Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 103: Battle Star Tower Level 10

(Little sister-in-law's combat power has finally broken the limit)

White circles' information spreads quickly.

In particular, the speed of spread of some major events is astonishing as lightning.

The Thousand Kings Conference has already ended, and as a result, it spread to all parts of the White World at the fastest speed in the shortest time. Although the Zhao family is not a big force, it is not weak, and it is medium. The level of influence naturally got the news at the first time.

Chen Zong, the little sword emperor, seems to be the most dazzling and outstanding person at the Thousand Kings Conference. Although he left halfway through, he was confirmed to have amazing strength and surpass the ordinary Jiuzhuan Yudao.

Therefore, the two of the Zhao family were afraid to stop Chen Zong's departure. One was that they were not as good as the other. Even if it was just that the news had not been seen in person, they were also afraid of it.

The Zhao family relied on the identity of the true legend of the Heavenly Palace of Zhao Sanye to let the family be invincible under normal circumstances.

Since this matter involves another true disciple of Tiangong, it is not something they can handle. In any case, it must be reported to the family, and then the family informs Zhao Sanye.

As for Chen Zong, he left with Wang Ye, looking for a place, and Wang Ye healed him.

After the wound was healed, Wang Xie's palm was flipped, and a red fruit appeared in the palm, surrounded by silver lines, forming a strange rune imprinted on it, exuding a wonderful wave of power.

Heart refining!

"Brother Chen, if it wasn't you this time, I'm afraid I can't escape it." Although Wang Yi was very reluctant, he still resolutely passed the heart-refining fruit to Chen Zong.

"Brother, you should be very clear about what this refining fruit means to you." Chen Zong did not take it, but asked with a smile.

Wang Yan is very clear.

At that time, he failed on Mount Tengshen. After years of hardening, he had some opportunities. When he achieved four rounds of imperial roads, his mind was sharpened.

But even so, he still didn't have much confidence that he could successfully ascend to the heart of the mountain.

However, if you take this refining fruit, sharpen your mind, and make your mind stronger, maybe you can cross the heart of Haideng Shenshan, become the true biography of the Heart of Heaven, and achieve your goal.

Therefore, refining the heart fruit is very important to Wang Xi.

"I know, but if it weren't for Brother Chen to come to your rescue, I would not only lose the fruit of refining my heart, but I would be more vulnerable." Wang Yi said rudely.

He continued to escape, but it was difficult to escape in the end. He was wounded, and he fought hard, at most, he pulled a back.

"Refining your heart fruit is about whether you can pass the test to become the true story of Tiangong, but for me, it is of no use." Chen Zong laughed. Indeed, Chen Zong's mental strength has surpassed that of Yu Dao Jing. At the level, the refining of the heart is just a taste: "Brother, I see you as a friend, so you don't have to."

"Thank you Brother Chen, I'm grateful." Wang Yan gritted his teeth, and eventually regained the heart refining fruit, which really related to his future.

If this time because of the loss of the refining fruit and missed the mind Tiangong, I do not know when to sharpen, so that I can have enough mental strength to cross the sea of ​​heart.

To pass the test of the Mind of Heaven, it is not a question of whether the strength is high or low, but the strength of the mind. Indeed, the higher the mind, the stronger the mind, but the higher the test, the stronger the corresponding .

Therefore, only by letting your mental strength surpass Xiu as a level, can you hope to pass the test and be listed in the true story of Tiangong.

Today, Wang Xun consciously sharpens his mind, but the results are not very good. The strength of his mind goes beyond the cultivation of some, but not many, but this heart-refining fruit can greatly enhance his strength of mind.

"Brother Wang refining with peace of mind, I will protect the law for you." Chen Zong smiled, said.

Wang Xun became more grateful. He sat cross-legged and took heart-refining fruits to sharpen his mind.

After one day and one night, Wang Yan's refining was finished. When his eyes were open, he was condensed, only to feel that his mental strength had improved significantly by several percent.

The two set off together and headed for the Shenshen Mountain.

"Brother, I am waiting for you in the Temple of Heaven." Chen Zong laughed and went straight across the sea of ​​heart.

"Rest assured, Brother Chen, I will definitely climb the mountain and be listed in the Heavenly Palace." Wang Yan looked at the back of Chen Zong's departure and clenched his fists.

Lianxinguo increased the intensity of his mind by several percent, allowing him to have a greater grasp of crossing the heart of Haideng Shenshan and becoming the true story of Xintiangong.


Zhao Sanye is the brother of the current Zhao family leader, ranking third, so he is called Sanye, and is the uncle of Zhao family master.

The real name of Zhao Sanye is Zhao Yisheng. Hundred years ago, he was fortunate enough to cross the Xinhai Mountain and was listed as the true biography of the Xinyi Temple. It took several decades to finally become a true disciple of the Xinyi Temple.

Just left Xinyi Temple and returned to Zhao's house. Unexpectedly, he just returned to the clan and immediately learned a message.

His nephew even provokes the true story of Xintiangong.

"The fifth true story of Chen Yizong in Yixin Palace!" Zhao Yisheng's voice became loud and his expression changed greatly. This appearance immediately made Zhao's homeowner faintly disturbed.

"Three brothers, what is the origin of Chen Zong?" The owner of the Zhao family said that he was puzzled. Despite the news, Chen Zong had the title of a small sword emperor and was very talented, but his third brother also had his heart. The true story of Tiangong is still the strongest of Jiuzhuan Yudao. With a combat power, it has already exceeded the conventional level.

"It's a big deal. In the Mind Heaven Palace, Chen Zong is ranked first in the list. He is extremely talented. It is very amazing. He is also the fifth disciple of the One Heart Palace master. Whether it is talent, potential or status, I can't match him. Zhao Yisheng said in a deep voice, with a solemn tone and solemn expression: "In a word, Chen Zong is not something I can provoke. Maybe now, its combat power is not inferior to me."

The internal news of Xinyi Tiangong is generally not spoken. Therefore, Zhao Yisheng did not make it very clear, but simply mentioned it, which made people feel powerful but couldn't understand more.

It is just that Zhao Yisheng's tone and look show that Chen Zong cannot be provoked, and Zhao Yisheng can't afford it.

Because in the Mind Palace, Zhao Yisheng is an ordinary true disciple, not a true biography of the Five Palaces. Both are true but there are differences.

If you want to divide, Zhao Yisheng belongs to the ordinary true biography, and Chen Zong belongs to the elite true biography.

Even if it is this time, Zhao Yisheng has a certain grasp on impacting the elite true story. Even if he succeeds, he still cannot compare with Chen Zong.

Therefore, I ca n’t afford it, I ca n’t mess with it, I just bring trouble to the Zhao family.

"Come on, how did you provoke Chen Zong?" Zhao Yisheng immediately asked.

When I understood the cause and effect before, I was relieved. It was not a major event, nor was it a direct provoke. It was only indirect. It had not been shot yet. It should be better resolved.

"Leave it to me, and I'll rush back to Xintiangong to accompany a sin now." Zhao Yisheng said, immediately got up.

"Third brother, you have worked hard." The Zhao family owner also understood that the matter was urgent and did not do more to retain.

"Anyway, this is not a big deal. I am also a member of the Zhao family." After Zhao Yisheng said, he quickly left. He didn't know about Chen Zong, and his temperament was not clear. It is serious. It should be possible to go to the house and make an apology.

Inadequacy is a bit of blood.

Before Zhao Yisheng's buttocks became hot, he left Zhao's home hurriedly and returned to Xinyi Tiangong, while Chen Zong just crossed Xinhai and returned to Xinyi Tiangong.

"I hope I don't meet Sister Three." Chen Zong thought secretly as he ascended to the heart of the mountain.

Although it has been a long time in the past ten years, I still have a deep memory of the events at that time. If the three masters knew and wanted to investigate, maybe they would be beaten up a little, and it would be a little shuddering to think about it.

Forget it, you can't escape it.

However, when Chen Zong returned to the Mind Heaven Palace to see the Master first, it was only known that the three-sister sister Jade Flawless left the Mind Heaven Palace and went out to practice. As for entering the white world or leaving the black and white world into the void, it was not clear.

Experience is a compulsory subject throughout the life of every practitioner.

No strong person is made in retreat. Instead, he needs continuous training and then training, sharpening himself from the training, pursuing the avenue, and strengthening himself.

From the initial cultivation to the extreme, every practitioner does not know how many times they have to go through.

Retreat, only when the experience reaches a certain level, when the accumulation of one's own reaches a limit, will the retreat be conducted once, organize the harvest of experience, comprehend everything, and find a breakthrough.

After the retreat is consolidated, Jingji thinks about it, and he will set off again to continue his training.

Vast and vast, even the dominant power has not completely traveled, and can still continue to experience.

Experience is the eternal theme of any practitioner.

Knowing that the third-class sister Yu Flawless was not here, but went out to practice, Chen Zong was relieved subconsciously.

Fortunately, fortunately.

After saying goodbye to Master, Zong went directly to the Battle Star Tower.

"Now ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I can break through the tenth floor of the Battle Star Tower." Chen Zong said secretly, the mood was surging.

The ten-star combat power is that of extreme polar warfare, even if it is a little polar warfare, it is still beyond the conventional force.

Even though the cultivation was a breakthrough, even though he was confident, when he stepped into the Star Wars Tower, Chen Zong couldn't help but feel a solitude.

This feeling is not the same as when you run through the Baiyu City to infinitely challenge the 100th level, because the opponent of the Battle Star Tower is a warrior of the barbarian tribe. All are not available in Bai Yucheng's infinite battle.

Therefore, Chen Zong can cross the 100th level of Bai Yucheng's infinite challenge, but the tenth floor of the Battle Star Tower is not simple.

Along the way, Chen Zong quickly defeated the barbarians on the ninth floor, even if the opponent's power to burn the totem broke out with a blow.

On the tenth floor, the opponent is still a savage warrior. The breath is extremely cold and terrifying, and it is extremely powerful.

One claw was caught in the air, Chen Zong's expression was condensed, and between the flashes of brilliance, no action was seen, but Jian Guang broke through in an instant, and a sword penetrated and tore everything.

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