Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 98: 0 Kings' Association

The power of the Black Fire Essence is extremely hot, and when absorbed by Chen Zong, you can feel that amazing heat spreads quickly in the body. This is a direct contact, a contact that has not been weakened by the protection of the heart-printed treasure. That feeling really impressed Chen Zong.

It hurts!

Burning pain!

The whole person seemed to be hurt by the fire, like the pain of immersion in the lava flow.

At the same time, a trace of pure power also continued to spread from the source of the black fire essence, repairing Chen Zong's burned body.

Before and after, Chen Zong consumed dozens of low-level black fire essence sources, and finally the practice of refining his body was upgraded to the peak of the Fourth Transformation, and he immediately set out to break through.

Breakthroughs come naturally, because Chen Zong has accumulated enough in the realm before.

Five Changed God Realm!

The deities of the world are much stronger, and the overbearing power is surging in the body.

With two fists, Chen Zong could feel the violent force in the body, as if he could blow everything with one punch.

However, Chen Zong also knows that the five-character divine realm still cannot make his combat power reach the ten-star level, which is an extreme combat power that transcends the conventional combat power and a greater improvement.

However, now that the five-variable divine realm has been reached, the next step is naturally to impact the six-variable divine realm. I do n’t know if the six-variable divine realm can reach its ten-star level.

Although the gap between the fifth and sixth turns, the fifth and the sixth changes is not small, Chen Zong is still not sure.

Only by the cultivation of the Seven Revolutions and Seven Changes, Chen Zong was sure.

However, it is still difficult to achieve seven revolutions or seven changes.

Out of customs, Chen Zong set off again and headed to the next dangerous place.

Time passes slowly, the situation changes, and many people emerge.

In an instant, ten years have passed since Chen Zong stepped out of his mind and Tiangong stepped into the white world.

Over the past ten years, Chen Zong has successively started in eight middle-level dangerous places, starting from Baiyu City, then to Black Fire Prison, and then to the ruins of the ancient city.

Above the sky, Chen Zongfei passed by.

Ten years apart, Chen Zong's repairs have been promoted to the peak of the Five Turns Royal Road Realm and the peak of the Five Change Divine Realm.

I want to break through to the six revolutions and six changes, but I still have a little chance.

After ten years of training, he has not left any traces of years on Chen Zong's face, and it still looks as if he left Xintiangong and stepped out of the white world ten years ago.

The experience of eight middle-level dangerous places has brought great benefits to Chen Zong, but more is accumulation.

Chen Zong has no plans to go any further, because there are better places to go.

For ten years, Chen Zong's reputation spread far and wide. From Baiyu City, to Black Fire Prison, to the ruins of the ancient city, and then to other dangerous places, Chen Zong naturally inevitably fought with other practitioners in the White World, showing that Imperious strength.

His sword skills are superb, and the five-turn imperial realm can be used to defeat many of the nine-turn imperial realms, which is shocking. Many people speculate that Chen Zong came from the heart of heaven.

Afterwards, it was indeed confirmed that Chen Zong was the true biography of the Heart of Heaven Palace. Of course, the confirmed people were of course those who had joined Chen Zong to cross the sea with Shen Chen many years ago, combined with Bai Yucheng's name and so on.

True intentions of Tiangong Temple!

In this way, Chen Zong's reputation is even more loud.

As a result, Chen Zong was also given a title by many people in the White World: Little Sword Emperor.

The reason why he is called the Little Sword Emperor is because Chen Zong's swordsmanship is very powerful, such as the Emperor in the sword, but also because the cultivation is not very strong, just the level of imperial state, plus a small print.

Little Emperor Chen Zong!

Famous for the white world.

The white world is vast, but similarly, the speed of information transmission is very fast. Except for some particularly remote places, most places know it.

This time, Chen Zong received an invitation.

On the invitation, the sword and sword flickered, full of amazing breath, as if the contention of Tao.

Countless mysteries of Tao finally condensed into three words.

Thousands of kings!

The Thousand Kings Club has been a feature of the white world since the beginning of the history. Many years ago, it was initiated by a peerless Tianjiao organization. Of course, it was not called the Thousand Kings Club at the beginning. On martial arts talk, each other confirms each other, sharpens oneself, also divides one level by another.

A cultivator cannot be indifferent to the world, especially a genius, who prefers to share the victory or defeat with others to prove himself.

Following this, the tradition of the Tianjiao Association has been maintained, and it will be held every few decades. Its influence has gradually expanded and its scale has gradually expanded.

Moreover, some people have found that those who initiated the Tianjiao Meeting will not get worse in the future, at least they can practice to the level of divine power, and even some of them have become Taoist powers.

It is as if it will be blessed by luck. It is not sure whether this is the case, but it seems to be the case.

In addition, the people who performed the best at Tianjiao seemed to be favored by luck, and the road to cultivation was smoother.

Under this situation, the Tianjiao Association has expanded from a small number of only one or twenty people to more than a hundred. At present, its scale has expanded to an astonishing extent, thousands of people, and also The previous sessions were officially renamed the Thousand Kings Club.

Thousands of kings!

This thousand refers to quantity, this king refers to the younger generations of Tianjiao, hoping to be king, yes, it is a kind of contact, meeting, and collision.

Thousands of invited Tianjiao came to join the King of Thousands Meeting, sipped tea and drank wine, and even talked directly. This collision led to the birth of a true king.

Chen Zong has inadvertently made a name over the years, and naturally he is also invited.

Thousands of kings!

Many Tianjiao were invited, and Chen Zong was very interested in the collision between Tianjiao.

Chen Zong even had a feeling that maybe this thousand kings meeting might find an opportunity, and then broke through to the level of six revolutions or six changes, and further enhanced its strength.

The place where the Thousand Kings Society is held is different each time and is not fixed.

As for where it will take place, it depends on the wishes of the organizers.

The organizer is generally the most outstanding person in the last thousand kings. If there are some special circumstances, such as breaking through to Yuan Ming Realm or dying, or leaving the white world, etc., he will go down and be the second best. People organization.

This time, the place where the Thousand Kings Association was held was in Qianqiu Lake.

Qianqiu Lake is a huge lake with a distance of thousands of miles. On the lake, there are more than a thousand hills, but they are no more than a hundred meters high.

The original name of this lake was Qianqiu Lake, which meant that there were thousands of hills, but it was later changed to Qianqiu Lake, which sounds the same and has far-reaching meaning.

Throughout generations!

By the huge Qianqiu Lake, many high-level platforms have been temporarily built. These high-level platforms were built by some merchants, because the Thousand Kings will be held here, and many people will come to watch.

Thousands of kings will not refuse to watch from outside, as long as they do not interfere.

This is also a way to spread fame.

In this way, businessmen saw business opportunities and built temporary pavilions and the like for people to enter, which is better than the wind and rain and the sun. Even if the practitioners are not afraid, they will sit in the pavilions and enjoy tea. It is so pleasant to be accompanied by a drinking beauty while watching the Tianjiao's Tianjiao on Wuzheng.

In Qianqiu Lake, the height of each hill is not much different. At this moment, each hill is empty, and there are only small trees with dark green leaves growing.

In addition to the platform beside the lake, there are also some ships docking, and some are also used by merchants to make money.

At this time, a figure flew from a distance and did not fly by. Instead, it was like a dragonfly dripping with water, ripples and ripples on the water surface, spread out, and its posture was as graceful as a flying swallow. , The speed is amazing, immediately swept up from the water surface, fell on a hill, independent of the top of the hill.

"somebody is coming."

"It looks like Tianjiao attending the Thousand Kings Conference."

"Come and see who it is?"

Although there are some distances, there are no obstacles to obscure the person's appearance.

It was a young man in a blue robe with ordinary looks and soft eyes.

Not long after, someone recognized the person.

Those who can get invitations to participate in the Thousand Kings Conference are more famous Tianjiao, regardless of their origin.

This person is the Tianjiao from a small power family. His surname is Liu Cunzhi. He has good talent and good strength.

Not long after, the second person, the third person and the fourth person came from all directions and arrived at Qianqiu Lake in succession.

These people arrived at Qianqiu Lake and landed directly on the hills.

Many people were excited on the pavilion high platform around Qianqiu Lake.

In normal times, these geniuses are rare to see. People who have heard their names but are hard to see them, now when they see them, they have a kind of excitement from their hearts.

As time passed, more and more Tianjiao arrived.

One after another on the hills.

Different people are different.

Some people came alone and flew directly, while others were very pompous and imposing, such as some Tianjiao of the Three Dynasties.

And, although not all of them landed on the hill, most of them stayed on the shore, but there were still a few people who followed, and landed on the hill, increasing the pomp.

Not only that, but also a small and simple palace like the top of the hill was taken up. The magnificent appearance gave the place a little more embellishment.

The red light swept through the sky, with a burst of hot heat, as if burning a sky.

The red light made a burst of explosive sounds ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Within the red light, there were a total of three figures, which turned into glyphs and flew quickly.

"That's the genius of the Yan people."

"There are actually three."

"That's Xiaoyan Wang Yanlie."

"And the flame war."

"The head is the first day of the young generation of the Yan tribe.

"The Yan clan is indeed one of the five ancient clan. It is really amazing. This time, three people were invited to participate in the Thousand Kings Conference." The crowd was amazed.

The ancients belonged to the family system. Compared with the Zongmen and the dynasty, the ancients had fewer people, and they belonged to the bloodline family, so they were even fewer in personnel.

Among the small number of people, three Tianjiao who are qualified to participate in the Thousand Kings Association are indeed amazing.

Thousands of kings, general geniuses are not eligible for invitations.

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