Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 5: The glory of the sword


"So fast."

"This mind-strength is really amazing."

Although Chen Zong deliberately let his identity spread, he did not mention his level of combat power, and everyone's understanding of Chen Zong was very simple. Now I see that Chen Zong killed nine demon warriors with one sword Surprised.

Strength is indeed very good.

However, is this the only attack by the barbarians?

Only nine, less than ten, for this task, Chen Zong could not get a thousand battles, only a hundred.

The gap between one hundred battles and one thousand battles is very large, but the difference is ten times.

Chen Zong hopes that there will be demon fighters.

Sure enough, the terrible atmosphere erupted in an instant, and there were three savage fighters.

These three monster warriors all have nine-star combat power, and without hesitation, they burned the power of the totem and burst into death.

The death blow is the death of oneself and the death of the enemy.

Power has more than doubled.

Only momentarily, Chen Zong fell into an extremely dangerous situation.

Three burning totems erupted into a nine-star monster warrior with a single blow. Without polar combat power, they could not resist the slightest, and they would be killed instantly.

Chen Zong's expression remained unchanged.

Suddenly, the sword came out of the sheath again, and there was no need to show any sword tricks. Under the cover of the kendo area, the power of three burning totems broke out all the actions of the nine-star demon warrior with a single blow. All are under the control of Chen Zong.

The death blow that they gave their lives was extremely powerful and amazing, but it was useless because they could not hit Chen Zong at all.

Instead, Jianguang flashed through and killed them directly.

Three kills with one sword!

Chen Zong also obtained 27 points of military exploits.

With the death of the three nine-star-strength monster warriors, suddenly ten more figures exploded from the surrounding gravel. They seemed to merge with the gravel. When not moving, Hard to find.

This is another ten savages, and they are also the savages who have reached the eight-star and nine-star level. They did not take any action, but they are waiting for the moment, and even these ten savages have all burned totem power , Issued a death blow.

It was said that it was too late, and the eleventh figure also appeared. It seemed to use the ten monster warriors as bait to attract Chen Zong's attention and distract Chen Zong's mind. Kill Strike.


"Ten-star brutal!"

"The savages even exploded in death."

In a moment, Yuan Yuan Realm in the distance was frightened, and Li Hanchao was also frightened.

The Burning Totem exhibited the ten-star-strength barbarians with a single blow of death. Its strength is extremely terrible. Even if it has ten-stars combat power, in the case of distraction, there is only one death.

Because the savages are savage elites, the increase in death strike is even stronger and more amazing.

All of them suddenly understood.

From the initial nine raid raids, to three raven raids, to ten raven raids, three consecutive waves can only be regarded as preludes, like bait, or to deceive Chen Zong, So that the ten-star-powered barbarians can take a shot and kill it.

Of course, this is the most helpless approach.

If Chen Zong can be solved in the first wave of nine monsters, then other monsters will continue to lurk. If the first wave does not work, then the second wave, and the second wave will not work, then only the last one. Beat.

After all, the value of a ten-star-powered brutal race is also very amazing, and it cannot be sacrificed.

But now, since it has already begun, there is absolutely no reason for it to be abandoned halfway, otherwise those fighters would not have died in vain.

Therefore, only the last resort can be worked out.

The ten-star-powered barbarians directly took action, and also exploded a death blow.

You know, the barbarians can only burn the power of the totem twice in their lifetime, and they explode with two death strikes.

Suddenly, a creepy feeling swept across, as if to drown Chen Zong.

This blow would threaten his own life, but Chen Zong still looked indifferent, his sword flashed, and he was instantly killed.

Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Jue Second Form: Picturesque Mountains and Rivers!

A sword fell, the sword gas condensed into a mountain, and it was directly suppressed. The sword gas turned into a long river surrounding it, directly covering a range of 500 meters, which covered all the monster soldiers.

The ten eight-star and nine-star warrior warriors, even if they were killed by the burning totem, could not bear the picturesque sword. After all, Chen Zong's combat power reached ten stars Level, the picturesque mountains and rivers exhibited with this combat power, its power is even more amazing.


Kill in repression.

Only the barbarians with ten-star combat power left the mountains and rivers like a sword under the eruption, which was difficult to suppress.



The power of the sword in the beginning!

The magic ring of the spiritual artifacts and treasures obtained from Bai Yucheng's challenge opens, and the reaction speed doubles.

Chen Zong's combat power was all turned on.

Second Sword: Forest of Mangi!

In a hurry, the sword gasified into a tree more than ten meters in size, condensed from above, and quickly shot down, as fierce as a meteorite.

The third sword: refining one heart and three swords!

In a hurry, the 500-meter-long kendo area condensed and shrunk completely into the sword.

Staring at the bombardment of Mani no Mori, the savages who burned the power of the totem approached the kill with all their might, and the blow was fierce and fierce, and Chen Zong would not stop.

In the face of Chen Zong's refining heart, one sword and three swords, he did not evade in the slightest, as if to die for his life.

That's right, the savages intend to do so.

The moment he appeared and shot, he knew very well that even if he killed this Terran pride, he would die, because this is a trap, and the strong Terran will never let him leave.

Since they are all going to die, then be decisive and ruthless. You must use your own death in exchange for the death of the human race Tianjiao.

The sword penetrates the body of the savage, as if the savages came to take the initiative. At the same time, the savages did their best to shrink themselves and clamp the sword.


The tragic breath was overwhelming.

"My brother is careful." Li Hanchao was suddenly shocked. The savages were so fierce that they were fierce not only to the enemy but also to themselves.

Yiming Boming!

If he were hit by that punch, Chen Zong would be blown.

This punch was extremely violent, violent and unmatched, and the moment the sword was caught, Chen Zong knew that it was not good. Even though the reaction was faster, it was still slower because the savages broke out a second time.

The savage is an elite savage, which can burn the power of the totem twice. This time, he burns a second time in a row, in exchange for a more powerful attack, faster.

A deadly blow!

Inescapable, Chen Zong was hit directly.

A bang, a dull sound like a drum, sounded instantly, Chen Zong shook like a thunder, and the whole person was repelled in an instant.

That blow also seemed to hit the hearts of everyone, causing people to shake with it.

At the same time that Chen Zong was repelled, the extremely heartless sword was also withdrawn vigorously, and cut in an instant, directly cutting the body of the savage.

"Brother." The cold wave was slow for a while, and rushed quickly.

"I'm fine." Chen Zong smiled slightly.

The strike of the barbarians was really powerful and amazing. However, Chen Zong had a heart-printed treasure robe in his body and directly swallowed 70% of the power. Although the remaining 30% was very powerful, it was based on his own six-transformed state of God. With a strong body, Chen Zong resisted.

Therefore, that blow only caused Chen Zong's blood to tremble and barely suffered a minor injury. The minor injury was insignificant, and Chen Zong's world body's self-healing ability could soon heal.

The cold wave general appears, even if the demon barbarians are still lurking, they dare not take action. This time the mission ends here.

Before and after, Chen Zong killed 23 barbarian clan with at least 8 star power, and a barbarian clan with 10 star power. He gained more than two hundred points of combat power directly, and counted the mission. With a thousand points of military merits, one thousand and two hundred points of military merits were obtained at once.

I don't know how many people are envious of envy.

However, those practitioners who collect the net from the outside and intend to wipe out the demon barbarians in one fell swoop are not completely unharmed, they have received a reward of ten points for each of them.

In this way, getting a 10-point combat reward in half a month is definitely better than a simple patrol mission.

But compared with Chen Zong's gains, there is still a big gap.

Regardless, Chen Zong used himself as a bait to put himself in danger, and was almost killed. It is also reasonable to get those martial arts. Even if someone feels envious and unwilling, he can't oppose anything.

"More than one thousand and two hundred points of battle." Chen Zong looked at the battle order and knew how much he had: "Unfortunately, if you want to exchange for the power of heaven and earth in the Eternal Battle Fortress, you need at least 10,000 battles. "

Although there are a lot of battles with more than 1,200 points, there is still a big gap compared with 10,000 points.

Don't look at it this time, you got more than a thousand battles in such a short period of time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but there are not many such opportunities, not just want to come.

In more cases, it is to directly kill the barbarian warrior to obtain the battle.

Chen Zong decided to take a break for a while, then left the battlefield, entered the war zone, and hunted down the demon barbarians.

In most cases, no large-scale war broke out between the human race and the demon barbarians, they were dispatched everywhere, mainly hunting each other.

Under normal circumstances, whether it is a human race practitioner or a monster warrior, they are all acting in groups, ranging from two or three to as many as a dozen in groups, taking care of each other.

However, there are a few people who choose to act alone.

Acting alone means more freedom, meaning that all military achievements belong to you, and of course it means greater danger.

Chen Zong informed Li Hanchao that he planned to leave the battlefield.

"Sisters are slow. There are several polar teams in the 9th theater. One of them is the strongest with seven members, four ten-star combat levels, and three eleven-star combat capabilities. Each of them is one of them. The best, let me introduce you to this team. "Li Hanchao said, and Chen Zong soon became interested.

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