Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 21: Enlightenment

Closing the door, Chen Zong started practicing.

After a war, with double warfare, Chen Zong continued to slay the demon fighters, and eventually gained thousands of points of war merit.

However, compared to the previous tens of thousands of battle achievements, it is still not enough.

Fighting power!

More powerful combat capabilities are needed.

His current combat strength is still too low.

How to improve combat power?

Cultivation, swordsmanship, mystery, etc.

The practice of Qi training is the initial period of Qi Zhuan Yu Dao, and it is not yet in the middle. As for the practice of refining the body, because of the continuous battles, it continuously stimulates its own potential to reach the peak of the Six Changes, which can impact the Seven Changes.

Chen Zong is sure to upgrade the refining body to the seven-variable **** state in a short period of time, which is the same as practicing Qi training, but this will not increase his upper limit of combat power.

Sword art, either to create a stronger trick or to improve in the field of kendo, can increase the power.

As for the secret method, that is heart fire. The strength of heart fire is related to the casting of the heart palace. The seven heart palaces are the limits that they can cast at present. The casting of the eighth heart palace is slow. Chen Zong does not know how long it will take. Can be cast.

After thinking about it, Chen Zong had no clue for a while.

Unless it is to break through to the level of the Eight Turns of the Royal Realm or the Eight Changes Divine Realm, or if the Kendo field is significantly expanded, it will be able to significantly enhance its own combat power.

"First break through the practice of refining the body." Chen Zong secretly said: "In this way, practicing Qi and refining the body can be equal."

As soon as the thoughts turned, a touch of inexplicable emotions emerged.

Practicing Qi and refining are the same. What if the two forces merge again?

Chen Zong thought of the opportunity that he had previously obtained in the heavenly realm: Lingwu Supreme!

It is a unique mysterious magical power created by the generation of demon Lingwu Emperor of the Tianyuan Sanctuary. It can combine the power of qi and refining to become a new power. That new power can be used to increase the power of qi or The practice of refining the body has significantly enhanced its own strength.

However, Supreme Spirit Wushu is a level of little magical power. When you reach the level of sub-God, after condensing the flower of the polar world, the effectiveness of the Supreme Wushu is greatly reduced. Lingwu is no longer useful, let alone Chen Zong's breakthrough to the level of psychic state.

After that, Chen Zong was trained in various supernatural powers and had no time to take care of others.

If it is, you can once again integrate the power of practicing qi and refining the power of refining and transforming into a new force to increase your own cultivation into power, which will directly increase the combat effectiveness.

"Breakthrough the practice of refining the body first, and then study the Supreme Master Wu of enlightenment to see if it can be deduced into a great magical power." Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes flashed.

Began to retreat and break through the practice of refining.

Refining the body has reached the peak of the Six Changes, which is at a critical point, so the breakthrough is not too difficult.

One month before and after, Chen Zong's eyes opened, an overwhelming breath condensed on his body instantly, like a tide-like turbulence, one after another, a continuous wave, a continuous stream of light and shadow, on Chen Zong's body spread.

It seems that there is a diffused starlight, and it turns into a starry sky. It seems that there is a long stream of flowing water, as if there are thousands of trees towering over the earth, as if there are countless mountains pointing directly at Jiuxiao.

That seems to be a world that is spreading.

The ghost of the world flashed through, and a tyrannical breath burst out, surpassing the Six Changes, reaching the level of the Seven Changes, and maintaining the same level as the Qi training.

"Finally broke through." Chen Zong exhaled, feeling the steadily surging force in his body.

The breakthrough of cultivation practice is not the increase in combat power but the means and life-saving ability.

Based on the cultivation of the Seven-Divine Demon Realm, coupled with the defense of the Heart Seal Baoyi, Chen Zong was confident to resist the attack of the 11-star combat power, but at most he was subject to some not very traumatic wounds, which would not be fatal.

However, this is not enough. Chen Zong did not go out, but continued to retreat.

See the Supreme Master Wu.

This little magical power created by the Emperor Lingwu can condense the practice of qi and refining the body into a new pure power. It is called the power of the Lingwu. The power of the Lingwu can be used to increase the training. Qi cultivation or refining cultivation strengthens one's own strength.

But before, Supreme Master Wu was only a small magical power, which was no longer sufficient for himself. Now, Chen Zong will deduct it as a great magical power level.

The combination of Supreme Master Wu as the foundation, as well as amazing understanding, and the huge memory experience of the master of the sword in Dongting, combined, laid a solid foundation for Chen Zong.

At the beginning of enlightenment, Chen Zong directly opened up the two-hearted mood, so that enlightenment was more rapid and efficient.

Time is slowly passing. Outside, the army of demons is not dispersed, but is gathered in the North District, it seems that the war will start again at any time.

On the Terran side, the team can also gather at any time.

The cruelty of the war made people even more aware of its tragic nature.

Even if you do n’t want to, you ca n’t avoid it.

Confrontation is a matter of months. During this period, it is inevitable that some small-scale conflicts will also occur with little casualties.

However, the reinforcements of the barbarians are coming from a distance.

The Tyro Starfield is a starfield completely occupied by the barbarians, and it has suddenly become the base camp of the barbarians. Over the years, the barbarians have also thrived, and new soldiers have been born and sent to various theaters.

This support force also came from a long journey from Tyro Starfield. Once it arrived, it would significantly increase the power of Theater 9 and increase the power of the tribe in Theater 9.

There are reinforcements in the demons, and reinforcements in the human race.

But relatively speaking, Terrans tend to have fewer reinforcements. After all, Terrans are too difficult to cultivate. Starting from the lowest level, continuous cultivation to the psychic state often takes a lot of time.

On the contrary, the demon barbarians are blessed with unique talents. Once born, the combat power is good. It is much easier to grow up to the level of warriors than human races. This is beyond human races.

If it weren't for the total number of demons, and the base of the human race is huge, many gods have been born. They have already been defeated by the demons, and I do n’t know how many star fields to lose.

Once the barbarians occupy more star fields and get more resources, more warriors will be born and trained, and their strength will increase greatly and become more powerful.

"It is estimated that after six months, the barbarians' reinforcements will arrive. By then, the barbarians will definitely start war again, which is very unfavorable to us." General Haoying is best at concealing and investigating. His voice is drifting, with a few Divide the inexplicable weight.

There are too few and too few reinforcements in the human race. In most cases, they are still a sparse minority. Compared with the demon barbarians, it is estimated that there is a large gap.

"Can it be intercepted?" War Dragon General asked Shen Sheng.

While the reinforcements of the Barbarians have not arrived yet, it is best to intercept and kill them as soon as possible.

Of course, it is also very difficult to kill the barbarian with limited power.

"According to the current situation, if the reinforcements have not arrived, the barbarians will not start the war again, and they will not be able to bear the loss." General Qingyun, the oldest and most qualified, groaned, "I suggest sending one of the most elite "The team went to intercept the reinforcements of the barbarians, and made as much trouble as possible. Even if it could not be intercepted, they had to be interfered so that they would arrive later and gain more time for us."

The ten leaders discussed intensively and put forward various opinions.

For example, asking for reinforcements from other adjacent theaters is not feasible. In each theater, the power of the human race and the barbarian race has been confronted many times, and they are almost evenly matched. No one can do anything for a while. .

However, if it is to reinforce other theaters, it will be less and meaningless. A little more reinforcement will inevitably weaken itself and allow the barbarian to find an opportunity.

As for giving up the theater of war, no one is willing to do so.

Abandoning one theater of war means that it is possible to abandon two theaters of war, which may evolve into a vicious circle and continue to spread.

After discussions, they finally decided to take the approach of General Qingyun.

Elite squad.

The most elite squad is small in number and strong in combat.

The end result is that each of the top ten teams will draw a strong player with an eleven-star power, led by a general, secretly leave, bypass the North District, and intercept the reinforcements.

As for the ten generals who were dispatched, the final selection was the cold wave general, because the cold wave general's combat power was only a little bit less than that of the dragon dragon general. It was undoubtedly more secure for him to lead it.

The action was very rapid, and the elite team was secretly formed. Except for the ten generals, even the other members of the ten teams were unclear, but only vaguely knew that the ten people being transferred were to perform a secret task.

Since it is a secret task, of course it will not be known.

Under the leadership of the cold wave general, this squad was the most luxurious team and left the battlefield silently, disappearing in the Southern District.

In the passage of time, in the house, a figure sat cross-legged, and his body was surrounded by a unique atmosphere ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The atmosphere is like an intertwining yin and yang element, colliding with each other, as if water and fire are incompatible collision.

That strength is the practice of practicing Qi for strength and refining the body for strength.

The two forces are not the same. To merge them, they will collide like a thunderstorm.

However, with one heart and two minds, as Chen Zong tried again and again, and failed again and again, gradually, with the superhuman understanding and the majestic foundation, Chen Zong finally found inspiration.

The more he became enlightened, Chen Zong unconsciously developed an emotion. The Emperor Lingwu was really wicked enough to create such magical powers as Supreme Master Wu.

Although it is only a level of little magical powers, the mystery is amazing.

Collisions, continuous collisions, and finally, after the first rays of collision appeared, that strength is not the cultivation of strength for strength or the cultivation of strength for strength, but a completely new and pure force. It is much stronger than simply practicing Qi for strength or refining body for strength.

This power gives Chen Zong a familiar feeling.

Magical Power!

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