Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 10: Advanced promotion

Deep in the northern part of the No. 9 theater, a huge spiked semicircle is like a large bowl inverted on the ground, suspended in the void, and there are other smaller inverted bowls around, Also covered with spikes, the end of the spikes shimmering with scarlet cold light, looking shocking.

Strong figures walked in and out, hurried in and out, all with amazing momentum.

Demon Race!

This is the tribe of the barbarian people.

In the largest tribal camp, several strong figures are gathering, exuding an extremely breathtaking atmosphere, and they are truly brave of the demon.

The brave, equivalent to the level of the Yuan Ming Realm of the Terran Cultivation, is powerful and amazingly powerful.

In the shortest time, the demon barbarians negotiated and acted immediately.

Many eleven-star warrior savage warriors are dispatched, and even the savage warriors are dispatched. It is to find the cultivator who sneaked into the North District and slaughtered the savage warriors.

At present, it is certain that the human race practitioners who infiltrated the North District are not the level of Yuanming Realm, but the imperial realm. However, the demon barbarians will not pay attention to any irregularities.

This is war, not fighting.

Since it is war, it is to win by all means. Whether it is upright or not is irrelevant.

It's good to win.

The ability to kill so many warriors of the barbarians, even some are ten-stars, shows that the human race is very strong, at least it is the best among the ten-stars, even at the level of eleven-stars, killing such peoples, Is more valuable.

In fact, in terms of the number of strong people, the human race is still not as good as the demons.

The probability that the demon barbarian will give birth to a polar warrior is several times better than the human race.

Therefore, also dying of a polar warfare, the loss of the human race is relatively better than the demons.

Of course, this does not mean that the polar warriors of the barbarian can be casually lost.


When the exercises were finished, Chen Zong exhaled a long breath.

The practice of Qi training has been improved to reach the mid-sixth stage of the imperial state, and the practice of refining has also reached the mid-six state of the six-transformation deities. Naturally, the combat power has also improved, but it is not obvious.

It is difficult to improve the star power.

But no matter what, it is a step further.

The long sword came out of the sheath, and the sword's body was flowing like a stream of water flowing slowly, with a trace of indescribable sharpness, straight into the heart, straight into the soul.

Heartless Phaseless Sword!

Chen Zong can feel that with his constant fighting and killing, the potential of the extremely heartless sword seems to be constantly stimulated.

This is his own life-threatening soldier. When he was conceived, he absorbed a little of Kendo's origin. Although it may not be as good as one thousandth of that Kendo's origin, it also greatly shortened the incubation time.

Not only that, but the origin of Kendo has also greatly enhanced the potential of the life-saver, as if it had been promoted from an ordinary genius to an extreme arrogance.

The benefit of life-threatening soldiers is that they will increase with the improvement of the practitioners themselves.

However, the speed of enhancement of life-threatening soldiers with different potentials is different.

The extremely heartless sword with a trace of Kendo origin is definitely the top level.

At the beginning, he reached the top level of the heavenly artifact, and then became a false spirit artifact. Nowadays, Chen Zong feels that there is a breakthrough trend in the extremely heartless sword.

A breakthrough is beyond the level of the heavenly artifact to become a spiritual artifact.

Spirit artifacts are not comparable to heavenly artifacts.

For example, the heart-printed treasure, at the level of the heavenly artifact, weakens Qicheng's attack power, but after becoming a spiritual artifact, that weakening becomes devouring and absorbing, accumulating strength, and transforming into a force that can heal his own injuries. You can also defend yourself against attacks.

If the Extreme Heartless Sword can break through to the level of the Spirit Artifact, it will become more powerful.

In this regard, Chen Zong expressed great expectations.

Then, help Jixin Wuxiangjian break through.

When he was in a hurry, Chen Zong mobilized his strength and continuously poured into the Jixin Wuxiangjian, which was provided to Jixin Wuxiangjian.

Jixin Wuxiangjian shuddered slightly, making a slight sword sound, as if full of joy.

Chen Zong ’s strength is one of the good nutrients of Jixin Wuxiang Sword. Of course, if you can find any source, especially Kendo, it will also be an excellent nutrient for Jixin Wuxiang Sword. The extremely heartless sword can be better improved.

The waves of power continued to flow in as if endlessly. The heartless sword was like a dried sponge, constantly absorbing the strength of Chen Zong, and impacting the waves, the layers of heaven.

Breakthroughs are simpler than Chen Zong imagines, and they are constantly inputting power.

Suddenly, a surge of extreme sword energy exploded from the heartless sword without a blast, soaring into the sky.

The sharpness and sharpness, as if boundless, directly penetrated the meteorites hiding in Chen Zong, and it was amazing for dozens of miles.

Chen Zong's complexion also changed drastically. This was a change. With the quickest response, he quickly suppressed the fluctuations of the extremely heartless sword and quickly restrained himself.

If you change places, Chen Zong would not do this, but here, but within the demon tribe area, such an amazing sword-gas fluctuation erupted across the range of dozens of miles, just like the night The sun is striking.

"It's my thoughts." Chen Zong secretly reflected, because Jixin Wuxiang Jian was on the verge of a breakthrough, and this breakthrough could not be suppressed, sooner or later. In this case, of course, he had to help.

What I did not expect was that there would be such a big movement at the moment of the breakthrough. This is not in the memory of the sword master of Dongting, because the sword master of Dongting did not kill the soldiers.

Life-threatening soldiers are not standard. Many powerful people do not have them. Of course, mastering life-threatening soldiers does not mean that they are the strongest, and that life-threatening soldiers do not mean that they are not strong.

The true strong is never determined by one aspect.

It was too late to check what kind of power the Jixin Wuxiang Sword had after the promotion. Chen Zong immediately took the elixir stopper and imported it, swallowed it quickly, and urged the work of the method to grind and digest it, and restore the power of consumption. Immediately rushed out of the meteorite and quickly rushed towards the south.

Why is this so?

Because at that moment when the heartless sword was promoted, the sword qi was vertical and horizontal for dozens of miles. Even if it reacted in an instant to suppress it and converge, it still passed on.

And here, but in the area of ​​the savage tribe, there must be many savage fighters sensing it.

Demon Barbarians, but not so sword-like, only some people sword repair.

"Human Sword Repair who killed hundreds of warriors of my clan appeared."


"Catch him alive and kill him."

Feeling the ephemeral sword gas fluctuation that erupted at that moment, the savage warriors flew towards the sword gas explosion like a riot.

"This human sword is so arrogant and so brave, it dares to be so provocative." A eleven-star-strength warrior warrior narrowed his eyes and radiated an extremely cold light, terrible and brutal.

In their opinion, Chen Zong's approach was provocation, naked provocation.

In the area of ​​the demon tribes, they did not hide their heads and hide themselves, but they also exploded in a strong sword atmosphere, lest others not know that he is here. This is not a arrogant provocation.

Dare to provoke the savages, there is only one way to die.




A group of demon barbarians took action, swarming from all directions at the fastest speed, and rushed to the outbreak of sword gas.

The sword gas that traverses dozens of miles has an instantaneous fluctuation, which is enough to spread across hundreds of miles, and even thousands of miles can feel a trace, which is equivalent to a range of hundreds of light.

Coupled with the detonation of signals between the savage warriors, etc., more savage warriors are attracted to it.

A strong sense of crisis is constantly coming, let Chen Zong know that he seems to be in danger.

Where does the danger come from in such a place?

It's very simple, from the savages.

Chen Zong did not panic, his expression was calm, his eyes were deep, while he was constantly flying, he was constantly refining the alchemy to restore strength.

Whenever danger is encountered, it is the most important to restore your strength. In this way, you can calmly face the coming danger.

On the one hand, Chen Zong can also be distracted to communicate with each other with no heart at all.

On the level, the extremely heartless sword that has reached the level of the spirit **** soldier is a bit more spiritual than before. When communicating, it makes Chen Zong feel easier and smoother. In this way, he has three spirit soldiers and A mysterious artifact-level secret treasure, that secret treasure, is Bai Yucheng's infinite challenge to get through the one hundred levels.

That secret treasure is a one-time, and Chen Zong has kept it till now, and has never used it, because he has not encountered any opponent who needs to use the secret treasure.

I hope this time I don't need to use it.

Under the communication, Chen Zong knew that the extremely heartless sword after promotion was even more amazing, whether its power had been increased.

Of course, the increase in power is the second, and no matter how much the increase, Chen Zong's combat power level can not exceed ten stars, reaching eleven stars.

The increase in power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that is only incidental after the promotion of the heartless sword, more is other abilities, which is closely related to Chen Zong.

This sword is promoted. Although his combat power is still at the ten-star level, it has also been significantly improved at the ten-star level, and it is more conducive to combat.

If, as before, you face three ten-star demon warriors, you don't need to endure their attacks, you can kill them all.

How to describe it?

If the battle star is likened to a vertical line, which continues to spread, the combat power will be higher, which is the height of the combat power, then what Chen Zong has promoted is the width of the combat power.

The combat power level has not changed, but it is more warlike.

Chen Zong even had the idea to stop and wait for the barbarian fighters to surround him and fight well, but this idea just came out and was immediately ruled out by Chen Zong. This was a very irrational idea.

Unless there are no eleven-star savage warriors, there is no brave-level savage warrior.

Neither the eleven-star savage warrior nor the brave savage clan are capable of confronting themselves.

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