Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 88: Layer 10

The seventh floor of the Battle Star Tower is the seven-star combat power of the Turtle Barbarian.

Previously, Chen Zong could not beat the strength of refining, but this time, Chen Zong had confidence.

Because the power of the world's deities has been further developed.

Kendo two roads.

One sword breaks everything!

Yi Jian Sheng World!

The extreme sword master opened the altar to discuss the sword, which brought a lot of inspiration to Chen Zong, which made Chen Zong very bold to change Wan Jian Gui Zong Jue, remove it from the way of practicing Qi, and integrate it into the way of training.

Since it is a sword-born world, isn't World Avenue the most suitable?

Undoubtedly, this is an adventure. If it fails, it means that Chen Zong's foundation will be damaged by the impact.

However, Chao Wen Dao Xi could die.

Chen Zong is a seeker, and he should have the fearless spirit of seekers.

Fortunately, there is no failure, so now is the time to test.

The first form of Wan Jian Gui Zong: Wan Jian Gui Zong!

In a hurry, Chen Zongyi sword was killed. Under the influence of the power of the world **** body, his power merged with the extremely heartless sword, resulting in a unique change.

The sharpness of the sword, the majesty and mightiness of the power of the world, suppress everything.

This sword, which bears terrible power, seems unreasonable, and it seems that there are not many changes in skills at all. It is such a sword, kill it directly, suppress and suppress repression.

The defense force of the Turtle Barbarians is extremely amazing. The defense power of the seven-star combat level is enough to barely resist the attack of the eight-star combat power. To break it, there must be a real attack of the eight-star combat power. One hit.

One sword comes out, ten thousand sword lights are blooming, each one of the sword lights condenses terrible power. Instantly, ten thousand sword lights converge into one, very magnificent and very vast, even if Chen Zong did his best to condense and compress, The thickness of the thighs was like bombardment.

The Turtle Barbarian was hit, and was instantly blown away. Although there was no death, there were cracks on his body, blood dripping, and the turtle totem flickered as if to be defeated.

With a strange noise, the Turtle Barbarian contracted their limbs instantly, tightened into a ball, and the red light bloomed, turning like a blade of a blade, and hitting it directly.

Without failing to avoid, Chen Zong once again issued a sword, still Wan Jian returned to Zong, but it was a force to motivate himself.

The violently rotating red light was in a sudden meal, and the next breath was hit by the majestic sword light, overbearing, and instantly broken away.

The power of this sword completely exceeds the level of eight stars.


Chen Zong stepped into the eighth floor.

The opponent on the eighth floor is the Ape Savage with eight-star combat power.

Ten thousand swords return!

This is a sword, with all his strength, in cooperation with the kendo realm, fighting fiercely with that ape barbarian and suppressing it.

Wan Jian is a sword, but it contains many kinds of changes, which are very profound and change at will.

Jusan clutches are all under the control of Chen Zong.

Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Jue Second Form: Picturesque Mountains and Rivers!

With a sword coming out, the sword's breath is violent, and it turns into a sword mountain surrounded by the river, which is lifelike, like the superb artwork of the Taoist saint, and it is like the mountains and rivers that really exist.

It looks more real than before, and the structure, texture, and details are extremely clear.

This is a picturesque sword inspired by the power of the World Avenue, and there are many differences in the picturesque scenery expressed by the power of concentric swordsmanship.

More solid and more powerful.

Chen Zong was also surprised at the degree of fit between this world avenue and Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Jue, as if the two should have been so tacit and intimate.

When Chen Zong felt that taking the sword of Wanjian Guizong as the path to the world of swordsmanship, he was invisible, in line with the mystery of the World Avenue, the World Avenue, and the evolution of the world.

Under the picturesque sword of the mountains and rivers, the eight-star-powered ape barbarians were directly suppressed, they could not move at all, they could only be killed by the town.


After a short break to restore his strength, Chen Zong entered the ninth floor.

Last time, I lost on the ninth floor, so this time?

Can you beat your opponent on the ninth floor?

Chen Zong didn't know it, but he was so zealous.

The opponent on the ninth level is still a brutal.

Looks like it was the last brutal.

When he saw Chen Zong, the savage yelled loudly, his eyes shot out with an astonishing fierceness, his body flickered, and his amazing strength and speed erupted. His long arms stretched out and swept across suddenly, as if he could stop the river It's amazing.

Last time, Chen Zong burst into full force and was only able to block four moves. The fifth move was bombarded.

This time, Xiu was to improve a small realm, and his overall strength was stronger. Moreover, Wan Jian Guizong Jianjue broke through the reorganization, broke behind, and urged with the World Avenue, more perfect, and more powerful.

Sword out!

Ten thousand swords return!

The majestic swords are magnificent, as if they are one sword and ten thousand swords are unified. Between the gathering, there is always a force that connects them and cooperates with each other, as if they are scattered, as if they are charged.


Jian Guang shattered and the barbarian's hit was blocked.


Chen Zong secretly rejoiced that his strength was enough to fight against the nine-star-powered monster warrior.

Although it seems a bit behind the wind, it is a lot stronger than before.

The Wan Jian Gui Zong Jue, which was later established, is more in line with the avenue of the world, and the power consumed each time is less, but the power is more powerful.

Picturesque mountains and rivers!

The Jianshan fell, and the body of the barbarians was directly suppressed. The sword was surrounded by a long stream of swords, which continued to cut and break the barbarians' defenses, as if they were thousands of swords.

The severe pain caused the brutal and fierce hair to burst out. The power of the totem erupted in an instant, the power soared, and the power was even more overwhelming. It suddenly blocked the sword gas and cut the sword, breaking the sword mountain.

However, the barbarians did not die.

Compared to other savage tribes, as a savage savage, the savages can explode totem power twice at the warrior level. The first outbreak will not die, and the second outbreak will die.

In addition, the ordinary monster warrior explodes totem power, the power gain is two, then the ape barbarians and elephant barbarians explode the totem power by three, and the barbarians explode the totem power by four. .

In other words, if the ordinary demon warrior's full-strike destructive power is one, after the totem power erupts, it will be three. Then the destructive power of the savages like the Savage and the Ape Savage is four, and the destructive power of the brutal people is Fives.

As for the dragon barbarians of the monster barbarians, after the totem power erupts, its destructive power will reach six levels, and it can be exploded more than once.

Compared with the totem talent of the demon barbarians, the secret methods of the human race practitioners are very weak, after all, after the show, it is an increase of several percent, which can only double the death.

Even if it is the heart of the Heavenly Palace of Mind, even if it builds 33 Dacheng Heart Palaces, the increase is only 33%. The increase of more than three times is not as good as that of the barbarians.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages. The increase in the mystery of the human race, even if it has sequelae, will not endanger the life. Unless it is a continuous outbreak of death, the demon barbarian is different. The use of totem power can be, the outbreak of totem power is fatal.

Even the savages of the elite tribe can only explode at most twice, so they will not perform at all until the most critical deadly moment.

As for the Royal Barbarians, although they can explode more times, they will not be used as a regular means.

Picturesque mountains and rivers!

Chen Zongshi exhibited the second sword. The level of the telepathic power was amazing, but the consumption was less than before. After the power of the four-transient divine realm was displayed twice in succession, more than half of the power remained.


This time, the barbarians were still suppressed, but the mighty power of the totem force had not completely dissipated. The barbarians had a slight meal and broke away again from the picturesque suppression.

Chen Zong's expression became solemn.

Jixin Wuxiang Sword is lifted, as straight as a pillar of incense in the sky, standing in the eyebrows in the eyes, corresponding to it.



The power of the world's deities is silent for a moment, and the power of Kendo in the heart is instantly awakened. The power of Kendo is also condensed into that sword in an instant.

Refining the Heart and Returning to One Sword: Second Form: Refining the Heart and Return to One and Sword Two!

Jian Guang shot through the air in an instant, extremely fast, without any signs.

Approaching the extreme, condensing to the extreme, a sword runs through everything and breaks everything.

The savages were breaking through the picturesque crackdowns in the mountains and rivers, and then suddenly blasted and killed, and suddenly they were penetrated by a sword.

The totem flickered endlessly.

With a bang, the barbarians desperately killed.


Burning of the Sixth Heart!

Picturesque mountains and rivers!

In the moment of danger, Chen Zong once again issued a sword, the sword flashed, and the repression fell.

Although the barbarians broke through the picturesque mountains and rivers, their speed dropped sharply.

Refining your heart and returning to one sword and two!


A sword runs through the eyebrow.

The savages were killed before Chen Zong, and they suddenly fell into the air.


Chen Zong could not help exhaling.


If it weren't for its own strength, it would be difficult to perform five consecutive magical swordsmanships.

At least once, you may lose yourself.

However, the victory proved that his current strength has indeed reached the level of nine stars.

Moreover, it was just the use of heart fire that did not erupt the power of Jian Yuan in the beginning.

Although he defeated the Barbarians, he proved that he has a nine-star combat strength, but Chen Zong was not very happy. Compared with the ten-star strength, I don't know how much there is.

Restored strength, until fully restored ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zongfang did not step into the tenth floor.

The opponent on the tenth floor is still brutal.

It seems that there is no difference between the barbarians on the ninth floor, but his breath is increasingly arrogant. At a glance, Chen Zong knows that he is not an opponent.

Then, fight.


Picturesque mountains and rivers!

The power of the sword in the beginning!

Refining your heart and returning to one sword and two!


Before and after the two swords, do their best, kill without leaving hands.

But I saw the scorn of that savage tribe flashing in the depths, and suddenly a claw blasted out, as if blasting the void, directly tearing the picturesque sword-light of mountains and rivers, and crushing the heart One sword two that extreme sword light.

Chen Zong's eyelids could not help but jump.

Is this the power of polar warfare?

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