Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 84: Sword altar

The central void, in the void that is not too far from the black and white world, has thousands of miles of sword light shining, shining in all directions, spreading away and dispersing the darkness.

That Jianguang is pure, permeated with an extreme taste, as if it can break everything, incomparable.

Within thousands of miles of sword light, it is a mountain-like sword altar.

The sword altar is like a pyramid.

Taking the top as the starting point and gradually descending, it is divided into nine layers in total. The layer closest to the top is the first layer. There are four positions in total, and there are four futons with a little silvery glow.

Further down, there are sixteen futons in sixteen positions. This is the second floor.

There are more positions on the third floor. There are sixty-four positions, so you can move forward. The position on the fourth floor is 256, and the position on the fifth floor is 1,020. Four, the sixth floor is 4,096, the seventh floor is 16,384, and the eighth floor is 65,536 As for the ninth floor, there are 262,144.

The total number is 349,492.

At first glance, there seemed to be 300,000 people, 300,000 people, but there were more than one million people who came from all directions to listen to the sword repair of the extremely empty swordsman.

Over the ages, at least tens of millions of sword repairs have arrived here. If it is not too far away, there will only be more sword repairs, more than 100 million.

The sword altar constantly emits the sword light, the sword light is millions of feet, the vastness is boundless, sheer astonishment.

Outside of Jianguang, many sword repairs are gathering.


"I must listen to the sword of the extreme sky sword."

One by one the sword repairers broke into the envelope of the sword light.

The sword altar is located in the center of Qianli Jianguang, and there is a short distance from the edge of Jianguang to the sword altar.

Of course, the journey to the hundreds of miles is actually not much for Tongjing Realm, and it can be crossed soon.

However, there is something mysterious about Jianguang.

The sword repairers who broke into the sword light began to drop in speed, which was one tenth of the original, and continued to decline.

It seems that the sword light is sticky like water, which will hinder people's movement.

It is true, but not only that, only those who enter can clearly feel it.

This Jianguang is a test.

If you can't go forward to Jianguang and arrive at the sword altar, you will not be qualified to listen to the sword of the extreme empty sword.

The first is that it is not easy to pass on, so the test is set up to let people know that opportunities are hard to come by.

The second is the extreme sky sword master, but the respect of the lord of kendo. Opening the altar to discuss the sword, certainly will not talk about some low-end things, but has a certain level.

If you ca n’t reach the sword altar facing the envelope of Jianguang, it means that without that ability and potential, even if you give the position, you probably do n’t understand it, and it ’s a waste.

That Jianguang is actually a selection mechanism.

Chen Zong must also break through the sword light, this is the rule of the extreme sky sword master.

Regardless of whether the quota is set in advance or whatever, you must first pass through Jianguang. In case even Jianguang cannot pass through, it is not a waste of a great opportunity and quota.

At the very least, it has to prove that there is a matching ability.

The army of sword repairs came from all directions, densely packed, with an amazing posture of flying locusts.

"It's really an army of horses." Some Jian Xiu smiled, who seemed to be extraordinary, pointing at the country.

"Nevertheless, there are only a few people who can truly break through Jianguang and enter the altar of swords."

Chen Zong also saw this scene, and there was an indescribable shock in his heart.

If you think about it, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people are charging at the same time, with a gesture of indifference and indifference, and rushing forward, the momentum is very amazing and exciting.

Taking a deep breath to calm down his mind, Chen Zong also moved into the sword light.

As soon as he entered Jianguang, Chen Zong knew immediately why the speed of those sword repairers had dropped sharply.

Because the sword light is as thick as mercury, full of amazing resistance, and also carries a trace of sword pressure, the ubiquitous sword pressure, all-round suppression on the body.

This kind of suppression is from any direction without any omission.

Chen Zong couldn't help but feel a little bit enlightened, but not enough.

Keep going.

The speed of each sword repair is affected, because the resistance is heavy and ubiquitous. In addition, the sword pressure must be resisted to continue to advance.

In this way, we can see the difference.

Although the speed of the powerful sword repair is also affected, it can still be faster than other sword repairs.

Chen Zong found that the deeper the depth, although the resistance has not changed, the ubiquitous sword pressure has continued to increase.

With full speed, Chen Zong is like a sword-like breakthrough, and soon surpassed many of the first sword repairs to enter. He took the lead and ranked first, and kept distance from the sword repair behind him.

Such prominence directly attracted the attention of many sword repairs, especially some sword repairs who stayed in the appearance of Jianguang.

"Who is that?"

"It's so fast. That's great."

"A bit of strength."

It didn't take long for Chen Zong to stop, motionless.

"What is he doing?"

A dry sword repair is amazing.

Is it impossible to move forward?

Just before, but explosive, exhausted power?

The probability is low, but it is also possible.

Time passed slowly, and other Jianxiu slowly caught up, crossed Chen Zong, and continued to move forward, but Chen Zong was still motionless.

Chen Zong is feeling the sword pressure here carefully.

The sword pressure here is already strong to a certain extent. Chen Zong felt that the sword pressure brought some inspiration to himself.

The inspiration for the application of sword pressure further extended to the field of kendo.

At present, Chen Zong's application of power in the field of Kendo is repression. In a moment, a powerful repression force can burst out to suppress the target, making the target act slowly or even difficult to move in an instant.

Undoubtedly, this sword pressure is related to the extreme sky sword master. In the application of the sword pressure, Chen Zong is not as good as the extreme sky sword master, just like the difference between a rookie and an elite.

However, Chen Zong is gifted and has the memory of the sword master of Dongting. Under such a collision, he has continued to deepen his understanding and mastery of the sword pressure.

After another period of time, Chen Zong moved again and continued to move forward, the speed was still amazing, and he crossed the group of sword repairs, left it behind, and stopped.

In this way, several times, Chen Zong finally came to the side of the sword altar. At this moment, there is already a sword repair boarding the sword altar and walking to those positions.

However, more sword repairs stopped within Jianguang, unable to withstand the increasing pressure of the sword, unable to continue to move forward, but retreated with regret.

Chen Zong is located on the edge of the sword altar. The sword pressure here is the strongest among the sword lights, and the sparks of inspiration constantly flash out.

After waves of sword repairs broke through the sword light, they boarded the sword altar and began to **** positions.

The ninth layer has the most positions, with more than 200,000, but the ninth layer is also the worst. Everyone wants to compete for a higher level position.

It is best to be able to get to the first floor.

But the first floor has only four places and only four places.

Moreover, it is not so contentious.

The sword pressure on the sword altar is much stronger than Jianguang.

At the ninth level, the sword pressure was further enhanced.

Some swordsmen who boarded the sword altar stopped at the sword altar and could not move on.

Some sword repairs that crossed the ninth layer and rushed to the eighth layer also stopped, because the sword pressure was too strong to continue, they could only return to the ninth layer and grab a spot.

Fortunately, there are more than two hundred thousand positions on the ninth floor, and there is still a lot of time left, and a few sword repairers have enough power. They rushed to the eighth floor and tried their best, and directly sought a place to sit.

Chen Zong is not in a hurry, because his position has been booked, which is one of the four on the first floor.

Because of this, there is no need to fight, but you can slowly appreciate the sword pressure.

With certain quotas, as long as he stepped over the sword light area and stepped on the sword altar, Chen Zong can take out the sky sword to reach the first floor directly.

The Aurora Sword Master has not yet appeared, because it is not time yet, but the battle has begun.

Time continued to lapse, and Chen Zong also boarded the sword altar. At this point, he was qualified. He could take out the Extreme Sword Order and reach the first floor directly. However, instead of doing so, Chen Zong continued to move forward and felt the pressure of the sword. In order to inspire their own inspiration, improve their understanding and application of sword pressure, and then affect the field of kendo.

As more sword repairs poured in, Chen Zong was gradually ignored.


Began to become fierce.

Here, fighting is not forbidden, because everyone's power is limited under the pressure of the sword, and even if he does something special, he can't cause much damage at all.

Because the power is confined in the body, it is confined, and it cannot be destroyed to other people.

Everywhere, people can see people drawing swords in order to compete for position.

"Fool!" Someone crossed Chen Zongshi ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and saw that he was still standing there, without any intention to compete for the position, he couldn't help sneering.

Everyone knows that the location is precious, and instead of fighting, they stand still and don't know what they are doing, not what a fool is.

Once the position is stolen, wouldn't it be a visit in vain, a waste of opportunities not encountered in a thousand years.

But in this regard, Chen Zong ignored it. Anyway, he had already obtained a position, or the best position, why bother to compete for those.

When you have to go up step by step and experience the change of sword pressure, it is best to sharpen yourself.

It ’s not that no one thinks this way. The main reason is that you do n’t dare to do it because you want to go back to the past, because the competition is too fierce. Great loss.

After all, feeling the pressure of the sword is a small matter compared to listening to the main sword of the extremely empty sword.

Inevitably, some people think that Chen Zong's approach is stupid. Even if he feels the sword pressure here, how much comprehension can it be compared with listening to the sword of the extremely empty sword?

Definitely not.

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