Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 36: Unexpected person

The distance between the theater and the theater is not short, and the relationship between the space is not stable. It is impossible to shuttle in the void and can only fly directly.

Chen Zong, who has both Qi training and body training, has reached the limit of the imperial realm, the flight speed has directly increased to a level, and it is more rapid and amazing.

Crossing one battle zone after another, Chen Zong focused on his way and did not intend to stop fighting.

At this amazing speed that is not inferior to Yuan Mingjing, Chen Zong returned to the 9th theater.

Today's No. 9 theater, unlike in the past, has not seen half of the demon barbarians, completely occupied by the human race, after occupying, it does not mean that it is stable, you must keep it, otherwise the barbarians may **** back at any time.

Chen Zong entered from the North District, and saw the tribe of the barbaric tribe. The defense mechanism within the tribe has been broken. The huge totem pole is also observed and studied by many ethnic trainers to try to decipher the mystery.

Totem poles are very important to the barbarians. If the mysteries of the totem bars can be solved, perhaps they can better deal with the barbarians, gain greater advantages, repel the barbarians, and eventually expel them.

The totem pole is profound and profound. The system it contains is completely different from the human cultivation system. Therefore, it is not easy to crack. The totem in the 9th theater is not the first totem pole studied by the human race. Progress is not good.

Chen Zong didn't stop, but quickly moved to the 9th theater and stepped into the battlefield.

Sure enough, Li Hanchao didn't return, and he didn't know if he was dead or alive?

If you were alive, where did you go?

I only hope to find clues in the battlehouse.

After Chen Zong returned, General Zhanlong and other people were naturally very happy, and he adopted an equal attitude towards Chen Zong.

By talking to the crowd, Chen Zong also carefully observed and perceived carefully, but he did not know whether the other party was hiding too deeply or for some reason, he could not see it.

After several attempts, Chen Zong can only give up, because these generals have received a transfer order, and if they leave in succession, other generals will come to replace and defend the place.

Well, it's time to leave.

Chen Zong suddenly felt that he was thinking too much, even if someone was raped, so what?

The Terrans have fought against the Barbarians for so many years. Among the Terrans, there have been many rapes. It did cause some damage to the Terrans, but it was finally carried over.

In the end, it's just a small person. Even if you want to worry about it, you can't worry about it so much.

What's more, it's just my own speculation, nothing more, no other clues can be found as evidence, even if it is reported, it will not help. Maybe it will only fight against the grass.

After thinking about it, Chen Zong decided to leave here first and try to improve himself.

The situation on the northern front is too large, far beyond the scope of its intervention.

Then, go back to the Mind Heaven Palace first, and then go on to other experiences to break through the Royal Realm to Yuan Ming Realm.

Yuan Ming Realm is a realm much more powerful than Yudao Realm.

Leave and leave.

Soon, Chen Zong flew out of the No. 9 theater and flew outside the Arrow field.

Flying and flying, suddenly, a creepy feeling struck, and a sense of crisis broke out.

A ray of light suddenly shot out from the secret place behind him. It was extremely fast, extremely amazing, and even silent, trying to kill Chen Zong in one shot.

If before, this attack, Chen Zong can absolutely not escape, but can only be resisted with a heart-printed treasure, but now, when that glimmer of light hits, Chen Zong quickly flashes, avoiding the attack, backhand One sword.

Jianguang breaks through the air and kills everything directly, like the mighty thunder of God, opening up the world.

The sword light, like shining in all directions, also showed the figure of the person who secretly shot.

It was a man wearing a black robe. His whole body was covered with his head, and his breath was very strange. He felt completely and could not see who it was.

In this attack, Chen Zong was not killed, or even Chen Zong was not hit. The mysterious black robe man seemed a little surprised. The next breath, a more powerful force broke out and he was killed in one shot.

If the previous hit was the level of one-star combat power in Yuanming Realm, then it is the level of two-star combat power.

The threat of two-star combat power is much better than the one-star combat power.

Lingwu Supreme!

In a hurry, Chen Zong combined the practice of energy training with strength and the practice of physical training with strength into a whole, turning into a more powerful force.

The cultivation of the Ninth Turn Imperial Path Limit and the Nine Changed Divine Body Limit limit, coupled with a higher level of Kendo power and swordsmanship, enabled Chen Zong's combat power to advance rapidly to reach the level of twelve stars. .

Today, the two forces are combined to form a single force, which is more powerful and more powerful, based on the original combat strength.

Burning, burning!

When he died, Chen Zong had eight flames.

During this period of time, Chen Zong successfully cast a heart palace until Dacheng.

The ninth heart is also being cast.

The strong mind makes Chen Zong even more extraordinary in the cultivation of the mind and the thirty-three heavens.

The Eighth Heart Fire directly increased the strength and speed of Bacheng, and although it did not increase so much, it also had several percent.

Power of the sword in the beginning!

Twelve percent of the sword's power increased, and its combat power surged again.


Today, with all the means available, Chen Zong's combat power can only be described as monstrous.

Yuan Mingjing's one-star combat power is not an opponent at all.

However, two-star combat power is much better than one-star combat power.

Wanjian Guizong Sword Tips: The Forest of Mangi!

In a hurry, many dozen-meter sword-qi trees were shot down in the air, directly covering a range of two kilometers, and fell around the black robe man. Each sword-qi tree was related to each other, as if forming a large array. Yes, it is full of suppressive forces.

However, the black robe man's combat power was astonishing. Under the eruption, the sword gas trees around him were directly destroyed.

A dazzling radiance of Jianguang was shot through the void in an instant.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Four!

One shot is the most arrogant sword. The sword is unmatched, and the sword is unparalleled.

The two kilometer kendo area is condensed within this sword, and the Xeon is unmatched.

The heart of the man in black robe was full of shock.

An imperial realm, yes, Chen Zong's cultivation is still at imperial realm level, but such a terrifying combat power can erupt. This sword, even the two-star combat power, feels trembling. .

In this case, there is no need to hide the combat power.

Full combat power!

With a bang, it was like a volcanic eruption. At that moment, the breath layer was rising and skyrocketing, but it was instantaneous, it surpassed the two-star level and reached the three-star level. It did not stop and rushed to the four-star level.

With the outbreak of the four-star combat power, when the combat power is fully opened, it can no longer be hidden.

Chen Zong was suddenly shocked. The breath was fluctuating, and he was a little familiar. He had felt it more than once, but he had an incredible feeling.

Between the light and flint, a thought flashed in my mind, as if the thunder light burst, tearing the darkness.

This person may be the gangster of Battlefield No. 9 that he was looking for, a human general, but the result was beyond Chen Zong's speculation.

It is not a general of snakes or dragons.

"General Qingyun!" Chen Zong's voice sounded, although it was unbelievable, but his tone was full of affirmation, that breath was clearly the breath of General Qingyun.

On the 9th battlefield, there are ten generals. The oldest is General Qingyun. The best-known is General Qingyun. When it comes to fame and so on, it is also General Qingyun. Even General Zhanyun has great respect for General Qingyun.

In the Ninth Theater, General Qingyun's qualifications are the oldest. He has a casual training background and has served in the Ninth Theater for more than a thousand years. It is the longest one and can be regarded as highly respected.

Otherwise, how could he possibly persuade such a stubborn person with General Yunshe's one-star combat ability.

However, now Chen Zong can be sure that the breath he feels is that of General Qingyun, and that it is not a one-star combat power, at least a four-star combat power.

If this is the case, it can only be said that General Qingyun is hiding deeply.

"It really deserves to be the peerless demon of the Heavenly Palace of the Mind, and continue to grow, not inferior to the Northern Wolf." It was still a black robe, but a bit of an old voice sounded. It was the voice of General Qingyun: "No , Your future may exceed that of Sirius Hokkaido. "

"Extreme demon evil, in the future, will add a top powerhouse to the human race, but unfortunately, do not wait for you." General Qingyun continued: "You should not come to the northern front, at least, should not come now."

While talking, the breath of General Qingyun continued to rise, strong!

The breath is breathtaking, and it is so terrible.

"Under the order of the savages, as long as I kill you, I can get a treasure. At that time, Xiu will be further improved, and the combat power will be further enhanced, ha ha ha ha." It seems that thinking of that wonderful result, General Qing Yun laughed.

Chen Zong was depressed.

Fully broke out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Keli battled Yuan Ming Realm with two-star combat power and was undefeated, but beyond two-star combat power, maybe even four-star combat power, which is no longer comparable to himself now .

It looks like the treasures that have just been redeemed will come in handy.

That is the secret of 100,000 battles.

General Qing Yun shrouded in a black robe stabilized and shot instantly.

Behind it, there seemed to be a cyan diffuse, turning into thunderstorms and violently raging in all directions, the terrible destruction of the weather irritated the squares and the four poles, covering an area of ​​10,000 meters.

The breath of astonishment directly hit Chen Zong's body.

Never shot, this momentum alone, but it is about to explode, meteorites within 10,000 meters have been broken and turned into powder.

With a bang, General Qingyun raised his hand and pressed it with a single palm. At that moment, the lonely thunderstorm behind him raged out suddenly, blasting towards Chen Zong without reservation, the vacancies, the storm raging and destroying everything.

Such a blow can easily smash the mountains, even if Chen Zong burst out with full strength, he can't resist, and can only take out the secret treasure.

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