Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 96: Big bang


The earth-shattering sound suddenly exploded, ringing in all directions, spreading across thousands of miles, and shaking, as if there were countless thunderous explosions in an instant.


The volcano king erupted.

The volcano, which was over 9,000 meters high, erupted, and it still stored energy for hundreds of years.

It's almost like the end of the world. This feeling makes every practitioner who directly observes and feels directly feels a very shocking feeling, as if being impacted by an incomparable violent force, directly impacted To the deepest heart.


As if to destroy everything.

The volcano, which is over 9,000 meters high, is like an ancient giant awakening from a deep sleep, twisting its huge body, and roaring towards the sky, as if competing with heaven and heaven.

In a hurry, blasts of blazing to extreme magma erupted from the huge crater, full of amazing explosive power, and rushed directly to more than a thousand meters above the ground, full of power and extreme violence.

From a distance, the crimson glowing magma torrent is releasing an extremely dazzling light, and each light has a feeling of burning everything into ashes.

Everyone just felt that when they looked at the past, they felt a tingling sensation in their eyes, and the red glow penetrated directly into the eyes, as if to burn their eyes.

But it made everyone more and more fierce, squinting and staring, for fear of missing any detail.

Thousands of meters high magma fires continue to spew out, which is very amazing, the breath is extremely extreme, and many things are constantly emerging, and then spread out in all directions.

The rumbling sound trembled in the sky.

In a short time, the magma turned into a large stream of flames and rushed out in all directions, directly covering a range of dozens of miles.

Chen Zong looked up, his eyes were extremely sharp, and he swept away, distinguishing the source of the black fire and so on.

There were many, many things coming out of the magma flame jet, and although most were still black flint, there were still many black fire sources.

After all, this is the volcano king, and it is the first eruption in hundreds of years. It is hard to say how many black fire essences have been bred.

At least Chen Zong glanced over and saw dozens of black fire essence sources directly.

However, they are all low-level black fire sources. With a wave of his hand, Chen Zong quickly collected it, but in addition to Chen Zong, other practitioners also started to do it.

The Yan people ’s Yanlie is very overbearing. Within ten thousand meters, there are no other competitors. One is the Yan people but one of the five ancient races, which is extremely powerful, and the other is that Yanlie ’s own strength is very strong. Yudaojing is just like beating a child, and can easily kill and kill.

On the other side of the Bai Shuang, no one else was competing with it within 10,000 meters, because someone finally recognized her identity: Bai!

The Bai ethnic group is also one of the five ancient ethnic groups.

The five ancient races were born with extraordinary bloodlines. For example, the Yan race has the fire veins, while the Bai race has the opposite, the ice veins.

People dare not offend Yan Shuang, and of course dare not offend Bai Shuang. Although Bai Shuang's behavior is not as overbearing as Yan Lie, the ancients are the ancients, and Bai Shuang is also a well-known strong among the younger generation.


Extremely intense.

In this wave, there are thousands of sources of black fire spewing out. There are only a few practitioners in the inner circle. In theory, everyone is eligible for a few low-level black Fire essence source, but this is not the case.

Because the competition is fierce.

Chen Zong continued to take out his hands and continuously collected more than a dozen low-order black fire sources. The first wave of black fire sources was collected, more than half of them fell into the black fire magma lake, and the black inside Swallowed by the fire beast.

Cultivators are clearly distinguished from the black fire beast. Although they are agitated, no conflict has erupted, but conflict is inevitable. Everyone knows this.

The second wave of magma eruption erupted again, erupting in an instant, bringing more things.

The first wave of eruption is only the magma on the bottom surface of the volcano, and the second wave of eruption is a deeper layer of magma. The deeper the level, the more good things are bred and the better the quality.

The second wave was still robbed, and Chen Zong grabbed a dozen low-level black fire sources.

This kind of harvest is better than all previous harvests.

The third wave of magma erupted, and this time, Chen Zong's eyes flashed a sharp sharpness, staring at a source of black fire essence with more tortoise shells on the surface.


If Chen Zong is not dazzled, there are sixteen tortoise shells on the source of the black fire.

This is also the first time that Chen Zong has seen an intermediate source of black fire.


Without hesitation, Chen Zong quickly robbed, and at the same time, there were other people who robbed the middle-class source of black fire.

"Get off!" Between the fierce wave of his hand, an extremely fierce fire exploded, very violent, there was a feeling of volcanic eruption, and the power was unmatched, and that power directly surpassed the level of the Seven-Road Royal Road, and even eight turns The imperial realm is hard to match, and it is close to the nine-pass imperial realm.

With this single blow, many people who robbed him were repelled. The palm of his hand was scratched and turned into a flaming flame arm, which directly caught the middle-level black fire source.

At the moment, Jianguang flashed by, and the catch of the flame arm was missed.

Chen Zong directly collected the intermediate black fire essence source into the Ninth Heaven Circle, and the sword light immediately flew away, grabbing the other black fire essence source.

Yan Lie ’s eyes burst into a terrifying anger, as if burning in the sky, but did not immediately chase it up, because the corner of his eyes saw another source of medium-level black fire essence.

"Just deposit it with you first." Yan Li snorted, his voice filled with fiery anger.

How dare to contend with myself, I don't know whether to live or die, wait until the volcano king erupts, then deal with the other party, and then punish it well.

When he got that piece of black fire essence, Chen Zong didn't observe it because there were other black fire essences.

The third wave broke out.

More sources of Black Fire Essence appear. The intermediate Black Fire Essence sources are not just a few, but more than ten.

Chen Zong got two pieces. Yan Lie got three pieces by overbearing methods. As many as ten people were injured by him. Bai Shuang also got two pieces. The other pieces fell into the black fire. In the magma lake, the black fire beasts scrambled for it. It was very cruel and splashed a huge magma wave.

In the fourth wave, competition is getting fiercer and fierce means are becoming more cruel, as if venting.

Some Black Fire Beasts also rushed into the Black Fire Magma Lake, and some flying Black Fire Beasts also rushed into the area competition of the practitioners, becoming more chaotic.

Facing the black fire beasts, the practitioners took no mercy.


Fifth wave!

The sixth wave!

"High-order black fire source!" Yan Lie's eyes were extremely sharp, and they were caught instantly, his complexion suddenly changed, and then exulted.

The value of high-end black fire essence is not low. Of course, he can afford even millions of empty coins. After all, he is a very outstanding genius of the young generation of Yan people.

It's just that high-level black fire sources rarely and rarely appear. It is no longer a question of how many empty coins, but whether it can be bought.

If a high-level black fire source is in your hands, it will be of great help to your own cultivation, and it can also be given to Hoarfrost, believing that Hoarfrost will be heart-beating. Maybe you can hold the beauty back. When I get Baishuang's body, depending on the secret of the Yan clan, the benefits I can get are definitely better than a high-level black fire source.

Thinking of this, Yan Lie could not help showing a wicked smile.

With a loud blast, Yan Lie shot and started one, and suddenly, an extremely blaze of fire broke out, rushing to all directions, as if everything was to be broken.

The next breath, Yan Lie shot and grabbed at the source of the black fire essence.

Chen Zong also paid attention to that black fire source.

The higher the level of black fire essence, the more powerful and pure it is, the more helpful it is to tempering and cultivation.


If the high-level black fire source has fallen into the hands of others, Chen Zong would not have shot it, but now, this high-level black fire source has obviously not been obtained yet. In this case, of course, it is necessary to compete.

Jian Guang flashed, Chen Zong immediately shot and grabbed the piece of high-end black fire source.

"It's you again!" When Yanlie saw Chen Zong, his eyes grew angry, as if the new hatred and the old hatred burst out all at once, while he screamed and shot, he shot relentlessly.

With a bang, the fiery flames burst out into the air, as if Chen Zong was to be directly blasted into slag, and the extremely high temperature swept through, as if everything could be burned and turned into ashes.

The power of this strike directly reached the level of the Jiuzhuan Royal Road.

The fierce cultivation is the seven-passage imperial realm, but the power of the shot has reached the level of nine-turn imperial realm, which is considered to cross two levels. It is indeed a great genius. It can be regarded as a well-deserved place in the heart of heaven. Tianjiao class.

However, such a level of attack is not enough for Chen Zong.

Because Chen Zong's cultivation is not as high as the Yan Lie, but his combat power is overbearing, but it exceeds the nine-star combat power, which is close to ten-star.

A sword is killed, and the sword light is vast, as if one sword is one, and it seems to be one sword, but in one hit, the fierce violent blow is broken ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then, just Under the eyes of the fierce and angry eyes, Chen Zongjianguang rolled a roll and immediately caught the piece of high-order black fire essence that made him salivate, and took it away.

"Give it to me." The flames exploded as if ignited, in the rage to the extreme, in the roar, the flames of flames and rage seemed to turn into a raging fire burning in the blazing flames, as if everything was going to Burned to ashes.

The flame, red, seemed to contain a trace of black, and the breath emitted by that black was full of amazing destruction.

Secret magical powers!

The flames under the fury, the magical magical powers of the Yan clan were exhibited to increase one's own strength, which greatly enhanced his own breath and strength.

Chen Zong can feel that Yan Lie's breath has been strengthened by several percentages than before, and his strength will be more arrogant.


The scorching fire under the magical powers broke out, and a blazing flame shot out. The flame seemed no different from the previous one, but it contained a trace of black, which represented the black color of destruction.

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