Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 15: Refining clone

On the ninth battle fortress, in the hall of deliberation, the ten figures with breathtaking breath took their seats.

"I've made it clear that all the savage warriors shrunk inward, and should return to the tribe." One of the figures staggered and overlapped, as if the Yuanyuan Realm who was constantly streamed and glanced, said that his voice also had a difficulty The drift of words: "The specific reason is unknown, but I cannot get too close, otherwise I will be found."

"The savage warrior suddenly shrank into the tribe, and things were abnormal."

A lot of people groaned and wondered why it was so abnormal.

Suddenly, the gentle old man seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly changed.

"Not good, the barbarian might be going to war."




"How dare they."

In a hurry, each element of the Underworld reacted fiercely because of the word war.


It sounds simple, but it's not simple. Especially those who have experienced the war deeply know the cruelty of it. Even people who have not experienced it are very clear.

War is killing and death.

The battlefield is a meat grinder. Everyone is dead at all times. It is very cruel and terrible. No one wants to start a war, because on that battlefield, no one can guarantee that he can live to the end.

Perhaps the level of strength has an impact, but it is not absolute. The battle situation changes rapidly, and anyone can die.

"Demons, probably not." The voice was a little uncertain.

Although the barbarians are belligerent, but the cruelty of the war, the barbarians are also very clear and will not easily start. It is just such an abnormal assembly, and it seems to be a prelude to the war.

But it didn't take long for everyone's concerns to become a reality.

In the northern area of ​​the 9th theater, the black area was overwhelming, as if dark clouds covered the sky, and quickly flew to the southern area.

It was the warriors of the barbarian tribe, gathered together, and became an army, with a breathtaking and fierce breath, which constantly permeated from the barbarians and scattered around.

The breath, with an indescribable excitement, seemed to be excited, every monster warrior was excited.

The war is not easy to start, a movement like thunderstorm.

At this moment, almost all the barbarian warriors gathered together, and led by the ten barbaric brave men, rushed to the north-south zone.

The meteorite flow in the isolation zone is a threat to the warrior level, but it is not a half threat to the brave level. Under the shot, all are crushed, and a channel is directly cleared. Go straight and go all the way.

The mighty army was as turbulent as the tide.

The army of the monster barbarians assembled and pushed into the Southern District. Of course, the human race could not be found. After shock, they immediately ordered, and all the teams assembled one after another.

At this moment, there are two figures in the house assigned by Chen Zong in the battlehouse.

Strangely, both figures were Chen Zong, as if looking into a mirror.

Of course, the robes of the two figures are different, and more importantly, the eyes are different. One of Chen Zong's eyes is dull.

The gloomy Chen Zong is exactly the power of heaven and earth that Chen Zong got from the Eternal Battle Fortress with his consciousness many years ago. Originally, if Chen Zong joined the Eternal Battle Fortress, he could directly obtain this clone and practice it. Get up and become a true avatar, the strength will not be inferior to the deity.

However, even those who are not eternal war bastions can not be successfully cultivated even if they have avatars, they can only be absorbed.

It is a bit regrettable that it cannot be refined into a clone. This clone is a little different from the Shura clone. However, since it cannot be practiced, Chen Zong didn't think about it. Join the eternal battlefield.

Can't cultivate as an avatar, then you can only absorb it.

Cultivating a clone is an extra life, and it is equivalent to carrying a hole card with you, but it takes time, and the effect is relatively slow.

Refining and absorbing can strengthen itself in a short time.

Under normal circumstances, in the long-term interests, it is better to cultivate a clone, but there is no absolute truth in the world.

Chen Zonggong's method works, and in the beginning, in the beginning, Jianyuan was like the water of a large river flowing endlessly. It swept across the mighty river. It instantly filled the whole body, and a strong suction suddenly burst out. In an instant, the person in front of him absorb.

The radiant masterpiece, like a small sun, radiates a dazzling light, shining in all directions.

For a while, a series of pure black and white quintessentially pure essences were continuously sprayed out from within the power of heaven and earth, and turned into strands and threads, as if they were instantaneously blasted out, flying towards Chen. Zong, wrapped Chen Zong's body up and down.

Just moments later, Chen Zong was entangled with black and white silk threads and turned into a black and white giant cocoon.

It looks like a cocoon, waiting for the cocoon to come out.

The power of heaven and earth disappeared, all turned into the power of pure power, wrapping Chen Zong's whole body up and down, the trace of pure energy to the extreme, poured into Chen Zong's body continuously.

In theory, the power of this avatar of the power of heaven and earth has not yet reached the imperial realm, but it is extremely pure and hardly inferior to a turn of imperial realm.

After all, on a star in the Eternal War Fortress, he constantly passively absorbs the power of heaven and earth to temper himself.

It is also because the level of the power of heaven and earth has not yet broken into the relationship of the level of the imperial realm, which is less difficult to absorb. Of course, the corresponding benefits will be smaller.

At a speed that can be seen by both eyes, the black and white silk threads are continuously reduced, and they are continuously absorbed into the body by Chen Zong.

Chen Zong is completely immersed in cultivation and forgets everything. The feeling is very wonderful.

The body, as if constantly being rubbed, has an indescribable feeling, as if it is a little tingling, and seems to be very comfortable, in an interweaving of ice and fire.

Unconsciously, Chen Zong's spirit was ascending.

The corresponding one is Jian Yuan, which has been purified a little bit and becomes more powerful.

Chen Zong was totally unaware of all the outside world, and Chen Zong did not know the notice of the war order, because he was completely immersed in cultivation.

At this moment, in the Southern District, before the battle, many teams came to gather.

"What happened?"

"Are there so many teams, is there any major action?"

As soon as the practitioners arrived, they speculated.

There are very few groups like this. I don't know how many years have not appeared. It can be said that basically no one has experienced it because they will not stay here for many months, usually serving, and whether they will continue to stay. , All on a voluntary basis.

Of course, there are also some similar to casual training, and want to exchange the practice for the purpose of fighting to improve themselves faster and better.

However, the battlefield is dangerous. Of course, many casual repairs exchange themselves for training to upgrade themselves, and they will inevitably lose their lives in danger.

Cruel and tragic.

Therefore, when the war order came up, everyone rushed to the place, but secretly guessed, but at most it was guessing that there might be some big action, but did not guess the war, it felt a little far away.

Up to now, as far as everyone knows, it has penetrated each other in the form of clan and consumed each other's military power.

Although it is called a battlefield here, large-scale wars rarely occur.

For a while, everyone expressed their opinions and opinions.

"The Sky Team is here," someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Sky Team."

"where is it."

There was a lot of discussion around, and then they looked.

Battlefield No. 9 has a team of many practitioners. The number and strength of the team are different from the strong and the weak. There is a battle where there is someone, whether it is tangible or intangible.

Therefore, among the various teams, the ten most powerful teams have been selected, which are called the top ten teams.

The strength of the top ten teams is mostly not clearly defined, because the strength is between the middle and the middle.

Even so, the strength of the top ten teams is also very strong, there are strong players with eleven star power, at least one, the rest are ten star power.

However, their number is not large, it will not exceed ten. They are taking the elite route. Non-ten-star combat power is not eligible to join. In addition, ten-star combat power needs to be passed after evaluation. qualifications.

Xingtian Clan is one of the top ten clan.

There are thousands of teams, and it is recognized that the strongest are only ten, and the Xingtian team is still in the top three of the top ten teams.

The top ten teams, ranked first, are the Teana team, that is recognized. As for the second and third, there is actually no. The Xingtian team and the Bengtian team can be regarded as the second and third, because the two teams The strength is similar, with two 11-star combat capabilities.

As for the other seven teams, there is an eleven-star powerhouse, and it is difficult to rank before and after.

In normal times, the top ten teams rarely stay in the battlefield, but go out and sneak into the northern area to hunt down the monster warriors, which is difficult to see.

Where like now, the Xingtian Clan appeared, and the Biantian Clan appeared.

The two teams, regardless of their rankings, form a kind of confrontation.

Now, the Xingtian Clan and the Bengtian Clan appear, standing against each other, and the invisible air is permeating away, agitating all directions.

Then ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The other seven powerful breaths trembled from all directions in the distance. Compared with the Sky Team and the Sky Team, they only want to be inferior, but far better than other teams.

Seven teams!


The domineering breath swept through, shocking.

Nine major teams, the breath shocked each other, the void seemed to turn into a large river.

Atmosphere became extremely tense and extremely calm for a while, giving people a feeling of rain and wind coming from the building.

Suddenly, a more powerful breath came directly, in an extremely arrogant posture, rushing and rushing to death, arrogant and overbearing, with an overwhelming momentum that crushed everything.

The Teana team has arrived.

The top ten teams came first, and the thousands of teams came first.

The breath of the nine teams colliding with each other was fragmented in an instant, and the team of Tianya came down like the king.

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