Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 90: Heavenly White Jade City

The sky is airy, windy and sunny.

Chen Zong turned into Jianguang, and quickly left the Xinshen Mountain and entered the white world.

Xinshen Mountain is very special. It seems to be located in the White Realm, and it seems to be outside the White Realm.

After flying out of Xinshen Mountain, he quickly crossed the heart of the sea. For Chen Zong, even if the heart of the sea did not cycle to the quiet period, there was no threat at all.

Because, the heart palace guards the mind.

This is where the mind Tiangong disciples can go in and out of the sea freely.

When Chen Zongfei came out of his heart, many eyes swept away, and instantly became the focus.

These people are waiting here, waiting for Xinhai to cycle to a peaceful period, to cross Xinhai to climb the mountain, and to become practitioners of the true disciples of Xintiangong. Most of them are Tianjiao from various forces.

At a glance, Chen Zong didn't see Wang Ye, maybe now Wang Ye is not sure.

Ignoring these people, Chen Zong quickly left.

As far away from the sea of ​​heart, Chen Zongxi's leaping heart suddenly eased.

Too exciting.

Fortunately, the three sisters did not wake up, otherwise it would be miserable. They might have been beaten without being killed on the spot, so violent.

What Chen Zong didn't know, when he put jade flawless on the red jade bed and acted ... Turned around and rushed out of the palace to leave, and jade flawless sat up, opened his eyes, and looked with the demureness he had never seen , Cheeks seemed to flash a touch of red.


Black and white circles, with white on the top and black on the bottom.

The Black Realm is also called the Devil Realm. It is the birthplace of the entire Hollow Demon. The White Realm is located above the Black Realm.

Think about it, this vain human race is really a disaster.

Chen Zong's idea is not without foundation.

Others don't know, the major disasters and events just learned, such as the invasion of the Nether Demon, hundreds of alien riots and the northern front demon barbarians.

The Void Demon is the dark side of Void and a collection of negative forces. This sounds similar to the Devil, but there are differences.

Void demons are physical, and heart demons are illusory.

The invasion of the void demons brought a major disaster to the human race, sacrificing countless, causing the overall level of cultivation to drop drastically. So far, it has not been fully restored, otherwise there will not be so many powerful gods in the void.

Of course, it is also because there are many psychic powers who have rushed to the northern front.

Eventually, the Nether Demon was suppressed. Although there were still a small number of Nether Demon left, it was not a climate.

In addition, it is the alien riots in history.

Originally, the void belonged not only to the human race, but also to the territory of hundreds of alien races.

But the invasion of the void demons not only affected the human race, but also the foreign race.

When the demons of the void are suppressed, the human race is greatly damaged, as is the alien race.

At that time, I didn't know what was going on. The aliens' brains were drawn, and they gathered together to form an army to attack the territories of the human race. The purpose was naturally to repel the human race and try to occupy the entire void.

That battle lasted hundreds of years, and the damage was greater, but eventually the human race won, and the defeated alien was naturally expelled from the void and driven to the edge of the void, which is now outside the western void.

In essence, it also belongs to the scope of the void, but it is just separated, so it is called the outer void of the void by the human race, or the outer void of the void.

Now, there are invaders invading the northern edge of the void. Headed by the eternal war fortress, many powers go to the gods, and a lot of casual repairs to the gods are also in order to resist the incursions of the monsters.

Also, it is the evil protoss.

The evil protoss who do not know where they came from are now lurking in the void, planning what big plans look like. No matter what the plan is, it will only be bad for the void and for the people.

But you don't need to think about it that much. The most important thing now is to improve your strength. Only by mastering a more powerful combat force can you be qualified to consider others, and only be able to face various crises and save yourself from danger.

Today, his practice of practicing Qi has reached the peak of the four-turn imperial realm, and the practice of refining is the later stage of the four-change divine realm. Perhaps if there is an opportunity, he can break through and upgrade to the level of five-turn and five-change within a short time. Still not enough.

To achieve six to six changes or even seven to seven changes still takes a lot of time, decades or even hundreds of years are possible, unless there is any opportunity.

Chen Zong gave up his retreat and chose to go out to practice, to support the war, and what chance he has, may shorten the breakthrough time.

As for how much it can be shortened, it's not clear yet, do your best.

The first stop of Bai Jie's experience, Chen Zong chose Bai Yucheng.

Baiyucheng, known as Baiyucheng in the sky, is a giant city suspended at a height of 1,000 kilometers. It is said that the whole body is made of white jade, crystal and round, holy and unparalleled.

The White Jade City is said to have been built by the three dynasties and the four ancestral gates in the White World. It is the first city in the White World.

Many powerful forces have spent a lot of financial and material resources to build Baiyu City. The purpose of building Baiyu City is also very straightforward. One is to benefit the white world, and the other is to select talents.

The vastness of the white world, in addition to a few major forces, are more small forces and casual repairs.

In small forces and casual repairs, there will still be some talents.

And Baiyucheng is like a place for talent selection.

The purpose of Chen Zong's trip to Baiyu City is of course not to choose something, to make those big fancy, but he is the true biography of the mind Tiangong. When it comes to status and status, it is not comparable to those major disciples, even a few The elders of the great forces did not have any sense of superiority in front of the true disciples of Xintiangong.

Chen Zong's fancy is the challenge of selecting talents set by Bai Yucheng. Those challenges are not difficult, and when they reach a certain height, they can still get good rewards.

According to the flawless recommendations of the three sisters Yu Yu, Bai Zongcheng Chen Zong will definitely go there. It is best to go through all the major challenges and get the highest rewards, because those rewards have a good effect on the royal realm. .

This is why Chen Zong chose Bai Yucheng as his first stop in the white world.

It didn't take long for Chen Zong's eyes to appear in the outline of a huge white city.




Yes, in the sun, the giant city made of white jade is indeed shining with crystal light, and there is an unspeakable holiness.

People come here as if they would be purified.

Baiyucheng has more than one gate, which is completely open and has no guards, because it is not needed.

Here, no one dares to make a blatant outrage. Because they are afraid, within Baiyu City, there are some powerful men who guard it. Anyone who dares to make trouble will be captured and even beheaded.

Chen Zong approached while staring, without stopping, and entered the Baiyu City directly from the open gate.

When entering Baiyu City, the holy atmosphere became stronger and stronger. It seemed that everyone who entered Baiyu City was bathed in a layer of white light.

Baiyucheng has a long history and has been built for more than 100,000 years.

Chen Zong couldn't help but think back to the year when his cultivation was very low, he first arrived in Baiyun Mountain.

Long-lasting Baiyun Mountain!

The feeling at that time was extremely shocking.

But after I entered the void, I realized that ten thousand years is nothing at all.

This Baiyu City has a history of more than 100,000 years, and it is nothing in the void.

Chen Zong did not rush to challenge, but first visited Baiyu City. In any case, it is a famous giant city in White World, but it is the first city in White World, regardless of its size, layout, or culture or atmosphere. And so on, everything has its uniqueness, which is worth knowing, watching, and feeling.


It's a combination of travel and trial.

Experience has never been represented by a single battle.

Experience is a title, but there are many of them. Fighting is just one of them. There are also witnesses and so on. Look at different scenery and experience different mentalities. Those will become accumulations. I do n’t know when. Opportunity to flash your own aura.

Since he came out to practice, of course, Chen Zong will not keep his mind tight, but in a relaxed attitude.

Relax your body and mind, see everything in this world with clear eyes, and feel everything in this world with keen perception.

Maybe a flash of opportunity and a flash of aura, one's own cultivation can break through and reach the level of the Five-Road Royal Realm.

At this moment, Chen Zong seemed to be a tourist. He came here to explore the scenery. He stopped and looked around, feeling carefully.

This kind of peaceful atmosphere has a feeling of straight through heart, as if the whole person has become peaceful.

Even anxiety, irritability, etc., will be gradually eliminated.

Bai Yucheng's casting has indeed taken a lot of effort, and every detail seems to be carefully crafted. After all, this is a representative.

The White City First City is more than just a title ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is also of substantial significance.

For a few days, Chen Zong did not challenge, but completely relaxed, relaxed his body and mind, and wholeheartedly visited Baiyu City. Baiyu City is very large, it is not like a city, but like a country. Among them are many historical and meaningful buildings, which were left by some seniors for future generations to admire.

Observing architecture, trying food and wine, for a few days, Chen Zong only felt his sharpness, it seemed to be rounded for a bit, not disappeared, but a kind of introverted feeling, like a sword return The scabbard is full of sharpness in the scabbard.

This feeling made Chen Zong's mastery of refining the sword and refining the sword of Wan Jian Guizong more familiar, and it was displayed invisibly. Although the power had not been directly improved, the consumption of his own power had dropped a little .

After the fifth day, Chen Zong finally walked around Bai Yucheng. Of course, it was only roughly, but not so detailed, but it was enough.

On the sixth day, Chen Zong set off and went to the first challenge point to start his own challenge.

(What do you think, little sister-in-law has the reputation of a gentleman-in-law, would it be the kind of person who hacked against her sister)

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