Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 1: Theater 9

The movement of the Great Void is generally a means of transmission that can only be grasped by the top star-level forces, and it is a clever means of transmission that can cross the void.

If Chen Zong is to rush on his own, take the Niankong to depart from the black and white world and reach the northern front of the North Void, it will take a short time.

In the void of the north, the rays of light condensed from the air, like a weaving, quickly shuttle, weaving into a glowing matrix method.

At the center of the formation law, a figure condensed out of thin air, and it was Chen Zong.

"The atmosphere here is a bit different." After the light scattered around, Chen Zong gazed around and felt that the atmosphere here was not the same as the atmosphere of the East Void and the Central Void.

It seems that with a little more killing and a little more smoke, it seems that there is an urgent factor that makes people nervous.

Perhaps because this is the North Void and because there is the Northern Front here, that is the front line against the demons.

Take out the astrolabe, Chen Zong inspected, locked his location and the orientation of the northern front.

The northern front is a collective name, strictly counted, is actually three star fields.

One of the star fields has been completely occupied by the barbarian clan, and the other two star fields have been invaded by the barbarian clan and occupy a part of them. Those two star fields are also guarded by the army of people ’s trainers, and The savages fight against the invasion of the savages.

Therefore, the defense in those two star domains is the northern front.

Chen Zong is going to serve on the northern front. Naturally, he needs to have a clearer understanding of the northern front, so that there won't be a murky incident and the oolong incident that broke into the barbaric camp.

The two major star domains are Arrow and Thai King.

The division of war zones in the Arrow domain and the Thai planet domain is the same.

Heavy theater!

Moderate theater!

Mild War Zone!

The so-called severe war zone is a war zone that belongs to the level of magical powers. If you do not enter the power of magical powers, it is basically dead.

The medium war zone belongs to the level of Yuan Ming Realm.

As for the mild war zone, it is the level of imperial realm.

Of course, even a mild war zone is very dangerous, and if you enter the realm, you may be killed if you accidentally enter it.

Chen Zong is a royal state, and he can enter a mild war zone.

There are more than one mild war zone in the two major star domains, but there are dozens of them, and they are divided into No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and so on.

There are fewer moderate theaters, but they add up to more than twenty, while the minimum theaters are less than ten, and they are also divided by number one, number two, and number three.

"My luck is good." Chen Zong said secretly after watching the chart.

Because the large void of the Mind Heaven Palace was moved directly to another void area, but it was impossible to accurately lock the position, only an approximation.

The place where Chen Zong appeared is not far from the Arrow field. If you fly with the spacecraft, it is estimated that it will be more than ten days.

The Niankong appeared, and Chen Zong opened immediately and set off immediately.

The true biography of any mind Tiangong must go to the northern front to serve at least once.

Especially for those who want to prepare a true story, the most direct way to become a true story is to go to the western void to defend the alien borderline to obtain a record or to go to the northern front to obtain a victory.

For the true biography of elites like Chen Zong, the general requirement is to serve on the northern front when they have polar combat power.

Any elite true story can definitely have extreme combat power, the difference lies only in cultivation.

After the elite really transmitted to the extreme combat power, after serving for a hundred years or obtaining a certain amount of warfare, they can leave the battlefield.

That merit is not only a manifestation of the record, it can also be exchanged for exchange to the Eternal Battle Fortress.

Eternal Battle Fortress is a star cult and is the most advanced in the void. Although it is not as good as the Heavenly Palace in the high-end combat power, it is worse, but in other aspects, it has exceeded it, especially some treasures, etc. Tiangong is a bit worse.

Moreover, Chen Zong still remembers very clearly that he is in the eternal battlefield, but he has a clone.

It was an avatar condensed by the power of heaven and earth. Chen Zong felt that the avatar might be useful to himself, but that value is not low in the eternal battlefield. Even if he is the true biography of the elite Tiangong, it is difficult to obtain it plainly.

Unless, I am willing to give up my identity of the Heavenly Palace of Heaven, and become the true story of the Eternal War Fortress.

But that is impossible.

However, there is another method, which is to exchange for military service.

Not cheap, of course.

However, Chen Zong still intends to obtain military exploits in exchange for his own power of heaven and earth.

Ten thousand battles!

It takes at least 10,000 battles.

As for the achievement of battle, it is very simple, that is, killing the demon barbarians.

Chen Zong came to the northern front to serve. The first point was to report to one of the theaters. After filing his name and history, he would get the corresponding token. After killing the demon, he would accumulate in the token. Martial arts, cannot falsify.

The speed of the Niaokong continued to increase, getting faster and faster, reaching the limit of the high-level void ship, and then the void shuttle opened.

In this way, the time to enter the Arrow field can be greatly shortened.

After shuttle from the void, the void flying boat flew into the void zone between the stars.

The time of ten days is mainly used to cross the nothingness belt.

While flying, Chen Zong practiced, and also opened the shield of the Niaokong, which could withstand external attacks at any time and protect his own security.

In this way, more than ten days passed calmly, and the Kuankong formally flew out of nothingness and entered the Arrow field.

As soon as he entered the Arrow field, Chen Zong smelled a strong smoke of smoke, which belongs to the battlefield.

Xiao Sha!



After entering here, Chen Zong found that the speed of the flying ship in the void began to be significantly weakened.

This is because the weird breath permeated in the void is affecting the core of the void ship, which makes the control performance of the void ship start to decline, and the further it goes inside, the more severe the interference is.

In addition, there are stones in the void, which are fragments of stars.

Chen Zong had already understood before coming here. In the Arrow field and the Thai King field, the role of the Void Flying Boat would be greatly weakened, and the Nether Shuttle was almost abolished. Not available.

That's because the barbarian consciously developed a means against the Void Vessels, which suppressed and interfered with the Void Vessels.

As for the star fragments scattered all around, they are left after many wars, and the stars are constantly damaged and eventually broken and spattered. They are too many and have not been cleaned up.

As they continued to deepen, the more obstructed the spacecraft, Chen Zong had to come out of the spacecraft, put it away, fly by himself, and fly away from the lightest theater on the ninth, which was the closest to the area shown on the chart. .

The deeper it gets, the more intense the feeling that Chen Zong can feel, the more it kills, full of the sense of urgency.

When he died, Chen Zong was locked in a few breaths. Those breaths were filled with amazing killings, cold iron blood, and extremely cold, as if he would be attacked as soon as he had the slightest change.

This kind of breath is different from the breath of ordinary practitioners. It is a breath that only appears after a long battle on the battlefield.

"Who are you?" Then a cold voice sounded: "Show your order."

At the same time as the voice fell, Chen Zong appeared around ten people, and the position of the ten people was just surrounding himself, no matter which direction he could not escape.

Among these ten people, the highest is the seven rounds of Yudaojing, and the lowest is the five rounds of Yudaojing. As for the appearance, there are men and women, and some are older, but at least they are all middle-aged people. .

"I am the true legend of Tiangong Chen Zong, come here to serve." Chen Zong said not to be anxious, but not afraid because the other person's breath was locked.

These people may not be weak, but when they really fight, they are definitely not their opponents.

Hearing Chen Zong's words, the ten people immediately put away their breath locks, and their expressions became clear.

"Are there any guidelines for service?" Asked Yu Daojing, a seven-turned Shen Sheng.

Service guidelines A service guide with the same label as your own power is a form of identification.

As for those casual repairs, there are some ways to get service guidance.

Since Chen Zong came to serve, of course, the single-minded deity will prepare service guidelines.

After reading the service guidelines, the look of these ten people also relaxed.

"Sorry, we are a patrol, searching for the barbarians, and also searching for all anomalies." The head immediately explained that his attitude was much better: "You want to go to the small battlefield number nine and just fly forward, about You can fly in 100,000 light miles. "

Xinyi Tiangong is the top power. Its true disciples will come to serve and have an amazing record. Therefore, they are highly respected.

"Thank you." Chen Zong put away his service guidelines.

After the ten of them clenched their fists slightly, they left and continued to patrol.

Chen Zong retracted his gaze and flew forward quickly.

Three levels of theater, each of which has a battlefield, that is the core of the theater ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mild theaters, called small battlefields, medium theaters It is called a medium-sized battlefield, while a heavy theater is a large battlefield.

These fortresses are made by or applied to the technology of the forever fortress, to some extent, imitate the forever fortress.

In light, that's a unit for calculating length in the void. If converted, it is almost ten miles in one light.

One hundred thousand miles, which is a distance of one million miles, but the speed of training to the void, because of the loss of gravity, will be several times faster than in the stars or the world.

At the speed of 100,000 light miles, Chen Zong is not too far away.


Chen Zong kept flying and encountered a patrol during the same period, showing the same service guidelines.

There are 40,000 light miles from the small battle castle on the 9th.

Chen Zong flew past a generation of gravel belts. In a short time, a strong sense of crisis erupted directly from the heart.

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