Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 2: This is a brutal war


The sudden attack was not even felt by Chen Zong until it was launched.

You must know that Chen Zong's perception is very sharp, far better than other imperial realms, so he only felt it at the beginning of the attack. If it was changed to another imperial realm, it would be slower, or even be affected. Kill directly.

The cold and violent killings were very strong, very clear, and very amazing. It was as if lightning was as sudden as a flame, and it was directly killed. This kind of breath, Chen Zong felt very familiar.

Breath of the savages!

If nothing is wrong, the barbarian attacked.

Here, in a place 40,000 light away from the small battle castle on the 9th, there are even magical warriors, which is incredible.

For a moment, Chen Zong's thinking flickered like lightning, quickly inferring.

Either there is a traitor, commonly known as barbarism, is the kind of practitioners who have been secretly recruited by the barbarians, who do not know if their brains are pumping. They lurk inside the people and secretly provide information to the barbarians There are also traps for practitioners.

Either the monsters are terrible, the penetration ability is amazing, and the gods lurk unconsciously here to attack the practitioners.

Whatever it is, it's not the right time to think about it. Besides, I have just arrived.

Suddenly, three terrible attacks came from three directions. One was extremely fierce, and the sharp claws seemed to tear everything apart. One was extremely violent, so powerful that it seemed to destroy everything. One was cold and weird. Cold is amazing.

Three attacks, each coming from three different directions, cooperated very well and directly blocked Chen Zong's all escape routes.

It was like a well-planned attack, but Chen Zong was more willing to believe that it was an accident.

The attack was instantaneous, extremely fast, as fast as lightning.

The level of combat power erupted by these three monsters has suddenly reached seven stars.

Seven-star, very strong, but to Chen Zong, it is nothing.

Don't evade and avoid, in an instant, Chen Zong waved his sword.

I saw Jian Guang passing by, and quickly returned to her sheath. The three savage warriors who attacked all died and all died.

This kind of combat force came to attack itself, it was a dead end.

With three swords and three kills, Chen Zong's thoughts moved, but he collected the corpses of three demon warriors and was ready to take them to the small battlefield number nine.

40,000 light miles away.

It didn't take long for Chen Zong to finally arrive.

Although it is a small battlefield, from the appearance, the scale is very amazing, like a low-level star, slowly turning, the surface is covered with various buildings, seamlessly integrated.

It is indeed the style of the Eternal Fortress.

It was like a battle fort.

Looking at the appearance alone, Chen Zong has a thrilling feeling, creepy, as if he hurriedly approached, once he was identified as an enemy, he would suffer a devastating blow.

Battlefield, which is a camp for practitioners, is also a war weapon, a huge war weapon.

Next, it is natural to verify the identity and so on. After verifying the identity, someone led Chen Zong into the battlefield to report everything.

"Zhen Zong, the true disciple of Chen Tiangong, okay, there is no problem with your identity. This is your war order." After the second round of verification, Chen Zong obtained his own war order and refined it After the change, the war order turned into a brand with Chen Zong's will and landed on the back of his hand.

After receiving the war order, Chen Zong was also assigned to a room that was usually used as a rest room. Before long, someone came to invite Chen Zong, saying that it was one of the ten generals in this battlefield.

Chen Zong's heart moved just as he needed to find the high-level of this battlefield, and went with him.

There are ten generals in the small battle castle on the ninth, all of them are strong in the level of Yuan Ming Realm.

Although it is said that the main combat power of the mild theater is the imperial realm, and the corresponding demon barbarian is the warrior level, occasionally there will be a brave level corresponding to the level of the Yuanming Realm. Once that level appears, it will cause great imperial realm. Casualties.

Therefore, it is necessary to equip the strong with Yuan Ming Realm.

The cold wave general is one of the ten generals in the small battlefield number nine, ranking second in the general.

When he saw the cold wave general, the other party looked like a middle-aged person, with a restrained atmosphere, even if Chen Zong's perception was super strong, he could not perceive it, but Chen Zong felt a familiar atmosphere from the cold wave general's body. .

The breath of the mind Tiangong fluctuates.

"Brother Chen, it's better to meet each other, it's really extraordinary." The general of the cold wave laughed: "I'm Li Xinchao, the true heart of the Xintian Temple."

"I've seen my brother." Chen Zong's salute was not shocking, albeit a little surprised.

However, it is not surprising that there are thousands of people in the mind and heaven palace. Among them, the number of true disciples is the largest, and there are thousands of people, covering the Royal Realm and Yuan Ming Realm.

Of course, there are the most true transmissions of Yu Dao Jing, and Yuan Ming Jing has fewer.

There are still a few Yuan Ming Realms, which are not true stories, but have a higher status than true stories, but they are not elders, because only divine realms can qualify as elders.

However, Yuan Mingjing, who has another identity, is not inferior to the elders, or even higher than many elders.

"You don't need to be polite." The general said with a smile, and reached out to signal Chen Zong to sit down, and then he sat down: "This is a war zone, which may be dispatched at any time, so I will not invite you to drink."

"Although I sit in the small battleship on the 9th, I still receive news from the Tiangong every so often. Although I have never met you before, I still know the name of the master." Li Hanchao laughed again.

"Brother is overrated, in Tiangong, I am just a trivial member." Chen Zongziqian said.

Li Hanchao smiled slightly, and did not continue on this topic, but turned around and became serious: "Master, you have just arrived when I first arrived, and I have been guarding here for more than a hundred years, and I will know better."

Chen Zong also converged the smile on his face, his face was so calm, he looked like a listener.

"The savages are very ferocious. Any battle, no matter who is a little careless, may die. This kind of war is not a usual battle or a simple life-and-death fight, but a race war, a war of the void. It is cruel dozens of times more than imagined. "Li Hanchao's tone and look were extremely serious and solemn.

"So, even if you are a fifth brother of the Yixin Palace, you have excellent talents, and there is absolutely no way to relax here." Li Hanchao addressed Chen Zong with the identity of a senior with many years of battlefield experience. Explain the situation here and inform many things that should be noted.

Because Li Hanchao is the true biography of the Xintian Temple, and the people in the Xintian Temple have always been united.

Almost, Li Hanchao said everything, and Chen Zong also wrote it down.

Chen Zong also knows how difficult it is to obtain military exploits.

To put it simply, the most direct way to obtain military exploits is to kill the demons.

Killing one-star-powered barbarian fighters and gaining a little bit of merit, and so on, killing two-star-power barbarian fighters and gaining two points of merit.

Killing a nine-star monster warrior, you get nine points of battle.

It is very difficult to obtain this skill.

However, there will be no change to ten stars.

Killing a ten-star-powered barbarian warrior can get twenty points of combat power, killing an eleven-star-powered barbarian warrior can get one-hundred-point battle power, and killing a twelve-star barbaric warrior Get a thousand points of battle, the increase is amazing.

Of course, there are not a lot of monster warriors with extreme combat power, especially the twelve-star rating, which is very few.

Therefore, when it comes to the status in the clan, the twelve-star warrior savage warrior is better than most of the savage warriors, because once the twelve-star warrior has broken through to become a brave, its potential Amazing, it is very likely that the brave who has grown to a twelve-star combat power, has won the same level.

Cultivators, naturally.

After all, the combat power can break the norm and reach the extreme, compared to the huge base of practitioners, there are very few.

When many imperial realms are cultivated to the level of Nine Turns, at most they are nine-star combat power, and they cannot break the routine and reach the level of extreme combat power.

It's like a sound of nature.

And killing the one-star combat power at the level of Yuanming Realm was initially nothing more than one hundred points of combat power, which is equivalent to killing the eleven-star combat power.

Seems to be a bit weird when looking at Chen Zong. Li Hanchao moved his heart and seemed to think: "Master, I don't know how much warfare you want to get from the heart to leave the battlefield?"

"One hundred thousand." This is not a secret matter, of course, Chen Zong will not cover up.

"One hundred thousand!" Li Hanchao suddenly exclaimed, looking very surprised, which made Chen Zong look a little strange.

"It's more than 100,000." Li Hanchao said again, and then sighed and looked at Chen Zong again. "Master, do you know how much military service is required by Tiangong's ordinary true mission?"

Chen Zong shook his head. He didn't understand this. Isn't it 100,000?

"One thousand!" The two words uttered by Li Hanchao surprised Chen Zong.

Tiangong's ordinary true biography requires ten thousand battles, or one hundred years of service.

The true story of the Tiangong elite is 50,000 battles or 100 years of service.

Chen Zong's request was 100,000 battles or 100 years of service.

"Although I don't know why Yixin Taoist is so demanding ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, there must be a reason for it, my brother and sister should do their best." Li Hanchao suggested: "A hundred years of service is the minimum requirement, and there is no merit Yes, but I still recommend you, brother, to get as much as 100,000 battles in the 100-year service period as much as possible. "

Chen Zong nodded, thinking of the reason why Daozong asked so much.


True title ... Wusou!

It seems something extraordinary.

Because of this, you are required to serve for a hundred years or get 100,000 battles.

It's just that 100,000 battle merit is not easy to obtain.

I don't know how many savage warriors to kill.

Thinking about it, Chen Zong felt that there was a long way to go.

One hundred thousand battles, replaced with one-star combat power, that is to kill 100,000 monster soldiers.

Even if it is replaced with nine-star combat power, there are more than 10,000.

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