Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 16: Fight if you want

Before the battle, the ten exuberant figures appeared, and the ten-team's arrogance was suppressed at once.

"The army of demons is under pressure, and the war is about to begin. Everyone, be ready to go to war at any time." The general of the dragon led by the ten generals loudly uttered a voice into everyone's ears, and the cloak behind him was swaying in the wind. Rattle.


"The army is under pressure!"

In a hurry, all the practitioners in the team were stunned, and it was difficult to respond for a while. The news was amazing.

This is true even for the nine members of the Teana team.


What a distant word, although it is called a battlefield here, the real war has not been started for many years. Only when the original Tyro Starfield was suddenly invaded by the demon barbarians, a war that lasted for thousands of years broke out and countless deaths and injuries.

War makes people feel trembling. It is a kind of fear, tension and anticipation, which is very special.

The general of the Dragon Dragon was concise and simple, without any extra words. A few words made it clear. With a big wave of his hand, the red cloak behind him fluttered like a battle flag.

set off!

Now that the barbaric army is under pressure, it is impossible for the human race to sit still and gather the various teams into an army and move forward.

And Chen Zong, is still refining the power of the power of heaven and earth, although the level of power of that day and earth is not in the level of divine power, refining also requires some time, after all, that power is very condensed.

Therefore, Chen Zong did not know what was happening outside, let alone that war had come.


The Terran clan assembled and advanced in the direction of the North District. Xiao Xiao's breath was quietly condensing and gradually spread.

The savage army's army moved suddenly and more quickly. Therefore, they directly crossed the north-south zone separation zone and pushed into the outer ring of the south zone.

The two armies are fighting!

The army of the monster barbarians and the army of the human race clan met in the outer ring of the Southern District, but instead of charging directly, the two armies confronted each other, 10,000 meters apart.

Human race teams are assembled, although they are assembled into an army, but they are not. They are mainly small groups of teams. On the contrary, the monster teams are all broken up and assembled into a real army. There is a well-trained feel.

Of course, it is impossible to say that human races are not as good as demons, and each has its own advantages.

The barbarian clans assembled by the army are more cohesive. Once charged, they are as terrible as they are.

However, the human race that exists in the clan is indeed not as good as the monster army on the front charge, but it is more flexible in terms of mobility.

The two armies have not yet started a battle, but the breath of breath is constantly coming out. They collide with each other ten thousand meters apart, and the turbulence seems to turn into an amazing storm that rages in all directions.

The sound of roaring, shaking like a sky, is like a row of mountains.

Amazing evil spirits permeated, and the billowing waves were endless.

Nine demon brave braves are at the forefront, and their breath is the most powerful.

However, the ten generals on the Terran side were secretly surprised. Shouldn't the other side also be ten brave men?

How come nine?

Is there one lurking?

"Demons, are you planning to start a war?" War Dragon General, headed with a bit of majesty, stared away, his voice was low and powerful, like a thunderous tumbling.

War, cruel words.

"It's okay not to fight, unless you surrender a person." The savage brave warrior headed sneered.

"People?" For a moment, the ten generals frowned, thinking secretly.

The savages did not hesitate to gather in the army with great fanfare, and wanted to start a war just for one person in Battlefield Nine?

It sounds incredible.

"Who?" General Zhanlong frowned and asked, "It's one thing to make a difference, but I'm very curious inside, and I have to understand it clearly."

Others were also very curious.

In the end, who actually let the barbarian tribe gather the army to suppress.

"Human Sword Repair should be ten-star combat power." The savage brave brave sneered. He didn't know Chen Zong's name. He could only affirm the combat power and Jian Xiu's identity, that's all.

"Sword repair of ten-star combat power!" Everyone stunned. In the entire Battlefield No. 9 theater, there were tens of thousands of human race practitioners, among which there were many sword repairs, and ten-star combat power. There is still a part of Jianxiu.

Well, with a ten-star sword repair, it is simply not enough to find someone.

"Why are you looking for him?" General Zhanlong asked again.

"Dive into North District, kill me thousands of fighters, dozens of star-level fighters, and even kill a brave man of my clan, it is time to kill." The voice of the savage brave warrior was full of murder and hatred, and anger was burning.

Compared to the human race, the minds of the demon barbarians are not so complicated. Such things are directly stated. If you change to an adult race, you will definitely think about it and find another reason to cover the past instead of speaking directly.

"What!" The Terran side was shocked one by one.


Who is it?

It was so arrogant and so amazing, sneaking into the North District, killing thousands of monster warriors, beheading dozens of ten-star monster warriors, and killing a monster warrior.

No wonder only nine brave brave men came this time.

So who is it?

Which sword Xiu has this amazing record.

In the Terran clan, each one looked at each other, and those ten-star combat sword repairs were attracted more and more attention.

"not me."

"It's not me."

"Although I want to do this too, I can't."

These ten-star combat swordsmen shook their heads and denied.

How glorious it is to kill so many monster soldiers.

It's a pity, not them.

"No more hand over, I will start the war." The savage warrior angered.




The army of the monster barbarians raised their arms and yelled. The momentum was terrifying and terrifying. Such momentum once suppressed the human race side, which was amazing.

"If you want to fight, then fight." The general of the cold tide stepped out, and a breath of breath was as if the tide was turbulent, oppressing away, and his expression was astonished.

"If you want to fight, fight!"

"If you want to fight, fight!"

"If you want to fight, fight, my people have no fear."

Although all the Ten Masters of the Underworld knew the cruelty of the war and were unwilling to start the war, when the war came, they would not dodge, but face it.

Terran, standing in the void so far, I don't know how many disasters have passed, but they have all come through because of the perseverance of Terran.

For a moment, the momentum of the Terran side also rose, and resisted the demon barbarous army chamber.

"It seems that you are not willing to surrender people." The brutal brave man's expression sank, and his expression became more and more angry: "Battle!"

With a big wave of hands, the barbarians immediately advanced and launched an assault.


The general of the dragon dragon waved and ordered, and the Terran team immediately advanced and swam quickly.

The war began.

The killing sound was shocking, the killing was billowing, and the excitement ceased.

The distance of 10,000 meters, but just an instant, passed directly, and the ten generals immediately collided with the nine demon brave men.

As soon as he touched, there were casualties.

Although there are only tens of thousands of practitioners on the human race and only tens of thousands of monster warriors, one by one is powerful and shocking. Once they collide, that kind of power is amazing and terrible.

The cruelty of the war is revealed in an instant.


Within the battlefield, in the house of Chen Zong, the diffused black and white two-color silk thread gradually faded, and a bunch of channels penetrated into Chen Zong's body, absorbed by refining, and turned into his own.

When the last black-and-white silk thread was absorbed into Chen Zong's body for refining and dying, a burst of black-and-white brilliance flashed on Chen Zong's body.

The body shook, and the mysterious breath spread away. There was a kind of emptiness and a kind of sharpness.

The ethereal spirit seemed to be as high as the sky, and the sharpness seemed to run through Jiuxiao.

In the next breath, all breath is restrained into the body.

Chen Zong's eyes opened, and the splendid splendour was astonishing. Immediately, he felt himself, and a smile hung from the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, refining absorbed the power of the heavens and the earth, and it did bring a lot of benefits to itself.

The first is Xiu Wei, who broke through unconsciously and reached the level of the Seven Turns of the Royal Realm.

But the greater gain is the spirit body.

Originally, the sword body in the beginning was a higher level of spirit body, but now it has broken through and reached the top level.

When the power of the superior spirit body erupts, it can increase the power of Jianyuan 90%, and when the power of the top Taichu Jianyuan spirit body erupts, it can increase 12%, which is 20% more than the ordinary top spirit.

The breakthrough of Xiuwei and the improvement of the spiritual body have made Chen Zong's combat strength one step further, closer to the eleven star.

Immediately, Chen Zong checked the war order and saw the news.

"Gather?" Chen Zong said secretly, a little puzzled, but still left the battlefield.

As soon as he left the battlefield, Chen Zong immediately felt bad, and there was a kind of Xiao killing and indescribable sorrow in the void in the void.

It seemed that there was a flutter of blood.

Chen Zong's brow tightened.

The body flickered, bursting into an amazing speed, turning into a ray of swordsmanship that swept away like lightning and kept flying out.

The more I flew out, the stronger Xiao Xiao's breath was felt, and the **** taste became stronger. Finally ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong saw the battle ahead, a large-scale battle, and his pupils contracted suddenly needle.


It was a war. It was a war between demons and human races. Unlike the previous teams, it was a tens of thousands to tens of thousands of war, which was almost the entire force of the Ninth Theater.

Unconsciously, Chen Zong's heart was agitated.


His body flickered, and Chen Zong broke into the battlefield with a sword.

Because there is a rule in the North Show, once the war is started, during that period, the military achievements will double.

That is to say, if you kill a one-star combat power, you will get a little bit of combat power. During the start of the war, it will become two points. This will make it easier to obtain the combat power.

In the northern front, there are a lot of treasures that can be exchanged. Most of these treasures are provided jointly by various major forces.

Among them, there are many treasures that can be helpful to cultivation, and can assist in the promotion of cultivation. Of course, those treasures that can be upgraded faster can not be less.

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