Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 26: Dragon Barbarian

Battlefield Nine, North District Tribe.

Ten savage brave men were sitting in the tribe, and the atmosphere was dignified.

Two wars have been fought in order to kill the potentially threatening Terran Sword Repair, and to destroy the Terran clan by the way, completely occupying the No. 9 theater.

But in the end, they all ended in failure, and the losses were huge.

The threat level of that Terran sword repair has been further increased.

"The human sword repair must be eradicated as soon as possible," said a savage brave man in a sigh of breath, his tone full of enthusiasm.

"Yes, the potential of the human race sword repair is amazing. Later, maybe it will break through to the brave level. It will be almost impossible for us to kill him."

"Do you want to expose that human race?"

"As a last resort, it must be exposed."

"I still have a way to keep the human race untouched for the time being, and continue to lurk." The gallant brave man flashed cold eyes: "I have asked for reinforcements, please come to a 12-star warrior.

"Twelve stars!" A demon brave was shocked.

Twelve stars, that is a level of combat power limit, which is very difficult to reach. Among the demons, the strong players with twelve star power are also very limited, and most of them can be reached by the royal dragon barbarians. A few are very good savages who can reach it. As for the other tribes, they can have twelve-star combat power in ancient times, very few, very few, and very rare.

Twelve-star fighters are definitely higher than their one-star two-star fighters.

"Yes, the eleven-star warrior can't deal with that Terran Sword Repair. We are going to take a shot, but we will be intercepted." The savage brave warrior condensed: "So, please come to the twelve-star warrior to reinforce and give down War books, directly challenge that human race Jianxiu's life and death. "

Send a battle to the human race, and fight against that human sword Xiu Xiu.

This is indeed a good approach.

If the human race does not agree, then the war will start again. The casualties of the war are amazing, and the human race has already realized it. I believe it is unwilling to start war again.

What's more, the current human race has not been effectively reinforced. If war is waged again, it may be difficult to support it.

Of course, even if the human race can be defeated, the demon barbarian will suffer a lot of losses.

Therefore, the war is unwilling to start again, and the demons are also the same.

However, if the Terrans are really unwilling to accept the War Books, then they can only start the war for the third time, and during the war, they will kill the Terran Sword Repair indiscriminately.

However, it is undoubtedly more difficult to kill the other party during the war. After all, the scenes are relatively chaotic and may be missed.

The next book of war, a direct battle between life and death, without the intervention of others, is the most likely to kill.

"In order to ensure that the decisive battle between life and death can be achieved, the human race needs to work hard."


It has to be said that the demon barbarians acted very quickly. A war book was quickly delivered to the hands of the Terrans and to the hands of the general of the Dragon Dragon.

The nine generals gathered again. As for the cold wave generals, they have not yet returned.

"What do you think?" Shen Zong asked Shen Sheng after circulating the book.

"War cannot be started anymore." General Qingyun frowned.

Two wars before and after, 20,000 people have been killed or injured, the remaining practitioners are less than half of the previous, and there is no reinforcement. The overall strength has fallen sharply. If there is another war, it is likely to die more than 10,000 and the losses will be extremely heavy.

Maybe as soon as the third war begins, in the case of the demon barbarians regardless of their own damage, the human race side is very likely to be defeated and truly defeated.

Of course, the savages are on the war books, and they explain what level of savages the savages will send, just to explain that they are soldier levels.

The situation would be different if the savages stated that they were twelve-star fighters.

Twelve-star combat power, that is, the top combat power, extremely terrible combat power.

This can also be regarded as a small trick played by the barbarians.

In the end, a vote was taken.

Of the nine generals, six expressed their unwillingness to start the war again, two gave up voting, and one said they would fight.

"Notify Chen Zong, we still need to ask his opinion." General Zhanlong sighed.

The man named in the Battle Book of the Savage Race stated that the person whose surname was to be determined by life and death was Chen Zong of the Terran Sword.

As a party, Chen Zong naturally has the right to decide.

If Chen Zong is not willing, none of them can be persecuted. After all, Chen Zong is the true biography of the Heart of Heaven, not the ordinary true story, but the elite true story, the fifth true story with one heart and respect. It is a nightmare in the eyes of the savages.

If they dare to force persecution, the consequences are not something they can afford.

"After three months, life and death are decisive." Chen Zong looked at the battle book in his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The decisive battle time in the book of demon barbarians is three months later.

The two sides of the decisive battle, one is the warrior of the barbarian tribe, did not indicate the star rating, and the other is Chen Zong.

Chen Zong is thinking.

In three months, one's own cultivation may be expected to break through to higher levels, such as the Eight Turns of the Royal Realm and the Eight Changes of the Divine Realm. After all, the practice of Qi and the cultivation of the body has reached the Seven Turns and the Seven Changes. With the ultimate understanding, you can break through.

Once you break through the eight revolutions and eight changes, and practice Qi and martial arts under the condition of equal training and physical training, Chen Zong pays his own combat power and will definitely reach a higher level.

Of course, Chen Zong is not sure whether he can reach the level of twelve stars, because there is a big gap between twelve stars and eleven stars.

However, the mighty defensive power of Da Zhoutian Sword Realm may be able to resist the attack of the twelve-star combat power.

Then this battle, I took it myself.

Warrior level, fearless.

Chen Zong agreed, this is a good thing for the nine generals, because if Chen Zong refuses, they don't know what to do, they can't persecute them, they can only persuade Chen Zong.

"We applied for a joint application. Three months later, if Chen Zong wins the battle of life and death, he will be rewarded with 30,000 battle achievements." The general of the dragon dragon said with a faint excitement.

The reward authority of the generals in the mild theater is up to 10,000 battles, and most of the generals must agree.

As for the reward of more than 10,000 military achievements, you need to apply upwards and get consent. That is not easy. You need a stronger person to check the situation and judge based on the situation.

Three months is enough.


"The fifth true story of Zongyi Tiangong Yixingong Chen Zong ..."

"It's his brother."

"I don't know how to compare with him?"

The middle-aged man in a black robe seemed to shuttle in the void, leaping through the sky at an alarming speed, directly entering the Arrow field, and flying away in the direction of the 9th theater.

His speed is very fast, enough to rival the full speed of a high-level void ship.

It didn't take long for the black light to enter the Arrow field, even if the void of Arrow field was more chaotic and unsuitable for shuttle, it could not stop the black light and slow down his speed.

In the Arrow field, there are hundreds of theaters. There is a gap between each theater. Some are larger and some are relatively small.

Battlefield Nine is not located in the depths of Arrow's star field or in the center of the star field, but in a more peripheral area.

Mild theaters are generally in more peripheral areas, and moderate theaters will be deeper. As for severe theaters, that is the deepest.

At the amazing speed of Black Light, it is not difficult to reach the No. 9 theater after entering the Arrow field.

Soon, he broke into the theater on the 9th and went straight to the battlefield.

In the battlehouse, there are ten figures in the hall, nine of which are the nine generals of the battlehouse, and one is a middle-aged man in a black robe. It emits a trace of indescribable power, as if the repression is constantly impacting in all directions.

In front of this middle-aged man in a black robe, even the general of the dragon dragon is respectful, and it seems that the atmosphere is afraid to breathe.

Their heart was also very shocked. It never occurred to them that the application of 30,000 battles would actually allow this great **** to dispatch himself.

"Where is Chen Zong?" The middle-aged man in the black robe asked directly.

"Chen Zong is retreating to improve his combat power." The General Zhanlong replied respectfully.

"Well, talk about the situation in this war zone." The middle-aged man in the black robe was casual.

The general of the Dragon Dragon was about to explain everything in detail. The middle-aged man in the black robe just listened and didn't make any statement.

"Everything is the same." After speaking, the middle-aged man in the black robe flashed and disappeared. His purpose here was not to contribute to the No. 9 theater.

The upper limit of combat power in a mild theater is the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, and it will not exceed three-star combat power.

This seems to be a potential rule, a potential rule that belongs to the human race and the demon barbara, and is not exposed on the surface.

However, if one party violates it, the other party will fight back and cause chaos directly, causing unpredictable consequences and losses, which are unwilling to be suffered by both the human race and the demon.

Rules that do not count as rules ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But they must be followed, and the consequences of breaking can not be afforded.

To the north of the northern part of the theater on the 9th, there is a fiery black and red light like a comet bursting into the sky, permeating a violent and indomitable momentum, ignoring the obstruction of all meteorites, crashing directly into powder.

Within that black and red light, there are actually two figures, both of which are barbarians.

Among them, the barbarians are ahead, and they are flying at a fast speed in the rear. They look similar to the barbarians, but there are double horns on the forehead, and there is a sense of nobleness all over the body. That is incomparable to the barbarians.

Dragon Barbarians!

This is truly a royal dragon among the demonic tribe, his eyes twinkled with shattered golden light, condensing a trace of indescribable indifference.

This broken golden color has a kind of inherent nobleness, like the supreme king. In front of him, he can't help but feel himself lower and more subtle.

This Dragon Barbarian is exactly the warrior requested by the Ninth War Zone tribe, a warrior who must fight with the human race sword repair, a powerful warrior with 12-star combat power.

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