Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 102: Goodbye wang


The sound rang out into everyone's ears so clearly that it felt like his heart was breaking apart instantly.

The fissures spread quickly, and the entire sky magnetic stars spread out in a hurry, falling apart.


Xiao Dinglong was extremely shocked. His strongest move was broken, which was incredible.

It is not surprising to say that the combat power is better than its own, and that it defeats the Celestial Star with arrogant combat power. The problem is that the opponent's combat power is not repressive to himself, but is almost the same. It's a bit incredible to break this trick.

"You won." Xiao Dinglong, the little king of heaven, didn't make any further shots, because he knew that the opponent could use the superb swordsmanship to break through the magnetic stars of the sky, and then continue to fight. The defeat is certain.

Since Xiaotian Wang conceded, Chen Zong received the sword and returned to the sheath. This battle ends here.

Because in Chen Zong's perception, Xiao Dinglong, the Tiantian King, has the strongest combat power. Others, at most, are almost the same, or even worse. So, of course, he can't raise much warfare.

"Thank you Brother Xiao for the invitation, so that I can make a breakthrough." Chen Zong laughed and immediately hugged his fists. "This trip has been very rewarding. Thank you again, I will leave first."

Chen Zong can't wait to return to Xintiangong.

However, before returning to Xinyi Temple, you still have to make another trip to Baiyu City. After crossing the three major challenges of Baiyu City, you will get rewards and leave the prestige of Xinyi Temple.

After speaking, Chen Zong turned into a sword light and left quickly.

Xiu's breakthrough made Chen Zong's speed much faster. He blinked and disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

"You, we continue." Xiao Dinglong said with a look back at his eyes and thoughts.

He actually intends to nominate Chen Zong as the initiator of the next thousand kings meeting, but it seems that Chen Zong seems to have no interest, so forget it.

Chen Zong's stunning performance shocked everyone. Chen Zong's departure also seemed to take away something, making the next thousand kings less exciting.

After all, Zhuyu is ahead.



Chen Zong came again, with a bit of excitement.

This time, Chen Zong did not visit or stop, and went straight to the last challenge place: the Infinity Battle Hall.

Start the challenge.

Under the mighty combat power, Chen Zong's breakthrough is like breaking through the bamboo gates.

However, Chen Zong has already made it once, and the last time he broke through the 96th level and took away nine treasure chests, so this time there is no reward for the previous 90th level. Only by passing the 100th level can he get the final Reward.

The 96th level is the level that Chen Zong broke into last time. This time, he easily passed.

Level 97!

The 98th level!

Level 99!

The last level is a ten-star opponent.


Fierce battle!

Do your best to fight.


Psychic powers!

The power of the sword in the beginning!

Wan Jian Guizong Jianjue!

Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

The last sword, kill, win, break through.

Starting with the last treasure chest, at the same time, the outside list has also changed. Chen Zong's name directly reached the top, better than the master Luo Beichuan.

After all, Chen Zong's breakthrough is a breakthrough in three aspects, and the improvement of combat power is even more significant.

Ascended the summit, Chen Zong successfully reached the summit.

Naturally, there was another shock. When Chen Zong appeared, it attracted a lot of attention, and the people of the three dynasties and the four major gates were again rushed.

When they saw Chen Zong's name ascending to the top, the faces of the three dynasties were very wonderful, because before they had given up to recruit Chen Zong, now they have some regrets.


With the last treasure chest, Chen Zong quickly left Bai Yucheng and flew away in the direction of Xinshen Mountain.

Now, I already have a ten-star combat power, which is a small polar realm combat power, you can go to the battle star tower and leave your name on the battle star monument.

Then, head to the Northern Front and drop by to the Eternal Fort.

When Chen Zongfei flew across a mountain, Yu Guang at the corner of his eye glanced at someone who was passing by quickly. It seemed a little bit embarrassed and fleeing in haste.

Behind him, two people were pursuing quickly, and the killer was suddenly murderous.

This kind of hunting and being chased Chen Zong has seen many times in the past ten years, but never intervened, because the person being killed is not necessarily a good person, and the party to be killed is not necessarily a bad person.

In the world of practitioners, the definition of good and evil has never been so simple and simple.

However, the next breath, Chen Zong decided to step in, because the person being chased, Chen Zong knew.

Wang Ye!

It was my friend who had arrived in the black and white world after suffering several times from outside the black and white world with himself.

Indeed, after some experience, Chen Zong regarded Wang Xi as a friend.

At that time, he successfully crossed the heart of Haideng Shenshan and became a true disciple of Xintiangong, but Wang Xi failed, unable to become a true biography of Tiangong.

However, Wang Xun did not give up, but first traveled to the white world and sharpened himself, especially focusing on the grinding of his mind, so that he could strengthen his mind, so that next time he can cross the Haideng Mountain and become a true disciple of the mind heaven palace.

Since it is Wang Ye, there is no need to ask what is right or wrong, save it first.

His body flickered and Chen Zong flew away head on.

Wang Yan was frightened, and somebody intercepted it. This time it was miserable.

There was a sudden flash of determination on his face, and it was a big deal to pull back.

"Brother Wang is not panicking." Chen Zong's voice came, and Wang Zong was shocked, and then immediately saw that the person who flew forward was Chen Zong, a former friend.

Wang Xi couldn't help but be happy, after all, Chen Zong was a true disciple of the Heart of Heaven.

However, I also thought that Chen Zong's cultivation was not as good as himself. Even if he became a true disciple of the Mind Heaven Palace, he was talented. After years of cultivation, he is estimated to be similar to himself.

"Brother Chen is going away." Wang Xuan immediately transmitted a message to Chen Zong, and did not want Chen Zong to go through this muddy water.

"No matter." Chen Zong didn't mind, since he was a friend, since he decided to take a shot, of course, he wouldn't be in a hurry, not to mention that the two were just repairs of the Five-Road Royal Road. Even if it was more powerful, it would be limited.

Seeing that Chen Zong wasn't leaving, he still had to help, Wang Xi was very grateful. He just stopped by biting his teeth and turned around to meet the enemy with Chen Zong.

Wang Zhe ’s approach made Chen Zong nodded secretly. He was indeed a friend who could make friends and did not hesitate to take his own shot.

If Wang Ye did not hesitate to leave directly, then Chen Zong would still help, but the friends are more than that.

"Why don't you run away." The two middle-aged men chased away immediately, blocking them back and forth, among them the dark-skinned middle-aged man sneered.

"Sir, this person stole the heart-fruits of my young master, and I ask you not to step in to avoid making mistakes." Another said, staring at Chen Zongning.

Heart refining!

Chen Zong was slightly surprised that it was an elixir that helped to condense the mind, but it was only effective at the level of imperial state, and it was not effective beyond the level of imperial state.

However, the value of refining the fruit is high and it is not easy to obtain.

"Waffle, I first discovered the refining heart, and it took three years to mature."

"Well, I said that the heart-smelt fruit belongs to my young master and my young master." The dark-skinned middle-aged man chuckled.

In a word, Chen Zong understood the cause and effect.

It is nothing more than that Wang Xi first found the heart-refining fruit, and spent three years waiting to be mature and ready to pick it up. However, before the picking, other people found it. A scramble occurred and he was taken away by Wang Yi. Chase.

"Since refining the fruit of my friend, you retreat and leave it alone." Chen Zongbuxubuji said with a cold tone.

It is left to Wang Yan to deal with the grievances. Of course, if the other party is not interested, it is inevitable that the sword is stained with blood.

For no reason, as Chen Zong's words fell, a coldness pervaded, making the two middle-aged people's looks slightly changed, a little bit suspicious.

"Sir, please don't get involved in this matter." Shen Sheng, a middle-aged man with a relatively solemn look, said, "Although my Zhao family is not a big family, there are also powerful supernatural powers in the family, let alone, I Someone from the Zhao family has the true story of the Heavenly Palace. "

"The mind of Tiangong is true." Chen Zong's expression moved slightly, but Wang Yan's face changed greatly.

"Yes, the three master Zhao of my Zhao family passed the test of Xinyi Tiangong 100 years ago and became the true biography of Xinyi Tiangong." The two middle-aged people have a kind of pride and pride.

Becoming a true legend of the Tiangong Palace of the Mind, the Zhao family seems to have obtained an amulet. Even if it is a stronger force than the Zhao family, it is usually unwilling to conflict with the Zhao family.

Zhao Sanye, the true legend of Tiangong, is the backing of Zhao's family, and his influence is not inferior to Zhao's only supernatural power.

"Brother Chen, I'll give them the heart-refining fruit." Wang Yan gritted his teeth, and ultimately had to compromise.

Although he also knew that Chen Zong was a true disciple of Xinyi Tiangong, Chen Zong became the true biography of Xinyi Tiangong, but it was slower than that of Zhao Sanye. Therefore, it should be worse than that of Zhao Sanye.

Brother Chen ca n’t make it difficult to be a man in the heart of heaven because of his own affairs, and may even be blocked everywhere.

Wang Xi, who was born in a family, knew very well that the internal struggles of the forces, and the mind Tiangong probably was inevitable.

"No." However, Chen Zong stopped Wang Ye and looked at the two middle-aged Zhao family members. "Since this is the case, I will send a message to the third master Zhao, and say that the fifth true story of my heart is that Chen Zong took away the noodles. Xinguo ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you have any comments, come to Tiangong to find me. "

"The fifth true story of Ishimiya!"

"Chen Zong!"

"You are the young sword emperor Chen Zong who has been in the limelight these years."

The two middle-aged people were suddenly surprised, but did not expect that they met the true disciple of Xintiangong.

However, they were just surprised and didn't have much fear, because they believed that Zhao Sanye had become a true disciple of the mind of Tiangong earlier, and according to the circulating information, it seems that Chen Zong became the true person of Tiangong for decades. It must be worse than Zhao Sanye.

However, the other party is also the true story of Tiangong, it is better to report this matter.

This report took some time, and Chen Zong left with Wang Yan. The two did not dare to stop, and the prestige of the heavenly palace was too strong.

"Hey, Brother Chen, I'll just give them the refining fruit, so I'm afraid it will cause you a lot of trouble." Wang Yan was annoyed.

"You can rest assured that I can resolve this matter." Chen Zongwei smiled.

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