Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 38: Tian Bei Title

Chen Zong was called, and he was called by a master.

Yixin Daozun has informed that the master who is about to meet is the first master of the heavenly palace of the mind, and the word of mind is the title of the master: the master of the mind!

Chen Zong was a little unbelievable. The old man with white robes and white hair in front of him had a face with a kind look, which was the name of the conscious mind of the Void, and the title of the first Lord of the Void.

However, the words of Yixindaozhuang and the memory of the sword master of Dongting let Chen Zong clearly know that the old man who looks like the old man next door is indeed the master of the mind.

At that time, when the master of the Dongting sword achieved the master level, he was full of spirits, challenged everywhere, and finally challenged the master of the mind, but was defeated by the sword of the master of mind.

It was also that terrible defeat that caused the owner of the Dongting sword to fall into the capricorn. In order to further strengthen himself, he began to attack the void Kendo source and forcibly intercepted a short section. As a result, the Kendo source turned back and it appeared. Follow-up tragedy.

Standing in front of the Lord of Minds, when the eyes of the Minds Master gazed at him, Chen Zong had the feeling of being thoroughly seen inside and out, as if all secrets were exposed under the eyes of the other party, and there was nothing left shape.

After a while, the masters of the mind of the mind just restrained, but frowned slightly, without talking, thinking.

The one-hearted respect on the side could not help but be surprised.

Couldn't even the Lord of mind be helpless?

"Well, your demon is extraordinary." The lord of the mind spoke, but in his old voice there was a breath like a clear spring and flowing water like a clear breeze and a bright moon. Immediately people felt that all all thoughts were there It disappeared without a trace in an instant, the whole person was calm, and his thinking was extremely clear.

What kind of power is this?

At that time, I did not feel this way when I heard the Extreme Sword Master's discussion on the sword. This also shows that the Lord of Mind is a more powerful Lord than the Extreme Sword Master. Every word and deed seems to represent the mystery of the road.

"Master, is there no way?" Yixin Daozun asked, worried.

"Well, this demon, I ca n’t see any origin for a while." The lord of the mind groaned, and then looked at Chen Zong again: "So, when you want to break through the Yuan Ning Realm, you can go to the South Void Holy Land in all directions Shenyan Mountain and his party, I will meet with the Lord of the Flames of the God of Flames and let you enter the furnace of the Flames of the God of Flames to break through.

"Our flame flame oven?" Chen Zong said puzzled.

"Our flames of flames!" Exclaimed from the heart, it seemed that it was something extraordinary.

Chen Zong knew that it was a sacred place on the same level as the Eternal Battle Fortress and the Mind Heaven Palace. Of course, on the whole, it was somewhat inferior to the Mind Heaven Palace, but it would not be much different from the Eternal Battle Fortress.

"In addition, this curse of curse will be used as a backhand." The mind of the master closed his hands with a black curse that seemed to be all over the body, and immediately fell into Chen Zong's Shenhai. He paused in Shenhai and remained motionless.

"Go to the title Tianbei." The owner of the heart laughed.

"Thank you, Lord." Zundao saluted quickly.

"Thank you Master." Chen Zong also followed the salute.

"Well, the little guy cultivates well, I am optimistic about you." The owner of the heart smiled slightly, his face full of peace, like an old man strolling in the world without a fight.


The title Tianbei is a mysterious treasure. The mysterious treasure brought from the depths of the void can be recognized by giving its name on it, giving it some kind of favor.

From ancient times to the present, anyone who can leave a title on the title monument can surpass those disciples without a title.

Well, it seems to be a kind of intangible favor of luck. It is not clear what the road is, but people who have been recognized can feel the benefits. As for what kind of benefits, it seems to be different.

Led by Xinxindao, Chen Zong came to the title Tianbei.

It was a huge monument of unknown material. The monument stood on the earth, pointing directly at the sky, and above it was a mighty cloud.

Many monuments are recorded on the monument. They have always been the titles of the true legends of the Tiangong elite.

In order to obtain the title, you must first become an elite true biography, and be truly listed in the fifth house, then you are eligible to get the title. After completing the test, you can burn the title yourself on the monument.

The title that is burned will be divided by Tianbei, and the title will be divided into different levels.

As for how to divide the high and low, it is based on individual talent potential and so on.

Burning the title yourself is the direct contact with Tianbei, which will allow Tianbei to verify its talent and potential.

The principle is very subtle and indescribable.

Standing in front of this huge black monument, Chen Zong had an indescribable sense of insignificance, as if he was as small as dust.

The eyes condense and stare away. The titles on the monument are clearly visible and can be divided into four levels.




Iron color!

The color of the title font is not affected by the blackness of the monument itself and is very clear.

The iron-colored title font looks mediocre, the copper-colored title font is a bit more meteorological, but it is not obvious, but the silver-colored title font has a strong meteorological content in it, surrounded by it, Deducing a certain mystery.

The golden title font is the most intense, intense, and lifelike, as if it is about to spray out.

Chen Zong also found that there were not many golden titles, the rarest of which were less than ten, only eight.

Ranked first is the Master of Mind. When Chen Zong carefully stared at the four words of Master of Mind, it seemed as if there was a masterpiece of the golden light, the mind came, and it became a world of its own, mysterious to the extreme.

In the second place, it is the four words with respect to one heart.

Chen Zong was startled. The title of Master was so high that he ranked second. This shows that his talent and potential are the second in the heavenly palace.

Of course, once dead, the title will be hidden on the monument and can not be seen.

Chen Zong saw a familiar title: The North Wolf.

This title is the title of Master Luo Beichuan, ranking fourth.

The four golden title fonts of the north wolf Sirius permeated a sense of arrogance.

Withdrawing his gaze, Chen Zong stood under the title sky monument, concentrating his mind.

To burn the title of Tianbei, you need to adjust your status to burn in the best state.

Because there is only one chance, if the title is high or low because of not good enough, there is no chance to come back.

Before breathing, Chen Zong adjusted his spirit and spirit to the extreme, and immediately, all fighting power broke out.

The title of Tianbei is like a fierce battle with the strong, and there is no room for hesitation. You should do your best.

Single mindedness!

Lingwu Supreme!

Yae heart fire!

Power of the sword in the beginning!

When Chen Zong erupted, one side of Daxinzhuang suddenly froze, his eyes widened, and there was a shock in his heart that he couldn't say.

What magic power is that?

Actually, the power of practicing Qi training and refining training was merged into a new and more powerful force.

Yixin Dao Zun is the fourth strongest person who is in the power of the gods. It is extraordinary. You can feel the change of Chen Zong in an instant.

The heart fire has eight majors. In other words, Chen Zong has cultivated the thirty-three heavens of the mind to the eighth heaven, and has forged eight Dacheng heart palaces.

There is also a force that is extremely sharp, which is obviously the power belonging to the spirit body, so overbearing, it is not an ordinary spirit body.



This disciple seems to really bring shock to himself again and again.

Such a means, such a supernatural power, such a talent, such a potential, I do not know how much can I rank on the title sky monument?

Jianguang flashed suddenly, as dazzling as the real sun, and immediately stabbed to the title sky monument.

Under the eyes of Chen Zong's cohesiveness, the title Tianbei seems to have become a peerless powerhouse, a powerful enemy, and he must do all he can to compete with it.

A sword pierced, the sword dazzled to the extreme, and exhausted Chen Zong's essence of kendo.

The sword tip of the extremely heartless sword fell on the title sky monument, but felt an amazing tenacity, and the heavy resistance fell on the sword front, making the sword front seem to freeze instantly.

The sword moves!

There seemed to be an extremely harsh sound, and the sword stabbed on the title sky monument was drawn to the side.




At this moment, Chen Zong himself entered a highly concentrated state, forgetting everything, and only continued to send out his sword, recording his own title on the title sky monument.

Each sword condenses the essence of Chen Zong's kendo, and casts it without reservation, as if his kendo has turned into a flame, and the flames are burning, becoming stronger and stronger.

Dedicated to the side, Daozun became more and more surprised. His disciple ’s kendo is very brilliant, far superior to other imperial realms, and even many sword repairs in the Yuanming Realm may not be compared with him in Kendo accomplishments .

Sword light is like rain, like a waterfall, like a deep valley, like a star. It has both strength and speed, and mysterious skills.

It was as if the Grand Master of Calligraphy had splashed the ink, the first word of the title appeared on the monument.


Chen Zong's title was Wushuang, so Chen Zong needed to write the words Wushuang in it.

After burning, Tianbei will make some changes based on the talent and potential of the burner ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

After the first character was painted, Chen Zong immediately started to paint the second character.

A body of power, constantly consumed with the sword, is more than a hundred times the usual, pouring out like a torrent that opens the gate.

If the strength is not enough, and even incomplete characterization may occur, the overall evaluation will undoubtedly decrease.

The last sword, as if the last stroke of God, suddenly swiped down to the right, and the two words were completed, like a dragon flying.

The word Wushuang appeared on the title monument immediately.

After the portrayal was completed, Chen Zong's breath quickly fell, but his eyes gazed at the word Wushuang on the title stele, full of expectations.

In the next breath, the word Wushuang disappeared, and it seemed to sink into the sky monument. The entire sky monument shook slightly, and a roaring sound gradually rang out in the beginning. The world is the same, extremely fierce and mighty.

Such a fierce vibration, making a roar of sound, the title of the sky monument, seems to be rising from the ground, rushing to the sky to break through the sky, and also attracted the attention of many powerful men in the heavenly palace.

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