Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 8: Sudden sword light

There are many meteorites distributed in the theater of war. Even if you want to remove them, it is not a simple matter. Not to mention, after the meteorites are broken into fragments, they will slowly converge and wander in other places as they drift. For new meteorite.

In this case, there is no need to specifically clean up the meteorite and waste energy.

A meteor with a size of more than ten meters drifted slowly, and looks no different from other meteorites.

No one knows that the interior of this meteorite has been hollowed out, and Chen Zongzheng sits cross-legged in it.

It is not difficult for Chen Zong to dig out the meteorite, then hollow out the interior, and refill the excavated place. The fact is not difficult for most practitioners. It is common. Means of hiding itself.

Of course, although it is a common method, some people are not so secretive, leaving traces to be discovered, and some people are not, everything is as natural as possible.

Chen Zong is the latter.

Inside the meteorite, a string of blood-red spirits surrounds Chen Zong, and is constantly condensed.

This is the murderous gas, which is formed by Chen Zong's continuous killing of the barbarian warriors. If these murderous gases are not used, it would be too wasteful.

However, the vast majority of practitioners' use of killing gas is to inspire and impact the other party to create deterrence. This method is the most common and the application of killing gas is the most obvious.

Fortunately, Chen Zong has means.

That is the magical power of the Dongting Jianshan Killing Taoist Academy.

In the vein of the killing path, Chen Zong has cultivated the Great Killing Blood Prison Sword, and reached the second level, which belongs to the level of celestial power. These murderous energies, Chen Zong was originally intended to cultivate this sword method, and continued to advance to Higher levels have more power.

But thinking of Chen Zongyi, although this great blood-slaying secret sword is good, however, he already has the heart-strengthening sword and the million swords returning to the sword sword strategy. Since then, he mainly uses these two swords to confront the enemy. Fighting, not to mention, even the promotion of the Blood Slayer's Secret Sword can't beat the two swords created by him.

In addition to the Great Slaying Blood Prison Sword, there are other practices that can be cultivated in the Killing Daoist. Chen Zong chose one of the magical secrets: Blood Explosion.

Blood blast is a consumable secret, which is equivalent to condensing murderous energy into the original blood blast. In theory, blood blast is a magical secret with no upper limit. If you have the ability, you can condense it to amazing To the point where the explosion explodes, it releases terrible power.

However, the killing power required to condense the blood evil explosion secret method is massive.

The blood continued to spread, eventually condensing between the palms of Chen Zong's hands, and turned into an egg-shaped rotating ball, blood red, flashing red light.

When all the blood was condensed, the egg-sized ball stopped rotating, and a blood-colored thunder arc appeared on the surface at once, permeating amazing power.

"Well, this level of power fluctuations is roughly equivalent to the full-strike of a nine-star combat power." Chen Zong secretly said, but it is still not enough. Such power does not have any effect on himself.

It also needs to condense into more murderous spirits. Only in this way can it continuously improve its power and surpass the nine-star and even ten-star and higher levels.

Chen Zong intends to make it into a killer, his own killer, can burst out in an instant even more powerful than his own full shot.

After all, the murderous energies accumulated by the demon savage warriors were killed, and they were kept. They can be used up to increase their means.

The blood blasting of the original species is finished, Chen Zong puts it away, and the divine thoughts diffuse out quietly, sensing everything around.

The meteorite continued to move forward at a uniform speed, and continued to penetrate the northern area.


On a dozen-meter-meter meteorite, four figures are sitting cross-legged each other, taking elixir to heal their wounds, adjust their breath, and restore their strength.

These four men, three men and one woman, one is an old man, one is a middle-aged person, and one is a young person. As for that woman, it seems that she is also thirty or forty years old.

The four of them did not look very good. They looked pale, blood on their bodies, and their breath was a little disordered.

After a while, the refining of the elixir was completed and the breath adjustment was completed. The pale complexion seemed to be a little rosy, but the faces of the four of them were all helpless and bitter.

"My elixir has run out." The young man whispered.

"Me too," said the woman.

Middle-aged people and the elderly nodded, indicating that they are the same.

The medicinal light means that it is difficult to recover the power consumption, and once injured, it is difficult to heal in a short time.

What's more, the current situation is that they are being chased by monster soldiers, fleeing everywhere, and want to leave here, but they may encounter monster soldiers at any time. The situation is critical and very dangerous.

As such, the probability of escaping here is low.

"Have a fight with the cubs." The young man gritted his teeth, his face full of anger.

"At present, this situation can only be done desperately." The old man sighed: "It's just a pity that Xu Mo you, the potential is good, the battle force will break in the future, and there is a lot of confidence in stepping into the extreme.

"Yeah, if Xu Mo breaks down the combat power, then our Jiangchao team will be able to have three polar powers." The woman smiled a longingly.

The Jiang Chao team is one of the polar teams in the No. 9 theater, with two ten-star combat capabilities.

"It's useless to say more. We will do our best. If we can escape, we will escape. One is one. If we cannot escape, we will kill." : "Killing one is enough, killing two earns."

"Yes, kill it. I want to kill ten." The young Xu Mo was also full of murder.

Around, the warrior squad of demons is approaching quickly, and depending on the situation, there is no way out.

At the same time, a wave of meteorite drifted from all around.

When a team of monster warriors passed by the meteorite where the four of Jiangchao's team passed, the four immediately burst into full force and burst into full force.

The old man had a ten-star combat power, and the other three had a nine-star combat power. A full blow occurred in an instant, and he killed four demon warriors and killed other demon warriors. .

Of course, they can choose to continue to lurk, but the consequence is that more savage warriors will come, and eventually they will be hunted out, and at that time, they may not be able to escape.

As for now, the active exposure to killing, at least there is a possibility of getting away.

Kill kill!

With a lot of killing intent, that team of monster warriors was killed again, after all, they did not have extreme combat power.

"Go." The old man gave a low drink, and the four immediately rushed at full speed in the direction of the Southern District.

Suddenly, two figures flashed in front of them, blocking the way.

Two demon barbarians, or two ape barbarians.

The eyes of these two ape-barbarians are full of playfulness, and the breath on the strong body is very amazing and extremely powerful.

Ten star power!

Two ten star-powered ape barbarians.

"I'll drag them, the three of you," said Shen Chao, the captain of the Jiang Chao team, the old man, Wang Chao Jiang. Without hesitation, he rushed to the Ape-Barbarians.

"I won't go." Xu Mo shouted, wanting to die together.

"Go." The middle-aged man was very decisive and grabbed Xu Mo, because he knew very well that he would have no effect at all unless he had ten-star combat power.

The two ape-barbarians looked very playful, as if watching a play.

Although the barbarians are called barbarians by human races, in fact, their wisdom is not inferior to that of human races, but they focus on different aspects. Compared to human races, barbarians more admire the power and directly solve problems with strength.

Even so, it doesn't mean that the monsters have no brains.

Two ten-star-powered ape-barbarians, only one shot, blocked Wang Chaojiang, while the other was not moving. Around the other, there were other monster warriors, there were as many as ten, each one had Nine-star combat power.

"Don't kill it, catch it alive and play with it." The ape barbarian, who didn't do anything, said in a voice.

It's not the first time that the demons have captured human races. The captured human races will be taken back to play and die.

Everyone has learned the language of the demon barbarians, and when they heard the words of the ape barbarians, their faces suddenly changed. If they were caught alive, they would end up many times more miserable than death.

Therefore, willing to die on the spot.

Suddenly, a meteorite with a size of ten meters flew at an astonishing speed, flying like a flying fire and meteor. It was so amazing that it rushed directly to a nine-star-powered monster warrior.

The savage warrior was instantly angry, punched out with a horrible blow, as if blasting everything.

With a bang, the meteorite was broken, but the demon warrior was also directly impacted, as if there was a terrible force that smashed through to tear the demon warrior through.

In the roar, the broken stone spattered in all directions, covering several kilometers in an instant, and a sword light also flew out of it. The sword light traverses the void as if it can penetrate everything ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's just a moment, the rest The next nine nine-star warriors were all swept by the sword.

Kill as many as you can!

Sudden changes, stunned a few human races, and let the two ape barbarian warriors slightly stunned, and immediately, the ape barbarian warriors who did not hit his mouth grinned, exposing fangs, his eyes were red, his face fierce Looks like a killer.


One punch blasted out, that punch, like a meteor running across the sky, was extremely fast, extremely fierce, and all the gravel was broken along the way, completely turned into powder dust, and the punch blasted into Jianguang like a bamboo. Place.

Strands of blood-red vitality spread in the air, quickly rushing to the place of Jianguang, submerged into the blood-red spheres in their hands, making the blood-colored spheres grow stronger and stronger. concise.

The savage warrior arrived in a punch, and the punch was full of rage and murder.

Jianguang shuddered, sending out a cry of Qingyue, ringing all around, and in an instant, that Jianguang became stronger and stronger, as bright as the sun, shining in all directions, the amazing sword intention spread quickly from it.

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