Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 95: Volcano King

In the Black Fire Prison, there are volcanoes, large and small, which add up to thousands of volcanoes. At intervals, there will be volcanic eruptions, bursting out of the magma flames, turning into magma fire and rain sweeping in all directions, and even volcanoes. What was bred from the ground brought out batch after batch, and everyone rushed to fight.

Half a month has passed. Three volcanoes erupted before and after. Chen Zong also got more than a dozen low-order black fire sources, and some other black fire ore and others.

Of course, I also shot against some not-so-weak Yudaojing, but they are all up to the point.

After all, everyone's purpose is to get resources, even if the resources fall into the hands of others, and then hit the shots to find out that the strength of the other party is not ordinary, they did not continue to fight, so as not to benefit others.

Chen Zong belongs to the type that you don't mess with me, and I will not take the initiative to provoke you.

But some people are not.

The scorching scent that permeated the air seemed to be a little richer, and the pungent sulfur smell was more intense.

The dull, thunderous sound was ringing from a distance and coming from the hot wind, which was introduced into everyone's ears, and everyone's hearts moved at the same time.

The sound was a little unexpectedly dull, and contained an amazing power. Compared with the volcanic roar before, it sounded like a tiger roar and a meow.

This is a sign that a big volcano is about to erupt!

Everyone moved their hearts and immediately swept away, and finally locked on the most central volcano.

It is the largest volcano in Heihei, a large volcano with a height of more than 9,000 meters, and the only volcano in Heihei that exceeds nine kilometers in height.

Volcano King!

This is the only volcano king in the Black Fire Prison. Of course, the title of the volcano king is also crowned by the practitioners, a good name that has been recognized over time.

"The volcano king is about to erupt." Many people are immediately excited. These are the people who have been in the black fire prison all year round. They can practice to the level of the imperial realm. It is very good to want to go further. Large and requires more resources.

Where do the resources come from?

Obtain it yourself or buy it for money.

Many special products in Black Fire Prison are valuable, not only useful to themselves, but also can be sold as vanity coins and then purchase resources that are useful to themselves, thus creating a group of people who have been lingering in Black Fire Prison all year round.

"The volcano king has not erupted for hundreds of years."

In excitement, everyone rushed to rush to deep black hell.

Because the volcano king is located in the center of the Black Fire Prison, it is also a place where practitioners seldom travel, because the crisis there is even more serious, and there will be more Black Fire Beasts inhabiting it.

But this time the volcano king is about to erupt, a rare opportunity, there will definitely be a lot of good things, worth fighting for.

"Hahahaha, sure enough, the volcano king is about to erupt, and I came just right." A loud laughter sounded above the sky. Immediately, a crimson streamer crossed the sky, leaving traces as if the fire was burning, red for half the sky. Occasion.

The tyrannical breath permeated it as if to ignite all directions, making the temperature in the black fire prison more and more fierce.

This crimson light was unbridled, as if rushing away without a hitch here, approaching the volcano king constantly.

Immediately, another light flew from another direction, not red-red, but frost-white, with a little bit of crystal blue light, and the amazing cold air permeated it, colliding with the fiery heat here, incompatible Like.

The sound of gurgling sounded continuously, the swollen water vapor filled and billowed, and a white ice mark remained in the void and slowly dissipated.

This breath is equally amazing.

The Black Fire Essence in Black Fire Prison is useful for the practitioners of the fire system, and also for the practitioners of the ice system of the water system. The opposing forces can offset each other to sharpen their own power. Further purification and enhancement.

Chen Zong stared, watching the red, white and two figures passing by. He could feel the violent breath fluctuations, which was very amazing, and the power contained in the breath fluctuations was even more trivial and seemed very clever. .

These two figures were the fastest, rushing directly to the volcano king.


The terrible roar sounded, and the volcano king erupted, which was extremely attractive to the practitioners, and also extremely attractive to the black fire beast.

Treasures like Blackfire Essence can also be used by Blackfire Beasts, the way is very simple, that is, directly swallow and slowly digest to enhance their own power.

"Dead!" A manic voice sounded within the red light, as if with a breathtaking fire, shot directly.

With a bang, a crimson light was very violent, just like the shelling of a void ship, and it was directly bombarded. It was an amazing bombardment on a ten-meter-sized black fire beast, and it was instantly killed. The flesh contained With a hot breath, it shattered and spilled in all directions.

This scene suddenly shocked people.

The power of that blow was too aggressive.

The black fire beast that has been bombed and killed has reached the seventh level, which is equivalent to the Seven Turns of the Royal Realm. The strength in the Black Fire Prison will be much stronger than the ordinary Seven Turns of the Royal Realm.

Suddenly, a frosty white was shot out of the air, condensed into a sword, as if tearing the void, with a little dazzling crystal blue, directly killed a flying black fire beast that came down, this black fire beast It looks like a pterodactyl, very stingy, the membrane is rough and tough, and it obviously has amazing defense.

The sharp mouth and sharp claws shone cold, as if able to penetrate everything, tear everything, and extremely cruel.

The Black Fire Beast will not talk to you about the truth, it is just killing.

But in the next breath, a bit of dazzling crystal blue frost white sword gas hit the black fire beast, instantly breaking its tough defense, piercing the body and exploding, the frost spread quickly, covering the whole body, and became a large one.坨 The ice cube fell to the ground.

With a click, the ice rafters shattered apart and scattered on all sides. The black fire beast died naturally and could not die anymore.

The two figures stopped at a distance of ten miles from the Volcano King, which is a safer distance.

The body was revealed, and it could be seen that there were two young people, one was a young man in a red armor, and even his hair and eyebrows were reddish, as if the flame was burning.

This person's eyes and pupils did not seem to be pure black, but a layer of red light was rendered, as if diffused by fire.

His fiery eyes, which seemed to contain firelight, gazed ahead, locked in another figure.

The white robe, with a little bit of crystal blue, is a woman in a robe. Although her hair and eyebrows are black, it seems to be rendered with a layer of pale blue brilliance. Her eyes and look are cold. Ability to freeze everything.

"Bai Shuang, it seems that you and I are indeed very destined." A red smile hanged on the corners of the young man's lips, his eyes became more eager.

The woman named Baishuang only glanced at the crimson youth coldly, without any answer, unwilling to answer.

"You can rest assured that when the volcano king erupts, there will be at least a high-order black fire source. At that time, I will win you a high-order black fire source." The red youth was fierce but did not care at all, again Laughed.

"No need." Bai Shuang spoke, chilling in tone, refusing directly, without hesitation, as if it could freeze everything.

At this time, other practitioners also came one after another, arrived around the volcano king, and paused ten miles away.

"Keep away from me." The crimson youth glanced fiercely, staring at other practitioners within a few kilometers of each other, without facing the smile of the hoarfrost at all. As if to burn people to ashes.

The scorching eyes contained amazing enthusiasm and coercion, which made everyone feel the pressure coming. There was a feeling of being ignited. When his complexion changed, he quickly retreated.

"Go away!" Yanlie said again.

Suddenly, everyone left 10,000 meters away, but there were also a few practitioners who had full confidence in their own strength, but they only stepped back a few kilometers, and then stopped.

No way, there is a large magma lake surrounding the volcano king, occupying almost two-thirds of the more than one hundred miles, and the remaining one-third is also broken, and the magma lake still inhabits Few black fire beasts.

All in all, the place where practitioners can stand is less than one-third of the position, and they must be close to a certain distance, and the range is further reduced.

Even if it is standing in the air, dare not approach the magma lake, it will be attacked by the black fire beast at any time.

The Black Fire Beast does not have much wisdom, but it also has instincts and can judge some forms.

At this moment, even though the black fire beasts were jealous, they did not launch an attack, but waited for the volcano king to erupt, which is also very good for them.


Yan Li erupted suddenly and attacked directly, without mercy.

The faces of those practitioners who did not withdraw from the 10,000 meters suddenly changed dramatically. How could the other party dare to do so?

They also responded very quickly and immediately counterattacked and killed.

However, Yan Lie's strength was very tyrannical, they were defeated directly, his body flickered, and several flames of human figures were killed, which was directly wounded seriously and flew out hundreds of meters.

"Hold up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I'm a disciple of the elder of Tianlanmen." One of the injured was beaten and shouted immediately.

"So what!" Yan Lie punched out mercilessly, and once again bombarded the disciples of the Elder Lanmen that day, dying directly, leaving only half a life, very domineering: "I am the Yan tribe. If Tian Lan Men has the ability, then come. "


Suddenly, each one changed greatly.

The Yan clan is one of the five ancient clan. It is one of the twelve most powerful forces under the Heavenly Palace in the White World. Numerous geniuses have emerged with a long history and profound heritage.

"He is Yan Lie, you are the Yan Lie known as the Xiaoyan King in the Yan clan."

Obviously, this scorching is also famous.

The elder disciples of Tianlanmen did not dare to squeak anymore. They could only take out the elixir and quit here, or go to the periphery. Otherwise, with such a serious injury, once the volcano king erupted, he would probably kill him.

As for revenge?

Don't dare. The difference between Tianlanmen and Yan clan is too big.

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