Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 35: Redemption

Jian Guang was radical, with an astonishing speed, reaching the extreme, and flew towards the nearest mild theater.

"Fifty or fifty war martial arts, nearly 600,000, enough to exchange a lot of good things." Chen Zong secretly said, can not help but a little excited.

This demon is addicted to killing, arrogantly high-profile, and wanton destruction, which has caused great damage to some of the barbarian clans in the theater of war, and has allowed the clan side to take advantage of it. Even, exit the war zone.

It can be said that because of Chen Zong alone, the monster barbarians suffered a lot of losses.

So a piece of news came out.

Killing order!

Bloody characters appeared everywhere on the battlefield.

"The slay order of the barbarian!"

"After many years, have the savages issued a slay order?"

"Last time, the Necromancer's slay order was issued against the Hellsword of the Eternal Warburg. Who was this time?"

"Chen Zong, the fifth true biography of Yixin Temple and Yixin Temple, the younger brother of Sirius from the North."

"This is a double hero, and it has been included in the slay order of the demon barbarians."

"Obviously, the reward is so generous." Secretly, someone was thinking.

Although it is said that they are all human beings, they cannot be killed by each other, especially the killing order issued by another race, but the reward is too generous.

People's hearts are speculative and diverse, and not everyone will put human justice in the first place. The dark side of many people's hearts just lacks sufficient benefits.

"The demon barbarians even issued a slay order." Luo Beichuan's eyes had a gleam of cold light, like a cold star flicker: "Little master, you have to resist."

"But they should react, too."

Every time the demon order issued by the demon barbarians, the person to be killed must be extremely talented, and causing no small trauma to the demon barbarians will also make the demon barbarians feel a strong threat, fearing that they will grow into a terrible Tianjiao.

Every time a slay order is issued, Tianjiao will encounter various pursuits.

In the 49th theater, Chen Zong arrived and entered the battlefield.

The ten generals in this war zone welcomed Chen Zong extremely warmly, and warmly welcomed, because Chen Zong's name has spread throughout the Arrow field.

The true story of the elite of the Mind Heaven Palace!

One person, one sword, slaughtered more than 100,000 monsters, which caused considerable damage to the monsters, and indirectly assisted the Terran team to recover some of the battlefields, becoming famous and prestigious.

Today, it is included in the slay order of the demon barbarians.

After a brief conversation with the ten generals, Chen Zong began to exchange money.

Five hundred thousand or so is close to 600,000, and it is extremely amazing. Do n’t say that in a mild theater, even in a moderate theater, this is also an incredible number of military achievements.

Such a huge amount of military power can be exchanged for some treasures, making your cultivation more smooth.

Chen Zong's first focus was on the cultivation medicine that he had only dared to look at before, but did not dare to think too much.

World God Fruit!

This is a sublime world **** fruit, and the amount of warfare required for its exchange is 100,000.

100,000 battles!

Before, Chen Zong couldn't even think about it, but now, he can exchange five in one breath.

Chen Zong immediately redeemed.

The world's **** fruit has grades, is inferior, and is worth 100,000 battles. It is the **** fruit that can be condensed after 10,000 years of the world **** tree, and the world **** tree is born in some more powerful world God tree.

The world **** tree is scarce, and the world **** fruit is not easy to obtain.

The value of 100,000 battles is also reasonable. After all, this is a **** fruit that is useful for practicing qi and refining. After taking it, at least one level of spiritual practice can be promoted within the level of the imperial realm. power.

Under normal circumstances, the improvement of the imperial realm requires at least many years, such as Tianjiao, and it takes at least several years to improve.

Some talents are more ordinary, but it takes longer, such as decades or even hundreds or even hundreds of years.

When a world **** fruit goes down, it will soar a realm directly. It will also be able to purify power and completely consolidate the foundation. The speed of cultivation in the subsequent period of time will be significantly improved, and it can be called an artifact.

Even if it is Yuan Ming Realm, taking the sublime world **** fruit is effective. It can improve the cultivation of small levels and speed up the cultivation speed.

Chen Zong did not hesitate to start quickly, and immediately exchanged it.

As soon as it was exchanged, the words of the world **** fruit became darkened, indicating that it could not be exchanged because it was gone.

The last one.

When Chen Zong's exchange was completed, some of the battlefields in other theaters made screams like pigs.

"My world is a **** fruit." The voice was full of desolation, and the smeller cried.

After exchanging the sublime world **** fruit, Chen Zong followed another secret treasure that required 100,000 battles to exchange.


It is extracted and tempered by the chalcedony from thousands of years, and then blended into the treasures of peace of mind and tranquility through superb skills, and finally forged. Its role is to calm the mind, conserve the spirit and mind, so that the practitioner can quickly eliminate miscellaneous thoughts. Enhancing understanding is a treasure that is permanently effective as long as it is not destroyed, even the Yuanming Realm is useful.




Chen Zong spent 500,000 or more battle merits and completely spent all his energy. After all, he would leave the northern front and return to the heavenly palace of the mind.

Or, it is a hundred years of service.

Or, it is to obtain 100,000 battle achievements.

This is how to leave the northern front.

One hundred years of service is the most mediocre way, and gaining military service is the right way.

Chen Zong's military exploits were far more than 100,000, which was far beyond the standard, so he could naturally leave here.

Northern Front!

Although fighting against the barbarians can sharpen themselves, but their strength is still too weak, they should go to more places to experience and sharpen themselves to improve themselves.

"I don't know what happened to Brother Hanchao?" After the exchange was completed, waiting for the time to send the treasure, Chen Zong tried to send a message to Li Hanchao, but there was no response like a stone like the sea.

On the same day, Li Hanchao took ten eleven-star elite warriors to intercept the reinforcements of the barbarians. He was gone forever, and even the information was gone. I do n’t know where it went, life or death. Can't be sure.

To be sure, something must have happened.

Before, my consciousness was sealed up by the demons, but now I am freed and I can think about it.

The more he thought about it, the more solemn Chen Zong looked.

"There are lurkers in the Battlefield Nine."

"Also, its status is not low, it should be one of the ten generals."

This is Chen Zong's conclusion after heavy speculation, a frightening conclusion.

If it is a traitor who becomes a traitor, it is nothing, it is easy to accept, after all, there are at least tens of thousands of cultivators in a theater.

However, in a mild war zone, the general is a very important presence. Once secretly relying on the demon barbarians, it will cause considerable damage to the human race.

In Chen Zong's mind, there were flashes of faces, speculating that the ten generals would be raped.

Li Hanchao?

Presumably, it should not be, this is also the trust of the disciples who live in the heart.

So who will it be?

General Yun Snake?

This general Yunshe is not in the right direction with Li Hanchao, and he seems to have the same opinion on the mind Tiangong. Is it him?

Soon Chen Zong shook his head, not to be so hasty.

So, the dragon general?

Or other generals?

Then, after the treasures you have exchanged are in your hands, you plan to return to Theater 9 to check it out.

In a short time, all the treasures exchanged by Chen Zong for more than 500,000 battles were delivered.

The chalcedony is worn directly by the god. Immediately, a cool breath permeates from the chalcedony, spreading everywhere in the whole body, an unconscious excitement, like a hot day soaking in the cold spring. Cool.

That trace of airflow, like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, rushed to the head, so that Chen Zong feels relieved, all the thoughts disappeared, the thoughts are extremely clear, what they think is like the lightning speed. At least 30% faster than usual.

As a result, that little bodhi leaf is useless.

After all, they cannot be stacked.

Before leaving, refine the world **** fruit.

The world **** fruit has the size of a fist. It looks blue at the top and fades to cyan. There is an ethereal and magnificent combination, but there is no contradiction at all. On the contrary, there is a mysterious charm that perfectly combines.

Above, there are countless lines. The lines look like a little bit, as if the stars are shining in the sky, like a starry sky. If you look at it, it looks like a strand of silk, permeated in In the sky, it turns into pieces, as if the clouds are endless.

Like the sky.

Further down, it is a vast land. It has the same vastness and boundlessness. Above it, there are mountains, rivers, mountains, trees and forests. It is like a world, as if it is condensing one world into one fruit.

World God Fruit!

From it, Chen Zong seemed to understand the slightest mystery.

However, the world **** fruit is used for taking.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong ate it directly.

I ca n’t tell what it ’s like. It ’s strange. It seems to be a mixture of countless kinds of fruits. It ’s not delicious. It ’s just eaten anyway.

A force suddenly melted into Chen Zong's body. It was very subtle at first, then became intense, and finally became majestic. It was as mighty as the water of a large river. Chen Zong felt that his body seemed to be affected. Exploding, but the tyrannical world **** body blocked this huge and mighty force in the body.



霎时 ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That mighty power was absorbed by Chen Zong's continuous refining.

The power contained in the world **** fruit is extremely pure, and there are no impurities at all. Therefore, once the exercise method is run, it is quickly refined and absorbed into its own.

Part of the strength is integrated into the practice of qi and turned into a sword element, and part of the strength is integrated into the world's deity and turned into the divine power of the divine body.




Nine transfers to the middle of the royal road!

The Middle Ages of the Nine Deities!

After a while, they both broke through again.

The Ninth Turn of Royal Roads!

The late Nine Deities Realm!

Then, it was a breakthrough again, reaching the peak of the Ninth Turn Royal Road and the peak of the Nine Change Divine Realm, hitting the limit.

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