Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 92: The shadow shrouded in the heart of heaven (middle)

In the Hall of Infinite Gate, the list on the stele, a name will change once every short period of time, and upwards.

Today, the name, under the stare of everyone's surprise, has rushed into the top three thousand.

For 10,000 people, at least 50 doors were cracked. For 5,000 people, they were cracked to 70 doors. For 3,000 people, they were cracked to 80 doors.

Chen Zong cracked and opened the eighty-first door.

At this point, Chen Zong began to feel the difficulty, and the lines on the door became more and more complicated. If he didn't have enough understanding and understanding of the avenue, he would feel dizzy at a glance.

But Chen Zong will not. Although it feels difficult, it is still nothing to Chen Zong.

However, it still takes some time to understand before it can be cracked.


Push away!

The eighty-second door appeared before him.

On the outside list, Chen Zong's name flashed, and he continued to advance upwards, raising dozens of rankings.

The mystery of cracking the door has progress, and they all stop at the first door, but some cracks are more, and the ranking will naturally be higher.

Soon, Chen Zong cracked the 90th door and got the ninth treasure chest.

The texture on the 91st door is again a lot more complicated, and has taken it to another level.



Endless crack!

It wasn't until the 96th floor that Chen Zong really felt resistance.

Of course, it's just resistance.

Attentive, full enlightenment.

Crack and step into the 97th door.

At this moment, Chen Zong's ranking is already very high, completely entering the top 100 range, or even the top 30.

"Those who come out of the heavenly palace are really terrible."

"Another feeling of being crushed."

"I don't know if his ranking will rise."

If you can continue to rise, you can enter the top ten or even the top three.

Because now the first is to crack ninety-nine doors.

The 98th door, this is the end point of the master Luo Beichuan in the Royal Roads, but it will not be his own end point.

Chen Zong's eyes glowed with a touch of streamer, and between the streamer's rotation, full of confidence.

While understanding the mystery of Infinite Gate, Chen Zong also found that he had reorganized the Kendo of the Heart and the Avenue of the World, and seemed to be removing impurities to extract the essence.

How strong is Chen Zong ’s understanding, in fact, he does not have a clear concept, because with the improvement of his cultivation, the potential of understanding is also continuously developed. Although there is an upper limit, the upper limit is only temporary That can break beyond.

Therefore, the 98th door was cracked by Chen Zong.

On the list, Chen Zong's name flashed several times in a row, squeezing Luo Beichuan to third place and occupying second place.

The exclamation sounded continuously and continuously.

Second place!

There is another pervert in the mind of heaven.

"Can he break the limit and rush to the top?" Someone said suddenly.

"It's hard."


"If you want to win first, you must not only crack the ninety-ninth door, but also achieve a high cracking progress on the hundredth door. Even, you must crack the hundredth door."

"Yes, no one knows the progress of the last door in the sky, so if you want to beat him, you can only have confidence in breaking the last door."

"For thousands of years this time, and for thousands of years, no one has been able to crack the mystery of the last door."

The implication is that Chen Zong cannot do it.

That was the last door, and the hardest one to crack.

Of course, if it is Yuan Ming Realm, it can be cracked, but the test is only Yudao Realm.

The gap between Yudaojing and Yuanmingjing is still very obvious, and quite a lot of Yuanmingjing cannot be successfully cracked.

So, can Chen Zong crack the last door?

The patterns and patterns on the last door are far more complicated than the 99th door, which is totally two levels.

The setting of the three dynasties and the four major gates will naturally not be so simple to let people through.

Chen Zong's whole-hearted enlightenment, and even devoted himself to the whole-hearted enlightenment.

The mystery is constantly cracked by Chen Zong, and the power of the mind is also continuously consumed.

The four rays spread on the complicated lines, as if flowing, continually converging from all directions to the center, as if walking through a maze.

When the four rays of light converged to the center and converged, Chen Zong only felt the spirit, and there seemed to be a roar.

It sounds like the thunder of the Tiangu, like the vastness of an ancient clock.

At that moment, many mysteries emerged one after another, with the mystery of the sword of heart and the mystery of the world avenue.

The mysteries of the two avenues were absorbed by Chen Zong.

Chen Zong only felt that the bottleneck for practicing Qi was loosening for a while, and the vitality of the heavens and the earth continued to permeate and poured into the body. The tenth heavy Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong also continuously operated and absorbed refining.


Five Turns to Royal Realm!

Chen Zong also didn't expect that practicing Qi Qixiu would break through here. It is not enough to break through. It is always a good thing. His strength is stronger, the kendo of the heart is also stronger, and his strength is naturally improved.

As for cultivation practice, although the mystery of World Avenue is also deeper, it is limited by the relationship of cultivation. There is no breakthrough at present. Only when the cultivation practice is promoted to the peak of the four-transformation divine realm can it continue to break. .

The mystery on the hundredth door was successfully cracked by Chen Zong and pushed away.

A glittering treasure chest appeared.

At the same time, the list also changed. Chen Zong's name directly reached the top, blooming an extremely amazing light, shining in all directions, straight into the sky above the Infinity Gate Palace, as if it were about to burst into the clouds.

This is a historic breakthrough.

For a while, everyone in Baiyu City saw the rising golden light, one by one, surprised, unknown, but found that it was sent from the Palace of Infinity Gate, driven by curiosity, and rushed.

Naturally, the three dynasties and the four ancestral gates also set up strongholds in Baiyu City. When they saw the golden light rising from the sky, they all looked at each other and immediately changed their looks.

Immediately, the people of the three dynasties and the four ancestral gates immediately set off and rushed to the Infinity Gate Palace as quickly as possible. They all remembered what the golden light meant.

get through!

It was such an amazing understanding that I broke through the infinite door and solved the mystery of the hundredth door.

Such people can't be missed, they must be recruited into their own forces, if they are successful, they will also get great rewards.

After Chen Zong gathered up the treasure chest, he stepped out of the door and instantly became the focus.

The eyes staring at Chen Zong were full of shock and wonder, as if they were looking at a fairy.

Taking a look at the list, his name hung high on the list and ranked first. Chen Zong couldn't help showing a smile, and strode out of the infinite gate palace under many shocking and admiring eyes.

After a while, a large number of people poured in, looked around, and then looked at the list, and immediately noticed the changes in the list.

"The hundredth door!"

"What, the one hundredth door was cracked."

"who is it?"

"Chen Zong, Xintian Temple ..."

"Heart again."

Soon, the three dynasties and the four ancestral gates also saw one after another. When they saw the names and origins, the people of the three dynasties laughed, and the people of the four ancestors were all cold.

Heart of Heaven!

This must be the true story of the Mind Heaven Palace, so the solicitation plan failed.

Because there are countless positives from ancient times to the present, the true disciples of the Heart of Heaven Palace cannot be solicited at all.

The mechanism of Zongmen is different from that of the dynasty. The successful recruiting is the person of that Zongmen.

The dynasty is different. It can seal Hou and worship generals, and does not conflict with the identity of Zongmen members.

"Where is Chen Zong now?" People from the three dynasties immediately asked. After learning that Chen Zong had left, he immediately asked about Chen Zong's appearance and so on, and chased out immediately.

Grab people!

As for Chen Zong now, he didn't go to the second challenge place, but returned to the restaurant first, and prepared to open the treasure chest to see what was there. It was useless to himself and how useful it was.

In addition, it is to consolidate some of the practices that have just broken.

While Chen Zong was consolidating his practice, the outside world caused a storm because of his actions.

Ten thousand years is a record cycle. This ten thousand years have passed for thousands of years. However, the highest record of the infinite door challenge is ninety-nine doors. Now this record is broken.

One hundred doors was the last door.

This is undoubtedly amazing.

When I learned that Chen Zong was a true disciple of Xintiangong, he looked very rich one by one.

After a lapse of more than ten years, the true story of the Heart of Heaven is here again, and the demon claw is extended to Baiyucheng again, and the shadow is over.

This seems to be the tradition of Xintian Temple. Bai Yucheng will be one of the training points when entering the White World.

Over time, everyone has become accustomed to it, but now, it is too amazing to break the record and create a new record.

For a long time to come, everyone will be shrouded in the shadow of the heaven of mind again.

Fortunately, I am used to it.

After Chen Zong consolidated and repaired, he started to open the treasure chests one by one ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ from the treasure chests that he got first.

All ten treasure chests were opened, and Chen Zong found that only the contents of the last treasure chest were useful to himself, and the contents of the other nine treasure chests were useless to himself.

Of course, being useless to yourself does not mean that there is no value. On the contrary, the value is not low. If it is sold, millions of empty coins are sure.

Does Chen Zong lack those millions of void coins?


This thing is not too much.

So Chen Zong made up his mind to sell it, and the treasure that was useful to him was a leaf.

The leaves are oval, whole body green, and the edges are finely serrated. The whole looks like jasper casting, like a beautiful work of art, but Chen Zong can be sure that this is not artificially carved, but born by nature.

The scent of this turquoise leaf seemed very subtle, intricate, with a warm feeling of breeze and rain, cool to the touch, like a deep mountain stream, making Chen Zong feel very comfortable. For a time, all thoughts disappeared, the whole person It is easy to enter the state of refreshing mind and clear mind, which is more conducive to cultivation and enlightenment.

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