Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 99: 1 Sword Town 8 Fang (Part 1)

Qianqiu Lake has Qianqiu, and Qianqiu stands on the top.

The geniuses who are eligible to receive invitations belong to the geniuses among the geniuses, and are all arrogant who have the reputation of being king in one area.

At this moment, the vast majority arrived.

On some hills, the fire is burning, the heat is astonishing, as if to burn everything.

On some hills, there is a thunderous light shining, full of amazing breath, as if it can destroy everything.

On some hills, there is water shining, shimmering, overlapping and endless.

On some hills, there are thick forests, which are like folds, lush and vibrant.

On some hills, the wind screamed, and the wind was blowing around and blowing, sometimes lightly and violently.

Everyone who has the potential to be king in one area has a superior understanding of the avenue.

Only two of the most dazzling avenue visions.

The first is the sword light rising from the sky, covering all directions, surrounded by countless swords, like the storm of the sword, the thunder of the sword, fluctuating endlessly, it seems to tear everything around, through the void of heaven and earth, and its center is a look Ordinary, but eyebrow-like young men with sharp eyes.

He carried a long sword, stood erect, and his back was straight, like a magic sword inserted at the top of the hill, pointing directly to the sky, the kind of astonishing sharpness that seemed to break the sky.

Little Sword King Yu Mosheng.

The other one, where it stands, is filled with a strange and amazing invisible force, as if it is constantly collapsing, as if it is constantly expanding, the collapse is opposite to the expansion, but there is no conflict, but constant fluctuations As a result, the figure on the hill also seems to become distorted and difficult to distinguish.

This person is also Xiao Dinglong, the initiator and organizer of the Thousand Kings Association.

In a hurry, there was an astonishing light shining, filled with a cold and overbearing front, across the sky, flying across the void from a distance.

As soon as that light appeared, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. Looking from afar, it was like a giant knife breaking through the sky, with a breathless atmosphere, and a striking power that broke the world.

"That is……"


"Little knife is here too."

"He will definitely come, after all, he is also the younger generation of the dominant man."

The little sword king lifted his eyelids, and when he was stunned, his eyes flew out a striking and direct swordman, tearing the sky, and hitting away.

Vaguely, a raspy sword-sounding sound rang out in the void, and a ripple seemed to rush away, impacting in all directions.

Just moments later, Xiao Jian Wang and Xiao Dao Wang completed a confrontation in breath.

"Yu Mosheng, you have to fight, and we will have a good fight when we meet." The long laugh circulated from the light of the sword, ringing the sky and the waves, as if countless long swords were shaking and popping out. The breath is extremely inferior.

"Huh." Yu Mosheng snorted coldly, the essence in his eyes was slightly restrained, not to be afraid, but to wait, wait for the Thousand Kings to begin, and then come to the sword confrontation, a higher and lower.

The King of Swords and the King of Swords are the most outstanding true tales from the four major gates.

The vocals of harps and melodious vocals, Xiao Sword's sharp breath created by the Little Sword King and the Little Sword King were instantly dissipated into the invisible, attracting everyone's attention and slowly immersed in the beautiful vocal among.

Along with that beautiful vocal music are blossoming petals, the petals turned into flower rain, red pink rose red bright yellow light blue and other colorful flowers, which are extremely gorgeous, and let people live for a while. A feeling of falling in the sea of ​​flowers, can clearly smell the fragrance of flowers.


The aroma is striking!

When the time passed, everyone seemed to be intoxicated.

Countless petals swirled, as if the wind was blowing forward, and finally landed on a hill, colorful flowers swept between the sky, revealing a magnificent figure.

A colorful flower robe is gorgeous and gorgeous, and a scent of incense permeates away, as if very strong, and if it is absent.

With a colorful flower veil on his face, and seven petals of different colors on his long hair, it doesn't look tacky at all, but an indescribable fairy.

Caihua Fairy!

In the white world, in addition to the Tianyi Palace, the three dynasties, the four ancestral gates, and the five ancient clan are the strongest forces. The strong level between them is also between the middle and the middle, and it is difficult to distinguish Xuanyuan.

For example, the Little Sword King and the Little Sword King come from one of the four major gates, respectively, and the Caihua Fairy also comes from one of the four major gates.

There is also Yan Yanzun Yanchen, who is from one of the five ancient groups.

It can be said that at least one of the top ten forces in the white world has a genius as a representative, which is very powerful and has an amazing reputation.

However, Xiao Tian Wang, the organizer of the Thousand Kings Association, did not come from the twelve major forces, but came from a lower-level force.

Among some small forces that are not as good as the Twelve Great Powers, there may be some top geniuses. They will not be inferior to the Twelve Great Powers and may even surpass them.

Of course, this probability is relatively small.

"Looks like everyone is here."

"should be."

When the voice fell, another sword light flew from a distance.

At first glance, the sword light was very subtle and ordinary, but at another glance, it seemed to be magnificent and full of the world. At the third glance, it seemed to be flickering.

It feels very strange and indescribable.

Feeling the sharpness of the sword, some geniuses with swords on Qianqiu Lake stared away, especially the little sword king, his eyes narrowed slightly, staring at that strange and mysterious sword light, instinctively gave a feeling of a powerful enemy. .

Landing, Jian Guang converged, and a figure stood tall on the hill.

"Who is that?"

"I haven't seen it before."

"I recognize that he is Chen Zong, the true disciple of Xintiangong." Some people have recognized Chen Zong. After ten years, some people have met Chen Zong.

"Is he the Little Sword Emperor?"

"I don't see how great it is."

"How can you see it, depending on your ability."

"It's not terrible that you can see it."

Talks are endless.

One is the title of Little Sword Emperor, and the other is the true identity of Xinyi Tiangong.

For a while, Xiao Jian Wang Yu Mosheng's eyes condensed, containing a sharp, extremely sharp like sword light, penetrating through the void, staring at Chen Zong, as if to pierce Chen Zong.

Chen Zong can feel the amazing sharpness carried in the eyes of the Little Sword King, staring away, his eyes staring at each other, and for a time, Chen Zong can feel that this is a rival, a rival on Kendo.

A trace of warfare rose from the heart of Chen Zong.

It seemed to feel the warfare conveyed in Chen Zong's eyes, and the sword behind the Little Sword King also trembled slightly. It seemed to be out of the sheath, permeating a more amazing sharpness.

Finally, the top 1,000 geniuses who have been invited to have the title of king among the younger generation have gathered here.

Qianqiu Lake!

Throughout generations, reputation has spread.

"I am honored to be able to come to Qianqiu Lake." Xiao Dinglong, the initiator of the Qianwang meeting, is located on a hill in the center of Qianqiu Lake, speaking loudly, as if with an inexplicable power, The void overlaps, as if the sound waves spread out and spread into everyone's ears.

Even everyone on the lakeside high-rise heard it, and the voice was very clear, directly in my ears.

Whether it's someone who thinks that he is better than Xiaotian Wang or that he has a higher background than Xiaotian Wang, all of them are quiet and silent at this moment.

Because this is an unwritten rule of the Tianjiao Association or the Thousand Kings Association, that is, to maintain a certain respect for the initiators of the Thousand Kings Association. If they do not respect, then the Thousand Kings Association will become chaotic and cannot continue .

Thousand Kings Meeting Thousand Kings, it is the encounter and collision of Tianjiao and Tianjiao. It is more convenient and direct than usual to find. Such a good opportunity must not be missed.

Xiaotian Wang didn't say much, just said a few words as an opening statement, and then let everyone feel free.

The Thousand Kings Association has held many sessions so far, but it is not strictly a special formal event. The initiator is only the initiator. It is not qualified to ask others what they should not do, and its role is only a leading organization. .

Of course, as the initiator, it is said that you can get the favor of invisible air transport, otherwise, it will not be so positive.

Thousands of kings, that is the collision of Tianjiao, of course, it is not really as simple as drinking tea, drinking, chatting, and those, but it is a more mild statement.

The real King of Thousands will be fighting.

The collision of Tianjiao and Tianjiao!

Spark of strength and power!

The surge of strength and power!

"Lin Mo, the last time you and I didn't distinguish between victory and defeat, this time, I will definitely defeat you under the palm of your hand." Immediately, someone issued a challenge and named his surname.

"Who is afraid of who." Lin Mo snorted coldly, and fought without fear.

The two immediately flew away from their respective hills, and turned into a streamer and lightning-like rapid approach, shot and fight.

The roar sounded continuously.

Both of them are fighting with bare hands, and they are both at the level of four rounds of imperial realm, but their strength is stronger than that of ordinary four turn imperial realms. Between the shots, the power is overwhelming and very amazing.

Martial arts, Daoli ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ amazing power.

Eyes were fixed on them, watching the two men fighting.


"It is indeed worthy of being the king of heaven in the younger generation."

"Just when I can have such strength."

On the high-rise building beside Qianqiu Lake, many people's eyes brightened, they were amazed and envious.

However, such fierce battles are nothing in the eyes of a few Tianjiao who have been repaired for higher strength and strength, but they are relatively rare. For example, Chen Zong has absolute certainty. With only one sword, he can directly defeat or even kill this Two people.

The rule of the Thousand Kings Association is that if someone fights, others can't get in or intervene, and they can only start the next game after the battle is over.

In this battle, Lin Mo finally won a move.

"Damn, next time, I will definitely defeat you." The man left an angry sentence, wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth, and returned to the hill where he was.

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