Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 14: War starts

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The Nineth Mil War Zone is one of hundreds of mild war zones. There are ten demons and brave men sitting on the tribe. The number is small and precious.

In the depths of the tribe, a giant pillar with a width of tens of meters and a height of several kilometers stands. The pillar is bronze, as if it has mottled years. There are countless carvings on the giant pillar. Looking closely, it looks like a beast Reflected in the above, lifelike, carrying the force of recklessness.

This is the tribal totem pole of the demon barbarian.

On the totem pole, as if surrounded by beasts, the eyes on each beast's head were burning with a fiery flame.

Suddenly, the burning flame of a giant beast's eyes went out, and the whole totem pole vibrated.

The sound of the breaking wind sounded, and all the strong figures flew towards them. When they saw the flame extinguished on one of the giant beast's heads, his face suddenly changed, and he was furious.

This represents the death of a demon brave.

"what happened?"

"Is it the siege of Terran Underworld?"

"It must be a conspiracy of the Terran element."

The Terran Battlefield Nine is separated from them north and south, facing far away. The Battlefield 9 has ten elements. They all know and have played against each other. Therefore, the strength of the opponent is clear.

With such combat power, it is very difficult to kill a demon brave one-on-one, unless the two join forces.

Now that a demon brave has fallen, it means that at least two Terrans have joined forces.

The demon barbarians are fiercely combative and inherently powerful. This is incomparable to the human race. If they were not limited by some and could not enter the void of this side, the human race would have been beaten.

Rao is so, entering part, also occupied one star field, occupying half of the other two star fields.

The relationship of limited reinforcements and insufficient troops is now the upper limit that can be achieved by the barbarians. Mild war zones are dominated by soldiers, and brave men are only auxiliary. Only moderate war zones are dominated by brave men.

In a mild war zone, the death of a bravery is a huge loss.



It wasn't long before someone brought the corpse of that demon brave man back.

Upon inspection, the results made them unbelievable and shocked.

The injuries on the body cannot be faked.

Although the body of the demon brave was slashed by the sword force, the power of the sword was overwhelming, making them all shocked, but the real fatal thing was the sword injury.

Or should be said to be killed by the sword with the cooperation of the terrible sword.

And under inspection, the sword qi remaining from the sword injury is only the warrior level. Under careful discrimination, it should be a ten-star combat level, less than an eleven-star level.

It was ridiculous that a demon brave man was killed by the human race's imperial realm.

Spreading out is definitely not good news for the savages. On the contrary, it may cause some blows, even if there is no blow, but if the people know it, it will be propagated and the morale will be inspiring.

The level of morale is often related to the victory or defeat of the battle. When the difference in combat power is not absolutely obvious, the morale is high and it is possible to reverse the situation and defeat.

Further inspection, many of the savage warriors who died this time had the same remaining sword gas on the sword wounds.

"These human races have amazing talents and must be killed." The brutal brave men's eyes burst into cold light.

"You must kill as soon as possible, or you will be a North Wolf in the next day."

When it comes to the four characters of Beidao Sirius, all of the brave and brave brave look dignified, full of dread, incomparable fear, the four characters of Beidao Sirius are like a nightmare to the monsters.

"Let's go to war." A turtleman brave man suddenly spoke, his voice was low and hoarse, but with a kind of determination: "Anyway, you must kill the human race Tianjiao Xiu, otherwise, it may really happen again No one wants to see a North American Sirius. "

"Launch war."


The remaining nine demon brave heroes passed unanimously.


I saw the brave brave warrior took out a whole body bronze curved spiral howl and blew instantly.

The whining voice sounded suddenly, ringing through the world instantly, as if it were thunderous, as if the ancient roar, the roar of all beasts.

Suddenly, it sounded through the world, shaking in all directions.

In the northern part of the 9th theater, the humming sound was so loud that it swept the world, and all the savage warriors located in the northern part heard all of them, one at a time, and then they looked excited.

"The horn of mad battle sounded." A savage warrior showed his frenzy.

"The war is about to begin."

"I've been waiting a long time."

"War war war!"

The demons and human races are different. They are warlike and belligerent. From the beginning of their births or in their infancy, they have the concept of warfare. As their growth continues to increase, as a child, they will engage in various battles.

The hunting battle between the small team and the human race is good, but it can't satisfy the warlike heart of the barbarians. However, the war is not easy to provoke, because the strength of the human race is not weak. Once the war is started, the human race will have heavy casualties. The same is true of the monster barbarians.

It is not surprising that one injured one thousand and 800.

But now, it is finally time to start the war.

That horn is the mad horn of the demon barbarians. It is not used easily. Once it sounds, it means that the war is about to begin.

The Horn of Furious Battle has a unique mystery. Once it sounds, as long as it is a barbarian in the theater, it will be heard, no matter how far away, on the contrary, other races cannot hear it.

Rather than a sound, it is a strange wave, a wave belonging to the demon barbarians.


The dormant Terran squad suddenly found that the team of the monster barbarians had contracted and returned to the tribe, one after another in a hurry, as if something was going to happen.

Chen Zongke didn't know that his trip to the North District would cause a big mess, and the demons would have to wage war in order to eliminate the future troubles.

Mountain rain is coming to the wind!

Inside the battlefield in the Southern District, Yigan Yuanjing did not know why, and suddenly felt uneasy. It seemed that something bad was going to happen.

Chen Zong rushed out of the North District, crossed the separation zone, and entered the South District. All the way was all right, but I don't know why, he was haunted by a feeling of repression like Foshan Yue's repression, almost choking.

This feeling is not the same as the danger.

With doubt, Chen Zong also checked the military achievements in the war order.

Coupled with the more than one thousand battle gains and the constant hunting and killing of the barbarian warriors in the North Zone, the barbarian brave was finally killed. The number of barracks in the war order just exceeded 10,000 points.

It seems that the speed of obtaining military exploits is very fast, it is amazing, and indeed it is. It is amazing that in a short period of time, tens of thousands of military exploits have been obtained, but the dangers are only known to Chen Zong himself.

If you are not careful, you will die.

Especially in the end, the chase of the demon brave, if there is no secret treasure, not to mention anti-kill, whether he can survive is still unknown.

The demon brave warrior's combat power should be two stars, because he got two hundred points of combat success.

"Ten thousand points of military achievement, after returning to the battle fortress, immediately exchange for the power of heaven and earth to belong to my eternal battle fortress." Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes twinkling brightly.

From the inner feeling, Chen Zong felt that the power of heaven and earth should be very useful to himself.

All strength is fully restored, and the strength of the mind is fully restored in the slow.

Chen Zong continued to travel inward from the outermost ring in the Southern District, into the Central Ring, and finally into the Inner Ring.

For a while, Chen Zong felt a terrible breath coming from him, as if locking himself up and suppressing it.

Looking back, I saw nine figures, and each figure was filled with amazing breath fluctuations. Together, they were terrible, like the intangible sea waves.

Among them were several unfamiliar faces, which impressed Chen Zong.

One was a person with a slight smile on his face. At first he looked very sincere and easily gained the trust of others, but in the eyes of Chen Zong, there was a kind of Xu Wei.

The other is a domineering look, like a solitary lord in the sky.

Teana team!

Chen Zong's face didn't move when he saw the team of Tianyao, but there was a flash of anger in his heart.

That palm of the day, I will not forget.

Looking back, Chen Zong didn't say anything or act, because even now, he realizes that he has the heart and soul and does not defeat the opponent's grasp.

The gap between the ten-star combat power and the eleven-star combat power is still very obvious.

However, the other party ’s cultivation has already reached the peak of the nine-turn imperial realm, and there is no room for improvement, but he is only at the level of the six-turn imperial realm, and there is still much room for improvement.

Chen Zong retracted his gaze and ignored the team of the Teana team, but there was still a conversation.

"Is that what you call Tiangong Tianjiao?"

"It doesn't look good."

"Hehe, the mind of Tian Tian Gong is very big, but it may not be better than others."

All kinds of random ridicules were continuously heard in the ears. Chen Zong did not get angry and had no other reaction because it was unnecessary.

Whether the Mindfulness Palace is strong or weak is not something that can be evaluated by several Tianjiao. They acknowledge that the Mindfulness Palace will not become stronger, and they deny that the Mindfulness Palace will not weaken.

So ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ how they evaluate or degrade, can not damage the mind of the heavenly palace, of course, as a disciple of the heart of heavenly palace, listening to these people's discussion, there is a little bit of uncomfortable heart.

However, the argument between tongues has never been good at Chen Zong. In Japan, when the sword is clear, they will know why the mind is the first place in the void.

Soon, Chen Zong entered the battle fortress, returned to his house, started to open the exchange interface, and did not hesitate to exchange.

Because Chen Zong has the eternal heaven and earth order, with this token as a medium, he can find his own power of heaven and earth, which is also a means of identification for the eternal battlefield.

After all, for many years from ancient to modern times, the Eternal War Fortress has issued many tokens, and many people get the token consciousness coming and get the energy clone.

But some people died.

Some have become disciples of other forces, and only some have truly become disciples of the Eternal War Fortress.

Those disciples who are not Eternal War Fortress have the energy to stay in the Eternal War Fort. If they want to obtain it, they can only use other means.

Today's means are the military achievements of the northern front.

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