Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 18: Big Zhoutian Sword World

One sword, Xeon Wupei, Qiang Peiwu.

The sword light seemed to tear the dark primordial **** thunder. It was incomparable. Under Chen Zong's extremely accurate grasp of the timing, he followed the little bit of vulnerabilities exposed by the elephant barbarians in an instant.


Extremely heartless swords that have reached the level of spiritual artifacts are becoming sharper.

The eyebrows of the Xiangman tribe were penetrated, and the huge body flickered, and it fell forward directly, with sword qi, directly smashing everything in his head, and his soul fluttered.

As soon as Chen Zong was in shape, he killed the ape-savage warrior who was overbearing.

Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Jue and Lian Xin Gui Yi Jian Jue are in the same mind and heart, and they are displayed at the same time, killing the ape barbarian warrior with an extremely arrogant attitude.

"Death!" A loud drink came, with a terrifying intention, and the brutal eleven-star warrior immediately killed him. He was blown into the air and extremely fierce. Chen Zong was all tight and horrified.

So strong!

The power of this blow was so powerful, it was the full blow of this eleven-star savage warrior. The power was terrifying.

Chen Zong only felt that his kendo field seemed to be constantly impacted and was torn, and that blow was like a meteor sinking, and it was about to destroy everything.

My heart sank, and the sense of crisis of the annihilation came like a volcanic eruption.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong was not afraid. This attack could not be avoided, and he could only respond with his own strength.

Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Jue?

No, this sword tactic focuses on the difficult enemy.

Refining the heart and returning to one sword?

No, this sword tactic focuses on the power of attack, condensed into one point, Xeon is unmatched, but under the obvious gap in combat power, even if it is a full-fledged sword, it cannot fight.

Then, only defensiveness can be taken.

"Fortunately, there is you." Chen Zong said to himself, his expression was soft, and he pointed like a sword, and gently put it on the spine of the extremely heartless sword.

Seventh Heart!

The power of top spirits is too early!

A moment later, a bit of light lit up from the ridge of the sword, as if it were a starry star. Following Chen Zong's sword fingers, he continued to move forward along the ridge of the sword to the point of the sword. The sound, seemingly awake, a terrible edging lingering.

The next breath, the extremely heartless phaseless sword exploded and turned into many Tao Jianguang scattered around, a total of one hundred.

Chen Zong ’s kendo area was also shrunk to ten meters in an instant, and the sword light lingered, perfectly integrated with the kendo area, regardless of each other.

That sword light combined with the field of kendo, surrounds around Chen Zong, each sword light is like a swimming fish, and looks like a spirit snake, connected end to end, to form an extremely mysterious trajectory.

The trajectory seemed simple, but it was spread all over. Within ten meters, it was covered as much as a ball, and Chen Zong was firmly guarded, with beginnings and ends and no beginnings and no end.

The one hundred sword lights are completely integrated into the kendo realm, and it looks like a ball shining with a stream of light, surrounded by the slightest sword energy.

In a hurry, the eleven-star-powered savage tribe came with an extremely powerful blow from Xeon, and the sky was vast and crushed everything.

With a bang, the horror as if a meteor fell, directly bombarded the sword light in the field of kendo and the extremely heartless sword, a scene that shocked the barbarians.

That Jianguang was not directly broken, but blocked.

Under the terrible blow, the sword light ball sags inward, but it is stubbornly supported. Numerous sword qi converge from the surface of the sword light ball in all directions, like a stream of water, endless. Resisting that blow, then, there were countless sword qi dissipating from the point of attack into the interior, removing a trace of attack power, breaking into the surface.

Cycle back and forth!

Such a move can not only resist attacks, but also decentralize attacks while resisting attacks.

This sword is a kind of ability that comes after the extremely heartless sword has been promoted to the level of spiritual artifact. It was developed by Chen Zong and combined with the kendo field to form a new sword technique.

Da Zhoutian Sword World!

Big Zhoutian is a heavenly cycle, with beginnings and ends, without beginnings and ends, endlessly circulating, claiming to be one.

The sword world is like a world.

This trick named after the Da Zhoutian Sword World shows Chen Zong's heart.

Now, this move does not live up to Chen Zong's expectations.

A long time ago, Chen Zong was once called the mixed sword, which was given by others, because Chen Zong has a sword in his hand, the five-foot sword circle is not broken, and the defense is amazing. Even a more powerful opponent is difficult to break. Chen Zong's sword circle defense.

This point also shows that Chen Zong has amazing accumulation in the defense of swordsmanship. These accumulations are now combined with the power of the extremely heartless sword and the field of kendo to achieve the Da Zhoutian sword world.

Such a move, and under the outbreak of Chen Zong's cultivation to enhance the secret law, the power increased greatly, blocking the terrible blow of the eleven-star combat power.

This power is also a bit unexpected for Chen Zong.


The barbarians broke out for the second time, and the second hit came, but they were still resisted by the Da Zhoutian Sword Realm.

Constantly resisting his attacks, Chen Zong's strength is also continuously consumed, not enough, perhaps because the extremely heartless phaseless sword is a relationship between life and death, and the speed of its own power consumption is not very fast, at least in ten The full-strength attack of one-star combat power supports for more than a quarter of an hour.

But after a quarter of an hour?

This is a problem to consider, because Chen Zong found a disadvantage, that is, during the execution of the sword world of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he could not move the slightest, and could only move in place.

As soon as the move, the Da Zhoutian Sword Realm will disintegrate. Once the Da Zhou Tian Sword Realm disintegrates, with its own fighting power, it will not be enough to stop the eleven-star starry barbarians from hitting.

Chen Zong thought while resisting the attack of this savage.

The magical artifact secret treasure obtained from the challenge of Bai Yucheng has already used up the knife. As for the devotion to the master, in fact, he has not prepared any means to save his life. The only thing is the heart-printed treasure.

As for why you have not given yourself other means of life-saving, because this service is also the assessment of the true title of the Heavenly Palace, and it needs to be completed by your own ability. The elders and so on will not give any help, all depend on your own ability. .

The true story of Tiangong, which is the subject of any assessment, is this way.

Of course, the title is different, there are differences, and the difficulty of assessment is different.

Chen Zong's title is the most top-level title, and Chen Zong himself is not clear.

Since it is the top-level title, its assessment is naturally the most difficult. It is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will die, and the soul will die and die.

If you want to wear a crown, bear its weight first!

Gongfa is running, while the power is constantly being consumed, it is also recovering a little bit. Chen Zong even took the elixir to take the medicine to help the recovered power to recover faster and prolong the time.

But going on, it really isn't the way. Although it blocked the attack of the barbarians, it also dragged itself on and couldn't kill the barbarians to gain the battle.

It is a pity that the double combat effort was wasted.

It was only for a while that Chen Zong couldn't think of how to break the game. His strongest attack method could not hurt the opponent at all.

Is it a risk?

How to take risks?

It is with the power of the Yinyin Baoyi to block the opponent's Xeon blow. When the blow hits his own, the opponent will also show a flaw, catch the flaw, and kill it.

However, Chen Zong was not absolutely sure whether he could do it.

However, even if there is a slight chance, you must try it. Although it is very dangerous to do so on the battlefield, you have to do so.

The ninth attack came and killed. The terrible power bombarded the sword world of Da Zhoutian. The sword was rippling and sunken to the inside. Numerous sword qi was pulled to the extreme like silk threads, and they broke apart.

Da Zhoutian's sword world was finally unable to support and was broken.

As soon as it was broken, there was still a lot of power left in the blow, and it was like a bamboo blast that rushed to Chen Zong, so that Chen Zong had no time to dodge.

Chen Zong didn't intend to dodge, but instead stood up, his eyes gathered together in an instant, extremely cohesive, like the sky breaking through the clouds, and stabbed directly into the brutal warrior's eyes. As if the eyes were pierced, an unspeakable sense of panic rose in the heart unconsciously.

It was just that moment, that moment, Chen Zong's chest greeted the terrible blow of the barbarians, like a drum, although the strength of Qicheng was weakened, but the remaining 30% was still very terrible. When Chen Zong's deities reached the level of six changes, they could not resist it at all, and they would be blasted directly.

But now, it is blocked.

Since it was blocked, it was time to fight back.


Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Three!

The Xeon sword was shot out of the air, and the ten swords that were condensed to the extreme Jianguang were connected in a straight line.

This was the most powerful blow that Chen Zong could perform.

Whether it's a heart attack or a grasp of timing, it's extremely accurate.

The savages had no time to dodge, and were immediately stabbed. The amazing defense couldn't stop the sharp edge of the extremely heartless sword.

"You're looking for death!" The barbarians are furious, and they are an eleven-star combat force ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, they will be attacked by a ten-star combat tribe. Under the rage, the totem power will be burned immediately, Unleash a powerful blow.


As if an ancient thunderstorm exploded, Chen Zong trembled unconsciously, only felt his hair upside down, without hesitation, he immediately urged the power of the heart-printed treasure garment, part of the power was integrated into the body to treat the injury, and part of the power was covered on the surface, forming a Protection.

Sword three, it is to advance forward to lore.

The light shivered, as if struck by lightning, Chen Zong flew upside down, but Jian Guang penetrated the body of the savage, leaving serious injuries, but he did not kill him.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of Chen Zong's mouth, and it felt like the internal organs were broken, and his body also felt like it was torn apart.

Such a risky blow did not kill the opponent.

The savages sneered, ignoring the sword injury on their bodies, and rushed forward to kill Chen Zong.

Said time and time soon, Jixin Wuxiang Sword could not escape from Chen Zong's hands, and broke into the air instantly. At an astonishing speed, it stabbed into the brutal sword wound like lightning again.

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