Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 9: Where the sword is headed

Ten thousand swords return!

A sword is broken!

The repression and transformation of the kendo area is like a master painting a Taoist brush stroke, underlining the circle of plain brush strokes, sketching a picture of mountains and rivers, lifelike, as if a mountain and a long river, appear so abruptly and naturally in the void, When the air falls.


The ten-star combat power of the ape barbarians was suppressed in an instant, and his body was hard to move.

The strong are fighting, life and death are only in the frontline.

That line may be dying, or it may not be dying.

In an instant, it was life and death.


The ape barbarian warrior's face was fierce, his eyes were red, his totem seemed to be ignited, and it burned violently, and a force of overwhelming force erupted in an instant, as if it could break the void.

The picturesque mountains and rivers of Jianshan were broken away in an instant, and the long river of sword gas was also burst in an instant. The ape barbarian was punched extremely fiercely, like a comet-like onslaught, carrying terrifying power and breaking everything.

This fist changed the face of the people. Although the three nine-star warriors were not directly targeted, they were affected by a touch of breath, and they felt a kind of extinction, as if they would be wiped out in an instant.

Chen Zong's look was the same, and such a punch was still a little different from the punch of the savages who burned the power of the totem when he was acting as a bait.

Jixin Wuxiang Sword lay in front of him, with sincerity, and the area of ​​five hundred meters of kendo shrank in an instant.

Seventh Heart Fire ... Burning!

The power of the sword in the beginning!


In a hurry, a sword was shot through the air. This sword was like a meteor going to the moon, like lightning flashing across the sky, extremely fast, and its power was condensed to the extreme.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Three!

One sword breaks everything!

That Jianguang went forward in a blistering way, carrying Chen Zong's conviction.

This is the belief that one sword breaks everything, the belief that there is nothing to stop and indestructible.

The boxing was punctured and penetrated in an instant, killing him like a bamboo.

Starting from the fist, the ape barbara warrior was penetrated through the arm inch by inch to the shoulder. The terrible sword gas penetrated the body through the shoulder, and the sword gas raged through the body, turning into countless fine blade-like crazy cuts.

But the savage tyrannical physique, the vitality is extremely tenacious, and did not die for a while, but the extremely cruel is to be killed by life. When he burned the power of the totem, it was already decided. This is a life-threatening blow.

However, Chen Zong will not give him any chance.

The sword did not know when it was drawn out, and one sword swept across the air.


狰狞 The ferocious head flew high, turning in mid-air, and seemed to have the slightest delay to bloom.

It is estimated that this ape barbarian did not expect that he would be beheaded so easily.

"So strong!" Xu Mo and the other three were stunned.

Sword bowed!

How amazing.

The Ape-barb fighters who were at war with Wang Chaojiang were immediately shocked. After retreating from the boxing river, he immediately pulled back without hesitation.

The savage warriors are fierce and good at fighting, and they are not afraid of death, but they are not afraid of death and death.

Your competitor's combat power will not be inferior to yourself. A blow from the power of burning totems can't help the other side, but is killed and the same is true for yourself. In this case, why stay and die.

It's better to get out and bring the news back to the tribe, and send more powerful men to kill this people.

"Don't want to leave." Wang Chaojiang, who was retired from boxing, had rich experience and instantly understood the other party's intentions. He forcedly adjusted the power and disregarded his injuries. He immediately shot with one hand, as if there were waves of waves.

This move is not based on attack, but on interception, as long as the opponent is blocked.

Wang Chaojiang succeeded. This move was enough to stop the ape barbarian soldier from dying.

The third form of Wanjian Guizong Sword: Manmu no Mori!

All the people saw was that a vigorous but sharp tree fell from the sky, shot down, and blasted around the ape barbarian warrior, suppressing it and trapping it.

The picturesque sword of mountains and rivers is based on the direct suppression of Jianshan and the cutting of sword gas around the river.

The sword of Manki no Mori, however, is a tree of sword energy falling all around, forming a cage-like existence, trapping the other side in it.

It's like a forest that can't get out.

Of course, at this moment, Chen Zong's sword can only be regarded as a prototype.

Rao is so powerful.


break out!

The totem seemed to turn into flames.

Ape-barb warriors have to fight desperately, because at this moment it is not enough to die.

When it is time to desperate, the demon barbarians are still very decisive and very fierce. Even if they know that they are desperate, they can't kill each other, but they have to try it in case they succeed.

It's a pity, that's just a hope.

Refining the heart under one sword, kill directly.

The ten-star warrior savage warrior is worth 20 points of combat power, which is not small, adding bricks to Chen Zong's military performance.

This time, the ten nine-star warrior savages are ninety points in battle, and the two ten-star warrior savages are four-points in battle, which is a hundred and thirty points.

Seeing all the savage warriors dead, the four of Wang Chaojiang were relieved and quickly thanked Chen Zong.

Chen Zong took out some elixir and gave it to four people, and healed and recovered for strength.

"Do n’t say thank you." Under the protection of Chen Zong, Wang Chaojiang and four others, refining elixir, treating injuries and restoring strength, stood side by side in front of Chen Zong, bowing salutely: " In the future, benefactors will send whatever they want, and they will do whatever they want. "

"As human beings, this is what I should do. I hope you can leave safely, and I will not give it away." Chen Zongwei smiled.

It was a coincidence that these people were rescued. Some elixir was given to them, and it was also for the sake of the same human race to resist the invasion of foreign races, which was reasonable and reasonable.

As for the four people leaving the North District and returning to the South District and even returning to the No. 9 small battlefield, they have to rely on themselves. Chen Zongke will not **** all the way, unless he also just wants to return and follow the path.

But now, Chen Zong also intends to stay in the Northern District to hunt down the savage warriors, obtain warfare, and improve himself by fighting for war.

Before long, more savage warriors pursued.

"Kill!" With a low drink, Chen Zongyi sword waved, the sword light broke.

A fierce battle begins.

The savage fighters who have arrived in succession add up to hundreds, but not swarming all at once, but before and after the batch, basically the majority were killed by Chen Zong, and the rest are three ten-star combat power Barbarian warrior.

With one-on-three, Chen Zong could not end the battle in a short time.

However, Chen Zong's strength was not weak, and his combat power was fully opened. For a time, he even blocked three siege warriors with ten-star combat power and fierce fighting.

"Continue to fight, I'm afraid that it will attract more savages." Chen Zongyi sword was in his hand, and while defending against the savage warrior's attack, he thought about it.

If it is a barbarian with a combat power of less than ten stars, there will be a hundred more, and Chen Zong will not be afraid, but if it is a ten-star combat force, the pressure will increase greatly. If it is an eleven-star power, then you will Not an opponent.

In doing so, take risks.

In one strike, Chen Zong did not dodge this time, but directly resisted.

Xinyin Baoyi was on the body, blocking the extremely powerful blow, which did not burn the power of the totem. Therefore, the remaining 30% of the power after being weakened could not cause much damage to Chen Zong, only slightly. Shock blood.

Such a blow would have little effect.

At the same time, Chen Zongyi sword was killed.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Two!

The method of refining the heart and returning to one sword is to use one sword to break through all methods, but it does not mean that Chen Zong can only stab when he swords out, that is just a usage.

Can be stabbed, chopped, or chopped, all applications are at will.

The physical strength of the monsters is amazing and tenacious. Only with a sword can they be killed directly, so as to avoid their dogs jumping from the wall to burn the totem.


There are two left.

The two savages were shocked and angry, and the three joined forces to kill one amazingly.

"Death!" The roaring ten-star warrior ten-star warrior immediately burned the power of the totem and blasted out in one shot. The power of that blow more than doubled directly and became more terrible.

Burn yourself and die.

I have to say that this method of the barbarian is really extremely terrifying.

It is precisely because of this that the monster barbarians have only occupied one star field and broken into two star fields.

After all, the power of burning totems in exchange for a surge of might and killing a strong enemy, but he will also die, and his life is changed. In this case, even the many monsters of the barbarian race are constantly consumed.

Conversely, if the Burning Totem kills the enemy with one blow, and it can recover without immortality, it must be a disaster for the human race, and the astral field will not only be occupied by one, but more.

This attack, Chen Zong still resisted, qi and blood concussion, and suffered a minor injury instantly, but this slight injury in exchange for the opportunity to kill the opponent.

Only the last one is left.

The monster warrior turned without hesitation and burst into full speed.

"Town!" Chen Zongyi sword was killed, the mountains and rivers were picturesque, and Jianshan suppressed.

The next sword, refining the heart and returning to one sword: sword three!


Start with sixty battles.

Three consecutive kills ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong couldn't help spitting out blood.

The first was to withstand the blow of the power of the burning totem, with minor injuries, and the rapid operation of the bursting force continuously performed two moves, which made the blood more shocked.

However, the record is gratifying.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong took the elixir and quickly urged the refining of exercises.

In this battle, under the high intensity, Chen Zong's strength was almost exhausted. If another ten-star-powered monster barbarian comes, Chen Zong can save his life, but it is difficult to kill him.

It was another three ten-star combat soldiers who died, and within the tribe in the ninth theater, there was an uproar.

Any extreme combat power is relatively rare. It belongs to the true elite. It is nothing to die one or two. After all, many years have passed since the invasion of the barbarians and the war with the human race. The dead extreme The combat power is not one to one thousand.

But this time, it was in a short period of time, and it was still located in the North District. Many ten-star combat fighters and other star-fighter combat fighters have died in a row. It can be directly confirmed that they are strong people. Invade and massacre.

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