Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 17: Battlefield Lonely

The war was cruel and tragic.

The savage warrior's onslaught, the roar of the roar was shocking, one after another, the power was extremely powerful, astonishing, as if the meat grinder on the battlefield was constantly advancing and advancing.

The Terran team constantly walked around. At first, it was beaten by the army of the monster barbarians, with a lot of casualties, but it quickly reacted and turned into a sharp blade, separating the army of the monster barbarians.

When condensed into an army, the barbarian tribe was terrible and almost invincible, but after being divided, its threat dropped significantly.

At this time, a sword light flew across the sky like lightning, and flew into the sky, rushing directly into the battlefield like a meat grinder.


Jian Guang was passing by, and suddenly a few wisp of blood flowers splashed away.

It was Chen Zong who killed it.

Three kills with one sword, the amount of merit in the war order suddenly increased.

Before the redemption of the power of heaven and earth for the Eternal Battle Fortress, Chen Zong almost consumed all his exploits, leaving only a few dozen.

Of course, the requirement of Devotion to One Heart is that Chen Zong obtains 100,000 battle merit, not to store 100,000 battle merit in the war order. It only needs to be obtained, even if it is used up.

Originally, Chen Zong felt that it would be very difficult to obtain 100,000 battles, but it was not that difficult to obtain tens of thousands of battles in a previous adventure.

Especially in war, double the speed of battle, faster.

Kill kill!

Of course, Chen Zong is not arrogant, but very vigilant.

The battlefield is rapidly changing, and a little careless, not only can't kill the enemy, but he will be killed.

Chen Zong opened the field of kendo, not all released, but locked within 100 meters. Everything in the field of kendo is being sensed. Even an eleven-star combat power cannot be attacked successfully and will be perceived by Chen Zong in advance. Here.

Moreover, once entering the field of kendo, it will be affected by the field of kendo and the speed will decrease.

In the area of ​​Kendo, Chen Zong's killing speed is amazingly fast.

With each sword, the lives of several savage warriors will be harvested and turned into combat success. Soon, Chen Zong will be followed by the powerful savage warriors.

Everyone with strong combat power will keep an eye on each other, one avoids killing those with weaker combat abilities, and the other kills the opponent, which can get more combat power.

Chen Zong felt that a ten-star-powered monster warrior broke into the field of kendo. His face was horrible and fiercely killed. The blow seemed to break the sky without mercy.

It is clear that Chen Zong is to be killed in one blow.

However, Chen Zong already felt when the opponent entered the realm of Kendo.

In the face of this attack, Chen Zong did not do anything to evade, but a backhand killing with a sword, the sword light broke through and ran through everything.

There is no need to cast mysterious fire magic, nor is it necessary to erupt the power of the sword body in the beginning.

Refining the Heart to One Sword: Sword One!

Xiuwei broke through to the Seven-Road Royal Realm. At the same time as Xiuwei was promoted, Chen Zong's combat power was also improved.

Jianguang broke through, and directly penetrated the blow of the ten-star-powered monster warrior.

The savage warrior's eyes widened and he never thought that he would be killed like this.

At the same time, Chen Zong also obtained forty points of military service.

Ten-star combat power, worth 20 points of combat power, double is 40 points, a good gain.

The ten generals of the human race and the nine brave men of the demonic race fought endlessly in the sky. The terrible forces shocked all directions. They all deliberately detached from the battlefield to avoid harm to others. After all, the battles at the level of the Yuan Ning Realm were amazing.

Killing a ten-star warrior of the barbarian tribe, Chen Zongheng sword cut out, his eyes flashed like a cold electricity, and immediately turned into a sword light, as if the sword was in the sky, directly killing another barbarian Ten star warrior.

Today, one's own combat power is said to be ten stars, yes, but among the ten stars, it belongs to the top level.

Then, below ten-star combat power, beheaded to kill, the main target is the ten-star combat monster warrior.

A sword swept across the sky, and after killing several savage warriors directly, countless sword lights shone into one and penetrated everything.


When the war erupted, Chen Zong's military exploits gained another batch.

This rate of increase is simply astonishing, as if it is a constant harvest.

At the beginning, various powerful teams, such as the Teana team, swept through everything. They had the invincible trend and slaughtered many monster soldiers. Start a fierce battle.

Two ten-star-strength monster warriors, one left and one right, killed together, immediately threatening Chen Zong, but it was not enough.

Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Jue: Picturesque Mountains and Rivers!

Suddenly, Jianshan came down and directly suppressed the fall, and there were two. It was Chen Zongshi's power of ambition and ambition. It was not so much consumption of mental energy.

The direct lethality of Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Jue is not as good as that of Xin Jian Gui Yi Jian Jue, but it is not weak. At least, Chen Zong is very strong, and his sword skills are superb and exquisite.


Another eighty points of war start.

For a time, Chen Zong suddenly turned into a battlefield harvester, constantly harvesting the lives of demonic warriors. In addition to Chen Zong, among the human race practitioners, there were also some lone walkers with amazing fighting power, and they never stopped fighting, and Is constantly walking around, relying on his extremely flexible stature, constantly killing demon fighters.

Not only the human race side, but also some powerful people appeared on the demon barbara side. Not only were they strong, but also Chen Zong and others were introduced directly into the human race, walking around and killing.

One of them is the Snake Barbarian, who has a weird body and extremely tricky shots, and it is difficult for others to attack him. Every time he shoots, he will kill one or even a few.

The other is a barbarian, ramming and slamming. It is like a chariot pushing forward. When it is invincible, with arms outstretched, it seems to break everything and it is irresistible.

The other is the ape barbarian, who has both strength and speed, and is more intelligent in his shots. His arms and fists change, and his power is amazing.

The last one is the elite tribe of barbarians and demons, with powerful strength and fast speed. The power of each strike is extremely horrible, and its combat power has reached the level of eleven stars.

When he died, Chen Zong felt cold all over, and he was stared at it, because the snake barbarian was staring at himself.

As if the sound of crickets rang constantly, as if a giant snake was approaching, making Chen Zong feel cold, and there was a greasy feeling on his neck.

Approaching, the ten-star warrior of the Snake Barbarian flashed extremely cold light.

His five fingers were condensed together, slightly bent, like a mouth of a snake, and flung in an instant, like a viper waiting for the opportunity, quickly killing Chen Zong like lightning.


Very fast!

Not only is the speed very fast, but also the angle of it is extremely tricky. The blow that has been tried hard and the kill must make Chen Zong feel involuntarily tight.

Very strong!

At an instant, Chen Zong judged that the Snake Barbarian was a strong enemy.

A hint of excitement emerged from the heart.

Rivals are more valuable to kill.

That kind of value is not only the merit of battle, but also the belief, to cultivate one's invincible belief.

If you are blindly looking for people who are weaker than yourself to fight and kill, then you can get more combat skills. However, for your own cultivation, it does not really make sense. On the contrary, if you develop that habit, you will get used to it. Holding the bully weak, over time, you will become the weak without knowing it.

The strong are not only cultivated in depth and combat power, but also have strong convictions.

Faith is gone. We still talk about the strong, talk about cultivation, and talk about seeking advice.

Jianguang flashed, Chen Zongyi sword was killed, a seemingly ordinary sword, but it has an inexplicable mysterious trajectory, and even resisted the strange blow of the snake barbara warrior, the sword light flashed, as if a hundred Refining and tempering turned into soft fingers, following the snake's arm, like a stream of water, quickly swam away, killing the eyebrow.

The Snake Barbarian was suddenly shocked, what a clever swordsmanship, and it was so flexible.

But the strength of this snake barbarian is also very amazing, his arms trembled, as if the python turned over, bursting out a terrible power, shattering the sword light, and sending out an amazing roar, as if breaking everything Shekou was wide open, and she suddenly bite, and directly swallowed Chen Zong's head.

My heart is burning!

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Two!

The fire was sevenfold, and the increase was less than 70%. The power of Chen Zong's sword soared, killing it like a bamboo shoot. In an instant, it penetrated the mouth of the python, pierced its body, and it was extremely scary. Cracked under the sword.

The long sword, like the invincible, penetrated through the throat of the snake barbarian warrior, and the sword's air suddenly smashed and shattered.


This scene was just seen by the powerful elephant barbarian, who was smashing a human ten-star warrior with a terrible force, shouting, shaking, and the anger burst out like a volcano.

The rumbling sound was so loud that the barbarian warrior rushed towards Chen Zong.

The wild breath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ called Chen Zong's heart tight, and it turned out to be a little stronger than the threat of the snake barbarians.

Wanjian Guizong Sword Tips: The Forest of Mangi!

A sword was swung out. At the moment, hundreds of sword-sized trees of a dozen meters in size were shot down from the sky and blasted towards the elephant barbarians, suppressing them all around, forming a small forest, trapping the elephant barbarians.

But I saw that the savage warrior yelled, his arms swelled in a circle, and they blasted out instantly, as if thunderous and mighty, breaking down one tree after another.

The combat power is extremely strong, but it is still not enough, and it is worse.

However, Chen Zong's purpose is only to trap him for a while, that is enough.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Three!

The most powerful sword was killed in an instant, and the power was extremely condensed into a dazzling sword light running through the sky, which was much stronger than before the repair was a breakthrough.

And the timing of this sword is extremely accurate, unique and amazing.


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