Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 45: Yu Xulong

(Third, please ask for a monthly ticket. I have to wash and go to bed. Good night.)

Talks about martial arts, tastings, wine talks, etc. These are all kinds of gatherings spread among the true disciples of the Flame Mountain Mountain Masters. They are initiated by one of the prestigious true disciples and invite other outstanding true disciples to come. Participation was initially a simple gathering, but it slowly evolved later, evolving in size and becoming somewhat formal.

Among them, the sister-in-law martial arts meeting and the second brother's drinking party are the largest, the most authoritative, and the most popular. Many true disciples want to participate, but unfortunately, there are not many invitations. Is just a small part of many true disciples.

The total number of disciples in Wanshan Divine Flame Mountain is far better than Xintiangong. After all, the disciples of Xintiangong are all unique in their mental strength before they are qualified to become true biography. The selection is more stringent, leading to many talents. Practitioners have no reason to stay in the Heavenly Palace of Mind.

The mind is strong, and this level has blocked many excellent practitioners.

Although Wanzhan Shenyan Mountain also requires sufficient talents, it is not as harsh as Mind Temple.

Therefore, the number of true disciples of Wanshan Shenyanshan is at least double that of Xintiangong, and even more.

According to Chen Zong's knowledge, there are thousands of true disciples in Xinyi Tiangong, but there are tens of thousands of true disciples in Shenyan Mountain, which is estimated to be tens of thousands. Of course, this is only Chen Zong's estimation.

Even if some of them go to the northern front and go out to practice, there are thousands of people who stay in Shenyan Mountain.

However, only a few dozen people have been invited to the reception and are eligible to participate.


Chen Zong was also invited, and he was very curious.

The delicious wine brewed by the second true biography of Wanyan Shenyanshan Royal Road Realm seems to be very famous in Shenyanshan. Of course, Chen Zong, who likes to taste wine, will certainly have a great appeal.

go with!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong made a decision, and left the Longyan Cave on the day when the reception started.

At this point, in the Longyan Cave, Chen Zong has withstood the five violent impacts of the dragon's breath, and the flame power accumulated in his body almost broke out, but he was suppressed by the world gods.

However, the intensity of the outbreak was better than once. Now, most of the flame breath accumulated in the body on the road of fire has been replaced with the breath of dragon inflammation.

The breath of Dragon Flame is stronger than that of Flame.

If this goes on, Chen Zong does not know how many times he can suppress it?

The place where the reception was held was a peak named Yulong Peak on the Shenyan Mountain in Wancai.

Wanyan Shenyan Mountain is an ancient and huge **** mountain that is better than the formation. There are many peaks on it, large and small, high and low, and thousands of them.

Among them, there are three tallest, which respectively represent the three veins of Shenyan Mountain.

In addition, most of the mountain peaks are Dongfu, Dongfu for elders and Dongfu for some powerful true disciples.

As the second true biography of Yu Dao Jing, Yu Xulong naturally also has his own cave house and mountain peaks, which he named Yulong Peak.

In the Jade Dragon Peak, a garden was artificially cut out on a huge platform. Many fiery red flowers were planted in the garden, and each plant was closed with the same buds.

When Chen Zong came here, he saw that all other true disciples had arrived, sitting in the middle of the garden, surrounded by flowers.

Eyes gazed at him, falling on Chen Zong's face and body, as if to see Chen Zong through.

"Who is this person?"

"It doesn't seem to be us.

The robes of the disciples of Shenyan Mountain are basically reddish as a base and supplemented with other colors, but Chen Zong's robes are silvery white. Compared with the reddish red here, it looks very sharp and very sharp. , Very clear.

It's as eye-catching as Wan Lu from a little red.

"He is the true biography from the Heavenly Palace of Mind and Heart, and the purpose is precisely the furnace of the mysterious flames of the mysterious mountain of our **** Yanshan." Someone sneered.


"You want to enter the Oven of Flames."

"What a joke."

"An outsider, what qualifications do you have."

All the real stories have changed greatly. Before, some of them just returned from the outside, while others just came out of the customs and did not know about it. Now when they hear it, they immediately express their inner dissatisfaction.

"If you have the qualifications, then what? It is said that this is the result of the negotiation between the high-level minds of the Heavenly Palace and our high-level Shenshan mountain, and it is not something we can change." Being persecuted has to obey the same.

This tone and tone immediately aroused the hearts of others.

For a while, Chen Zong could feel a strong breath coming towards him, and that breath would constantly impact himself, with a strong rejection and anger.

"Get out, get out of Shenyan Mountain."

"Get out of the Shenyan Mountain, you can't slay the Shenyan Oven."

"Get out!"

A true story expresses his anger, and some even get up directly and burst into a tyrannical atmosphere. The body seems to be flaming with flames. The whole person seems to be a fireman, exuding an amazing breath fluctuation.

Chen Zong frowned slightly, which was not a good sign.

The purpose of my coming here is to break into the realm of the **** of flames and reach the second level of the gods, to have a higher self-cultivation and stronger combat power.

However, Chen Zong has also been mentally prepared. The true disciples of Wanshan Shenyanshan will certainly make themselves difficult, so now, it can be considered a kind of difficult.

Ignoring the clamor and exclusion of this group of people, Chen Zongjing walked forward.

If they dare to take the shot, Chen Zong will not sit still, just as Master Yixinxindao said, don't take the initiative to cause trouble, but if the other party is aggressive and aggressive, then it can't fall into the prestige of Xintiangong.

As long as you don't kill people, what other consequences are there, the mind Tiangong can afford.

Seeing Chen Zong's rejection, not only did he not leave, but he dared to continue. Some of them immediately became furious, and a group of flames gathered around his body, burning more than ever, releasing a terrifying heat and destroying everything. Breath.

At any time, he will attack Chen Zong, but Chen Zong, if he has not seen it, will take care of himself.

Suddenly, a group of flames condensed to the extreme, rolling up an astonishing whistling sound, twirling violently from the front, like a meteorite bombardment, carrying the terrible high temperature that burned everything and the amazing rage that broke everything.

When Jianshi was a mountain, the blazing flame broke directly.

Such a blow may seem surprisingly powerful, but it is nothing, at best it is only a nine-star combat level, even if it is ten times stronger, there is no threat to Chen Zong in the slightest.

After that blow was directly crushed by Chen Zongyi sword, more arrogant breath exploded.

"Stop it." A soft drink sounded suddenly, but it contained terrible power, as if the wind and thunder rolled wildly like a sky fire, and suddenly, the force that was about to erupt also stopped and then dissipated.

It seemed like the kind of tense breath before, but it was just an illusion.

A firelight shone, and at the same time, the surrounding fire-red buds swayed and bloomed.

At that moment, the incredibly hot air permeated from each blooming flower, filling it all around, as if turning into a fiery storm.

At a glance, thousands of dense red flowers were in full bloom, extremely gorgeous, that kind of red, turned into a world-like, there is an indescribably magnificent, straight to the soul.


Even Chen Zong, who had seen more beautiful scenery, was instantly stunning.


Thousands of fiery red flowers, like countless flames burning, bring a very shocking feeling.

Countless flames of flowers are shining, and the light is diffused, and converges in the mid-air. A high-pitched and fiery dragon yells. Suddenly, a kilometer-long flame dragon appears in the mid-air.

The flame dragon dance refined in the sky, hovering around, and after making a burst of dragon groaning, it fell straight from the sky and fell on a huge seat, as if the flame was burning.

It's like a throne!

The kilometer flame dragon was shot down and submerged into the throne, and the fierce rays of light shone in all directions, making people unable to open their eyes.

When the flame dragon disappeared, a figure wearing a flame gilt robe appeared on it, and the robe was surrounded by flame dragon patterns, which was lifelike.

This man looks like a young man, like the stars' eyes glowing slightly, his face like a crown jade, it is a handsome and handsome man.

"See second elder brother."

The crowd reacted and got up to salute.

Obviously, these two brothers have a high status in their minds.

"You don't need to be courteous." Yu Xulong smiled slightly, a red folding fan appeared in his hand, opened it with a brush, and a flame of real dragon on it came to life, as if to fly out: "You can come to the reception, It is my pleasure to taste the wine I brew. "

"Second Brother is very polite."

"It is our blessing to taste the fine wine brewed by Brother Er personally."

"Yeah ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The fine wine brewed by the second elder brother can be encountered but not sought."

The true storytellers also laughed, with a bit of praise.

Facing this flattery, Yu Xulong smiled, and seemed to enjoy it. Immediately, his eyes swept away and fell on Chen Zong, because Chen Zong was the only person who didn't talk or tout. It's also because Chen Zong's silver-white robe is very conspicuous and very eye-catching, which is in stark contrast to the fiery red here.

"This, isn't it Chen Chen Zong, an elite true disciple of the Heavenly Palace?" Yu Xulong smiled warmly and roundly.

In fact, he already knew Chen Zong already, otherwise how could people make invitations.

"It's Chen." Chen Zong responded with a smile, and other true disciples showed up.

"Bold, what's your attitude?"

"Who do you think you are? How dare you talk to Brother Er?"

"Being invited by Brother Er to come to the reception, that's an opportunity you haven't been able to get for a hundred years. Don't hurry to thank Brother Er."

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