Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 37: Shocked again

That blow, like a thunder, was overwhelming, destroying and destroying everything.

"Dignified people, but willing to be transformed into a demon-savvy running dog, it is not bad to die 10,000 times." A chilling sound suddenly sounded, and then, there was a severe killer, that killer was like the wind of the winter moon. As soon as the icy snow and air appeared, the void around him seemed to be frozen like ice.

Chen Zong was unconsciously stunned, and General Qingyun broke out with a four-star combat force full of powerful attacks that destroyed everything, suddenly a meal, as if frozen, the next breath, but in that burst as if The cold wind of the polar region melted and disintegrated.

The wind blew through, as sharp as a blade, suddenly tearing General Yun's black robe, revealing General Wan's pale and shocked face.


Obviously a strong man has shot, and he is still a strong man that he cannot resist.

General Qingyun was full of consternation. He had been dormant for many years, and shot several times, but he was not exposed. I did not expect this time to be exposed. The consequences of this exposure were either to change his face and leave here, or to rely completely on the demon barbarians.

Either way is bad, but there is no alternative.

However, since this strong man has shot, there is absolutely no reason for General Qing Yun to flee.

The endless chilling and murderous condensate turned into a peerless sword light in front of it, and the sword light was trembling and cold, as if from Jiuyou Hell, and vowed to break Yuyou to tear Jiuxiao.

As soon as Daoguang appeared, the void around him seemed to be blocked and frozen. Chen Zong felt that his body could not move and could only think. General Qingyun's body was flying at a high speed, as if it was anchored by an invisible spider web. Like mosquitoes.

In a hurry, the dreaded sword of the horrible sword killed.


In the vagueness, there seemed to be two words ringing, chanted in the octagonal quadripole.

Hearing those two words, Chen Zong didn't feel anything special, but General Qingyun was full of horror and horrified.

Those two words represent another peerless demon evil, from the peerless demon evil of the eternal battle castle: the sword of hell!

It was before Chen Zong, the person who had been issued a slay order by the demon barbarians originally thought that he had been killed, but he did not expect that he was still alive, and his strength was becoming more and more terrifying.

This is the last thought of General Qingyun.

The blade of light flickered and killed directly, General Qingyun's body and spirits were destroyed one after another.

"Thank you, senior." When the sword was gone, Chen Zong found that he could move again, and he was shocked under his heart. Looking at the body of General Qing Yun, Chen Zong immediately said to Xing Li.

"I will only **** you off the northern front, and afterwards, on your own." A voice sounded as if originating from Jiuyou Purgatory, as if from the depths of the void, and from all directions.

"Thank you senior." Chen Zong said again, and set off again to fly away from Arrow.

There are prison guards and other powerful men secretly defending them. Then, Chen Zong did not encounter any interception.

In fact, in addition to General Qingyun, there are also some human races attempting to assassinate Chen Zong. After all, the reward of the savage slay order is very rich and amazing, and it is extremely heart-warming.

However, without being aware of Chen Zong, they were intercepted by the strong guards who secretly supported Chen Zong arranged by the high level of the northern front.

The reason this time encountered General Qingyun's interception was because other assassinations appeared not long ago, and the protectors dealt with them. Only then was General Qingyun found a hole, but almost, Chen Zong was in crisis.

Fortunately, there was no regret in time, otherwise, if you were like yourself ...

Under the secret protection of the prison sword, no, what should now be called the prison sword king, Chen Zong left the Arrow field.

"Senior, the junior said goodbye." Chen Zong turned and said with a fist behind him.

"Go." It sounded as if from the sound of Jiuyou, and went silent again.

Turning around, Chen Zong flew away quickly.

After a while, an illusory figure appeared and gradually solidified. Numerous black breaths permeated the surroundings, as if wavy in the water, as if the flames were burning. There was an illusory feeling as if it did not exist here, as if hidden in the depths of the void. Reflected again.

Vaguely one of them could be seen, a figure of a person.

"Chen Zong, Tianjiao of the Heavenly Palace, I hope you don't follow in my footsteps." The murmured voice murmured, seemingly with regret, resentment, unwillingness, and finally helpless relief.


Chen Zong was extremely fast, and quickly flew out of Arrow's star field, and stopped when the space was truly stable. Then, he took out a white jade compass.

Suddenly, no wind struck, but long hair fluttered like a flag, robes grinned, and a domineering breath burst from Chen Zong's body.

The mighty power was like the water of a large river flowing incessantly, pouring into the white jade compass, and the lights flashed, and the countless lines on it were activated, as if dancing with a spirit snake.

Almost all the power was poured into it. Immediately, the light on the white jade compass rose to the extreme, and in the next breath, it seemed to explode. Countless white lights impacted in all directions, surrounded the surroundings, and quickly moved between them to build a large array.

Big void moves large arrays!

This is a one-time array that the Great Void transferred to Chen Zong from the heart and moved to a large array. It can stimulate the Large Void to move to a large array in the space-stable void and transfer it to the Heart of Heaven.

The cost of such a one-time array is too high, and even if it is a heavenly palace of mind, it can't produce much. Any one is very precious. It is difficult to get one unless Chen Zongzhan reveals such amazing talents.

There is no doubt that this directly saves a lot of time on the road.

When the white light shrank to a point and disappeared, the array disappeared, and Chen Zong's figure disappeared.

A phantom seems to be condensed into particles and shuttles in the void. The speed exceeds the speed of light countless times, and it seems that it is different from the void, like a parallel line.

However, within a short period of time, a white light suddenly flashed in the large array of minds and heavens. Immediately there were countless rays of light, and a figure appeared in it.

After the white light dissipated, the figure was completely solidified, it was Chen Zong.

However, when the time was short of ten days, he returned from the northern front to the Mind Heaven Palace, directly across two voids and countless star domains. Such power is truly amazing.

Upon returning, Chen Zong immediately went to Yixin Palace to look for Master and Devotion.

"Good." Yixin Daozun carefully looked at Chen Zong for a few moments, feeling a breath, secretly surprised.

How long has it been, but in less than three years, this disciple has returned. Could it be said that he has obtained enough martial arts?

And its repairs have even reached the limit of the imperial realm.

In this way, the breakthrough of Yuan Underworld can already be started.

"Master, the disciples have already obtained enough military exploits." Chen Zong said.

In less than three years, he got 100,000 battles. This speed is really fast.

"Well, show your war command to the division." With all one heart, respect the old god's presence.

At the next breath, the eyes and pupils of Yixindaozhuang contracted like needles.

The total martial arts reached a huge of 600,000.

600,000 battles!

Yixin Daozun looked a few more times because he thought he was dazzled immediately.

In less than three years, it was impossible to obtain 100,000 battle achievements.

Originally, the dedication of Chen Zhongzong to set a goal of 100,000 battles was estimated to take more than ten years. This is a relatively fast situation. If there is any accident, it may take 20 or even 30 years. There is hope.

After all, the other true missions are 10,000 battles, and the elite true missions are 50,000.

But now, in less than three years, Chen Zong has obtained 600,000 battles, which is simply sensational.

Calm down!

Calm down!

Calm down!

With a quick and calm heart, he suddenly thought that since he had accepted this disciple, he would be shocked every time. He should be used to it.

"Well, yes, very good, very happy for the teacher." The calmed down one heart revered and restored the old god's presence: "Come, talk to the teacher over the years of experience, how did you get 600,000 battle achievements . "

In the face of his Master, Chen Zong had nothing to hide, and said things in general.

"Heart demon has appeared again." Frost frowned.

I did not expect that Chen Zong's 600,000 battle achievements were obtained this way. Moreover, Chen Zong's demon seemed to be a little different from what he knew.

Heart fire magic power evolved into heart demon fire magic power.

Think carefully!

"Tuer, don't strike Yuanming Realm first." There was a certain dignified expression in the heart.

Chen Zong's situation was beyond his expectation.


The strong men in Tianyi Temple are all familiar and have dealt with them.

Yixin Daozun's familiarity with the demon can be said to be one of the top few people in the mind of the heavenly palace, but even if he heard the demon described by Chen Zong, he felt a little weird, a bit incredible, and his research and cognition The heart demon seems a little different.

Seems even worse.

Seems more intelligent.

"The Yuanming Realm is a gathering for the Yuanshen. When the Yuanshen is agglomerated, it is very likely that the demon will find an opportunity to invade." With one heart and respect, said solemnly, "If the Yuanshen is completely invaded by the demon, it will be Great trouble, it is very likely to be completely controlled by the demon. "

After Chen Zong originally planned to return to Xintian Temple ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he set out to break through the Yuan Ming Realm. Now it seems that it doesn't work.

"You should go back to rest first and wait for the master to ask the master before you will know you." Yixin Daozun said: "In addition, you must also be prepared to leave the title of Tianbei."

"Yes, Master, by the way, Master, the disciples want to check Brother Li Hanchao's heart lamp." Chen Zong said, this is to confirm Brother Li Hanchao's life and death.

Zhongxin Dao nodded his head, informed him, and let Chen Zong go to check it by himself. As for himself, he was looking for the master of the heavenly palace. This situation of Chen Zong was unexpected and he could not judge accurately. Only by asking the Lord.

Chen Zong walked out of the heart palace and went directly to the heart lamp. As a result, Li Hanchao's heart lamp was still burning, and he couldn't help returning to his palace, thinking about it.

The original plan was to break through the practice to reach the Yuan Ning Realm, so that the combat power was strengthened, but now it is not working, at least, it is not suitable for breakthrough at present.

So, how can we make a breakthrough?


The obstacle to break through is the demon.

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