Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 7: 1 sword alone

There are many theaters in Arrow, and there are dozens of mild theaters. The number nine theater is just one of them.

Although it is only a mild theater, its coverage is amazing.

There are at least millions of light miles.

In the No. 9 theater, there are people's No. 9 small battle castles, and there are also small tribes of demons, which are far away.

Either the human race or the savage race, they want to destroy the other battlefield or tribe, but it can not be done at all, because the battlefield itself has terrible attack power, and the tribe also has its means.

Can not destroy the opponent's base camp, the rest is constantly hunting the other soldiers.

The Ninth Battle Area can be divided into North and South, the South Area belongs to the Terran War Fort, and the North Area belongs to the Demonic Tribe.

Human race practitioners will sneak into the northern region to hunt down the monster warriors, and monster warriors will sneak into the southern region to hunt and kill the human race practitioners. This is a mutual process.

More careful division, whether it is the south or north, can be divided into three rings, that is, the outer ring, the middle ring and the inner ring.

The so-called inner ring refers to the 100,000-kilometer range that is radiated around the battlefield or tribe as the center. It is also the range with the greatest patrol intensity. Once submerged, it is definitely a major event.

It's like the previous small battlefield number nine.

Central refers to the area within 500,000 light miles radiating from the battlefield or tribe.

The outer ring is, of course, all of the Southern District or the Northern District.

Chen Zong erupted at a rapid speed, flying out like an electric light flint, quickly flying out of the ring in the southern region.

The inner ring has the strongest patrol, and it is more difficult for aliens to infiltrate. I believe that after the previous operation, even if the inner ring still has the monsters lurking, it is estimated that it will lurk deep and difficult to find.

In this case, it is better to enter Central, and the probability of encountering the demon barbarian is relatively large.

In addition, Chen Zong intends to leave the Southern District and enter the Northern District, which is an area belonging to the demon barbarians, and the possibility of encountering demon barbarians will be much greater.

It didn't take long for Chen Zongfei to fly out of the Southern District and into Central.

Flying all the way, Chen Zong naturally encountered some patrol teams.

Central is more vast and vast than the inner ring. Countless meteorite fragments are scattered throughout it, and it is easy to become a hiding place. Therefore, Chen Zong was again attacked by the barbarians.

There were relatively many demons infiltrating into the Central District of the Southern District. When Chen Zong acted alone, he immediately seized the opportunity to shoot.

But in the end, it became Chen Zong's military exploits, and the military exploits in the war increased continuously.

Chen Zong didn't pause, and didn't deliberately search for the whereabouts of the barbarian warriors, because his purpose was to rush out of the south to enter the north area belonging to the barbarian tribe.

When he rushed out of the Central District of the Southern District and entered the Outer Ring, Chen Zong's war order added more than a hundred points of military skill.

The scope of the outer ring is even more extensive.

Similarly, in the outer ring, there are more savage warriors sneaking in.

When Chen Zong rushed out of the southern area and entered the isolated meteorite belt between the northern and southern areas, the combat merit of the war order increased by more than two hundred points. In this way, the total number exceeded 1,500 points.

The isolated meteor belt between the north and south areas is full of moving meteorites. The meteorites are large and small, hundreds of meters large, and only a few meters small.

Some meteorites are moving slowly, but some meteorites are moving as fast as lightning. Think about it, at least a few meters or even tens of meters or hundreds of meters of meteorites are moving at lightning speed, how amazing the power they carry, Once it was hit by the front, the nine-star combat power could not bear it, and it would directly suffer.

Even a ten-star combat force will suffer.

Moreover, the speed of meteorites in the meteorite belt is irregular, and it is difficult to grasp the speed.

Therefore, if you want to cross the region, you often have to take some risks.

However, danger belongs to danger, but whether it is a demon or a human race, there are some means to cope with it to reduce the occurrence of danger.

Chen Zong rushed into it without stopping, and kept flying forward at a certain speed.

In a hurry, a meteorite a few meters across struck at a lightning speed from one side, as if he was about to smash Chen Zong.

Chen Zong didn't turn his head, but he shook his body and avoided it calmly.

The isolation zone is not very long, and it is not far from 100,000 light. Before long, Chen Zong crossed the isolation zone and entered the North District.

The atmosphere in the north is a little different from the south.

Maybe it's because the relationship is occupied by the demon barbarians. The diffuse breath has a barbarous feeling, which seems more violent.

Restless factor.

Chen Zong's eyes were slightly brighter and brighter, and then, with a chuckle, he turned into a sword light.

Monsters ... I am here!


In the outer ring of the North District, a team of 13 monster warriors is patrolling.

The demons have the civilization and language of the demons, and the human race also has the language of the tribe.

However, after years of fighting, the human race and the savage race both knew and learned each other's language, so that they could better understand each other's intentions.

Learning a new language is not difficult for a cultivator of psychic powers. It can take as long as tens of days to days, and can be mastered. Maybe it is not a mastery, but at least familiar with it, and basic communication is barrier-free.

"When will we be able to enter the Southern District and kill the weak chickens of a tribe?" A bear brutal warrior said harshly and viciously.

The human race has always called the monster barbarians as barbarians, and the monster barbarians have always called the barbarians a weak chicken.

This does not represent strength or weakness, but the difference in life and race.

"After this patrol, we crossed the separation zone and entered the Southern District to kill chickens." The captain of the patrol team chuckled.

In a hurry, a ray of sword light radiated from the slowly drifting meteorites not far away, and instantly penetrated the sky.

This sword light, the speed of the sword is amazing. As soon as it appeared, it turned into a mountain and town, and the sword gas condensed into a long river surging around, directly covering the 13 demon warriors.

Thirteen monster warriors kept a certain distance from each other, seemingly loose, but in fact there are mysteries.

Such a distance is not too far or too short. In the event of an attack, in most cases it will not be wiped out, and you can also reinforce or immediately get a little time for escape.

Sometimes life and death are just a small gap between timing and distance.

But under Chen Zong's kendo realm, none of these 13 monster warriors escaped, all killed.

Under the picturesque swords of the mountains and rivers, all of them are difficult to move, and their desire to kill chickens across the region will never be realized.

These thirteen monster warriors are almost seven or eight-star combat power, nearly a hundred of them.

This is the third demon warrior squad hunted by Chen Zong after entering the outer ring of the North District.

Although it is still far from 100,000 battles, it is at least a good start.

At least, the military achievements in the war order have already accumulated to the early 2000s, but compared to the 100,000 military achievements, the military achievements are still the same.

The speed of obtaining combat power in this way is still slower.

So let's go deeper.

Chen Zong's eyes twinkled with sharpness, staring deeper into the north.

Enter Central!

Compared to the outer ring, the central ring will certainly be more dangerous, but the danger is still within its own tolerance. As for the inner ring, Chen Zong does not intend to enter, at least not now.

The patrol in the inner ring is the strongest and is the easiest to find, and the brave strong is the easiest to reach.

Even if they are not brave, there are eleven star-powered savage warriors in the tribe who are not able to fight against them now.

As for the other dangers, it was nothing more than the discovery by the demon brave.

After all, there are also some demon brave soldiers in the tribe, the purpose is to guard the ten Yuan Ningjing generals of the Terran War Fortress.

If you are found, you can only say that luck is bad.

But if you are afraid of this, you might as well stay in the heavenly palace of your heart, why come here?

Even if it is forced by the rules and has to come here to serve, it is safe to stay in the battlehouse with peace of mind, continue to cycle patrol missions, and patrol the ring in the southern region until the 100-year service expires and leave.

That is the most prudent approach, but it is also Chen Zong's most unwilling approach.

It is Chen Zong's choice to obtain 100,000 battle achievements. That is not the expectation of respecting one's heart and soul, but the worthiness of his own heart.

Where the heart is, where the sword is!

Alone, the most free and most flexible, do not have to discuss with others, do what you want to do, it does not matter the overall situation and take into account, if you want to leave, stay, stay.

This is the North District, and its danger is not comparable to that of the South District. In the South District, the savages must sneak in, they must hide their actions, and they must find the right time to kill the people. After the killing, the wiping marks left quickly, so as to ensure their own safety.

But in the North District, this is a territory belonging to the demon barbarians. The barbarians can appear bright and upright, but the human race must lurk.

Not to mention the ten-star combat power, even if the eleven-star combat power enters here, you must also be careful to act, or as soon as it is exposed, there will soon be a savage warrior with extreme powers.

Maybe one is killed, two are killed, but they will still be killed.

The ubiquitous meteorite is the best covering body, and Chen Zong can converge his breath almost perfectly. Under Chen Zong's intentional concealment, it is difficult to detect in the general Yuanming Realm.


The fourth demon barbarian team died under Chen Zongjian ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and became Chen Zong's martial arts, increasing continuously.

Fifth wave!

The sixth wave!

The seventh wave!

Chen Zong was transformed into a **** of death. He shuttled through the Central District of the North District. With the help of a meteorite, he continuously harvested the lives of the barbarian warriors, and his combat achievements also exceeded 3,000 points.

However, the constant death of the monster barbara squad also attracted the attention of the barbaric tribe, focusing on the dispatch of the elite team search.

In any case, the death of the squadron soldiers is definitely inseparable from the human race.

But for a while, it was difficult to find Chen Zong, because Chen Zong was a solitary walker, free to move, and full of uncertainty. There was no clear trajectory to follow. Moreover, Chen Zong had always been more sensitive to the crisis. It is often possible to avoid it one step in advance, and this induction makes Chen Zong more like a fish.

(I have recently encountered a bottleneck, which is relatively depressed, and Liudao is trying to break through)

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