Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 6: Teana

The so-called polar team refers to the team that has polar power.

Possessing polar warfare, although rare, is not very rare. At least a considerable part of the true teachings of various great religions can possess polar warfare.

The polar team can generally be divided into two types. One is the team with polar force, not all of them are strong in polar forces, and the other is that all members have polar forces.

The extreme army team that Li Hanchao introduced to Chen Zong was called the Tiancheng team. There were only seven members in the team, all of which had extreme powers, including four small powers and three large powers. , Is the first team in the 9th theater, the record is very powerful, very amazing.

Every member of the team of the Teana has at least one spirit artifact, and their combat power is at the same level, and they are among the best.

Therefore, it is very difficult to join the team of Tenchu, and many ten-star applications have failed.

Compared to ten-star combat power, eleven-star combat power in the great polar world is even more rare, and one hundred of ten-star combat power may not be able to reach eleven stars.

Each step of the improvement of polar combat power is a huge leap.

As for the twelve-star super-altitude combat power, it currently does not exist in the No. 9 theater.

Such a strong team, of course, Chen Zong is interested.

Li Hanchao is one of the generals in this war fort, ranking second in combat power, of course, very face-saving.

"Hello, I'm the swaying wind of the Teana team. I'll take you to see the captain." A young man with long hair and a seemingly faint hair smiled at Chen Zong with a sincere smile.

"My name is Chen Zong, and I have labor." Chen Zong reported with a smile.

The clan has its own stronghold in the battlefield. The stronger the team, the bigger and more complete the stronghold. This is preferential treatment.

The Teana team's stronghold is the best stronghold of all the teams in the fort.

The captain of the Teana team is called Teana. That may not be the name, but a code name, just like the wind.

Captain Teana has a burly body, his ten fingers are thicker than ordinary people, and the knuckles are very protruding. It seems to contain terrible power, which can destroy everything. His eyes seem calm, but he has the mountain-like vigor The spirit and the gaze bring invisible coercion.

"Your name is Chen Zong, the true story of the elite of the Heavenly Palace of Heaven and Mind." Tian Yan's eyes stared at Chen Zong, saying without Xu Xuji, with a low tone, with an indescribable coercion, as if the invisible mountain shocks and suppresses: "You It's very clever, and in the end, it won more than a thousand battles. "

Chen Zong's expression remained unchanged, but he felt instinctively wrong.

This day, I seem to have some unusual attitude towards myself.

But now that you're here, you need to see what's going on.

"My Teana team, each of them is a real combat force, never play tricks." Teana said.

Although there is no explicit statement of name and surname, everyone can hear that he is insinuating, saying that Chen Zong's more than a thousand battle merit is a clever trick, but in one sentence, he will use Chen Zong as a bait to take risks. Wipe clean.

Of course, he is not a general, and he is not a senior on the front line. He cannot really deny the contribution and credit of Chen Zong, but if such words are spread out, it will definitely cause some adverse effects on Chen Zong, at least in his speech.

After all, the Teana of the Teana team is recognized as the No. 1 fighter in the No. 9 theater.

The strongest have always been the most credible, and it is easier to be recognized by words and deeds.

"Can't afford Gao Pan." Chen Zong left a sentence and turned away.

From the words of Tianyi, Chen Zong can completely conclude that the other party did not have the idea of ​​joining himself in the Tianyi team. Instead, he also intended to humiliate himself.

That being the case, what are you doing here?

"Stop." Tianyi spoke again, a shocking breath of horror that seemed like Taikoo Mountain directly struck out, repressed, and fell on Chen Zong's body, making Chen Zong feel more pressure than in the Battle Star Tower In the face of the ten-star-powered barbarians, it seems to be better than a few points: "My heavenly team, do you want to come and think, leave as you want."

"How are you doing." Chen Zong turned, his eyes shot a cold light, the whole thing was unexpected, and he stood with a swaying wind, always with a smile on his face. Before, he looked quite Sincere, but now looking at it, it was as if wearing a mask.

Not all members of the Teana team were present, but there were still two or three of them, all reporting their lively looks.

"Take me a hit." Tianyi smiled coldly, his voice fell, and he grabbed it with one hand.

At the moment, the protruding five fingers of the knuckles carried terrible power, as if tearing a piece of void, and the fierce and swift grasping like Chen Zong.

Chen Zong only felt that he was shrouded in five fingers. Those five fingers were like a mountain repression, like a prison cage, directly suppressing the space around him, and constantly pressing, leaving his body in an instant and difficult to move.

The eleven-star combat power is so arbitrary.

break out!

Seventh Heart!


With the improvement of self-cultivation and continuous cultivation, Chen Zong has successfully cast the seventh heart palace to Dacheng, and the increase in psychic powers has also increased.

The power of the sword in the beginning!


Smart ring!

Just moments later, Chen Zong was all turned on, showing the strongest means.

The overwhelming oppression and restraint were resisted in an instant, the kendo realm came, and the repression fell.

Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Jue Second Form: Picturesque Mountains and Rivers!

This type of offensive force is not as good as the third type of Mangi no Mori, but when it comes to instantaneous suppression, it is worse than a few points.

Jianshan condensed, surrounded by a long river of sword energy, and fell directly to the heavens.

Teana ’s body shook slightly. Immediately, the terrible breath erupted, and the mountains and rivers exploded directly. The five fingers grasped towards Chen Zong shrank and spit out, turning their claws into palms, and the palm prints were magnificent, as if carrying a terrible Extreme force, destroying deadly bombardment.

All resistance is broken and destroyed in the terror of this palm.

Even though he has a superb swordsmanship, Chen Zong also looks very weak in front of the absolute gap in combat power, because his combat power is ten stars.

The combat power is not pure strength, but comprehensive. It is a combination of everything from Xiuwei and martial arts magical powers to mysteries. It covers everything.

This day's self-cultivation is the peak of the Nine Turns of the Royal Taoism, and it is better than Chen Zong's in terms of self-cultivation. Similarly, its power is stronger than Chen Zong's power.

The gap between ten-star and eleven-star is very striking.

In the face of this attack, Chen Zong could only resist with a sword and consolidate all strength.

However, it was defeated, and the power of that blow was terrible, destroying everything with devastation and smashing into it.

A thump sounded like a drum.

Under the slamming of the hands of the heavens, the extremely heartless sword blasted to Chen Zong's chest, terrifyingly powerful, as if to blast Chen Zong's body, making the whole person fly back in the air.

However, that force was bombarded after passing through the sword, but it was weakened by Qiyin Baoyi, and the remaining 30% was very terrible, rushing into the body of the world and causing a series of destruction.

Chen Zong couldn't help spitting a spit of blood, his figure fell away from a few tens of meters away, his complexion turned pale, his eyes twinkled with cold light, staring at the heavens.

"I can't handle even one of my 30% strength. Is there any qualification to join my Teana team, let's go." Teana waved his hand instead, and waved, looking disdainful.

Chen Zong received the sword and returned to the sheath, saying nothing, because there was no need to say it.

Severe words and everything, it was not Chen Zong's style, it seemed pale and weak.

However, today's events, Chen Zong will not forget this.

Coming to Japan!

"I said, Captain, would you do that, it would erect a potential enemy for us." A person sitting on the side who also has eleven-star combat power said, but having said that, he had a casual expression on his face. It doesn't seem to take this matter to heart.

"Enemies, huh, huh." Teana smiled disdainfully.

The Teana team has three 11-star combat powers and four 10-star combat powers. Such strength, even other 11-star combat powers, dare not be an enemy.

What is the potential of the opponent, unless they can have a 12-star combat power in the extreme.

However, the twelve-star combat power is very difficult to appear.

From ancient times to the present, even within a major religion, it is difficult to have a few twelve-star combat evildoers, which is no longer a matter of talent.


Chen Yin's injury healed quickly between the rays of the heart-printed treasure.

The strength of the cricket strike was very strong. Although it was weakened by 70%, the remaining 30% still caused considerable damage to itself.

However, the other party did not dare to kill the killer. After all, it was within the battlefield. If the killer were killed, he would die as a consequence.

"Tianji ..." Chen Zong's eyes flashed coldly.

The words and the blow of the palm will be returned in the next day.

The wound healed, Chen Zong did not stay, but left the battlefield directly.


Tear it!

Get the battle!

Support war by war!

Improve yourself!

Chen Zong's heart was burning with a flame.

As for telling Li Hanchao about being shamed and injured?

Chen Zong has never thought of it like that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's like a kid fighting and losing, but he has to tell his elders and let the elders come forward.

One day, I will come back in person, as usual.

That day, I thought that I had humiliated myself and hit myself, I guess I never thought it would have the opposite effect.

Chen Zong didn't know why a person who had never met faced such hostility towards himself, and even hesitated to humiliate or even hurt, and set up an enemy for himself.

But for whatever reason, that doesn't matter.

On the ninth small battlefield, Chen Zong quickly flew out, flew outside the battlefield, entered the theater, and kept away from the battlefield.

Did not join any team, but chose to fight alone with sword, this is the habit that suits you best.

As for joining the team or something, in fact Chen Zong was very curious at the time, what a three-star team looks like, if you can join, you can join, if you can't join, don't join, there is not much so-called.

I just didn't expect that I would be humiliated and injured by the captain of that team.

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