Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 27: Life and death showdown

The three-month period is actually very short for the psychic state.

Chen Zong was out of the game, and it was a pity that Xiu Wei still had the limit of the Seven-Road Royal Realm and the limit of the Seven Divine Demon Realm, and did not break through.

Chen Zong felt that he just missed the door. If he gave himself more time, he might break through, and he would break through both.

But don't treat others.

The day of the decisive battle with the savage warriors has arrived.

"This battle is to win." The middle-aged man in the black robe saw Chen Zong's first sentence.

"Chen Zong, this is the Dark Lord of the Eternal Battlefield." General Zhanlong introduced quickly.

"Meet my predecessors." Chen Zong salutes.

For Zhan Long and other people, the meaning of the five words “Dahei Tian Zhan Jun” is amazing, but for Chen Zong, it is not.

At least, Chen Zong is relatively new in the war zone, and because of the hierarchical relationship, he has not yet been contacted, so it is only through this title that he knows that the other party is a supernatural power, and that's it.

Why is there a supernatural power here?

Chen Zong is not clear.

"If you win this battle, you will get a generous reward for military achievements." Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun laughed, but didn't explain much.

In addition to verifying that the application is true, the purpose of Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun also meant to sweep the battlefield. After all, the barbarian party would also send a strong general to come to sit on the town.

The general level of the demon barbarians corresponds to the humanoid supernatural powers.


The Terran side began to dispatch.

The battle between life and death of the Yaoman tribe is not a trivial matter.

The Dragon General and other nine generals all set off, as well as various teams, all also set off, and the Dark Lord battled with a low profile.

Advance to the edge of the outer ring of the Southern District, which is where the separation zone is located. Opposite the army of the barbarians also arrives, facing each other across the separation zone.

When it comes to troop strength, the monster barbarians still outperform the human race.

Immediately, a forehead relied on the two horns, the body was slender and robust, and the totem on his body appeared golden, as if a demon with a real dragon imprinted on him stepped forward in the void.

With each step, the void seemed to tremble like a ground, ripples and ripples.

The broken golden eyes seemed like eternal cold, and filled with an extremely amazing chill. When he stared at him, the human race and the cultivators of the state did not dare to look at it, even the nature was the same. Feel the thrill from the heart.

That seemed to be a kind of repression, a kind of repression.


The generals of Zhanlong and others changed greatly.

I never expected that the monster barbarians would dispatch the Dragon Barbarians.

The Dragon Barbarians are the royal barbarians of the Barbarians, and they are even rarer. They are rarely seen on the battlefield. On the battlefields, they are rarely seen.

But the power of the Dragon Barbarians cannot be denied.

As a royal family, the Dragon Barbarian is inherently more powerful. If the ordinary demon barbarian is a natural warrior, then the Dragon Barbarian is the most elite warrior. With the same level of combat power, the Dragon Barbarian is known as invincible.

Faster speed, more powerful power, more violent attacks and more.

"Zhan Jun, will this battle be abolished?" General Zhanlong asked immediately.

After all, this time, it was considered a demon barbarian's scheme, and no one expected that the demon barbarian would dispatch a dragon barbarian warrior, which was completely unexpected.

It is also because the Terran side underestimated the determination of the Yaobari to kill Chen Zong.

"Chen Zong, what do you mean?" Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun directly asked Chen Zong's opinion.

It is true that the Dragon Barbarians are difficult to fight.

"Battle!" Chen Zong answered, so Dahetian Zhanjun's eyes lightened slightly.

"I have the demeanor of your elder brother." Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun laughed and let Chen Zong slightly hesitate. It seems that the Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun is more familiar with his master Luo Beichuan.

Immediately, Chen Zong was attracted by the Dragon Barbarians.

It seems that the body has a feeling of perfection, as if one more point is redundant, and one less point is not enough. Everything is in the best state and is the most suitable race for fighting.

For the Dragon Barbarian, Chen Zong saw it for the first time. The shock of vision caused Chen Zong's heart to tremble, and his blood seemed to boil.

This is a strong enemy, a strong enemy.

In this battle, I couldn't feel victory or defeat, and even felt an indescribable crisis, but this is the end of the battle. Only one battle sublimates in the battle and breaks through in the battle.

The thought moved, Chen Zong floated forward.

For a while, a pair of eyes that looked like the ice of all ages, carrying a terrible will, penetrated through the void, and fell on Chen Zong's body, as if to pierce Chen Zong.

The will carried by this kind of gaze is extremely strong, as if the king's high stare, carrying an incredible power.

If the spiritual will is not strong enough and tenacious, such staring will lose a lot of momentum, and it is difficult to fully exert his strength, but Chen Zong will not.

His eyes flashed, as if the sword was sheath-like, bursting out an astonishing edge like a sword, staring through the air, facing the broken golden eyes of the dragon barbarian warrior.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a shrill, shrill sound, as if countless thunders were introduced to both sides.

The invisible breath collides through the eyes, and the invisible confrontation begins.

"Human race, dare to come and play a bigger one." The savage brave man suddenly spoke, staring at the dragon general sneer, sneer, full of provocation.

"What to play?" General Zhanlong asked in a deep voice.

"Determining victory or defeat based on the life and death of this battle, the loser will withdraw from the 9th war zone." The savage brave man showed a sly smile.

Although it is said that the demon barbarians have a relatively strong brain, it is not absolute. For many years, they have fought with human races, and they have learned some changes.

It's easiest to make a bet that is beneficial to one's own side with the powerful fighting power of the Dragon Barbarians like today.

Obviously, this kind of so-called play proposed by the savage warriors is good for the savages and not good for the human races, and the General Dragon cannot possibly agree.

"Promise him." As he was about to refuse, a faint voice sounded in the ears of General Zhanlong, letting General Zhanlong stunned slightly.

"Okay, the battle is based on the battle between life and death, you just wait to withdraw your troops from the 9th theater." General Zhanlong said in a loud voice.

Such a decisive and rapid response surprised the Yaoman tribe, but thought of the amazing fighting power of the Dragon Barbarians.

Huh ... Terran, lose.

This time, the genius Jian Xiu with amazing talents will not only die, but the Battlefield Nine will also belong to the demons and be controlled by the demons.

What is it called in terms of human race?

It's called two birds with one stone, two birds with one stone.

"Human sword repair, take out all your strength, don't let me waste this opportunity." The Dragon Barbarian spoke, not speaking the language of the demon barbarians, but the language of the human race, with a strange accent, but able to hear clearly.

Obviously, the savages have also studied the language of human races.

"The color of the blood of the Dragon Barbarian, I don't know what is different from other Barbarian Barbarians." Chen Zong smiled. In a word, the broken golden eyes of the Dragon Barbarian trembled suddenly, as if there was an unspeakable icy murderous explosion Out.

"You can't see it." The moment the four words fell, the Dragon Barbarians moved.

Stepped up, then dropped, and stepped out instantly. The void was like the earth. Under that foot was trampled out of layers of ripples. There was a terrible explosion. The ripples evolved into a raging moment , Carrying the terrible power, swept away instantly, rushing in all directions.


The outrageous power broke out, and the body of the dragon barbarians carried the incomparable violent power and rushed out.

This violent power is better than the elephant barbarians.

The demon barbarians that Chen Zong has contacted before, when it comes to strength, they belong to the elephant barbarians, even the savage barbarians.

But now the dragon barbarians show more power than the elephant barbarians, which surprised Chen Zong.

Moreover, its speed is even more amazing.

Simply put, the strength and speed of the Dragon Barbarian are the best among other Barbarian barbs at the same level.

The attack erupted by such amazing strength and speed is even more terrible, and it is as if it can break everything.

One hit ... broken!

It was like a meteorite bombardment, and the astonishing momentum broke out, and it was so powerful that it reached the top level of eleven stars.

The distant nature looks so dignified. In order to replace him with such a blow, the secret method must be erupted in order to deal with it.

So how does Chen Zong respond?

With this blow, Chen Zong's eyes flashed brilliantly without hesitation. The extremely heartless sword became a sharp sword light, pierced into the void, and directly killed the Dragon Barbarians.

The same eleven-star combat power, who is afraid of who.

Even if you are a royal barbarian dragon barbarian warrior of the demon barbarians, then what?

Chen Zongyi's sword was shot, and it was the sword one who refined his heart and returned to the sword. He fell into the eyes of Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun and nodded secretly. Indeed, there are some methods that make the sword good.

But if that's the case, it's not enough. Compared with his brother, there is still a gap.

However, the battle has only just begun.

With boxing strength, sword light, and both broken, the second hit of the Dragon Barbarian came along.

The monster barbarians are the strongest like the barbarians, and the wolf barbarians are the fastest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the eagle barbarians are the sharpest and the ape barbarians have the best skills.

The savages have some, but only a few.

However, this Dragon Barbarian has all of them, and more than surpasses them.

With each hit of the Dragon Barbarian, it reached the extreme of eleven stars, and it was extremely forceful. Chen Zong had to use his heart and soul to procure Lingwu's supremacy, and then ignite the seventh heart fire, otherwise, it was difficult to hit hard.


Chen Zong felt the pressure, very strong pressure, and this pressure swept through like waves and waves, and there was endless, almost no breathing time, so Chen Zong had an unsustainable feeling, As if it would be defeated at any time.

The high-intensity pressure did not overwhelm Chen Zong, but instead continued to stimulate Chen Zong's potential.

Under the terrible offensive of the Dragon Barbarians, Chen Zong gradually fell into the downwind, and the generals of the battle dragon waited for others to look dignified, with some anxieties.

If Chen Zong loses, he will not only be killed, but the Ninth Theater will also be lost and become the possession of the demon barbarians. When he wants to recapture it, I do not know how much it will cost.

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