Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 44: Sake party

(Second more, continue to work hard and try again later)

"The true biography of Xinyi Tiangong has already entered Longyan Cave. He is said to have requested it himself."

"Ha ha ha ha, I really don't know the heights and heights of the earth, and even took the initiative to enter Longyan Cave. I admire his courage."

"I'm afraid he doesn't know the power of Longyan Cave yet, but now he should have realized it."

The news that Chen Zong entered Longyan Cave was directly spread without any concealment, and was known by many people in the Flame Mountain of Wancai.

The one who knows is the gloating smile.

"Well, what about the disciples of the Tianyi Temple?" Chi Mei sneered sneerly. This time, one of the qualifications to enter the Oven Flame Flame Oven belongs to himself, and no one can take it away.

Because every time the flames of the Oven of Flames are turned on, at most only three people can enter. Originally, there should be a great chance for him, but now because of the relationship between Chen Zong, he may be replaced. Who will let him in Among the true disciples of Divine Flame Mountain, he just ranked third.

If it is ranked second or first, there is no such doubt.

"Naughty, it's almost nonsense." After the elder Long Lie got the news, he was so angry that Fu Jiang arranged to move Chen Zong into Lingyan Pavilion.

Although the opponent will not be so easily qualified to enter the Oven of Flames, but they can also start from other aspects.

What never happened was that Chi Mei was so bold.

Although entering the Longyan Cave will not be life-threatening, it will also be wounded, and may even cause serious trauma, which will affect subsequent practice and take a lot of time to recover.

If not, this will cause dissatisfaction with the Mind Heaven Palace and cause some unnecessary disputes. After all, Chen Zong's identity in the Mind Heaven Palace may be different.

Chimei is a disciple of Master Tian Yanfeng. Naturally, it is necessary to find Master Tian Yanfeng.

"Anyway, young people should suffer some hardships before they can become talents." Tian Yanfeng, sitting high on the throne of flames, said absently, but the tone contained an indescribable hegemony: "If it is that You have opinions, you can tell me in person. "

Yixindao is indeed famous and very strong, but he is not weak, especially now, his combat strength has been further enhanced. It is expected that he will not be inferior to that Yixindao.

That being the case, why fear it?

Moreover, if the single-minded Taoist really fights against himself, he can only say that he is too young.

Although Longyan Cave is a bit dangerous, it is also a very good place to sharpen. It can make young people suffer a bit, knowing that there are people outside of heaven and others. You must be humble and retreat when you understand the difficulties.

This is the idea of ​​Master Tian Yanfeng. Of course, the biggest idea is his disciples' red eyebrows. Therefore, he must not lose the opportunity to enter this time.

Elder Long Lie had no choice but to leave.

Fortunately, Longyan Cave is not fatal.


"The reception is about to begin. Did you get an invitation?"

"I may not be qualified."

"I was invited."

A few days later, there was less discussion about Chen Zong and Long Yandong, and other discussions took place: the wine party!

"The wine brewed by the second elder brother is not qualified for tasting. Without enough patience, it is impossible to receive an invitation."

"I'm really envious. I also seem to taste the fine wine made by Brother Er."


"Second Brother, I have already sent out the invitation." The young man in a red robe, respectfully stood in front of a long-haired young man sitting idle, wearing a gold red robe, and said respectfully.

"Well." The young man with a relaxed attitude held the wine gourd in one hand and sipped it, seeming to have an endless aftertaste: "It seems someone lived in Longyan Cave."

"Yes." The young man immediately made the case clear.

"Oh, Brother Red Eyebrow, I really care about these." The second brother shook his head and smiled: "So, you send an invitation to this Chen Zong, and invite him to join my reception, I also Make peace once and resolve this grudge between him and Brother Chimei. "

"Yes, second brother."


In Longyan Cave, Chen Zong has lived in for a few days, and I really understand what the so-called violent Longyan breath is all about.

Usually, the breath of Longyan is in a peaceful state, and it continues to emit amazing enthusiasm. Even if it is blocked by itself, it cannot completely prevent its infiltration. There will always be a trace of traces entering the body, which is suppressed by Chen Zong. Breath of flame.

The breath of flame also continuously absorbed the breath of dragon inflammation, constantly enhanced and strengthened, the more powerful and the more pure, the hidden power, the more powerful and amazing.

Vaguely, there is a kind of momentum to get rid of Chen Zong's repression, but it is still suppressed by Chen Zong.

Yesterday, the explosion of Longyan Cave in Longyan Cave broke out for no reason, and became strong and directly violent, as if the calm sea suddenly turned into the sea in a storm and rain, extremely fierce and devastating.

These outbreaks were caught off guard without any warning.

Fu Jiang also said this. There is no regularity for the violent behavior of Longyan Cave. It may be violent only once in a few days, or it may be violent many times in one day.

Under the fury, the breath of dragon inflammation directly increased tenfold power and broke through the blockade of Chen Zong himself, like a violent wave, pouring into Chen Zong's body.

The repressed flame breath will be exploded when it is more tractioned, and the repression of Chen Zong's **** body will be crazy, as if to destroy this arrogant body.

Chen Zong exploded all the power of the world deities before suppressing this violent flame again.

But I felt a little tired.

Fortunately, one's own cultivation has reached the extreme of the imperial realm, and even if he re-cultivates, he cannot grow a little bit, unless it is a breakthrough cultivation.

However, now breaking through the practice is to impact the Yuan Underworld.

Therefore, Chen Zong does not practice exercises and so on, but can learn the mystery of swords and so on here.

The rage of Longyan Cave will not continue, but after a period of time, it ended, Chen Zong also relieved, it is indeed not easy to resist.

However, Chen Zong also found that after resisting the violent impact of that dragon's scent, his world deity seemed to have been tempered and tightened.

The shadow of the world under the world avenue seems to have become more solid.

in danger!

However, there are some benefits.

The second rage came suddenly, and even Chen Zong's perception of Superman did not feel any aura.

The flame of flame in the body was spurred again, and broke out again, even more violent than before, because the last rage of dragon inflammation breathed a considerable part into the flame, making the flame breath. Become stronger.

This is accumulation, continuous accumulation. When accumulation reaches the extreme, it is difficult for Chen Zong to continue to suppress it.

Once it breaks out, it will be very scary.

When it can't be suppressed, that kind of power can't be described, Chen Zong doesn't know if he can handle it.

Finally, with the power of the world's deities, the raging flame breath was suppressed again.

The atmosphere inside Longyan Cave once again restored peace.

Chen Zong exhaled a long breath, the breath was extremely hot, as if a flame real dragon was breathing, rolled up the dragon's inflammation innumerable.

After suppressing it again, Chen Zong also felt his body, and seemed to be tempered again.

Of course, this promotion is very subtle, after all, your own cultivation has reached the extreme of the divine realm.

In addition to the world **** body being sharpened and tempered, a Taijian Jianyuan has also been sharpened and tempered, a little more pure, and go hand in hand with the cultivation of the body.

Suddenly, Chen Zong thought of a problem, a very important one that must be faced.


The first step is to communicate with the gods. The practice of Qi is called Yudaojing, and the practice of refining is called Shenjing, or it is called Xiaocheng.

The second level of communication with the Divine Realm is the Yuanming Realm, and the refining realm is also the Divine Realm, but it is called the Divine Realm Dacheng.

At the level of the Divine Realm, the breakthroughs of Qi training and refining are different.

For example, from the sub-level breakthrough to the Tongjing Realm, you can only choose to practice Qi or refine the body to become a major, but Chen Zong at the same time broke through the practice of Qi and physical training at the same time, resulting in a significant increase in Tongjing Realm It turned into a super polar terrible disaster, terrifying.

Now, Chen Zong faces such a problem again.

The second most important aspect of psychic realm is its breakthrough, which is also an option.

This is because the second aspect of Qi training in the Divine Realm is for the Yuan Ming Realm, and the difference between the Yuan Ming Realm and the Royal Tao Realm is to condense the Yuan Shen.

Yuanshen is the re-integration of his own spirit and spirit, and reintegration into the avenue of his own understanding and mastery, which is equivalent to accommodating everything in his own body, and settled together with the spirit and soul into one.

However, the mastery of the divine body in the refining aspect is completely opposite to the imperial realm. It is to disperse the Yuanshen into the body, and its purpose is ultimately to immortalize the body.

It can be said that the breakthroughs in practicing qi and refining have taken very different paths.

Practicing Qi and condensing the Yuanshen, refining the body and merging the Yuanshen, the opposite is true, only one of them can be chosen.

How to choose?

Chen Zong is thinking.

According to Chen Zong's own plan, it is necessary not to drop Qi and refining the body, after all, this is the case when he breaks through ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The same is true for the spiritual martial arts derived from his own ability.

Chen Zong has profoundly realized the benefits of practicing Qi and refining the body and should not give up.

So, how can we break through both Qi training and refining?


Chen Zong quickly thought.

"Yuanshen!" Chen Zong suddenly said to himself.

The focus of the breakthrough lies on the Primordial God.

If you have two Yuanshen, you can both break through and become a major at the same time, and step into the second level of Tongshen Realm.

Chen Zong began to think about the feasibility of having two Yuanshen.

"The Construction of the Primordial ..."

The structure of the Yuanshen is its own spirit, spirit, and avenue, which encompasses everything in itself.

So now, let's further temper your own spirit and let your own spirit grow further.

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