Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 4: Attacking Demon

In the end, under the insistence of Li Hanchao, Chen Zong's request was fulfilled.

Spread the identity of the true story of the elite Tiangong elite, and use the bait as a bait to lead the snake out of the hole. This task rewards a thousand military achievements.

You know, in a mild battle zone, the range of mission merit rewards is ten to one thousand, one thousand, which is thousands. If you want a higher mission merit reward, yes, if you go to a moderate theater, the upper limit of the mission is higher. a lot of.

Of course, there have been some exceptions since ancient times, exceeding the upper limit, but that is very rare.

Immediately, Chen Zong's identity was also intentionally spread.

The practitioners in this battlefield basically know.

"What, when you are a bait, you want to get a reward for a thousand battles. Do you want to be crazy?"

I don't know what happened. The content of the task was also leaked out, which immediately aroused the discussion and dissatisfaction of many practitioners.

Just acting as a bait to lead the snake out of the hole, it turned out to be a thousand battles.

"I heard that this was what Chen Zong asked himself." Someone said.

In this way, the debate is even greater.

What task is required for me?

If the task and merit can be required by oneself, wouldn't it be possible to require a patrol mission to get a thousand merit, which is a hundred times better than the standard.


"I don't agree."

"I don't agree, why?"

"Let's make trouble." General Yunshe laughed secretly in secret, the news was naturally leaked out intentionally, even if it is the true story of the mind Tiangong, but just as a bait, you want to get a thousand battle The reward is almost unknown.

Had it not been for Li Hanchao's rational argument, in the end the other three generals would have to cooperate properly, and he would not have agreed to kill him.

"What's more, it's just an imperial state. It also deliberately spread the news. Do you think you died fast enough?"

"It's overwhelming."


After the news came out, the continuous fermentation made the situation serious and gradually out of control.

"Who leaked the news?" In the hall of discussion, the old man in Qingpao showed a little anger.

"Yun snake, you made it." Li Hanchao's eyes shot out a cold light, staring at the general Yun snake, his voice cold.

For no apparent reason, General Yunshe trembled, and immediately revealed a disdain: "Huh, I'm not that boring yet."

"What do you do now?" The other general chuckled.

Even if they are generals, they cannot ignore the appeals of so many practitioners.

"I propose to reduce the mission's combat success to one hundred." General Yunshe said immediately.

"Impossible, my brother's identity has been spread." Li Hanchao immediately refuted.

If after the identification information is disseminated, it can indeed decline, and the big deal is that Chen Zong will not accept this task.

"Li Hanchao, this isn't your heart of heaven." General Yunshe said angrily: "It's not like you can do whatever you want."

"I work according to the rules." Li Hanchao said coldly and warmly: "Since this is the case, my classmates and I can't wait for this No. 9 theater."

In other words, Li Hanchao turned directly and went to Chen Zong, and discussed with Chen Zong to leave the 9th theater and go to other theaters.

"Slow." The old man in green robe immediately got up: "The general of the cold wave is a little calm and restless."

If Li Hanchao really leaves the 9th theater and goes to other theaters, it will definitely be the loss of the 9th theater and the gains of other theaters.

We must know that in the No. 9 theater of war, the general of the cold wave is the second most powerful.

Even if it is the general with the highest combat power, there is no 100% certainty to defeat the cold wave general, but it is only slightly better than it.

In addition, if the elite true disciple of the Tiangong Temple left, it would not be a good thing for the Ninth Theater. On the contrary, being known by other theaters would only become a joke.

What's more, since the past, the true stories of the elites of the Mind Heaven Palace have been very ordinary. In any theater, the final performance will be excellent. This is beneficial to the theater, and it is a kind of festivation and attraction.

Negotiate and quarrel.

Ultimate compromise.

It is a compromise between the two parties.

In other words, the content and rewards of this mission remain the same, but if Chen Zong is used as a bait but does not seduce more than ten savage warriors, then the reward of this mission will be reduced by several levels, and the combat skill will be reduced Thousands were reduced to one hundred.

Li Hanchao finally compromised.

In this regard, Chen Zong said yes.

This fermentation situation can be regarded as a temporary soothing.

This is the third day of the news.


"The elite of the Mind Heaven Palace is true." The eyes of an ape-barbara warrior shot extremely cold and fierce, and his tone was full of horrible killings.

"Kill." The snake barbarian on the side made a chirping voice, which made people extremely chilling.

"Kill." The wolf barbarian warrior was also a gloomy murderous face.

Heart of Heaven!

From this past, the true disciples of this human race have indeed caused great harm to the demon barbarians, although there are also some dedications to the true palace palace that were killed by the barbarians.

However, every true story of the Heavenly Palace of the Mind will kill many savage warriors.

Especially those elite true stories are even more amazing, with strong combat power and amazing potential.

Of course, in addition to the Mind Heaven Palace, the true disciples of other major schools are also the same. The true disciples of everyone ’s tribe are the targets of the monsters, even if they pay some price.

"That might be a plot of the human race," said the Turbine. Among the demons, the wisdom of the Turbine is relatively good.

"What about the conspiracy, I exchanged my life for that mind Tiangong true disciple's life." The elephant warrior buzzed.

"Even if it cost us our lives, we must kill the true story of Tiangong."

"Everything is set up. This time it must be to seduce us. There is only one chance."


Immediately, the savage warriors lurking around the battlefield took action.

By the fifth day, time was running out, and Chen Zong started leaving the battlefield.

Li Hanchao converged all breaths, kept a certain distance to follow in secret, and other practitioners of the human race also acted one after another and turned into a giant net.

This time, the savages lurking to the fort will be wiped out.

As for the bait, it depends on his ability to survive.

Can't survive, it can be regarded as a contribution.

After several days of cultivation, Chen Zong adjusted it so that his energy and spirit reached its peak. This time, not only to complete the task of being a bait, but to get a reward of one thousand battles, but also to kill a lot of monsters. Barbarians, get more military exploits.

As for the three seven-star demon warriors who had been beheaded before, because they had not yet obtained the relationship between the war orders, they could not obtain the corresponding combat achievements.

However, that's okay, it's just a blackjack battle, and it's easy to get. This time, you can definitely get more than 1,000 battles.

Chen Zong began to fly out of the battle fortress, maintaining a certain speed and constantly going out.

However, after flying tens of thousands of miles forward, nothing happened.

Chen Zong immediately changed course and surrounded.

Fly for several days, still did not encounter any attacks, did not feel any crisis approaching, people doubt that there is no lurking tribe lurking.

Or the savages knew it was a conspiracy and could not bear it.

Chen Zong was very patient, and continued to walk around.

If there are lurking people lurking, they will surely know themselves, and may even stare in secret.

It's just that the savages are very good at lurking. Think about the previous attacks, and they didn't feel it until the moment they were launched.

Maybe now, the savages have set their sights on themselves, waiting for the best shot.


This is a patient competition.

Day after day passed, and half a month later, but no demon barbarians appeared, everything seemed to be catching the wind.

Only Chen Zong still did not give up, constantly flying around the battle fortress at will.

This feeling is as if there is no fear of being conspiracy or trap by the demon barbarians.

Because according to the practitioners' contact with the demon barbarians, the demon barbarians should be able to act, even if they know that it is a conspiracy and a trap.

Now, half a month has passed, and no action has been taken for a long time. It is very likely that no monsters are lurking nearby. Otherwise, it would have been a long time since they started to do so.

Unknowingly, the large net lurking in the surroundings also slackened a bit.

At this moment, the abnormal changes occur suddenly.

Chen Zong, who was resting in a gravel, exploded in an instant. Countless pieces of debris carried terrible power and instantly sputtered in all directions, as if they could penetrate everything. The power was terrible and amazing.

Boom boom!

In a hurry, it was like a fuse, and the other rubble next to it was also smashed by giant forces. They burst and spattered, covering everything in all directions.

At the next breath, nine figures of different sizes appeared, with a terrible breath erupting, violent and cruel.

"It was the warrior of the barbarian."

"Sure enough, there really are monster soldiers lurking around."

"Barbara, actually shot."

The first thing Chen Zong felt was the most obvious and strong.

These nine monster barbara warriors all have eight-star and nine-star combat power, and they broke out in a moment with a strong strike, and the power was terrible.

In the face of such an attack ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Replaced by any nine-star combat power, it is a must die.

But Chen Zong wouldn't, the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, and the sword was sheathed at once.

These are all martial arts. They finally appeared, and I didn't mean to waste half a month of my time as a bait to seduce them.

Chen Zong can feel that a wave of battle is approaching.

The sword light flickered, the sword melody fluttered, and the sword passed in an instant. The speed of the sword was extremely fast and fast, so fast that it was difficult for the nine barbarian warriors attacked and killed to reach it.

When Jianguang turned, he disappeared into the debris when he was stunned.

Nine barbarian warriors who attacked Chen Zong had a meal. They couldn't move. They stared, their faces were full of murderous power, and they looked fierce. They wanted to burn the totem and burst out with the final blow. Do it.

Because they have been beheaded.

Kill with nine swords!

Among them, there are six eight-star combat capabilities and three nine-star combat capabilities. The total number of combat achievements is seventy-five, and this is just the beginning.

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