Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 28: Transpolar combat power

"The situation isn't great." General Qing Yun chuckled, his face heavy.

On the human race side, each one looked dignified, because Chen Zong was suppressed, and the Dragon Barbarian warrior of the demon barbarians, everyone can see that the Dragon Barbarian warrior has the upper hand. If this continues, Chen Zong may Lost.

If Chen Zong is defeated, the consequence is to be killed and the Terrans lose the No. 9 theater.

Of course, there are great black warriors here, Chen Zong may not die, but the loss of the 9th theater is inevitable.

"Human Sword Xiu, is this your strength? Too weak." The voice of the dragon barbarous warrior was indifferent and high.

Chen Zong did not respond. He did show a lot of power, but it was still difficult to compare with the other party.

All are eleven-star combat power. However, the Dragon Barbarians are too strong, and they are inherently very powerful. This is a gap in life levels.

However, the pressure is not enough and more pressure is needed.

The power of practicing Qi Xiu is shaking, and the power of refining Xiong is roaring, like a real dragon over the river, like a wild tiger raging on the earth.

As if to break through the trance, break the limit, and break into the new world.

One leg of the Dragon Barbarian warrior seemed to traverse the mountains, carrying the terrifying power of thunder and blasting it with an extremely violent gesture. This blow had the terrifying power to break the mountains.

With a bang, Jian Guang shattered, and Chen Zong was immediately repelled hundreds of meters, and his blood was shaking and turbulent.

However, the Dragon Barbarian didn't mean to pause for a while, but instead pursued after winning.

One arm, five fingers bent, as if grasping something, suddenly flung, when the moment, there will be the light of the residual moon condensing and bursting out of the air.

The two remnant moonlight blades stretched and turned into tens of meters long, chopped from the left and right directions to Chen Zong.

The power of these two lingering moonlight blades is astonishing, as if they can cut the world and destroy it.

On the Terran side, their faces changed greatly. Can such a powerful attack stop Chen Zong?

Will it be killed directly?

On the contrary, the demon barbarians also showed joy when they went. It seemed that they were going to win.

Sure enough, letting the Dragon Barbarian fighters shoot is the correct way.

Terran sword repair, is dead.

Two pieces of residual moonlight blades slashed from left to right. They all hit Chen Zong together, a big explosion occurred, and terrible forces hit all directions.


In the next breath, an astonishing edge rose into the sky, stirred the situation, and crushed Jiuxiao.

The sword gas raged and swept across all directions, tearing all the forces around him all at once.

A huge sword shadow appeared in the heavens and the earth.

Among the shadows is Chen Zong.


Both breakthroughs are both breakthroughs in practicing qi and refining.

The beginning of the eight-turn imperial realm!

The Beginning of the Eight Transformations!

Practicing Qi and refining are at the same level, and Lingwu can continue to perform.

This breakthrough is not only a breakthrough in strength, but also a breakthrough in power. The change in Chen Zong's combat power is amazing.

Chen Zong can feel his combat power and directly improve a lot.


Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Two!

Combining and compressing the five hundred meters of kendo area into it is the ultimate of sword two.

The sword tactics of refining the heart and the sword of 10,000 swords are created by Chen Zong. They are the sword tactics that best suit themselves, and are the application and interpretation of the mystery of kendo.

Whether it ’s refining the heart to return to one sword or Wanjian to return to the sword, both are closely related to the field of kendo.

The more powerful Kendo is, the more powerful the two swords will become.

However, every move has its upper limit.

For example, Jianyi, a sword-refining sword, is just the foundation, and its upper limit is to condense and consolidate the 100-meter-wide kendo area.

The upper limit of sword two is the 500-meter kendo area. Beyond the 500-meter kendo area, you must have a stronger sword skill to be able to bear it.

The sword move is like a frame that accommodates strength.

A sword is killed, the speed of the sword is astonishing, as if the white horse is passing through the gap, it seems to penetrate the space and time, and directly kill the dragon barbarian warrior.

This sword turned out to be difficult for the savage warrior to dodge.


The Dragon Barbarian was repelled for the first time under Chen Zong's sword.

This scene shocked the barbarian people, but made the people side rejoice.

It seems that there is a chance of winning.

However, it is only possible.

"Good boy, he made a breakthrough." Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun saw it clearly and combined his own experience to make a judgment instantly. Chen Zong was afraid that he would use the pressure of the Dragon Barbarian to break his own shackles and inspire potential. , Thus breaking through repairs.

It sounds simple, but it's not easy to do. It is very dangerous to break through the maggots and break through with the pressure of strong enemies. It is very dangerous, not only can't break through, but it will die.

Chen Zong was successful, and Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun had a little more recognition.

However, being able to be accepted as a disciple by that gangster is definitely not ordinary.


Without waiting for the human race to be a little bit more pleased, the broken golden eyes of the dragon brutal warrior revolved like a starry sky, and the breath on his body seemed to break a certain limit and a certain kind of imagination, which instantly detonated and went straight to the sky.

"This combat power ..."

"how come!"

"Cunning Goblin!"

On the human race side, the nine generals changed their faces and scolded.

The dragon barbarians seemed to have opened the ban and released their real combat power.

That is a terrible combat power beyond eleven stars-twelve stars, super-polar combat power!

When the Dragon Barbarian's combat power is fully opened, the broken gold of the eyes is like the starlight shining, dazzling and dazzling, the amazing combat power forms a terrible coercion, and constantly impacts in all directions, even forming an indescribable oppression on the void .

The place where Chen Zong fought with the Dragon Barbara was in the separation zone, and countless meteorites were moving. However, when some meteorite flew from a distance, at a distance of about 1,000 kilometers from the Dragon Barbara, instantly One meal seemed to be contained by invisible forces.

In the next breath, the meteorite shattered and turned into powder dust. This scene made Chen Zong's pupil shrink like a needle.

Not the realm!

To be sure, that is not the power of the field, but a field of force, a field of force carried by or derived from the superpower.

Because the twelve-star combat power, known as the super polar combat power, is beyond the polar combat power, and naturally has its powerful power.

It's like overflowing with water. The overbearing combat power has exceeded its own limit, so it diffuses out and forms an invisible force field around.

Although it is a built-in force field, it also has terrible power, which can be suppressed and weakened, which is similar to understanding.

Amazing power continues to radiate from the dragon barbarian fighters, flooding all around and impacting everything.

In the distance, the patriarchs of the human race look extremely dignified, and when they stare at the Dragon Barbarian Warrior, a sense of powerlessness rises from the heart.

Twelve stars!

Super Arctic Combat Power!

This is a terrible combat power. It is unmatchable. Once they are enemies, they will only be killed in an instant. Even the top 11-star combat power, such as Teana, will not achieve any benefit. The difference is only how long it can support.

That's it!

Chen Zong felt a terrible coercion from the dragon fighters. The coercion seemed to suppress himself, but there was a feeling of insufficient strength.


Turning his thoughts on, Chen Zong seemed to understand why this was the case.

Because his practice of practicing qi and refining his body broke through, he brought a significant increase in strength.

Before the breakthrough, using all mysteries and other powers, your own combat power can reach the top level of eleven stars. Then now you have broken through, and the basic combat power has been improved a lot. By all means, its combat power, More powerful,

As for whether he has reached the twelve-star level, Chen Zong thinks it should not be there yet, but it is closer.

His current level of combat power should be between eleven stars and twelve stars. Eleven stars are invincible, but they are not as good as twelve stars.

"Human sword repair can give me all my strength. You do have some skill." The voice of the dragon barbara is even more indifferent. There is a kind of indescribable emptiness, like a **** standing high, overlooking the world like ants.

The moment the voice fell, the dragon barbarian waved his hand in the air, a terrible light, like a burning golden flame, burst into the air and killed him instantly.

This blow made the people feel unstoppable, as if under this blow everything would be broken.

Chen Zong's heart sank, and a sense of resistance was raised.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Three!

This sword is integrated into the thousand-year-old kendo area. All the forces are integrated into it. It is the ultimate sword and the most aggressive sword in the possession of Chen Zong.

However, this sword was broken under the terrible and extremely powerful blow of the Dragon Brutal Warrior.


This is a gap in combat power that is difficult to bridge.

That blow still came with the terrorist forces that destroyed everything.

Inevitably, Chen Zong developed a feeling of being completely locked, as if he could not avoid it no matter how he was, but only coped.

Well, Da Zhoutian Sword World!

Jixin Wuxiang Sword burst in an instant and turned into countless sword lights. The area of ​​kendo also shrank to ten meters square, blended with sword lights, and became a perfect one, regardless of each other.


Perfect fit!

The twelve-star battle of the Dragon Brutal Warrior also smashed into the air and went to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ all eyes were staring.

Can Chen Zong stop that blow?

If you can't stop it, you are likely to be killed by bombardment.

But if it can be blocked ...

There was a thunderous, earth-shattering sound in all directions, as if to smash the void, but everyone was staring with eyes wide, unbelievable.

I saw the savage blow from the Dragon Barbarian on the Jianguang sphere, but instead of smashing it, the Jianguang sphere was sunken inward, but stubbornly supported.


This move of Chen Zong even resisted the violent attack of the twelve star power.

It's incredible!

"Good boy!" This time, a little shock flashed in the eyes of Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun.

It can be seen that Chen Zong's combat power still does not reach the level of twelve stars, but with a defensive sword technique, he blocked the strike of the twelve stars, although it seems a little reluctant, it is really Resisted.

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