Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 29: The Devil Reappears

one strike!

Two hits!

Three hits!

The twelve-star super-competent dragon brutal fighters attacked for three consecutive times, but were all resisted by Chen Zong's Da Zhoutian Sword Realm, but Chen Zong looked very dignified.

Because to maintain the Da Zhoutian Sword Realm, it is necessary to consume power all the time, especially the moment of being attacked, because the relationship between the attack strength of the Dragon Barbarian warrior is too high, and the consumption of his own power is even more amazing.

If the dragon barbarians continue to attack, then, in about half a quarter of an hour, it will be difficult for Chen Zong to maintain the Da Zhoutian sword world because of insufficient power.

However, the Dragon Barbarian apparently did not intend to do so, and constantly attacked like this, defeating the opponent with a way of consumption, not his favorite.

He liked it, but in the most violent gesture, he directly defeated the opponent.


Suddenly, the golden dragon totem on the dragon brutal warrior burned, and his breath rose with it, becoming more arrogant.

The totem is burning. Isn't the Dragon Barbarian dead?

The Dragon Barbara is a royal family, higher than the Barbara.

The barbarians can burn the power of the totem twice. The first time there is nothing, the second time will die, but the dragon barbarians not only burn twice, but can burn three times, and their enhanced power is better than 蛟. Barbarians, even more terrible.


In the end, the strength of the breath of the Dragon Barbara has doubled, and it is more horizontal than before, which is almost equal to the blow of the power of the ordinary barbarians to completely burn the totem.

However, this is not the Dragon Barbarian's life-threatening blow, but the Dragon Barbarian's unique talent, the power of semi-burning totems, doubles its combat power, but does not hurt its own life.

In this state, the Dragon Barbarian can not only make a blow, but can continue to attack while the totem power is half burned, and the power of each blow is doubled.

Of course, such amazing talents are not unlimited, they have a time limit, and they also have a limit on the number of times they can be cast. At least within a certain time interval, they cannot be cast continuously.


In the case of inspiring talents and doubling the power of the burning totem, the Dragon Barbarian fighters were killed in a single shot. The power of this shot was even more powerful, and its power was shocking.

Although Chen Zong's big Zhoutian sword world is very strong, but facing such a blow, it is not enough.


Jianguang continued to sag inside, and countless sword qi gathered from all directions, but they collapsed and could not form a cycle.

One of the mysteries of the Da Zhoutian sword world is the internal and external circulation of the sword air, forming a whole, and now the cycle is broken, which means that the Da Zhoutian sword world is difficult to maintain.

With a bang, Jianguang was broken when it was sunken to the extreme.

At the same time as the Da Zhoutian Sword Realm was broken, the power of this blow was almost exhausted, the Dragon Barbarian fighter shot again, and the second shot bombarded it, which was a burning golden light.

Magnificent, mighty, and overbearing.

This attack made Chen Zong unable to dodge.

Da Zhoutian's sword world was broken, and Chen Zong's strength was unsustainable. This attack could not be evaded or difficult to resist. He could only barely adjust the power to meet with one sword.

Just moments later, Chen Zong shuddered, a terrible and extreme strength, directly into the body through the heart-printed treasure, Chen Zong flew out.

Despite the absorption of the Yinyin Baoyi, double the 12-star combat power is also very terrible, terrible to the extreme, the remaining 30%, not only blasted Chen Zongfei, but also raged in the body, let Chen Zong The bones were broken, and the viscera was smashed.

Such a strong enemy, even if he has to resist the attack of the opponent with his heart-printed treasure, and then take the opportunity to fight back with a sword, I'm afraid it can't be done.

The opponent's combat power is too strong, and the twelve-star combat power has also exerted its talents. When the combat power is doubled, it is even more terrible and even more amazing.

Xinyin Baoyi can defend, but it is just to save lives, the defense power of the Da Zhoutian sword world is not enough.

"Dead!" A low-drink, the sound wave shook, and swept across all directions.

The brutal warrior erupted into a mighty blow, and came again.

"Hurry away!" Roared General Dragon, with his forehead bulging.

On the human side, they clenched their fists one after another, as if to lend their strength to Chen Zong.

It can be seen that Chen Zong can hardly stop the attack.

The gap in combat power is still too large.

This was originally an unfair battle.

"Zhan Jun, please also take a shot." The general Zhan Long immediately gave a voice to Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun.

There is a bit of distance from the isolation here. Although Yuan Ming Realm passes quickly, it still slows to the front line. Only the top supernatural powers like Dahei Tian Zhan Jun can do it.

With a flash of black light, Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun was dispatched. No matter what, he could not let Chen Zong die here.

However, at the moment when the great black warrior was dispatched, a dark golden light of the demon barbarian flashed at any time. It was as if the savage warrior was going to shoot, and rushed directly to the black light to intercept the great black warlord.

This is a good time to kill the Terran Sword Repair, how can it be destroyed.

"Dark sky, battle between life and death, you better obediently look at it." The savage warrior laughed coldly while intercepting.

"Are you looking for death?" Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun's tone was neither stubborn nor cold, but filled with a horrible power, and the void felt a sense of being swallowed up by darkness.

This horrible atmosphere caused the savage warrior to be slightly suffocated. The prestige of the great black warrior was killed. Like the northern wolf, although it is not as good, it is still great for the savage warrior. Hidden dangers.

However, this barbarian warfare will also be a top-level combat force, which may not be as good as the Dark Lord, but it is not easy to separate the victory and defeat.

With this blow, Chen Zong vomited blood, his bones seemed to be completely broken, the viscera seemed to be broken, and the pain swept across every part of the body.

Especially that terrible force, which was extremely overbearing, invaded the body, constantly raging and destroying Chen Zong's body, even if it was the arrogance of the gods in the Eight Transformation World, it was difficult to support it for a while.

The third blow came, and this blow caused more severe injuries to Chen Zong.

The body was destroyed in a mess. If it was not for the weakening of the Heart Seal Treasure and the strength of the world **** body, this blow would directly defeat Chen Zong's body.

But it did not break down, but it also caused Chen Zong's extremely strong mental will to tremble violently.

The two attacks were very well connected. After the two attacks, the next attack appeared again, but the ability of the heart-printed treasure was turned on.

The strength pervaded Chen Zonghun's body, healed the severe injuries, and formed a protection against attack.

In this way, Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun also secretly relieved, because he also recognized the heart-print treasure.

The heart-printed treasure garment of Xinyi Tiangong is famous, and its life-saving ability is very strong. In a short period of time, the dragon fighter cannot help Chen Zong.

The dragon brutal warrior's brow suddenly frowned, and this ethnic sword repair was so difficult to kill.

Even if the combat power is far worse than yourself, but the sword skills are superb, and there are some life-saving hole cards, it is really difficult to kill.

It seems that he can only use some hole cards.

Then, use the secret of the human race to deal with the human race sword repair.

There seemed to be something in the hands of the Dragon Barbara, and it immediately broke apart. Then, a black light shone past, and came out with the blow of the Dragon Barbara, and blasted directly to Chen Zong.

The blow was golden flames on the outside, extremely domineering, and inside, there was a touch of dark light, exuding subtle waves.

When the Dahei Tianzhan became aware of it, his face suddenly changed, and the secret road was not good. He quickly took the shot, and the barbaric warrior would also take an instant and intercept it directly. The opportunity to kill the sword repair of that human race was rare, but it could not be destroyed.


The power of terror, permeated from the dark black war monarch, swept through the darkness, called the shiver of life, that is a terrorist threat from the heart and from the depths of the soul, even if it is a barbarian warrior with top combat power It is also extremely frightening, but he still tried his best to explode all the fighting powers to intercept Daheitian Zhanjun.

No matter what, as long as you intercept, you only need to intercept that Terran Sword Repair.

That is not difficult.

In this attack, Chen Zong could not dodge and was directly attacked. The golden flame was immediately resisted by the power of Xinyin Baoyi, which could not hurt Chen Zongmin, but it also increased the consumption of Xinyin Baoyi's storage power.

However, the weird black gloom contained in the golden flames was not intercepted by the heart-printed treasure garment, and silently, it rushed directly to Chen Zong's head, like a black lightning thunder.

Suddenly, submerged into the sea of ​​God, hit the soul.

This attack was extremely terrifying, as if to break Chen Zong's spirit, Chen Zong also reacted at the first time, immediately mobilizing the mighty spirit power to resist.

The heavy resistance was defeated, and the spirit was also attacked at once. In a moment, there was a feeling of being penetrated.

This is a mysterious treasure. It is a mysterious treasure containing the attack power of the soul. Such a precious treasure is extremely precious, and it is very rare and rare. It was actually obtained by the Dragon Barbarians.

The dark light attacked the spirit of Chen Zong, trying to penetrate it through the moment of tearing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A weird burst of laughter suddenly sounded from Chen Zong's sea of ​​God, it seemed like a kind of Laughing with all your aspirations.

"Suck, suck." The laughter sounded with a secret voice.

Immediately, the terrible dark gloom was immediately drawn, and one after another gathered, without attacking Chen Zong again.


The dark light gathered all in one place, no longer attacking the spirit of Chen Zong, but absorbed.

A dark shadow condensed in the center of the dark gloom and appeared.

"Chen Zong, the demon king has returned, and I have been in control of this body ever since." The loud laughter rang through the sea of ​​darkness, and the darkness and light were swallowed and swept away, and the dark shadow condensed to the extreme, as if condensed In general, the exhaled breath is terrifying and suppresses Shenhai.

Chen Zong can clearly feel that the power condensed by this black shadow is several times better than before.

"Seal the soul!" Hei Ying immediately shot at Chen Zong.

A secretive seal fell on the spirit of Chen Zong, and immediately sealed the spirit of Chen Zong.

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