Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 46: Don't drink this wine

(The first one, the last day of the double monthly pass, please ask for a monthly pass)



Dozens of true stories are directed at Chen Zong, which is a bit more fierce than just.

On the flame-like throne, Yu Xulong was smiling, and he didn't seem to see the smoke-filled scene in front of him.

"Okay." For a while, without seeing Chen Zong's unusual look, Yu Xulong was disappointed in his heart, and he stopped this crusade and rejection with a voice: "Far away is a guest, let alone mind For the VIPs of the Tiangong Palace, although my Yuxu Dragon has a little ability, but I have not reached the point where it can rush out of the Shenyan Mountain and affect the mind of the Heavenly Palace. "

As if they were laughing at themselves, but insinuating something in the sand.

"Brother Chen was able to come to my drinking party, and Yumou felt honored and prosperous." Yu Xulong shook the fan gently, and said personably.

"I always love fine wine. Thank you for your invitation." Chen Zong smiled slightly and sat down in an empty seat.

This position is a little distance from others, it seems that those people are not willing to be close to Chen Zong, collective exclusion is general.

"It turns out that Brother Chen is also a fellow in the same profession." Yu Xulong seemed to find a confidant, and his eyes burst with a touch of light: "So, I will introduce these wines first."

Having said that, the fan was closed, and a confident smile hanged at the corner of the mouth: "My wine is divided into three types, which can also be regarded as three levels."

"The first type of wine, called Sanhualing Yanjiu, is made from quince, ground lava and lava flowers, supplemented by millennia volcanic spring water through twelve processes and precipitated for 100 years. The taste is unique, and it can temper its own strength. "Yu Xulong said eloquently, and all the disciples who seemed to pass the truth seemed to cooperate with each other and exclaim.

"The second wine is named Liuhuaxuanyan wine. On the basis of Sanhua Lingyan wine, three other elixir-like fire properties are added. Four processes, brewed for five hundred years, and its taste and efficacy are better than Sanhualingyan wine. "

"The third kind of wine is a proud new work I took ten years to study, Jiuhuatianyan wine." Yu Xulong's face appeared indescribably proud.

"Jiuhuatianyan wine is based on Liuhuaxuanyan wine, and then added Shenhua, which incorporates two ice attributes, Shenhua, which not only does not weaken its effectiveness, but further enhances it, and tastes like ice and fire. Very unique. "

With some introduction, everyone has already salivated.

Chen Zong also felt that the wine bug in his belly seemed to be calling, and there was an urge to taste it.

"Second Brother, how can you have me without such good wine?" A loud laugh sounded and came from a distance. Immediately, I saw two figures passing by like thunder and lightning, and fell to the crowd. before.

The one who spoke was Chi Mei.

"Three brothers."

"It's three brothers."

"Meet three brothers."

All the true disciples got up and saluted.

In addition to the red eyebrow, the golden crested emperor Liujiang also followed.

"Sisters, brothers and sisters are free." Chimei waved her hands, and her red eyebrows were raised, and she immediately looked at Yu Xulong. Liujiang. "

"I've seen Brother Er." In front of Yu Xulong, Di Liujiang also looked more modest.

"It is indeed the first day of the first ancient tribe, and it is truly extraordinary." Yu Xulong could vaguely feel the breath of Di Liujiang, and immediately laughed: "Sit down and taste the fine wine I made by myself."

"My wine bug in my belly, I can't hold it any longer." Di Liujiang laughed.

"I'll make you happy after a while." Yu Xulong opened the fan again and smiled gently. "But before that, there was a small grudge. No, it should be misunderstood to clarify."

Everyone followed the eyes of Yu Xulong and concentrated on Chen Zong. The eyes of Chimei and Di Liujiang fell on Chen Zong.

"Brother Chen, I heard that you live in Longyan Cave now?" Yu Xulong smiled slightly, and asked with concern.

"Longyan Cave!"

"Is that the Longyan Cave?"

Some true stories don't know this.

"Longyan Cave has been abandoned for many years and is not suitable for living." Yu Xulong also said: "I don't know that Brother Chen has been in it, how many times has Longyan breath been violent?"

"Five times," Chen Zongbu responded.

"Oh, five times. Brother Chen is really powerful. My **** Yanshan also once challenged the violentness of Longyan Cave. Generally, I can't bear just three or four times. I didn't expect that Brother Chen has already sustained five times. Yu Xulong was a little surprised: "However, the violentness of the dragon's scent is better than once. According to the speculation of the Supreme Master of Shenyanshan, nine times is the upper limit."

In this case, Chen Zong's eyes were instantly frozen for a moment, as usual.

"Brother Chen, I can use all my powers to clear out Tian Yan and let Brother Chen live in. I can also allow Brother Chen to taste three kinds of wine. Only Chen Brother needs to do one thing." Yu Xulong The folding fan closed, and fell gently on the left palm: "I know that Brother Chen came here for the God Flame Oven of My God Yanshan, but Brother Chen How much do you know? "

"No," Yu Xulong said to himself, without giving Chen Zong a chance to respond: "The Magnificent Flame Oven is the highest secret place of the Magnificent Flame Mountain of My Calm, and the cultivation of my Spirit Flame Mountain, There are unspeakable benefits. Of course, Brother Chen can also gain benefits by practicing in it, but relatively speaking, he cannot compare with the people of Shenyan Mountain. "

"After all, Brother Chen does n’t have the unique skills and mysterious powers of My Divine Flame Mountain. The benefits I can get in the Oven of Divine Flame are very limited. Only the effect of purification and cultivation is left. In this case, it is better to drink a few more. The glass of wine is real. "

"As long as Brother Chen declares that the resources have given up the opportunity to enter the Oven of Flames, not only can he live in the Tianyan House higher than Lingyan Pavilion, but he can also enjoy the fine wine, and I can also take the initiative and send a clean spirit To Brother Chen. "

There are many flames in the flames of God, and some flames have unique effects, such as that of Qinglingjingyan, whose role is to purify one's own power and make oneself more pure.

"Sorry, the flame flame oven, I must enter." Chen Zong said, shaking his head firmly.

"Say shame on your face." Red eyebrows suddenly angered, red eyebrows raised, and burst into a fiery flame, full of anger, it seemed to burn.

"Brother Chen, one more friend and one more road, don't be too big for a small loss." Yu Xulong also frowned.

"You don't understand." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji responded.

Indeed, if the effect of the Oven Flame Flame Oven on itself is only to purify its power, it is not necessary to run for thousands of miles.

Mainly because I want to break into the Yuan Ming Realm, in order to prevent the attack of the demon.

That is crucial, nothing can be changed, unless it is a means or secret treasure that can resist the demon like the furnace of the flames of all disasters.

But how amazing are those secret treasures, how could Yuxu Long come up with them.

"Toasting and not eating, want to eat punishment." Red eyebrows became increasingly angry, a long hair without wind automatically.

"Brother Chen, there really is no room for discussion." Yu Xulong also sank, and a little more angry in his voice.

"It seems that this fine wine has nothing to do with me. Don't drink it." Chen Zong shook his head and turned to leave.

Although I like to taste fine wine, some wine can be drunk, and some wine can't be drunk. Drinking Yuxulong's wine is equivalent to short mouth.

In this case, don't drink it.

"Well, think of yourself."

"When the Yanyan breath of Longyan Cave is violent to the ninth time, he will know what it means to regret it."

"This person, I really don't know."

"If you don't know people's hearts, then die in Longyan Cave."

Disciples have been scolded and even talked hard.

Out of the garden, Chen Zongyukong flew up, left Yulong Peak, and flew towards Long Yanfeng.

Longyan Cave is located in Longyan Peak. As for Lingyan Pavilion, it is located in Lingyan Peak, which is adjacent to each other.

Returning to Long Yanfeng and entering Long Yan Cave, Chen Zong was thinking about the words that Yu Xulong said.

Nine times!

Longyan Cave's breath is violent nine times in Longyan Cave. It seems to mean the upper limit, or other meanings?

Of course, Chen Zong can also choose not to live in Longyan Cave, but Long Yanfeng is not small, and he can completely eat and sleep, but it will be a shame to do so.

It doesn't matter how shameful it is, but it will lose the reputation of the heavenly palace.

This is also the second most important thing. In fact, Chen Zong also felt the benefits from Longyan Cave.

That is tempering, tempering itself.

Perhaps it is because of the World Avenue and the World Deities that they can get benefits that are hard for others to get.

Of course, the true legends of the Flame Mountain of Wanjie also know that there is indeed a benefit in Longyan Cave. The problem is that they have to bear great danger. Once violent, they will have a great impact on them. The trick is the property of the flame. The greater the benefits, the greater the danger.

Besides, there is no lack of Longyan Cave in the Flame Mountain of Mansions. Besides, Longyan Cave is a spiritual residence, which is specially used to entertain foreign guests.

The change of 10,000 years ago ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ made Longyan Cave vacant, but Chen Zong was targeted.

The fury of Long Yan's breath allowed Chen Zong to sharpen his own strength while resisting. At the extreme level, he even slightly improved.

Having reached the limit, it is not easy to raise a little bit, this will make your foundation more solid. Of course, Chen Zong will not let go of such an opportunity.


Without hesitation, Chen Zong stepped into Longyan Cave again.

It didn't take long for the sixth violent attack to take place. This time, the anger of the flames in Chen Zong's body raged again, and more parts were replaced with the scent of dragon inflammation, becoming more and more rude.

When Chen Zong suppressed this flame riot again, he took a long breath, and that breath was full of fiery.

This is the sixth time, and there will be seventh, eighth, and ninth times.

Chen Zong was curious what the ninth Longyan breath broke out.

Can you suppress it with your own body?

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