Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 87: germination

This time on the sword, it lasted for ten years before ending.

When the voice of the Aurora Sword Master came to a halt, the end of the sword debate was announced.

"Everyone is a fellow Kendo. I'm just one step ahead. I hope that today's discussion of swords will help you to make Jiando in the sky more prosperous. I also hope that one day someone will sit with me and discuss swords. "Finally, the Aurora Sword Master said, after the words were over, the light was soared, and turned into a sword light straight into the sky, as if through the void, the next breath, the Aurora Sword Master disappeared.

However, the sword altar still exists, and the sword pressure still exists.

Chen Zong did not leave directly, and many Jianxiu were also sitting and still thinking about it.

The environment here is very suitable, and just after listening to the sword, Yu Yun is still there.

While Yu Yun is still there, naturally you must seize it, continue to enlighten, and consolidate the harvest of the sword this time, the effect is the best. If you leave this way, the result is likely to lose some inspiration.

In a blink of an eye, it was another few months. Finally, the sword pressure weakened and gradually disappeared. The sword repairers also sobered up one after another and left the altar of swords.

"It's a pity, it's almost a matter of time, my Kendo can be promoted to the next level." Someone regretted it, but the words that seemed to regret actually contained a lot of excitement.

Once on the sword, I have benefited a lot and saved my own enlightenment only for decades or even a hundred years.

Of course, because different swords have different talents and different foundations, the same century of harvest, the level is different, there are high and low.

As far as concluding with Xiu as the realm, the harvest of Shentong Jingxian Swords listening to Oni Sword is better than most Yuan Ming Realms, and far more than most Royal Realms.

"Chen Zongyou, don't know how you harvested it?" The sword repair Qianli Jianjun Langjian Qianli of Shentong Realm seemed to pay close attention to Chen Zong. When the enlightenment was over, he looked at Chen Zong and asked.

"A lot of gains," Chen Zong said sincerely.

That's true.

The sword of the owner of the extreme sword made Chen Zong recall his past experience. Why he practiced the sword has an unspeakable feeling in his heart. For the sword.

Good at swords and sincere at swords.

It can be said that Chen Zong's gain is the biggest of all.

Because Chen Zong has an extremely solid foundation of kendo, has a superb understanding, and has the memory of the sword master of Dongting, so all conditions really outperform many people.

It is really difficult to find someone who compares with him in these basic aspects. It may be, but it is not here, it may be a predecessor, it may not have been born, or it may exist far away.

Here, even if it is the sword repair of the magical realm, which has the reputation of thousands of miles and the prestige of the sword, the harvest is not as good as Chen Zong.

The sword of the extreme sky sword master wanted to be a key and opened a treasure, so that the understanding of sword and kendo in the sword master of Dongting emerged continuously.

Although the master of the Dongting Sword is not as senior as the Sword Master of the Extreme Sky, he has completely gone out of his own path in the sword one way, and is also the sword master who dominates the realm.

Different ideas collided and shattered in Chen Zong's mind, leaving behind the essence, integrated into Chen Zong's Kendo idea, becoming his nutrients, and slowly absorbed, making his own Kendo idea like a seed breaking through the ground and the roots sprouting, slowly Grow up.

Now, although the seeds of his own Kendo concept have just sprouted, they have shown amazing toughness and stamina.

Chen Zong firmly believes that one day, he will surely be able to surpass the East Sword Master and even the Extreme Sky Sword Master.

Because you are unique, this is self-confidence, which comes from the deepest self-confidence.

Of course, Chen Zong is confident, but he will not be arrogant, and will not deny others when he thinks he is unique.

Therefore, for Zong Qianli's obvious intention to associate, Chen Zong naturally will not refuse indifferently.

"Let's talk about it?" Lang Qianli laughed and issued an invitation, which could not help but surprise other Jianxiu.

A supernatural sword sword repair, and also a well-known supernatural sword sword repair, unexpectedly issued an invitation to a sword on Yudaojing sword repair who did not know where he came from.

It's incredible.

You should know that the gap between the royal realm and the magical realm is too big, it is simply two levels.

The frown of the youth in Chinese clothes frowned and looked very dissatisfied.

As for the sword repair of the Yuan Ming Realm, he looked at Chen Zong, and then looked at the waves and thousands of miles. There was no indication that he left directly.

"Huh." The youth of Huafu snorted coldly. After glancing over Chen Zong, he also left.

"I'm older than you, I'll call you Brother Chen." Lang Qianli laughed. "You can call me by name."

"Brother Qianli." Chen Zong laughed, of course he wouldn't be arrogant enough to call the other person's name directly, which seemed not respectful.

On the sword, naturally it is in the void flying a thousand miles away.

This sword is a month.

Lang Qianli said his views on swords and kendo and explained the mystery, as did Chen Zong.

Lang Qianli felt that Chen Zong was very fateful, and he also invited him out of curiosity, but he never expected that Chen Zong's opinion on one of the swords would be so amazing that he brought himself a lot of insight.

It was a collision of inspiration and a collision of ideas, sparking an invisible spark.

Lang Qianli had a lot of gains, of course, Chen Zong also had a lot of gains.

The sword repair of the magical realm can still be on the first floor of the sword altar, and the accumulation of the sword in one way is very outstanding.

On the sword, Chen Zong also knows the path taken by Long Qianli's kendo.

In general, the same as the owner of the Extreme Sword, all of them are broken by one sword.

Of course, compared with the owner of the Extreme Sword, Lang Qianli's sword breaking through ten thousand ways still looks very tender, but he walked in front of Chen Zong.

After a month, in addition to the sword, the two also drank and chatted. Therefore, the casual practitioner Lang Qianli knew Chen Zong's identity.

The true disciple of Xinyi Tiangong is still the true biography of Yixingong.

As a supernatural sword sword repairer in the black and white world, Lang Qianli still knows something about the Mind Heaven Palace. At least he knows that the true story of the Five Palaces is different from the ordinary true story.

"I almost entered the Heavenly Palace of Heaven that year." Lang Qianli smiled. As a practitioner in the central void, almost all yearned for Heavenly Palace of Heaven.

However, it is too difficult to become the true biography of the Mind Heaven Palace.

Lang Qianli also made a few mental states, but all failed, and eventually he gave up.

This is not to say that only by becoming a disciple of the Xintiangong Palace can one practice to a very high level and become very powerful. Outside the Xintiangong Palace, there are many practitioners who are stronger than those of the Xintiangong Palace.

For example, Qian Qianli, the level of magical powers, amazing combat power, the power of magical powers in the heavenly palace can surpass him, very few.

After some remarks on the sword, Chen Zong also said goodbye to the waves, took the Void Vessels in the sky, and returned to the Mind Heaven Palace.

"Brother Chen is not ordinary. Maybe it won't be long before he can become famous in the sky." Lang Qianli stared at the distant Wukong, sighing slightly, but not jealous.

This is a talented junior with outstanding talents, who is blooming his own light, and Lang Qianli has never seen such a shining junior.

In the empty space, Chen Zong is practicing.

Aurora sword master opened the altar for ten years, Chen Zong's gains were great.

Not only is the accumulation on Kendo even further, but also the realization of the mystery of one sword breaking through the ten thousand dharma and the world of one sword-born world, initially embarked on these two paths, in addition, is the promotion of cultivation.

The practice of qi training has reached four rounds of the imperial path, reaching the peak, and only one step away from the five rounds.

As for the cultivation of the body, the previous continuous combat cultivation has reached the peak of the three revolutions. Nowadays, the insights in the past ten years, especially the breaking and reorganization of Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Jue, have broken and stood, and entered the world of a sword. The road has also affected the world avenue, making the practice of cultivation a breakthrough, reaching four turns.

Although ten years later, on the level, the practice of refining the body is still a bit slower than the practice of training Qi, but it will not be too far away. Now, it is the end of the four transformations of the Divine Realm, and the four transitions of practicing Qi. The peak of the state of affairs differs by a small level.

"With my current strength, it should be able to have nine-star combat power." Chen Zong secretly said on the Wukong.

Although not very sure, the inner feeling is inseparable.

But how strong the extreme combat power is, Chen Zong does not know.

That is the level of combat power beyond limits.

Luo Beichuan, the great brother, was able to reach the ten-star level when he was in the Seven-Road Royal Realm.

Now, the big brother is the strongest in the mind power of the magical powers in the heavenly palace. It is placed in the entire void and belongs to the highest level.

What about yourself?

What level of cultivation should it be, it will have extreme combat power.

Contrast is everyone's instinct and instinct, especially when compared with those who are excellent. Those who are indifferent will also have such thoughts in the subconscious.

The difference lies only in strength.

Chen Zong is a man, and naturally he is not exempt.

However, there is no answer yet.

However, everything will be known after returning to the Mind Heaven Palace and after you have cultivated yourself.

So now, let ’s break through and repair.

Ten years on the sword ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ great gains, repaired to reach the peak of the four-turn imperial realm in one fell swoop, only five miles away, but as if it can be broken at any time.

Chen Zong wanted to see if he could successfully improve to five turns when he returned to the Mind Temple.

It's just a pity that when Chen Zong returned to the Mind Heaven Palace, Xiu Wei still couldn't break through, or the level of the four-turn peak. There was a feeling that he could break through at any time but lacked anything.

In this case, Chen Zong did not force it. Under normal circumstances, the breakthrough is the best, because it represents a solid foundation.

Forcing a breakthrough is just a last resort. It will affect the foundation and take more time and energy to make up for it.

So now, go to the Star Wars Tower again.

That is the best way to test your own strength.

Stepping into the Star Wars Tower, on the first floor, Chen Zong used the power of refining. However, this time, Chen Zong did not use any martial arts such as Sky Fighting Star Fist, but pulled a sword.

The extremely heartless sword is in hand, and a sword is swung out, which directly kills the one-star warrior warrior and enters the second floor.

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