Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 97: Flee

The black entangled in the red flames is full of destruction. The power is violent and extremely powerful. It surpasses the general level of the Jiuzhuan Royal Road and reaches the level of the nine-star combat power.

The violent and devastating atmosphere pervaded, as if the storm swept through and hit everything, causing everyone else's faces to change dramatically.

The overall strength here is not very strong, at most it is only eight-star level, the attack of the nine-star combat power burst out naturally, is very shocking.

"Somewhat interesting." Chen Zong nodded secretly, and then shot out with a sword.

Refining your heart and one sword!

All the forces condensed into a bunch of moments, extremely condensed, and penetrated directly into the sky, hitting a wild flame like a bamboo.



A sword breaking method!

One sword breaks through ten thousand ways, that is the ultimate mystery of one of the two kendos. The method of refining the heart and returning to one sword is on this path, but it has just taken a step.

If a sword breaks every method, that is not something that can be talked about freely, nor can it be reached casually.

To break Wan Fa, you must first have enough knowledge of Wan Fa, and you must try it yourself before you can break it.

Yanlie's blow was indeed very good, but for Chen Zong, it was nothing.

With one stroke, Chen Zongyi was smashed, and Yan Lie's complexion suddenly changed. It was unbelievable.

Although she doesn't like Yanlie, she still knows how much Yanye's strength is. A blow under the mysterious magic power broke out and she was defeated by the opponent with a sword.

Boom boom!

Yan Li erupted continuously and attacked continuously, but when the sword light flickered, it was instantly burst out and killed, violent flames.

At the next breath, Yan Li yelled, the flames on his body became more and more exuberant, and his fiery look was full of fierce and decisive, as if he was going to fight to death with Chen Zong.

But the scene that followed was astonishing.


Yan Lie turned around, burst into full speed, turned into a fire, and quickly flew away.

He ran away so directly ...

Each one was stunned, although it was a very correct strategy to escape when they were lost to their opponents, so as to ensure that they would not be killed and hope to make a comeback.

But in the eyes of everyone, such a direct turn and fled, it was too obvious, so that everyone was stunned with a hint of contempt.

Yan people!


Little Yan King!

Such a big name, but it is a greedy for fear of death and flee.

Bai Shuang's eyes couldn't help showing a touch of disdain. The original person felt that Yan Lie was unreliable, and it seemed so.

Chen Zong was also a little stunned. The other side was desperately looking. He didn't expect that it was just a bluff. He turned away and did not hesitate. It seemed that the movement was very proficient, as if it had been hard training.

However, Chen Zong didn't mean to pursue, because the next wave of magma spewed out again, which will bring out more good things, not to be missed.

In this wave, there are still high-end sources of black fire essence, and the main competitor is Bai Shuang.

However, Bai Shuang also realized that Chen Zong's strength was very strong, so she had no intention to fight with Chen Zong.

The last wave of magma erupted and soared into the sky.

When he died, everyone was excited.

Because the last wave of magma torrents brought not only many high-level black fire sources, but also top-level black fire sources.

The top-level black fire source is a treasure that is very useful to Yuan Ming Realm.

The sources of black fire essence of this level are located at the bottom of those large volcanoes. The temperature inside is so scary that Yuan Ming Realm dare not enter, and it will die in a little carelessness.

Moreover, there is no guarantee that all large volcanoes will have top-level black fire sources.

Sometimes it doesn't happen once in hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, whether it can be obtained depends entirely on luck.

The top-level black fire essence is very attractive to the practitioners, making them all jealous, even the frosty frost can't help firing.

At the same time, the black fire beasts also rushed out of the magma lake and attacked from high altitude areas, because the top-level black fire essence did not fall to the magma lake.


Chaotic fighting is the easiest way to touch fish in muddy waters, but if you don't have enough strength, it is likely that sharks will be eaten without bones.

A flash of Jianguang, a powerful black fire beast was killed directly, Chen Zong shot and grabbed that piece of black fire essence source, its value is far better than the high-end black fire essence source, you must get it anyway .

However, a flash of light flashed, and a violent storm swept across, and it was a flying black fire beast flying away, hitting that piece of top-level black fire source.

The sword light flashed, the sword gas turned into mountains and rivers, and it was suppressed. When the time passed, the black fire beasts were difficult to move, and even some black fire beasts were cut and killed by the sword gas.

Suddenly, a group of blazing lava fireballs was extremely violent, gushing out from the black fire magma lake. It was a huge black fire snake spouting from the mouth. The power was overwhelming and surpassed the level of nine-star combat power. Feel the threat.

However, Chen Zong chose to resist this attack.

A sword slashed out and hit the center of the magma fireball.

Refining your heart and returning to one sword and two!

A mighty sword penetrated the magma fireball, destroying its structure and disintegrating it.

However, the power of this attack was extremely overbearing. Chen Zong did not completely defeat it, and the power of the magma fireball directly hit him.

It was extremely hot and violent, as if he was going to be smashed into pieces. Chen Zong felt as if he was going to be crushed, as if to be burned to ashes.

However, the Spirit Artifact Heart Seal Baoyi has absorbed 70% of its strength, and the remaining 30% can be completely resisted by Chen Zong's world **** body that has reached four changes.

Under the impact, Chen Zong's body of the world has also undergone a small tempering.

He grabbed his left hand, and immediately caught the top-level black fire essence source, and quickly entered the Nineth Heaven Circle.

The moment Chen Zong grabbed the source of the top black fire essence, he immediately felt a sharp and terrible look at himself.

Cultivators and Black Fire Beasts.

The value of the top black fire essence is amazing, and its quenching effect is also amazing.

"That being the case, kill!" Chen Zong's eyes flashed sharply.

Now that the top-ranked source of black fire has fallen into its own hands, it is its own, and if you want to seize it, you must be ready for death.

Jianxin Guiyi Sword Technique and Wanjian Guizong Techniques are continuously displayed by Chen Zong, and their figures seem to shuttle in the void to avoid some attacks. Even if they cannot avoid them, they can also use their heart to seal treasure. The power of clothing to absorb and weaken, reserve the power of the heart-printed treasure.

If you are injured, you can also use the power of Heartprint Treasure to recover.

With this reliance, Chen Zong was not afraid of the siege of these black fire beasts at all, but regarded it as a kind of grind.

Under the heartless sword, the Black Fire Beast was continuously killed by Chen Zong. The real threat was the 100-meter-long Black Fire Snake rushing out of the Black Fire Magma Lake. Its combat power was close to ten stars. The level of combat power is almost the same as Chen Zong.

And the scales of this black fire snake are extremely tough and amazingly defensive.

Endless fighting!

Chen Zong ignited his heart, surrounded by six hearts, his strength increased greatly.


After a fierce battle, the Black Fire Snake was finally killed by Chen Zong. As for the practitioners, after discovering Chen Zong's powerful strength, they retreated one after another. The scene was too chaotic and could not intervene at all. Kill.

Strong as hoarfrost, and dare not participate.

In the distance, Bai Shuang watched that sword light shuttle back and forth under the siege of many black fire beasts, constantly killing, constantly splattering blood, spilling into the sky, and constantly corpses falling down and died directly.

That scene was extremely shocking.

Very strong!

Bai Shuang's heart was full of shock. She could feel that Chen Zong's cultivation was the level of the Five-Road Royal Realm.

Such cultivation, but with such amazing strength, is incredible.

Where does this Peerless Tianjiao come from?

Bai Shuang's mind was turning, and he was thinking quickly. There was no such arrogance in the five ancient groups, and there were no people who could match him in the four major gates and the three dynasties.

Suddenly, a thought came out.

"Did the other party be the true story of Xintiangong?" Bai Shuang had to think so.

Taking five transfers as an example, it can show such amazing strength. The three dynasties, the four ancestral gates, and the five ancient clan can't be found. Either this person comes from outside the black and white world, or the true biography of the Heart of Heaven.

Bai Shuang is a genius and knowledge is enough. It can be judged that this person should not come from outside the black and white world. It is more likely that he is a true disciple of Xintiangong.

Not long after, under the sword of Chen Zong, there were fewer and fewer black fire beasts.

Tens of hundreds of black fire beasts were killed by Chen Zong before and after, and the remaining black fire beasts also knew that they were not opponents and gave up one after another and fled into the black fire magma lake.

For a while, the eyes of many people looking at Chen Zong were full of shock.

Background and reputation can form a deterrent, but the real deterrence is actually strength, its own strength.

Gaze swept away, and no one dared to look at Chen Zong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as if those eyes were sharp.

The sword returned to the sheath, Chen Zong's body flickered into a sword light, and he quickly left the Black Fire Prison.

The Black Fire Essence obtained this time is enough for myself to use for quite a while. The next thing to do is naturally use the Black Fire Essence to temper himself first, so that he can break through.

Your own strength is the most important.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong decisively left, looking for a relatively remote and safe place to start using black fire essence source to temper himself.

The white world is vast and vast, and it is not difficult to find some relatively remote places.

The next time is naturally Chen Zong's retreat.

Start with a low-level black fire source.

During this trip to Blackfire Prison, Chen Zong received a total of hundreds of low-order blackfire sources, fifty or more medium-level blackfire sources, a dozen high-order blackfire sources and one top-level blackfire. Jingyuan.

As for the super-high-level black fire source above, it is too difficult. It is a rare treasure for thousands of years. Chen Zong also dare not expect to obtain it.

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