Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 91: The shadow shrouded in the heart of heaven (Part 1)

Baiyu City was built by the joint efforts of the three dynasties and the four ancestral gates. Not only is it huge, the facilities are complete, and it is very high-end. The three major challenges that were set up were also determined after countless simulations.

The three major challenges are located in the three directions of Baiyu City, and their buildings are very prominent.

Chen Zong came to the first challenge.

The shape of this white jade palace is like a gate. The gate is soaring, with a height of hundreds of meters. It is huge and amazing, and the gate is covered with complicated patterns. Chen Zong didn't enter in a hurry, but stared at the gate. The complicated and extreme lines are like a dense array of stars, containing some indescribable mystery.

This challenge, called Infinite Gate, is of course not true Infinite.

At most, there are only one hundred gates. The one hundred gates are the gates for the challenge of the royal realm.

The challenge of infinite doors is to open the door, which sounds simple, but the content is not simple at all.

To open the door, you don't simply push the door open, but you must understand the mystery on the door and crack the mystery before you can open it and enter the next door.

Chen Zong is not as good as that inside the giant gate palace, there are many people inside, most of them are from those small forces or practitioners.

The white world is very large and vast, so many geniuses were born. In addition, the white world is the original world, which belongs to an extremely high-end world. It is a powerful world with the potential to expand into the void. Will be inferior to the void.

Therefore, there is still a lot of Yudaojing among the younger generation in the white world, and the proportion is relatively high.

The miracles here are of different ages, some look like middle-aged people, some look like elderly people, anyway, as long as you challenge a certain level, you can get rewards, which is equivalent to rewarding yourself, and you do n’t need to pay anything. The price is nothing more than some time.

This is also the strategy of the three dynasties and the four major gates, using some treasure rewards to attract people to come in, so as to recruit talents and work for them.

Although these treasures are good, they are not particularly precious to the three dynasties and the four ancestral gates. If they can recruit some talents, they are completely valuable.

Not to mention getting rewards is not that easy.

For the three dynasties and the four major gates, it is not cost-effective to attract a large number of talents from all parts of the white world to come.

Even if no talent is recruited, the traffic flow in Baiyu City alone will increase many times, and consumption will increase a lot.

Inside the huge gate-shaped palace of Infinite Gate, there is a stone monument with a height of ten meters. Many names are listed from top to bottom. After careful examination, Chen Zong found that this is a list. The list of best results.

Royal State!

The list has a name of 10,000 characters, and it is exactly the set of challengers who have been on the list for 10,000 years. Each name has a corresponding origin, such as from which force it came from.

On this list of Yudaojing, Chen Zong saw some names he heard, such as Luo Beichuan.

The elder brother Luo Beichuan's achievement was to open ninety-eight doors, only two left, and opened the infinite door.

In addition, there are the names of the second and third sisters, Yu Wu flawless, and the names of the fourth and fourth sisters, and at least eighty doors are opened.

After careful observation, Chen Zong was shocked to find that among the 10,000 names, the people of the Tianyi Temple occupied a considerable part, in addition to the three dynasties and the four ancestral gates, as well as the five ancient clan and even some weaker ancestors door.

These totals add up to a total of seven or eight thousand, and the remaining two or three thousand are the names of those small forces or casual repairs.

All in all, Mind of Heaven takes at least a third of the list.

In addition, the rankings of Xinyi Tiangong disciples are relatively high, within the top 5,000.

Basically, it can be described in one sentence, that is, it is shrouded in the shadow of the heart of heaven.

Of the 10,000 names, more than 3,000 of the first 5,000 belong to the Xinyi Temple, and the true disciples of each generation of the entire Xinyi Temple are only a few thousand people, the most.

Compared with other forces, there is simply a huge gap.

"Heart of Heaven is really terrible."

Many people stared at the names on the list and sighed.

"More than three thousand names have been here since a long time ago and never dropped out of the top five thousand."

"It's almost like a nightmare," someone said.

Chen Zong could not help but smile a little, and secretly said that not long ago, there would be an additional name belonging to the Mind of Heaven.

Stepping forward, Chen Zong walked to the door directly in front of him. The ten-meter-high door was the entrance to the infinite door.

Chen Zong's actions were naturally seen by many people.

"Someone is going to challenge the infinite door again."

"Who is that?"

The disciples of Xinyi Tiangong often don't have any obvious signs on their bodies. If they don't take out tokens or prove their identity, other people can't see them unless they are informed.

This is different from other forces, because people of other forces have obvious signs of belonging on or around them.

Or a mark embroidered on a robe, etc.

"Let's repair it."

Infinite Gate Challenge has rewards divided into ten levels.

That is, as long as you open the tenth door, you can get the first reward, and the second reward is naturally to open the twentieth door, and so on.

The best result on the list is the 99th door.

The lowest score of 10,000 is fifty doors.

Those who are below fifty doors are simply not eligible for the list.

On the list, Chen Zong is confident. As for how many doors can be challenged, Chen Zong is not clear.

The test of the infinite gate challenge is perception.

The higher your understanding, the more doors you can open naturally.

Within ten thousand years, the elder brother Luo Beichuan opened ninety-eight doors, ranking second, and the first one opened the ninety-nine door, but it is a person with a distinctive name, called Changkong Dahe. , It is casual repair.

A casual repair, but challenged ninety-nine doors, it has to be said that it is very amazing. Of course, it is likely that the other party is not a casual repair, but has been recruited, but it is not known whether the three dynasties or the four major gates One solicitation.

However, Chen Zong only thought about it a bit and didn't delve into it because there was no need for it.

The challenge of Infinite Gate is relatively straightforward. After entering, you first report your name and origin, and then you encounter the first door.

There are many lines on the first door. Those lines come from all directions to form a pattern. On one side, there is also a timer, which must be completed within the prescribed time, otherwise it is considered a failure.

To say that is to test perception is not entirely true. It also has the ability to observe and observe various aspects, and of course, the most important thing is perception.

In perception, Chen Zong has never been inferior to others.

At a glance, Chen Zong saw the mystery of the pattern on the first door. He knew it and could easily crack it and open it to enter the second door. However, Chen Zong did not do this immediately, but was more careful. Observe it.

This is a test method laid out by the powerfuls of the three dynasties and the four great gates. Among its mysteries, Chen Zong intends to see other mysteries from it, rather than simply cracking them.

But unfortunately, after looking for a while, Chen Zong did not see anything.

Push open, step in, and face the second door.

After a short while, Chen Zong opened the tenth door and appeared in front of him, not the eleventh door, but a treasure chest.

The treasure box is naturally a reward. With a wave of his hand, Chen Zong directly put away the treasure box and planned to leave it before opening it, because he certainly won more than one treasure box.

After closing the treasure chest, Chen Zong faced the eleventh door.

The pattern on the door is more complicated and more complicated than one, and the mystery contained in it is more and more profound, and the difficulty of understanding is even higher.

Gradually Chen Zong discovered that these patterns are actually some mysteries about the avenue.

No matter what kind of Tao you enlighten, you can use it here.

It's like a frame, filling the mystery of the Tao that you have learned and mastered to open it.

The more brilliant the avenue, the deeper the mystery and the easier it is to open.

In this way, it seems to be a test of understanding, but it is also a test of comprehension of Tao. Of course, it is necessary to comprehend the avenue and the understanding, so it is the most direct test of understanding.

After being aware of this, Chen Zong was still a bit surprised. Inside the three dynasties and the four ancestral gates, there were indeed capable people.

In fact, the three dynasties, the four ancestral gates, and the five ancient clan have many strong ones, and even some of them are comparable to the strong ones in Xintiangong.

Of course, as a whole, the mind of heaven is far better than them.

Twenty doors!

Thirty doors!

Forty doors!

Fifty doors!

Chen Zong got five treasure chests that looked exactly the same, but the contents inside were estimated to be different, but Chen Zong hadn't opened it yet.

After crossing the 50th door, Chen Zong opened the 51st door again. On the list, a name quietly disappeared and was replaced.

But no one noticed.

But it did n’t take long for that name to sing like a song, keep going up, squeezing out the names one by one ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Finally someone noticed.

"Someone is on the list." The exclaiming sounded, and immediately caught the attention of others.

Being on the list is not easy.

It seems that it has been a while and no one has been on the list.

"Chen Zong ..."

The name sounds plain.

"Xinyi Tiangong ..." The voice rose instantly, becoming sharp and high-pitched.

"Heart again."

"I have a hunch that this disciple of the heavenly palace will break into the top 5,000 of the list again."

"Which of the true disciples of Xinyi Tiangong will fall out of five thousand." Someone came quietly, as if directly hitting the hearts of the people.

That feeling is really beyond description.

On the list today, there are more than three thousand mind-hearted disciples. Is there one more now?

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