Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 34: Leap forward

(Beware of the benefits of the evil spirits.)

A black light, like a dark meteor, swept across the void and bombarded a huge meteor with a distance of thousands of meters. The surface of the meteorite was covered with pits and was directly hit. It suddenly trembled and appeared numerous cracks. At this point broke away, but stubbornly supported.

After the kilometer-long meteorite trembled, it slightly shifted from its original trajectory and continued to move slowly.

time flies.

I don't know how long in the past, a violent breath suddenly burst out from the depths of the meteorite, and in an instant, it seemed like a sky sword broke through the sky. Under the violent sound, the meteorite was suddenly broken, torn apart, then It was torn by countless sword qi and turned into countless fragments.

The kendo area suddenly appeared, erupting instantly, suppressing a two-kilometer circle, completely containing the broken meteorite, and the extreme force broke out. Under the invisible sword pressure, the fragmented meteorite was broken again and turned into powder.


A kilometer-sized meteorite was directly transformed into dust and completely disappeared into the void.

A figure, as if burning a fiery flame, as if a sharp blade of sword surrounds the whole body.

After a while, the sword shadow converged, and the field of kendo dispersed. Chen Zong's closed eyes opened and a touch of richness and extreme brilliance flashed from the depths of his eyes.

Fundamentally, it's incredible.

Practicing Qi Xiu, the early stage of Jiuzhuan Yudao!

Cultivation practice, the early stage of the nine changes!

During the period when his consciousness was sealed, his body was occupied by the demon. Between the vaguely, Chen Zong could feel what was happening, it was a feeling like dreaming.

It ’s just like in a dream, alas, it ’s indescribable, it ’s like going through everything in person, and it ’s just like a passer-by audience, it feels very strange.

However, when the demon dissipates, his consciousness is unblocked and he re-enters the spirit and soul to control the body, and all the experiences suddenly become clear, as if everything that happened before was done by himself.

"Flayer ..."

"Are you one with me?"

Chen Zong said to himself, it seemed very clear, and there seemed to be countless doubts.

This experience has further verified this point. The demon occupies his own body. Everything that happened is as if in a dream, but when his consciousness returns to the control of the body by the spirit, the feeling changes. It's so clear, it's as if you really did what you did.

However, Chen Zong was sure that that was not what he did. He was not so addicted to killing or doing whatever he wanted.

This feeling is really wonderful.


But anyway, during this period, the mind demon used all his body to fight. After Chen Zong was awake, he felt the same, which means that Chen Zong himself had experienced the same kind of battle and turned into a kind of accumulation. Come down.

It's just a pity that the means that the demon possesses cannot be used by himself.

For example, the demon fire is very scary. It directly burns the enemy ’s mental power. It may be called a magic skill. It may not have much effect on an opponent who is stronger than himself, but it is very labor-saving on the battlefield.

There is also the black light shadow, which is fast, and when it is attacked, it will instantly burst apart, which is an excellent way to avoid the attack and save your life.

It's a pity that I experienced it suddenly, but I couldn't show it.

Of course, my own combat power has also improved a lot.

The practice of practicing qi and cultivating body has successively broken through to the levels of Jiuzhuan Yudao and Jiubian Divine Realm. Although it is only an early stage, its combat effectiveness has been significantly improved.

The field of kendo has expanded from a one-kilometer range to a two-kilometer size. Once mastered, the power will become even more overbearing and even more amazing.

"Is this a blessing because of misfortune?" Chen Zong laughed secretly. Although he gained benefits and his combat power surged, the process was still very dangerous. With a little carelessness, he was really completely occupied by the spirit and body.

Fortunately, the demon's luck was not very good, and he acted too arrogantly. In the end, the power of the barbarian tribe was not only for the opponent to escape, but because he was difficult to get away, he had to burn himself and burst into a more amazing speed. Only then can he successfully escape.

The demon succumbed, burned himself, consumed too much power, and lurked again. Naturally, he unblocked and regained his body.

However, this caused a strong sense of crisis, because I do n’t know when the next time, at the moment when he falls into crisis, that demon will jump out like this time, and by that time, the demon will definitely be more Vigilance to prevent yourself from regaining your body.

For no reason, Chen Zongfa felt an indescribable feeling from the heart, very exciting.

It's like walking over the sea of ​​swords and mountains, and there is only a silk-like string. Once the rope breaks, it will fall into the sea of ​​swords and mountains and die by death.

However, Chen Zong felt irritated again.

Throughout their lives, practitioners are fighting.

From the beginning on the road to cultivation, it has been constantly improving itself, fighting with humans, fighting with beasts, and fighting with heaven and earth, but the deepest is fighting with yourself.

Fighting with oneself is endless.

The spirit demon is the same as one soul, and it can be regarded as oneself. To fight against the spirit demon is to fight against yourself.

This is a dangerous process, but it can only be faced up, and it cannot be escaped.

In the end, it is still necessary to strengthen yourself. Only when you are strong enough, you will not be caught by the demons when you encounter a difficult enemy.

"I will first grasp the growth of cultivation, and the power of kendo will also be further developed." Chen Zong secretly said.

Refining the heart and returning to one sword is the way to break one law with one sword.

Wan Jian returned to the sword tactics, following the path of a sword-born world.

Of course, the current practice of refining the heart and returning swords to one sword and one sword to ten thousand swords are far away from the one sword breaking through the ten thousand swords and one sword birth world, but they are only preliminary.

One is limited by cultivation, the second is limited by Kendo realm, and the third is limited by sharpening.

In order to break through ten thousand swords with one sword, we must have enough understanding and foundation of ten thousand swords.

To make a world from a sword, we must also have a sufficient understanding and grasp of the composition of the world.

That's the foundation. It's like casting a tall building. You need a foundation. The foundation is not solid enough, and the pavilion cannot be cast as high.

"The sword three of refining the heart and one sword is the upper limit of the kilometer kendo area. Today's kendo area reaches two kilometers, and it needs a stronger sword trick to be able to accommodate it." Chen Zong secretly said.

After sword three, sword four.

Chen Zong's thinking turned like lightning.

Incorporating two kilometers of kendo area into one sword and turning it into sword four, its power will be greatly enhanced.

Then, start to enlighten.

Based on Sword One, Sword Two, and Sword Three as the basis, build the frame of Sword Four.

Sword one, the upper limit is 100-meter Kendo area.

Sword II, the upper limit is 500 meters of Kendo area.

Sword three, the upper limit is one thousand kendo area.

What about sword four?

Is the upper limit of the two kilometer Kendo area?

Or can it be stronger?

In the void, Chen Zong's body remained motionless, but there were countless sword qi around him. With Chen Zong's thinking, the sword qi was ups and downs like waves, fluctuating endlessly. explosion.

Every sword qi seems to contain amazing power. Once released, it can be cut into mountains and rivers.

When the sword light flashed, the extremely heartless sword was shot through the air, and the sword light was extremely condensed and dazzling to the extreme.

With a sword, as if everything can be broken, there is nothing to resist between heaven and earth.

The sword light disappeared after traversing a few kilometers of the void, but Chen Zong frowned, thinking that the power of that sword was indeed more than that of Jiansan, because the kendo area integrated into it exceeded one thousand meters. It just reached 1,200 meters.

This is not enough, it is not enough, at least, it is necessary to be able to perfectly integrate the two kilometers of kendo.

Moreover, Chen Zong's thoughts don't stop there. The area of ​​Kendo that Jiansi can hold should be more than two kilometers.

Chen Zong felt a heavy burden and a long way to go.

However, this continuous improvement of my feeling is very wonderful.

For Chen Zong, the great thing in life is to defeat the strong enemy and achieve a sense of accomplishment, as well as cultivation and enlightenment, to overcome difficulties and continuously improve himself.

1,300 meters!

1,400 meters!

One thousand five hundred meters!

Sword Four is constantly improving.

During the period when the demons occupied the body, they continued to kill the barbarian tribe, collided with the barbarian brave again and again, and even killed a one-star war barbarian barbarian. These all turned into a kind of precipitation and accumulation.

Chen Zong's enlightenment is like a bamboo shoot.

1,600 meters!

1,700 meters!


Two kilometers!

When the two-kilometer kendo area was completely integrated into the sword four, Chen Zongyi sword stabbed through the air, the sword light condensed to the extreme, and penetrated through the void, as if it could crush the sun and the moon, and forcefully.

Under the same cultivation strength, the difference in the field of kendo is that the power of sword four is several times that of sword three, not to mention that Chen Zong's current practice of Qi training is to reach the beginning of Jiuzhuan.

Jianguang tens of thousands of meters across the void ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ remains in the void, it only disappeared slowly after a long time, but in the void, there seems to be a faint trace left.

Chen Zong could not help but nodded secretly, this sword finally reached his desired level.

However, the two kilometer kendo area is indeed not the upper limit of Jiansi. So, what is the upper limit?

Three kilometers?

Still higher?

"Take the fourth sword in the early stage of the Ninth Turn of the Royal Realm, and do your best. You can kill the eleven-star power." Chen Zong secretly thought: "If it is supplemented by the Seventh Heart and Taichu sword I wonder if I can reach the level of 12-star combat power? "

Compared with the 11-star combat power, the twelve-star combat power is much more powerful. Chen Zong carefully considered it, and after comparing it, he thought it might be possible.

Without the use of Supreme Master Wu, breaking out of the Mystic Sword by one's own strength can indeed reach the level of 12-star combat power.

In this way, if the Supreme Martial Arts is performed again, its power will be further enhanced and become more powerful. It is difficult to say whether it can compete with the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, but it is almost invincible at the level of the Royal Road.

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