Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 22: 1 Sword to turn the tide (on)

(Little sister-in-law has gotten worse)

In the Ninth Theater, north of the separation zone, the army of the monsters regrouped again. They were strong and powerful, and they were as powerful as rainbow. Their military strength was obviously better than before, because the reinforcements of the monsters arrived.

"Let's go!" The brave brave man waved his arms, and the momentum was shocking. The army pushed forward again, crossed the barrier with an extremely arrogant posture, entered the southern area again, and attacked the battlefield.

"The cold wave general still has no news." General Zhanlong looked heavy.

"Huh, maybe Li Hanchao didn't intercept the barbarians at all, and left with the elite team directly." General Yunshe screamed.

"General Han Chao is not this kind of person." General Qing Yun took the lead to deny the words of General Yun Snake. They have been in contact with each other for more than a hundred years. They are all who Li Han Chao is usually.

"Hmm." General Yunshe snorted coldly, and said nothing. He actually knew Li Hanchao and knew that he would not do such a thing, but it was just a habit to add a block to Li Hanchao.

The elite squad sent out to intercept the barbarian reinforcements did not return after a lapse of six months, and did not even have any news. I do n’t know what happened.

On the contrary, the barbarian reinforcements who were about to be intercepted arrived on time, reinforced the barbarians, and launched an attack again.

"The savage army has been killed, gather the clan, and defend the cubs."

The war started again, everyone's heart was heavy.

Each of the top ten teams lost an 11-star star, and their overall strength dropped significantly.

The original ten generals, because the cold wave generals were missing, there were only nine. On the contrary, among the reinforcements, there was a demon brave warrior, and the brave men on the demon side were added to the ten.

With each passing day, the Terran side is falling behind.



All of a sudden, the human race was under the charge of the demon army, and the nine generals were directly under the attack of the ten demon brave men.

The battle dragon general broke out again and again, but he was unable to recover. After all, in a one-to-two situation, even if he was very strong, it could be called the first battlefield in the 9th theater, and he could not repel the two demons. Instead, he was shaken with blood and energy.

Listening to the screams from time to time, the general of the dragon dragon is bleeding, that is, the elite of the human race.

What the **** happened?

Why did the cold tide general and the elite with eleven-star combat power return, and there was no news, but the reinforcements of the barbarians arrived as scheduled, and the barbarians started the war.

What exactly happened during this?

Did the cold wave general leave with the elite team instead of intercepting the barbarian reinforcements?


Judging from his many years of exposure to Li Hanchao, he can't do this, and his identity as the true biography of Tiangong Palace will not allow him to do so.

Since ancient times, Xinyi Tiangong has been working for peace in the void. Although there are not many disciples in Xinyi Tiangong, one by one will never betray the human race unless there are special circumstances, such as being occupied by a demon invasion.

Li Hanchao didn't seem to be eroded by the demon.

It's too late to say anything now. The reinforcements of the barbarians arrived, strengthened their forces, and attacked again to launch a war. The human race was in peril.

The previous war was evenly matched, but now the war has become strong among the demons and weak on the human side.




On the human side, under the attack of the barbaric army, they were defeated.

At the battle fortress, a figure rushed out, and immediately felt the Xiao Xiao filled with air, Chen Zong's brows frowned, did the demon barbarians start the war again.

"Exactly, try your current combat strength." A flash of light flashed through his eyes, and Chen Zong flashed into shape immediately, turning into a streamer and flying out at an amazing speed.

Not long after, Chen Zong saw the declining Terran clan and had retreated into Central.


Royal sword sky, sword light is extreme.

At a glance, Chen Zong saw that the human race was at a disadvantage, and the army of the monster barbarians did not seem to have consumed the same.

Over the sky, there are only nine statues of the Terran General.

With Chen Zong's eyesight, it can also be seen that the Terran General is being suppressed, and it is like a Terran team that is losing ground.

"Where's Brother Hanchao?" Chen Zong glanced over, but couldn't help but look at Li Hanchao.

The Terran clan has retreated, and the demon army is constantly attacking and approaching.

"Human Sword Repair!"

"kill him."

Suddenly, a demon barbarian warrior saw Chen Zong, his eyes brightened. Before the war was waged, the brave men had already ordered. Whoever cut off that human sword repair could get a chance to baptize.

Rewards work!

When he died, it was like a group of sharks that smelled bloody, and rushed over aggressively, ignoring other human race practitioners.

"Good time." Chen Zong's eyes flashed a cold mang, the sword came out of the sheath, the sword light broke, and he killed without fear.

"Quickly help Brother Chen." Yang Tianxing and Li Tianbeng rushed to speak, rushing over with the team.

However, today, Chen Zongfei can compare six months ago.


Single mindedness!

Lingwu Supreme!

Seventh Heart!

Power of the sword in the beginning!

Wanjian Guizong Sword Tips: The Forest of Mangi!

In a hurry, hundreds of ten-meter sword-like trees were shot down in the air, and each of them carried extreme force. When shot down, it was extremely sharp.

Even if Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Jue is not the sword of the main killer, it still has terrible power.

Especially in the case of Chen Zong's surge in combat power.

Hundreds of meters of circle, all under the shroud of the forest of thousands of trees, but in an instant, hundreds of demon barbarians were directly killed, under the terrible sword atmosphere, shattered, and the soul fly annihilated.

This blow directly shocked others around.

Eleven stars!

Chen Zong's combat strength surpassed the ten-star level and soared to the eleven-star level.

Yang Tianxing and Li Tianbing were both eyes widened, unbelievable.

How long has it been, just in a year, Chen Zong's combat power has soared to eleven stars!


Unspeakable shock.

When they were shocked, they immediately reacted, bursting into battle, and killing the demon barbarians.

Although one side of the Terran team was defeated by the army of the barbarians, a few of the barbarians continued to kill the barbarians.

Killing hundreds with one sword, Chen Zong was secretly excited by this hearty feeling.

Sure enough, it was really useful for oneself after the Supreme Wuling enlightenment was elevated to the level of great magical powers.

However, there is a difference between the Lingwu Supreme Master and the Lingwu Supreme Master before the Lingwu Emperor.

The previous spiritual martial arts was superior. It was necessary to condense and store its training and refining power in the body first, and then erupt when needed. Once consumed, it can no longer be used in battle, and can only be condensed and stored after war.

Now, the self-introduced Lingwu is different, but there is no need to gather the fusion power in advance. When it is needed, it can be fused directly at any time.

This is because Chen Zong drives Lingwu to the top with one mind and two moods. He controls the strength of training Qi, controls the power of refining, and blends yin and yang into a new power. Its power is even more powerful.

Jianguang is raging, beating and killing again and again.

The savage warriors, like sharks, rushed down under Chen Zong's sword.

Kill kill!

With one mind and two minds, it is easy for Chen Zong's huge and strong mind to consume, and its consumption is completely within his control.

The demon army is too aggressive and directly suppresses the human race side. Even if Chen Zong's combat strength is soaring, he can't turn the tide, but he can kill more demon soldiers.

As you retreat, you shoot out your sword, killing them continuously.

Not long after, thousands of savage warriors died under Chen Zongjian and turned into battle.

Double the military exploits, allowing Chen Zong's combat accomplishments to break through again.


From Central to the inner ring.

On the human side, there are many deaths and injuries, which is better than the demons.

But around Chen Zong, Jian Guang raged endlessly.

In a hurry, the area of ​​kendo, which originally covered hundreds of meters, skyrocketed, covering thousands of kilometers.

Within a kilometer, all were suppressed.

The kilometer of kendo is more powerful. Whether it is to display the sword of Wanjian Guizong or the sword of refining one sword, its power is greatly improved.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Three!

A sword was shot through the air, and when it was awful, the sword light was extremely condensed, directly penetrating the bodies of three ten-star combat monsters.

Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Jue: Picturesque Mountains and Rivers!

The Mountain of Sword Qi directly descends, suppressing all directions and four poles. The river of Sword Qi rushes around and cuts everything around. The mountains and rivers are picturesque and directly suppress the kilometer square.

An eleven-star warrior warrior was directly suppressed by Jianshan, and the warrior warriors around him were cut by the sword's long river and destroyed.

Sword three!

The sword light penetrated through the sky to reach the eleven-star demon warrior who was breaking out of the suppression of the Mountain of Sword Qi, but could not escape the sword of Chen Zong, and penetrated directly.


Two swords, absolutely killing an eleven-star warrior warrior, this scene was shocking.

If it was said that Chen Zong slayed hundreds of monster warriors and killed several ten-star warriors before, it was just surprising, but there was no shock, then now two swords kill an eleven-star warrior. It is the shock of hitting the soul.

Two swords kill an eleven-star combat power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Such a combat power is definitely an eleven-star level, and it is also the top eleven-star level.

Seeing this scene, all the strong players with 11-star combat power were shocked.

The strong light and natural sounds of the Teana team are shrinking their pupils.

However, even within a year, why Chen Zong's combat power improved so fast and so amazing.

Lie Guang pays for himself, and he broke out with all his strength, and it is difficult to achieve it. Only the captain Tian Tian has such ability.

The nature of the heavens is hazy.

Although I know that this person's talent is extraordinary, but I want to grow to a point where I can compare with myself, absolutely not so fast, I did not expect how long.

Inwardly, a sense of crisis arises unconsciously.

At that time, he humiliated Chen Zongyi for a simple reason.

Chen Zong himself didn't expect to upgrade the Supreme Mastery of Wushu to the level of great magical powers, integrate the practice of Qi and refining the body into strength, and use all mysteries and other powers to make his combat power Soared to this point.

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