Wanjian Guizong Jianjue unfolded.

After a battle, Chen Zong found that although the strength of the ape-man monster is not as good as the elephant-man monster and the bear-man monster, it is also amazing, and faster than the bear-man-like monster, and its fighting skills are simple and efficient. The killing skills are mainly, but there are some small changes, more detailed and amazing.

For a time, Chen Zong fell into the wind.

Boom boom!

The ape-man monster is madly attacking, and there is almost no flaw in the connection between each hit. It is fierce like a storm and rain, and has the delicateness of flowing water. Its skill is brilliant and amazing, it is just like a master of battle.


Faced with such pressure, Chen Zong can only perform his magical powers again to increase his strength.

With the six-fold increase in heart fire, the strength is stronger, and he immediately pulled back the disadvantage and kept on fighting.

The monster's physique is extremely strong, and the texture of the body also has a certain defense force, which can better resist the attack. The more powerful the monster is, the lighter the red texture seems to be.

Big Alchemy Sword of the Sky!

One sword turned into a star, suppressing all directions, making the ape-human demon's action slightly.

At the beginning of the sword power of the sword broke out, repression in the kendo area, Wanjian returned to the ancestors ... kill!

With a sword, he tried his best to come out and hit the ape-man monster.

"Roar ..." It seemed to feel the horrific killing power of this sword, knowing that he couldn't escape, and issued the final roar, his expression was stern and fierce. The ape pattern on his body suddenly lighted up, and it was instantly ignited, blooming with amazing power , Flooded the whole body.

With a punch, Volley blasted out.

This is the last and strongest blow, and it is a life-threatening blow. After a blow, it will collapse.

The power of this punch is three times that of each previous punch, that is, if the power of each previous punch is one, then the power of this punch is three, which is terrible.

That sword, the ape monster was not avoided.

Chen Zong had no time to avoid that punch.

Hit at the same time.

For a moment, Chen Zong felt that his world **** body was penetrated by a force, and then burst.

And the ape-human demon's brutal body was also directly penetrated by Jianguang. The terrible sword qi exploded in his body, knocked away, shattered it, and destroyed the vitality.

perish together!

Chen Zong's consciousness plunged directly into darkness.

When he woke up, Chen Zong found that he appeared on the Battle Star Tower.

Everything that just happened to the battle was imprinted in the mind with vivid clarity.

"Little brother, how are you going to the first floor?"

When Chen Zong returned to God to leave the Star Wars Tower and walked back, Jade's flawless figure flashed, and Chen's palm fell on Chen Zong's shoulder, asking aloud.

Everyone else was raising his ears, listening to hear.

How strong is the combat power of the New True Story, which is ranked No. 4 on the Mind Test?

The cultivation of the Three-Road Royal Realm is capable of reaching at least a four-star or even a five-star level. Otherwise, I am so sorry for that amazing mind.

"Less than the ninth floor." Chen Zong smiled slightly and did not say in detail.

Jade was flawless for a moment. UU read the book at www.uukanshu.com and didn't ask it carefully. Maybe she thought that the answer from the young master was that she didn't want to tell the fact.

After all, if you are less than the ninth floor, then there will be room for reverie. At first glance, it seems that you broke into the eighth floor and failed to enter the ninth floor.

But carefully speaking, it also has another meaning. For example, the failure to the seventh layer is less than the ninth layer, and the failure of the sixth layer is also less than the ninth layer.

"I can't think of this little master, I still love my face." Yu Wuzhen thought secretly, and then patted Chen Zong's shoulder comfortably. , Has not yet transformed the amazing potential into strength, and wait for decades to cultivate, when the potential development is transformed into strength, it will definitely be much stronger than now. "

Chen Zong was a little hesitant, and immediately understood the meaning of the three sisters, but Chen Zong did not give any explanation, but nodded.

Anyway, I really can't break through the ninth floor and have no nine-star combat power, let alone extreme powers.

Chen Zong estimates that even if his practice breaks through the four-turn imperial realm, he cannot have the extreme combat power, and he must have a higher and stronger practice.

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