Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 83: Tier 9

In the following days, Chen Zong was in a simple way. He spent most of his time in retreat in his palace. From time to time, he went to the mind image building to observe sword powers and other martial arts powers, such as some refined powers and martial arts. .

Occasionally, Chen Zong would take some time to battle the Star Tower.

There are no special restrictions on breaking through the Star Tower. If you insist on it, then at least true disciples are qualified, because only true disciples can be rated as star-powered.

The purpose of breaking into the Star Tower is to support the war by fighting. In the first few layers, Chen Zong only confronted the enemy with the strength of refining, until he could not keep up with the strength.



three times!

Unconsciously, time flies, and more than two years have passed.

For more than two years, it is actually short-lived and insignificant for Tongjingjing, but for those top geniuses, it can be improved.

On the seventh floor of the Battle Star Tower, Chen Zongzheng fought fiercely with the seven-star-powered monster warriors.

Each time you enter the Star Tower, your opponent is not fixed, but changes randomly.

Now the seventh-level opponent is the ape-man demon, and Chen Zong only uses the strength of refining to confront the enemy.

Tiandou Haoxingquan continuously blasted out, as bright as the meteor fire and rain, dazzling and dazzling, covering the ape-human demon brutally, the ape-human demon's combat power is amazing, the skills are deep, and the boxing is constantly breaking the meteor punch .


Chen Zong kicked out suddenly, like a giant elephant kicking, seemingly slow, but it contained terrifying power, the timing was just right, just like the ape-human demon sent himself under this leg of Chen Zong, Directly bombarded.

With a bang, like a cymbal, the ape-man's savage body stunned and flew out, the blood trembled endlessly, and the light red lines on his body flickered endlessly.

This leg is naturally a great martial arts-level martial arts martial art. It is called giant elephant collapse sky. It is a magical power found by Chen Zong from the heart of the elephant house. For future generations to observe and practice.

Cultivating multiple martial arts mastery of martial arts, coupled with uninterrupted fighting, Chen Zong has also continuously tapped the potential of refining, turning it into strength, becoming stronger and stronger.

Before, you could only compete with six stars, but now you can compete with seven stars, which shows Chen Zong's progress in the past two years.

But in the end, Chen Zong still didn't defeat the seven-star-powered ape-man monster. This battle, evenly matched, also proved that Chen Zong's strength in training together did indeed reach the seven-star level.

In more than two years, Chen Zong's accumulation of martial arts has become more and more magnificent, and his vision has been further broadened.

I know a little bit more about the monsters.

The monsters themselves have a strong physique, but the main source of strength is the light red lines on their bodies, which are called totems among the monsters.

Every savage tribe is born and grows, and they continue to fight until they reach a certain level, they will draw the totem of the main body on the body, and get the blessing of the power of the totem. Combat power.

Some talented monsters can even reach the two-star or three-star or even higher combat power level after inspiring the power of totems.

It can be said that the totem is the source of demon power.

The savage warrior is the level corresponding to the imperial realm.

As for the savage warriors corresponding to Yuan Ming Realm, their totems have undergone a metamorphosis to master more mysterious and powerful abilities, which are not comparable to savage warriors.

In addition, the known barbarian tribe is divided into ten parts. If this ape-man barbarian belongs to the ape-barb group, also known as the ape-barb family, the bear-man barbarian is a bear-barb family from the bear barb.

The demons of different tribes have different characteristics, and their totem powers are also different.

At this point, Chen Zong fought many times with the barbarian warriors of different tribes, and he knew exactly what methods they had.

Among the ten savages, the strongest is the savage dragon, which is said to be the royal family of the savages.

Then came the savage, savage, and elephant savages, which were called elite savage savages.

Of course, the savage tribes are really elite tribes. As for the savage tribes and elephant savage tribes, it means a bit of numbers, but it is indeed better than the other six tribes.

Draw a sword!

Jianguang flashed, Wanjian returned to the ancestors, and one sword was killed, and the ape barbarian warrior was immediately killed.

Eighth floor!

Every time before, Chen Zong stopped on the eighth floor and ended up with the monster warrior on the eighth floor.

"This time, I want to step into the ninth floor." Chen Zong secretly thought of the second sword of Wan Zong Gui Zong Jian Jue, a little more confident.

The opponent on the eighth floor is a barbarian warrior, with a huge body, extremely strong, unmatched in strength, and terrifying.

A punch was blown out, as if the giant elephant was blowing his nose, and rolled up in an extremely violent momentum.

Ten thousand swords return!

After the sword was killed, Chen Zong's figure flew back, his eyes flashed.

Kendo area!

In an instant, the 300-meter kendo area was volleyed in the sky and suppressed, so that the body of the elephant-like tyrannical force was a slight meal.


When he died, the fire of the Sixth Heart overlapped on the body, and the burning continued.

For more than two years, Chen Zong did not cast the seventh heart, which was too difficult. He didn't even reach the entrance. Of course, this was also limited by Chen Zong's own cultivation.

The power of the sword in the beginning!

All powers erupted in an instant, without reservation, just to show the sword of the Xeon.

The sword rises and the sword light is exhausted, and merges into the field of kendo. When the time elapses, it is like a picture of a river and a mountain spread out, and the elephant barbarians are directly involved.

Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Jue Second Form: Picturesque Mountains and Rivers!

A poetic name, a beautiful-looking picture scroll, as if there are mountains standing, surrounded by rivers, and mountains and rivers. If you build a hut, lean on a stone, and swim alone, how pleasant it is.

But that's not the case.

That mountain is the sword mountain, a mountain formed by the condensed sword energy, and the water is the water of the sword energy, transformed by the sword energy.

The majestic mountains stand still, standing on the ground, pointing directly at the sky, not moving in all directions, suppressing everything, and directing the elephant barbara to be suppressed, it is difficult to move instantly.

This sword mountain blends the power of repression in the field of kendo.

The river flows, and the sword gas surrounds the cutting, like a drop of water pierced by a sword. One sword gas ca n’t work, then there are ten, one hundred, and one thousand rivers. The river water condensed by the sword gas is more than one hundred and thousand. Cut around and immediately cut the body of the barbarian.

The body of the elephant barbarians is huge and strong, the skin is extremely tough, and the defense is amazing, but it is still unable to resist, torn by the sword gas river, and worn away by flesh and blood.

break out!

The elephant barbarian broke out with an astonishing totem power and fought desperately.

Suddenly, under the blow of the elephant barbarian who broke out the power of totem, the picturesque sword of the mountains and rivers was also stretched out, but the elephant barbarian who burst out of this force also died.

"The picturesque sword of mountains and rivers is not enough." Chen Zong frowned slightly. Imagine that the sword was exhibited, and even if the totem power broke out, it was impossible to break it.

But now it has been broken, only to show that this sword is not enough.

Of course, this sword is only shortly after its inception, and needs further improvement. Fighting is a good means of improvement.

"The ninth floor, I'm here." Chen Zong's heart was fiery.

I have challenged a dozen times since I ran into the Star Tower for more than two years, but each time I stopped at the eighth floor. This time, I finally have to step into the ninth floor.

The opponent on the ninth floor is the savage clan that Chen Zong has never seen.


This is the elite race within the demon tribe.

The body of the barbarians is not so tall, almost two meters, but the structure of the body looks more reasonable than that of the ape barbarians. Each muscle is streamlined, combines strength and speed, and has amazing explosive power.

At the first glance of this savage, Chen Zong knew that he was not his opponent.

This feeling has never been wrong.

However, the death in the Battle Star Tower is not a real death. You don't need to worry about it at all, you can let go of the battle.

Ten thousand swords return!

A sword is killed, and it cooperates with the 300-meter kendo area.

But the savage savage smiled coldly, his eyes filled with cold and ruthless brilliance, his arms covered with fine scales were drawn out in the air, and the sword light was instantly broken. Then, the second hit was also killed instantly.

Fast, powerful, and explosive. The blow was violent.

Picturesque rivers and mountains!

Chen Zong erupted all his powers directly, casting his strongest sword.

This sword is self-made, although it is not perfect, but it is more suitable to display it under its own sword, and it is not inferior to Kendo magical powers such as Dalian Xingkong Secret Sword.

Because this sword is best suited to the special swordless heart sword.

A beautiful scroll rolled out instantly. The mountains and rivers were as beautiful as scrolls, but not drawn by pen and ink, but constructed by the sword energy and the sword light of the heartless sword.

Compared with the previous, the combination of this sword is a little closer.

At the end of the day, the savages were immediately suppressed, and the sword was encircled and cut, and they wanted to smash it.

However, the strength of the savages is extremely powerful. There is no power to burn and detonate the totem. Only normal power erupts, and they block the picturesque suppression and cutting of the mountains and rivers. And entangled, volley approaching the bombardment.

Only five moves, Chen Zong was killed by the barbarians.

The nine-star combat power is much more powerful than the eight-star combat power, not to mention the savage and even more powerful.

Although this battle was defeated, Chen Zong was not half discouraged, but made himself more aware of what level his combat strength reached.

The other is where the shortcomings of the picturesque sword of the mountains and mountains are, and which aspect should be strived to improve.

Cultivation is not afraid of failure, not afraid of setbacks, afraid of losing goals, and does not know the direction of progress.

Count the time again, and you should start.

The sword of the extreme sky sword master will begin in a few months, and now it can be arrived some time in advance.

It is better to arrive early than to be late. After all, being late may mean that you have lost your chance this time, and you may not have the next chance, which is a pity.

After saying a word with Master, Chen Zong took out the Kongkong number and immediately left.

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