Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 86: Grind 1 sword in 10 years (below)

Talking sword!

Say sword!

On the sword!

What is a sword?

What is the sword?

How about sword practice?

The words that the Lord of the Extreme Swords profuse in simple language contain the mystery of kendo, a unique charm. With his language, every word and sentence enters everyone's ears and goes deep into his mind.

At that time, Chen Zong was recalled.

That year, he clasped his five fingers and held the sword.

At that time, why did you practice sword?

Is it because of the influence of the sword of the heart?

Or do you like the will of the sword?

I like it because of the influence of external forces, and I like it from the bottom of my heart.

So why was that moment when your five fingers fell on the hilt of the sword?

Because I like it!

Because I like swords!

Because I like the feeling of holding a sword in my hand!

That is a dependency, a dependency, and a confidence.

With the sword in hand, nothing is to be feared.

An indescribable touch emerged from the deepest part of my heart.

Holding swords, practicing swords, wielding swords, and fighting swords all over the world.

That's a portrayal of one's own heart, with a sword in hand, wanton freedom, galloping the world, and sharpening the stars.

Isn't this just his own experience?

Memories and emotions, from the deepest part of the heart, the Kendo of the heart is vibrating and resonating, as if it is the source of the avenue in the void. It broke through and reached the level of four turns.

More powerful power, flowing slowly in the body, that is the power of the early Jianyuan, the more pure and more magnificent, the power is more amazing.

However, Chen Zong did not know that he had broken through, and all his mind was immersed in the aftertaste of the sword, and the aftertaste was endless.

Like Chen Zong, many sword repairers are also immersed in the sword of the extreme sky sword, and are caught in various situations.

Maybe learn about the past or look into the future.

Every trace is different, but all mysterious, surrounded by everyone.

Although the seventh and eighth layers and the ninth layer are the worst in listening to the sword, they are all sub-gods, and their accumulation in the kendo is not so brilliant, so the benefits of the sword .

After this sword discussion, perhaps soon, a number of new psychic realms will be born, further enriching the comprehensive strength in the void.

What is the sword that the owner of the extreme sky talked about at the beginning, and then continued to go deeper and talked about swordsmanship.

What is swordplay?

A skill and method of using a sword.

Use the sword as a method to exert your own power to fight and kill the enemy.

Continuously deepen with swordsmanship until it is for Kendo.

With the power of the sword to make the road, the mystery of the road is interpreted, and the power of the road is used for kendo.

Of course, this is the understanding of the owner of the extreme sky sword.

The so-called open altar on swords naturally refers to his own experience, experience, and understanding of one of the swords. If you do n’t know something, then you will become empty and empty, without any evidence or evidence. You ca n’t convince yourself, let alone convince others.

This is about swords, and it is about the path of the owner of the extreme sky sword. Although he will not forcibly influence others with his own kendo, he will leave more or less traces, making everyone in the future kendo From the perspective of enlightenment, some are inclined to the kendo of the extreme sky sword master.

In a way, the owner of the Extreme Sword is like a disciple who is widely received.

Whenever some of these sword repairs become outstanding in the future, it is impossible to break the connection with him. Even if they are out of fan cage, they have a certain relationship with the owner of the extreme sky sword.

This is not to say that the owner of the Extreme Sword is not good at opening the altar, but on the contrary, this approach is good and will give more swords a guide.

As for the so-called path to the owner of the extreme sword, I don't know how many sword repairs want, because their own talents are limited, it is difficult to be truly self-contained.

The upper limit of every self-cultivator is at least Taoist level.

Because of Taoism, he is qualified to stand on his own.

However, from ancient times to the present, there are vast voids, and numerous cultivators have been born. They can cultivate to the realm of the Dao, which is nothing. It is nothing to cultivate to the Yuan Ming Realm and even the Divine Realm. Dao-class powerhouses are really powerful, but few are very few.

As for the fifth-largest dominating powerhouse, let alone, there are few. From ancient times to the present, it is less than one percent of the respectable rank.

The practice of many people is actually not so thorough and a little dazed. If there is clear guidance, for them, there is only good and no harm.

Because some practitioners are not even sure whether to break through to the gods.

On the sword, first talk about what the sword is?

What is a sword?

Why do you hold the sword?

The first touch.

Why practice sword?

With this extension, let's talk about swordsmanship.

A sword master's views on swordsmanship have naturally reached an amazing height. Explaining the mystery of swordsmanship with amazing heights, of course, will be more thorough and vivid.

Any sword repair starts from holding the sword to practicing the sword. The sword technique is the sword technique used in the first contact.

In the past, all kinds of so-called kendo are just false names. Only when you are at the level of the gods and truly master the mystery and strength of the avenue can you be called the threshold of entering kendo.

In the memory of the sword master of Dongting, the mystery of the sword technique was continuously stimulated with the sword of the extreme sky sword, accumulated with Chen Zong's sword technique, and the three parties collided, sparking more sparks of inspiration, further Enrichment of Chen Zong's swordsmanship.

With this, it extends to Kendo.

"There are so many kendos in the world, there are countless ancient times, and in the future, I do n’t know how many kendos will be born." Said the emptiness sword master, Xu Xuji, with an unspeakable confidence and sharpness in his look: "But no matter how many kendos, But they are inseparable. "

"I think Kendo has reached its extreme, and it can be divided into two types.

"I hold a sword in my hand, I only practice swordsmanship, and only hold a sword. If you have all kinds of magical methods, you can break them with one sword. This is a sword breaking through magic."

When this sentence was spoken from the main sword of the Aurora Sword, I don't know how many people were inspired, causing a series of shocks, which made people excited.

One sword breaks everything!

What a pride.

How wanton.

In the minds of the people, they even did not even consciously emerge. In the void, a sword figure stood with the sword in hand, and was attacked by thousands of magical powers, but they were killed with only one sword in their hands, breaking everything. Resist.

Jian Feng pointed out that he was invincible, destroying the stars and breaking the moon and breaking the void.

"One sword breaks all methods!" In Chen Zong's mind, there seemed to be a flash of aura, and that aura was like a sword.

A sword comes out, a star explodes, a sword comes out, and the void is destroyed.

Then, it is a sword to break all ways.

Of course, the two paths mentioned by the owner of Aurora Sword are one of them, but it does not mean that all sword repairs can be done. Most of the sword repairs cannot be done at all. It's nothing, not even getting started.

"The second kind is a sword-born world."

"A sword comes out, it is not broken and indestructible, and it leads to the world."

That kind of picture is also very beautiful, making countless people yearn for it.

At that moment, Chen Zong shuddered, as if a current was breeding in his body, spreading his whole body, hitting the soul.

One sword breaks everything!

Yi Jian Sheng World!

These are the two major representatives of Kendo and the two main directions of Kendo.

But for most of the sword repairs, it is actually just a theory and yearning. They can't do it, they just do it for a lifetime.

If you can reach that step, you can at least achieve the Dao Zun level strongman, and even become the dominating level strongman.

Chen Zong has a solid foundation, an extremely high level of understanding, and the memory of the sword master of the East Court. He heard the sword of the sword of the extreme sky, and the sparks of inspiration kept colliding.

Break all ways!

Life World!

Vaguely, an indescribable feeling emerged in the depths of Chen Zong's soul, and it pervaded quietly.

Chen Zong thought of his Wanjian Guizong Jianjue, and also thought of the former refining heart to return to Jianjianjue.

That ten thousand swords return to the sword tactics, is there a taste of a sword-born world.

And that refining heart to return to one sword tactics, does it also have a taste of breaking a thousand swords.

An ambition is breeding, turning into flames, burning.

With the sword of the Extreme Sword Master, Chen Zong continued to enlighten.

Wan Jian's return to the sword tactics is indeed a kendo method to walk the world with one sword. To the extreme, it is the true world with one sword.

However, the second style of Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Jue's picturesque scenery is also under this mysterious experience, breaking up again and enlightening, breaking up, and constantly improving.

Even the first form with Wanjian Guizong Jianjue was also enhanced.

Every time the owner of the Extreme Sword opens the sword, it will last for several years or even longer. These times are only a short period of time in the life of the Extreme Sword owner. It can bring great benefits and changes to many younger generations.

Chen Zong is one of the beneficiaries.

Of course, different sword repairs will have different gains due to differences in talent, perception, and even the foundation.

Wan Jian returned to Zong Jianjue. Under this experience, Chen Zong was perfected and promoted to the point where he could not be promoted, and reached the extreme that he can improve at present, and even the third form has a little clue.

However, in the end, it was not created because of insufficient accumulation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

What followed was that Chen Zong's sword refining method was picked up by Chen Zong and further improved to become an independent kendo method. The first form of it is naturally refining the heart and the second form is also used by Chen Zong Created and taken is exactly the way that one sword breaks all methods.

No one knows, even the owner of the extremely empty sword, who would be so bold and have two paths at the same time.

One sword breaks everything!

Yi Jian Sheng World!

Even the ancient kendo masters of the extreme sky sword master did not do so, but focused on the path of one sword breaking all methods.

Now Chen Zong is delusional about taking two roads at the same time, and speaking out will undoubtedly be said to be bold.

However, Chen Zong was very assertive and had his own ideas, very clear.

One sword breaks everything!

Yi Jian Sheng World!

This may be conflicting and contradictory in other sword repairs, but it can coexist here.

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